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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Guess guess who just drew their baby for this rp.


I wish I have time to work on him more. hahahaaaahahahaah. I don't want to post a WIP. I want to write moooooreee
Looks a bit big for a baby, tssk. :^P

Summary that I remember would be the organised event of the top three students from the entrance exam fighting one of the teachers (Tokage) and the three of them getting walloped. Might do good if you check the scene.

This is the second day that they have been there, but first day of classes, they had a sort of initiation day at first where they got to go to their dorms, which had bags waiting for them with some things inside (think they are listed somewhere) and met their roomates.

Morning started whenever your character would normally as long as they got to homeroom class on time, then did whatever that teachers plan was. After which they got into their hero costume and went down into the labyrinth for the rescue training mission where four students have now been chosen for a 2x2 match to rescue the most mannequins, I think a total of 10 matches will go through the exercise before that class ends.

"So what's happening at the moment IC?
Well, the students just left their homeroom classes where they were given their hero costumes and had some basic introductions to the class. Your character should therefore already be in their hero costume.
In the latest post, the students are brought down to the labyrinth where they will have their rescue class with the teacher known as Stitches. They are to form pairs and have ten minutes to gather as many mannequins as they can and bring them to their own fort. The team that gets the most mannequins wins. The students can of course try to stop each other. Two pairs will be active at a time, but please use the time system to be able to do it all at once." - Taken from Idea's announcement a week ago.
He just looks older for his age :D

And thank you! I really need to keep a move on that cs. I dont want to miss out on the fun! When a cs is in a wip, can the player still request a feedback? I read the rule and i didnt read anything about it

Thank you, nishishi~
He just looks older for his age :D

And thank you! I really need to keep a move on that cs. I dont want to miss out on the fun! When a cs is in a wip, can the player still request a feedback? I read the rule and i didnt read anything about it

Thank you, nishishi~
Technicallllllly we're not suppose to review it if it's a WIP but we can talk it out in OOC if you have some concerns you wanna know before the review~
Idea Idea

I don't mind!
In the previous post, I meant that in a comedic way, Junsou would be able to 'sense' if Akacha was nearby. However, at the moment, she would be too worried about the test to notice. Or something like that.
*Breathes Life into Thread*
Sizniche Sizniche
Hellllllllo You got a partner yet?
Also come talk with us on discord
Idea Idea BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
How to oversell a roleplay 101

Welcome to your new beginning.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis massa ac diam iaculis posuere. Fusce vehicula ipsum nec nisi fermentum varius. Mauris non quam interdum, scelerisque dui molestie, facilisis arcu. Fusce placerat diam sed tellus feugiat imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin gravida, odio in tincidunt interdum, diam est iaculis ipsum, et condimentum metus arcu id augue. Sed quis lacus vestibulum, bibendum risus nec, scelerisque ligula. Vestibulum lectus mauris, elementum nec quam non, tincidunt egestas urna.
Nullam ut massa ut neque blandit fermentum in ac ante. Nam finibus tempus turpis, in ornare ipsum suscipit ut. Suspendisse ornare tincidunt nibh in rhoncus. Praesent scelerisque luctus lorem quis vestibulum. Nulla lobortis sit amet ipsum ac ullamcorper. Phasellus blandit felis vitae sapien tempus, vitae gravida est molestie. Nulla et tempor nisi. Pellentesque in ex vehicula, dignissim magna a, rhoncus diam. Cras in nibh at mauris accumsan malesuada a sit amet orci. Vestibulum non bibendum nisl. Praesent gravida dui ipsum, ut tincidunt leo fringilla sed. Vivamus sed magna quis sem hendrerit imperdiet ut at diam. Duis varius turpis ut mauris imperdiet rutrum. Etiam rhoncus finibus dolor ornare consectetur.
Nunc lacus dolor, pulvinar vitae rutrum in, pharetra a sapien. Phasellus vel mattis enim. Mauris rutrum nisl eu purus convallis aliquam. Donec tempus accumsan accumsan. Aliquam quis placerat nulla. Phasellus bibendum sem sit amet nibh condimentum pulvinar. Pellentesque convallis nibh placerat libero hendrerit tincidunt. Ut facilisis congue mollis. Vestibulum magna orci, congue vel pretium ac, vulputate sit amet diam. Etiam porta nisl ut ornare rutrum. Nunc placerat, ipsum a vestibulum fringilla, odio dolor sagittis est, nec aliquet purus lorem gravida dui. Nullam ac facilisis mauris. Ut tristique auctor libero, a gravida diam. Maecenas nibh neque, pulvinar vitae laoreet venenatis, porttitor quis nunc. Maecenas lacinia porttitor massa ut rhoncus. Curabitur nulla nisl, scelerisque sed purus ac, finibus venenatis dolor.
Proin in lectus id elit consectetur semper eget vel sem. Donec eu tortor id odio commodo ultricies. Curabitur urna ipsum, mattis non erat et, scelerisque finibus tellus. Curabitur consectetur imperdiet malesuada. Fusce eget nisl rutrum, viverra nisi sit amet, ullamcorper lectus. Quisque fermentum ut elit at vehicula. Nunc finibus fringilla dolor. Sed consequat porta tincidunt. Nulla sollicitudin nisl justo, quis imperdiet ligula sodales quis. Pellentesque venenatis quis massa vitae rutrum. Phasellus sit amet libero a elit aliquet gravida. Suspendisse cursus odio ut velit faucibus aliquet. Mauris lobortis vel ante id posuere.
Praesent semper est risus, et commodo sapien placerat vel. Vestibulum risus nisl, auctor in consequat vel, feugiat a velit. Vivamus ante nulla, dignissim et tincidunt a, consequat non velit. Aliquam tempus erat in sem laoreet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin ut tempus justo. Ut pellentesque, enim eu tincidunt bibendum, nunc tellus sagittis mi, tempor consequat tellus purus id diam. Nullam eu purus vel enim maximus semper efficitur et erat. Aenean malesuada vehicula orci ac ultricies. Quisque vitae nulla malesuada, laoreet elit vel, facilisis justo. Aliquam tempus, quam vitae mollis scelerisque, orci erat mollis sapien, at vestibulum sapien sem et lectus. Donec volutpat sagittis sodales. Suspendisse ut dolor lobortis, volutpat nibh et, dictum magna.

Enjoy your stay!
Idea Idea BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
How to oversell a roleplay 101

Welcome to your new beginning.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis massa ac diam iaculis posuere. Fusce vehicula ipsum nec nisi fermentum varius. Mauris non quam interdum, scelerisque dui molestie, facilisis arcu. Fusce placerat diam sed tellus feugiat imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin gravida, odio in tincidunt interdum, diam est iaculis ipsum, et condimentum metus arcu id augue. Sed quis lacus vestibulum, bibendum risus nec, scelerisque ligula. Vestibulum lectus mauris, elementum nec quam non, tincidunt egestas urna.
Nullam ut massa ut neque blandit fermentum in ac ante. Nam finibus tempus turpis, in ornare ipsum suscipit ut. Suspendisse ornare tincidunt nibh in rhoncus. Praesent scelerisque luctus lorem quis vestibulum. Nulla lobortis sit amet ipsum ac ullamcorper. Phasellus blandit felis vitae sapien tempus, vitae gravida est molestie. Nulla et tempor nisi. Pellentesque in ex vehicula, dignissim magna a, rhoncus diam. Cras in nibh at mauris accumsan malesuada a sit amet orci. Vestibulum non bibendum nisl. Praesent gravida dui ipsum, ut tincidunt leo fringilla sed. Vivamus sed magna quis sem hendrerit imperdiet ut at diam. Duis varius turpis ut mauris imperdiet rutrum. Etiam rhoncus finibus dolor ornare consectetur.
Nunc lacus dolor, pulvinar vitae rutrum in, pharetra a sapien. Phasellus vel mattis enim. Mauris rutrum nisl eu purus convallis aliquam. Donec tempus accumsan accumsan. Aliquam quis placerat nulla. Phasellus bibendum sem sit amet nibh condimentum pulvinar. Pellentesque convallis nibh placerat libero hendrerit tincidunt. Ut facilisis congue mollis. Vestibulum magna orci, congue vel pretium ac, vulputate sit amet diam. Etiam porta nisl ut ornare rutrum. Nunc placerat, ipsum a vestibulum fringilla, odio dolor sagittis est, nec aliquet purus lorem gravida dui. Nullam ac facilisis mauris. Ut tristique auctor libero, a gravida diam. Maecenas nibh neque, pulvinar vitae laoreet venenatis, porttitor quis nunc. Maecenas lacinia porttitor massa ut rhoncus. Curabitur nulla nisl, scelerisque sed purus ac, finibus venenatis dolor.
Proin in lectus id elit consectetur semper eget vel sem. Donec eu tortor id odio commodo ultricies. Curabitur urna ipsum, mattis non erat et, scelerisque finibus tellus. Curabitur consectetur imperdiet malesuada. Fusce eget nisl rutrum, viverra nisi sit amet, ullamcorper lectus. Quisque fermentum ut elit at vehicula. Nunc finibus fringilla dolor. Sed consequat porta tincidunt. Nulla sollicitudin nisl justo, quis imperdiet ligula sodales quis. Pellentesque venenatis quis massa vitae rutrum. Phasellus sit amet libero a elit aliquet gravida. Suspendisse cursus odio ut velit faucibus aliquet. Mauris lobortis vel ante id posuere.
Praesent semper est risus, et commodo sapien placerat vel. Vestibulum risus nisl, auctor in consequat vel, feugiat a velit. Vivamus ante nulla, dignissim et tincidunt a, consequat non velit. Aliquam tempus erat in sem laoreet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin ut tempus justo. Ut pellentesque, enim eu tincidunt bibendum, nunc tellus sagittis mi, tempor consequat tellus purus id diam. Nullam eu purus vel enim maximus semper efficitur et erat. Aenean malesuada vehicula orci ac ultricies. Quisque vitae nulla malesuada, laoreet elit vel, facilisis justo. Aliquam tempus, quam vitae mollis scelerisque, orci erat mollis sapien, at vestibulum sapien sem et lectus. Donec volutpat sagittis sodales. Suspendisse ut dolor lobortis, volutpat nibh et, dictum magna.

Enjoy your stay!
this is just some basic stuff i threw together with copy paste and light edits from the site's bbcode guide. if you want to see the real crazy stuff, you should see some of the people in those darn bbcode forums. I look at it and im like

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Like serioysly! Those ppl in the bbcode section are wizards. They have a magical touch to their posts.

//sighs dreamly

I hope you guys are having a good winter holiday and Happy New Year!!
So...hey guys! Now, there’s a reason I’ve come over to the OOC.

I’ve decided to drop out of PSA, both as a gm and a player. My new schedule has kept me from having the time to reply here and I’ve got other rps that need my attention. I wish you all the best of luck and thank you for showing my Boku no Hero. See ya all in other rps <3
So...hey guys! Now, there’s a reason I’ve come over to the OOC.

I’ve decided to drop out of PSA, both as a gm and a player. My new schedule has kept me from having the time to reply here and I’ve got other rps that need my attention. I wish you all the best of luck and thank you for showing my Boku no Hero. See ya all in other rps <3
Awww Shamy! T_T

I wish I could make you stay, but I understand with the fires and the moving and all... You have it rough. I'm really sorry. I wish you the best of luck, and a great 2018 and future in general, and hopefully we'll be able to roleplay again somewhere down the line, who knows, if not even here again someday.

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