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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Watching through this reminds me of how much I loved Iida
Sorry for the minor error on the CS the pictures were acting weird but its fixed now :3
Just refresh if you still don't see a picture :3
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Enkye Enkye a few things about your post-
1. Every character had to take the PSA entrance exam. Therefore you had to be in Japan for at least three weeks by now. Your character wouldn't be tired from jet lag because that flight was long ago.

2. The whole day at the PSA was for everyone, including your character. No arriving only at dorm time.
I make them ^.^

If you wanna make your own
Search your faceclaim's name + "Render" in google to find a pic to layer
Use an editing website ||| I use "Pickmonkey"
Upload the pic and edit to your hearts content
You can add backgrounds too(Easier with a render but not impossible without)~

Also when you crop it I usually get around 500~600 X 150 size


I tried :V

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