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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Based on my time fighting my dog for a chew toy :3
Avery: Hey Koinu! I got you a new toy! *Takes Out squeaky toy*
Koinu: Yay! *Grabs toy*
Avery: Good Girl! Now give! *Attempts to take toy*
Koinu: *Pulls back growling*
Avery: Yeep! *Lets go*
Koinu: *Swallows toy* Squeak!
Avery: Oh god! Don’t worry, I’ll help!

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
Daisuke: Hey Avery, I got the new skull girl-....*Looks to see Avery giving Koinu the Heimlich maneuver*
Koinu: Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
Avery: Howdy Dai-
Daisuke: *Slowly walks away and closes door*
Based on the personalities of Daisuke's roommates, "Un-Dai-sputed" will seemingly be pigeonholed into the straight man role.

Anyway, good morning ya'll. How's everyone doing? I'm currently reading "Alice's adventures in wonderland" for the first time. Everything is bizarre in the most delicious ways possible.
After going through the entire characters section pasting those that are gone, I'm all the more grateful to those that sticked around and helped making this work so far
shiro crying.gif
Also back at it again with Chiru being the author of "How to be an Annoying Shit Day 1"

Aka Idea tried to delete the file, but it didn't work and now August has the power to be stupid
I'm afraid to try to explain what I am referencing because I don't know how far you've gotten--
You sure? Cause if I catch you hiding somehting against the rules from me... well, I'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out what might happen
Astral76 Astral76

Your character did not come in and just go to the dorms. Every character wen through the same schedule. You don't have to depict every single event, but please at least have your post aknowledge their existence.

In addition you are missing the time at the end of the post
You sure? Cause if I catch you hiding somehting against the rules from me... well, I'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out what might happen

Eh??? No its a game reference---
Its from Doki Doki Literature Club. I was referencing it because on the Discord Tanya and I were joking about how Chiru is like Monika because so many errors kept happening with Chiru.
Being unranked for weeks, plot moving on as soon as he interacts, all of his roommates left, and his character link didn't work. Chiru is just a broken character XD
Eh??? No its a game reference---
Its from Doki Doki Literature Club. I was referencing it because on the Discord Tanya and I were joking about how Chiru is like Monika because so many errors kept happening with Chiru.
Being unranked for weeks, plot moving on as soon as he interacts, all of his roommates left, and his character link didn't work. Chiru is just a broken character XD
Ah. very well then. You had me worried for a moment there silly. :P
I swear Idea, you just went from 0 to 100 in a second @.@ you're so scary
I try to cut problems by the root

Edit: And I can also get a little less tolerant when I am already loaded with work or sh*t to deal with

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