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Fandom Boku no Hero Academia: Peace Sign Academia

That uniform looks rather nice. The green tie's a nice touch.

I'm still not sure what, exactly, my character's gonna be about, but I think I want to create a Quirk based around this as his costume:

Super Hero Name: Usagi Noire? ;)
Mine is UTC +8:00, to any those who are wondering.
Is it alright if I want to join or is it already full?
I have no doubts like a third to a half of the people who decide to join will drop at some point in the near future. So at this point, I am accepting anyone who wants to come. If it looks like it´s getting out of hand, I´ll just get a co-GM
People, I don´t know who is here, but what would you guys like to see in the "quirk evolution" points shop? What about the money shop?
People, I don´t know who is here, but what would you guys like to see in the "quirk evolution" points shop? What about the money shop?
Maybe we could buy things for our costumes or even helpful little gadgets in the money shop. In the quirk evolution shop I'd have no idea what, maybe we could put in like "branches" like a skill tree in a videogame? Maybe one branch would be for offensive capabilities, another for defensive and maybe a third for utility? It would be kind of non-specific so it could apply to everyone, but just typing it out is making it sound complicated to me. Just a suggestion, albeit a bit of a weird/stupid one.
Maybe we could buy things for our costumes or even helpful little gadgets in the money shop. In the quirk evolution shop I'd have no idea what, maybe we could put in like "branches" like a skill tree in a videogame? Maybe one branch would be for offensive capabilities, another for defensive and maybe a third for utility? It would be kind of non-specific so it could apply to everyone, but just typing it out is making it sound complicated to me. Just a suggestion, albeit a bit of a weird/stupid one.
I was already thinking of modifications and hero costume alterations. What ideas do you have for those "gadgets"?
I imagine gadgets would be something like the stuff the Support Department in the canon show provides. You know, useful things like Hover Boots, Jet Packs, Net Guns etc. Generally speaking it would be the kind of equipment that would be useful to have in general, but not specifically designed for your quirk like Bakugou's Grenade Gauntlets for example.
I imagine gadgets would be something like the stuff the Support Department in the canon show provides. You know, useful things like Hover Boots, Jet Packs, Net Guns etc. Generally speaking it would be the kind of equipment that would be useful to have in general, but not specifically designed for your quirk like Bakugou's Grenade Gauntlets for example.
But I imagine that equipment would be part of modification of a hero costume. Since gadgets were mentioned separatdly I assumed it would refer to something to be used outside of combat
I was already thinking of modifications and hero costume alterations. What ideas do you have for those "gadgets"?
Some of the stuff I was thinking of was just stuff to help students move from place to place. Rocket-powered rollerskates, grappling hooks, jet packs, those kinds of things. You could sell them smoke bombs, flashbacks, non-lethal weapons. Some hinges I thought would be a good idea is that they have to learn how to use them before they can buy them though, so maybe they'll have some (optional?) classes on how to use them?
But I imagine that equipment would be part of modification of a hero costume. Since gadgets were mentioned separatdly I assumed it would refer to something to be used outside of combat
If you're looking for built-in stuff you could have motion trackers, night-vision lenses for helmets or masks. Non-Combat stuff could be like trackers, listening devices, basically just spy stuff.
Here´s the thing though, those things would all be costume modifications, since their purpose is still combat. Like, why else would you need trackers and listening devices as a student?
Here´s the thing though, those things would all be costume modifications, since their purpose is still combat. Like, why else would you need trackers and listening devices as a student?

The gadgets could give students an edge on villains when they appear, but they would only be able to use trackers and listening devices when a threat is around. They would also prepare the students for the real world when they become heroes since they use tools like that a lot. This is just my opinion, though.
The gadgets could give students an edge on villains when they appear, but they would only be able to use trackers and listening devices when a threat is around. They would also prepare the students for the real world when they become heroes since they use tools like that a lot. This is just my opinion, though.
I´m not saying they wouldn´t be useful, merely that they would still fall under the category of "costume modification" for all intends and purposes.
Hm, I see your point. I initially thought "costume alterations/modifications" were specifically equipment, which is made around your quirk to improve your combat ability, but, yeah, in the end, both would still be combat related gear. How about "gadgets" are instead things that can help a student in his private studies? For example, special reading glasses, which allow the user to read faster and therefore study more efficiently, or training weights for physical exercises (even for those with "super strength" quirks). As a game mechanic, it could increase the number of QE points a character gets to represent "growing" faster due to more efficient practices.

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