Boarding School For the Abnormal

DivineParadox said:
Aws, cutes. c:
I did this a while ago. One of my first like, solely digital drawings. I like his hair. Thaaat's about it.


It's nice .3.

I had a big problem with character's hair engulfing their whole heads and leaving no room for face. ._.
Haha, I had a lot of cyclopseses.


NotAllThatCreative said:
Shshsh! I don't know that! I'm kidding, it's better than most of my stuff I draw now. I took a year break and it killed me.
Isaac: *takes a single step* Shit I'm in china how did that happen?

Thank .3. I took art classes, and that like, improved me a lot. Especially because my Teacher made us critique the hell out of everything lmao
Yeah, I went to art school for 8 years and I should have continued instead of doing just 1 year in high school. I beat myself up over it all the time. It's why I make my little sister draw all the time, although she doesn't need much prodding. My whole family is full of artists.

I had a cruddy art teacher in high school. She was jealous of me I guess because she was the only one who didn't like my art. ;~;
;~; I just had a very strict art teacher. She was one hell of an artist though.

That sucks ;_; I mean, I'm always up for critique, and all that jazz, but I never really come out, and say 'I don't like it'. -though if they are just some troll beyond all help, I might get a little nasty-
Yeah, I'm super critical about everything I do. I mean everything. I am a horrible perfectionist. Like, my fiance hates it because I'll draw something then immediately trash it or delete it.
It's an artists curse :/ Its such a common thing, I guess. I think it has to do with the way certain styles are Idealized. A lot of people either want a painterly style or a sharp style. Both are really kind of hard to master. Painterly can either look too muddy or fuzzy, and Sharp could look lazy, or unfinished. There are a lot of things that come into play with how art looks. I say it lies in the Coloring. The more your colors go well with eachother, the better things look. Le-Example.


Looks decent. lines are all sharp and what not.


This one is really fuzzy, and it kinda makes things look a little funny. The drawing isn't bad, but the coloring is off. Ya get what I mean? ._.


Mits said:
It's an artists curse :/ Its such a common thing, I guess. I think it has to do with the way certain styles are Idealized. A lot of people either want a painterly style or a sharp style. Both are really kind of hard to master. Painterly can either look too muddy or fuzzy, and Sharp could look lazy, or unfinished. There are a lot of things that come into play with how art looks. I say it lies in the Coloring. The more your colors go well with eachother, the better things look. Le-Example.
Mits said:
Looks decent. lines are all sharp and what not.


Well it looks like I cant post the images. Poopy >:T
This one is really fuzzy, and it kinda makes things look a little funny. The drawing isn't bad, but the coloring is off. Ya get what I mean? ._.
The images are brokensed. :c

I want to get into acrylics really bad so I can do card alterations and stuff.

I usually only color my Pokemon stuff because they have assigned colors. ;>> I suck at colors.
I just overlay them and make them look like they go together lol xD I had to study the color wheel, so I just know things..
Pastels are so fun .3. I only use them sparingly lol, mostly because I never get to work with them because a lot of the characters i use are really dark, in appearance. ._.
Sames. v.v I use a lot of them in my Graphic design stuff. I make websites and logos and stuff so I get to use fun colors a lot. c: That's what I did in High School instead of art, Marketing and Graphic Design. :P
I was in a portfolio thing ._. Basically, like, I had to make a bunch of top-notch peices to put in my porfolio but like, I wish I would have taken it more seriously. We had like, a whole week to work on each peice, but I was lazy, and ADD and only did each one within the span of 2 to 3 hours O___O
Oh noes.. I never did my portfolio. ;>> I keep trashing my pictures. Those pokemon are the only ones I really like and I'm proud of. Kinda. And those took me foreeeever. Like, the fur took days.

Lol, that's how my fiance feels Crimson. I asked him to draw something for me once and he just laughed at me and walked away.
I can't keep working on the same thing for days, I'm just... ADD, like... actually diagnosed so I sit and think "MAN, this would be so awesome. I'm going to do it." [3 hours later] "It's fucking done. His hand doesn't have any color, and his feet are blobs, but his face is pretty."
See I can't leave things alone. I'm the opposite, I'm so OCD it's horrible. I'll sit for hours on end, not eating, anything. Just starting at my paper/screen. If I get interrupted I get soooo pissy. Like we take care of my man's mom, so she'll just barge in and completely throw off my flow and I won't talk to her for weeks. Lol, I kinda feel bad but come on now. I also have like, really weird ticks while I draw, like I flick the end of my stylus really hard or like tap my nose with my pencil. Lol, it's the only way my stylus won't stick and make those lines.
We're opposite in a lot of senses ._. It's a hard habit to get out of, I used to get so mad at my art, I'd sit there and chew at a pencil until things worked out, ha. Believe it or not, I used to look up to the luck-star art style. That fucked me up big time and left my anatomy blobby for years on end. OTL
Haha, I loooved stuff like Hellsing and Vampire Knight, all that stoof. Then I got really into realism. So I'm kinda a weird mix of both. .-.

So you've got me drawing. Good job. I'm refining these speed draws I did yesterday for shiggles. I did like 6 drawings in 10minutes and they are hilarious.
I don't even know how to define my style now xD seeing as i only have Isaac, and various character's from NATC as a reference point.

Yay .3. I need to see these hilarious drawings.
Oh lord xD Those are... very fast, I can see that.

The last time I did a 10 minute drawing, it was one of my characters wearing a flower-pot ._.

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