Blue Mountain High School

Flower nodded. "Me two...But I know Lexi here." She said and then lked away looking at the teacher. She didn't want to look down but didn't want to keep her face unhidden. Her hair fell from behind her ears. Just what flower wanted. To hide again.
"Wow small world who would of thought two new kids." he joked. then he looked over to some kids playing basket ball. he didn't want to look down from such a beautiful girl that was as shy as he was
Flower smiled at Lexi and sighed a bit. "I guess so..." She looked at him and smiled a bit. She looked away and around still pretty nervous.
Flower kept her gaze off of him. " I like to do archery....sometimes art....and.." Trailed off and then looked at him. "Well um what do you like to do?"
Flower looked at him and then tilted her head looking at him. "Hmm?" She said wondering what he said. She smiled alittle but then looked over to Lexi. Looking down again she was slightly listening to the teacher.
He looked at her in surprise to hear her ask that question. "I was just saying I can't believe that I met a girl as shy as I was." he said blushing and looking at the floor.
Flower blushed as well and made her hair hide her face. "Oh...I guess so." She said looking at the floor again. "It is quite...weird isn't it?"
Lexi walked away to find Ari she figured she would give Flower some privacy so she sat in Ari's lap on the gym floor and smiled up at him kissing his neck.

He smiled down at her leaning down and kissing her on the lips after she kissed his neck.
Leo watched the other girl walk over to a guy on the floor. ", I never would have thought to meet a girl like you." he said. He looked back over to the couple. "It's not fair why does everybody else have somebody and I don't." he said to himself.
Flower looked at him and smiled. "Just how I feel." She sighed looking over as well. "I guess I'm just to shy to talk to guys. WIth my white hair they tease me."
Flower blushed and looked down grabbing a strip and playing with it nervously. "Um....thanks." She smiled slightly and then looked at him. "We....are alot alike aren't we?" She nervously chuckled.
Lex smiled at Ari and looked at flower grinning

Auren looked at the happy look on Lex's face since they had been together for a while she had no relationship stuff to handle with new relationships so she medled in other peoples

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