Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

@OkiMouse: Lizll She walks behind the nurses and makes faces behind there nbacks. She smiles softly at you and lays back on your new bed. "Gotta talk before I leave"

Forks said:
@ L O V E
Can I be Nurse Angel? She is oneof the top nurses at the hospital, so she has many people to take care of.

Biography on Nurse Angel:

Nurse Angel used to be a doctor before she became nuts, she used to live in the MH til' she got her senses back. Now she is a well-know nurse here at Blue Moon Mental Hospital.

Nurse Angel walked around the yard with the blood still running, she didn't care. She was a nurse, others first.

She saw Maddie, another one of her paitents. "Maddie! Are you looking for Zelda?" she asked. Angel was one of the few people who understood Maddie, Nurse Angel used to have the same disorder, but she overcame it. "Maddie are you sick?" she asked. "I understand you don't want a doctor so let's just go inside and play with Zelda okay? I won't tell anyone that we're going to hide in my room."
Sure you can we need nurses and therapists

[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION]: Lizll She looks at you and smiles softly. "Fine" She hands you the lighter and looks at you. "He will if you own up and say sorry and you just did." she rolls her eyes. "Do whatever I am going to check out the new people." She walks down the hall and knocks on Andrews door "Anybody home?"
@Okimouse: Lizll "Tricked ya" she laughs and plays with her hair. "So what ya in for? You are cute so it must be for something minor because you could seduce anyone in your footsteps" she laughs and sits up on the bed
@LOVE: Katll "I'm here because I have Panic Disorder. I ended up here because my parents became scared of me after I attacked some people in my neiborhood during one of my episodes..." she said while looking shyly on the floor.
@OkiMouse: "Groovy. I dig that so cutie pie. Do you have murder in your hands? Or you just attacked him?" She lays back on the bed braiding her hair. "Because we have a lot of murders here. Maybe you guys can exchange stories"
@LOVE: Katll "I didn't get the chance to kill anyone." Kat said as she looked up at the ceiling. "I was stoped by a passing car...and when I woke up I was in a car heading here... You know, I am not very social, I am suprised you got a word out of me." She said looking back at Liz.
@Okimouse: "I am very convincing and a wonderful people person" She looks at you and smiles softly "You should become more social. This place is fun. And it just got more funnier because next to me is a guy sex addict" she giggles.
@OkiMouse: Lizll "Amdrew I believe" she rolls her eyes. "I like sex and I would do it with him but. He probably does it all the time"
Katll "sure, why not. If I am stuck here for 7 years, I might as well make some friends." Kat said smiling at her new friend.
@OkiMouse: "I am almost done. But they keep expanding my treatment because of my outbreaks" She looks at you"They get really bad so be warned"
Kai was curled up in her bed, not wanting to get up anytime soon. Kai let out a groan, if she stayed in her bed for any longer she would just be angry at herself later on so she removed herself from the bed & pulled out a white jumper that hung off her shoulder & skinny jeans she then grabbed her favourite black converses before pulling them onto her feet, she made her way over to her draws & pulled out a bobble before tying her hair into a messy plait. She glared at herself in the mirror before turning around, no longer wanting to look so Kai stormed out of the room but once she did she felt guilty for others around her who had heard & been disturbed so for the rest of the walk outside she made sure she was as quiet as possible.
@Okimouse and [MENTION=2765]Tofu[/MENTION]: Lizll I have this mental breakdowns where I start screaming" Kai bumps into Liz and she looks at her "Excuse you"
Kat// I look at this girl with firey red hair for a while. I finally say "hello, My name is Kat. I'm new here. Whats your name?"
LLizll [looks at her and rolls her eyes. "I don't care about names. She was rude for bumping into me. What was your reason.?" The voices are coming back and she starts shaking.
Kat// "what do you mean, what was your reason. I think she just accidently bumped into you." Kat said shyly, not wanting to upset Liz.
Lizll She presses her hands against her ears. Tears fill up in her eyes "There is always a reason" Tears stream down her face as the voices get louder. Some nurses stop to look at her but she hides behind you not wanting to be tied down.
Kat// I turn around and I put my arms around her and take her back to my room. I lay her down on my bed and hold her hand. "Everything will be okay...just breath.." Kat said looking at her with worried eyes.
Lizll She breathes slowly letting out a small wimper as the voices start to quiet down. She smiles softly and looks at you "Thank you thats the first time I have stopped it"
Kat// "Mabey if you keep this up, you'll be able to go home sooner than you thought." Kat said as she gave Liz a small smile.
Lizll She pulls out her razor and makes a deep cut on her wrist. She let's out a little moan from the pleasure and she wraps her cut up. She looks at you. "They release no one it's all a lie..."
Kat// I looked at Liz in a confused look, but I just shook it off. "You know, you shouldn't cut your self... I am sorry, but one, its wrong, and two, the site of blood sets of my panic disorder and I don't want to have an episode infront of anyone..." Kat said as she got up and went over into the corner as she looked at her hands shaking. "And besides, of course they let us go, they can't just...keep us here like prisoners...we are here to get help, not be locked away." Kat said looking back at Liz.

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