Blue Moon Mental Hostipal


Sat in his room quietly reading the porn magazines. Of course his 'wee-wee' was sticking out.


After Liz left she sat in the darkness carving the walls. She wished she could die.
Maddie bit her lip. "Really? Because some people try to hurt her if she's out too long.... It's happened before..." I say, gritting my teeth at the memory. "Let's start looking for her. Zelda likes the shade and she likes to chase bugs, if that helps."

"I think that it will make it easier to find Zelda." she said smiling happily. A cat ran through the bushes. "Hey that might be Zelda!" said Nurse Angel as she ran to catch the cat.
Kai squeaked when she bumped into someone & started to back away when they started to shout before running off completely, eventually finding a tree to sit by, but as she got comfortable a cat leaped from the bushes making the red-head gasp. Kai was still, almost like a statue, she did like cats but was too scared, what if it was looking for its mother & she touched it & the mother wouldn't want to care for it any more? Kai would feel endless guilt if that sort of thing happened, so she remained still, barely even breathing. Kai wished she had a cat but she wouldn't be able to care for it, that made her heart drop a little, would she even enjoy having something fun in her life or lose interest in it like she had for pretty much everything else?
"No, Nurse Angel! Don't run! She'll bite! You have to lie down on your tummy..." Maddie whispered, laying down on her tummy in the grass. "Then wiggle all of your fingers around, and call her. Psst psst psst! Here, Zelda Zelda!" Maddie sang, doing what she had instructed. The kitten turned its attention to Maddie and cocked its head.

Nurse Angel laughed, "I can't get my uniform dirty, I don't get a chanceto wash it most the tme!" she smiled and waited for Maddie.
Zelda pranced gracefully over to Maddie, and rubbed its face against hers. Maddie giggled, and picked up her mewing kitten. "Thank you, Nurse Angel. Hold her for a second, please?" Maddie asks, handing the cat to her. She quickly picks a flower, and inhaled the scent. "Sweet. Hey, do they have watermelon today? Zelda and I want watermelon."

Kai wondered off, leaving the tree behind, she would come back later. She let out a sigh, something she found herself doing often. Kai decided that she was hungry so made her way to the cafeteria, wondering what they had today, tofu would be nice, tofu sounded good. The idea of it made the girl speed up, even if they didn't have it maybe she could convince the cooking staff, Kai didn't want to eat anything else once something was in her mind it stuck. The red-head once again let out a sigh, what if they didn't want too? This made her stop, she'd look stupid if she went in to only leave a few seconds later, Kai let out a groan no longer confident about her idea, it was actually starting to bring her down a little. Kai shook her head before continuing on her way to the cafeteria
Maddie took Zelda from Nurse Angel, and pet her cat affectionately. "You'd like cat nip, huh, baby? Yes, please, Nurse." Maddie replied with a grin. She sneezed, causing Zelda to jump a little. "I'm still freezing...."
"Maddie then go into my room and take a fuzzy blanket and hide in our secret cellar." she saud quietly.

Nurse Angel had some guys cut a hole in the floor under her bed so they could hide when people were looking for Maddie. Inside was a teddy bear, a cat bed, cat food, and snacks. It was like a tree house, execpt underground.
Maddie brought a finger to her lips and looked around. "Shh! Okay. Can we watch a movie today? I was thinking Finding Nemo." she says with a giggle. "But first... I think I might go to the doctors. I have to learn to face my anger, not run away from it. I'll never leave if I don't... THEN Finding Nemo!"
"Okay, but when you go to the doctors NO ATTACKING. I mean it, or I won't go get FN!" she went off to the watermelon patch.
Maddie sighed, and squeezed Zelda a bit tighter.

"We can do this, baby." She whispered, shuffling her way to the doctor's office. She knocked on the door, and entered.

"Maddie!" Doctor Abigal shrieked. "You're sickly pale! Come, come, honey, take a seat! I'll get you something if you cooperate."

Maddie nodded, and took a seat.

"Now, you don't have to answer my questions if you don't want to. Can you tell me your symptoms?"

"Runny nose. Cough. Sneezing. Also, I get really cold."

"Ah ha. I see. I'll see if Angel can give you your medication every 4 hours." Dr. Abigal said, picking up the phone and dialing Nurse Angel's number.
Nurse Angel's phone rang. "Hello Angel Groves speaking how may I help you? Oh! Doctor Abigail, yes I know she has been sick. Yes, mhm. Good Night." she hung up her phine and kept picking watermelons.
( . . . Sorry but I think I'm going to drop this. Being overlooked isn't exactly fun and well, it seems this isn't really my cup of tea. No offense, I'm sure plenty of people love this idea but I need a lot of action and plot twists to satisfy my soul. So bye bye y'all.)
Dr. Abigal nodded and hung up. "Okay, sweetie. I'll get someone to run your medication over to Angel. Until then, bye bye! Drink plenty of water please, and don't sit around too long!"

Maddie stood up in fury. "Are you calling me lazy?"

"Of course not. I'd never want to hurt you, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry." The doctor said with an upset look on her face.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't yell at you." Maddie replied. "Zelda's getting fussy, so I'm gonna bail. Adios!" She says, leaving the office. "Nailed it." Maddie made her way to Nurse Angel's room, and goes in to the cellar.
Nurse Angel waited in the cellar with a giant watermeln waiting to be cut. "Hey Maddie, here's your medicance, take it once everyday. I don't care what the doctor said."
"Hmm.... Okay." Maddie said, reading the instructions. I'll take it when I'm back at my room...." She said, encasing herself in a blanket.

(([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Wanna make a private RP? Just the two of us? Crazy suggestion xD ))
(Sure! You can choose genere everything, put it in Private RPs.)

She smiled.

Maddie licked her lips. "Mmm! Watermelon! I can't wait to gobble it down!..... Can I ask you a question?"

(([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] What should it be about? I'm fresh out of ideas today :o ))
([MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] I think a school perhaps? I don't kow it depends on what genere.)

"I'm glad you're going to eat the watermelon! It took an hour to lug it over here! And yes Maddie, any quetsion."
"Do you think I'm some sort of a freak?" Maddie asks. "Because I do. Anytime I think I'm normal, I take a look at reality. I'm in a house full of freaks. And I'm one of them. It's an impossible thing to get used to"

(([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] I was thinking Slice of Life, if that's okay with you.))
([MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] That seems good because I'm a realistic type of person. So maybe a school, a romantic love story (some how I was thinking of a cinderella story.) in Paris, I'm now out of ideas. :) )

"You think you'e a freak?" said Nurse Angel frowning. "I think you're a beautiful gift to the world." she said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I used to think the same thing when I was here as a patient..." she whispered. "But I was wrong, we are all pure. We are not freaks. Just different from others..."

(OMG So I was watching this sad anime just now and I imagined the scene execpt with girls and the sad music was playing.. crap I just shedded a tear... xD )
((FORKY, DONT CRY! Lol. Cinderella? That's interesting xD I was thinking we would just start the whole school Roleplay, and let nature take its course, see how things turn out as we progress :3 ))

Maddie pets Zelda. "I hate my parents. I am not unstable! I am... Just... FINE! THEY MADE ANGEL CRY. When I get out of this nut house, they are going down. Isn't that right, Zelda?"

Zelda meows, and rubs her body against Zelda's leg.

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