Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

My name is Madison Engleberg and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Please just call me Maddie instead.

I have recently turned 17 and I am glad to be older.

I am obviously a female if you cannot tell.

My sexuality is bisexual. I hope it isn’t a problem to you.

I act nicely, kindly, and sweetly (most times) so take it as it is.

My disorder is a serve case of bipolar disorder and this means that I basically get major mood swings. Because of that I scream at people a lot and will even try to strangle you if you really infuriate me.

I have a crush on no one, because no one will understand me...

I am currently dating no one, because no one will understand me...

I am fond of cats, nice and understanding people, and Taylor Swift, but I don’t particularly enjoy snakes, mean and cruel pople, and Ke$ha.

I am in unit 3 because I have 5 months left and I am calming down.

I was sent to the Hospital because I nearly killed a pedestrian after he tripped me and laughed.

Just in case you don’t already know I have a pet kitten named Zelda, because she helps me calm down.

And this is what I look like:
My name is Rosalind Faire and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Please just call me Rosa instead.

I have recently turned 17 and I am glad to be older.

I am obviously a girl if you cannot tell.

My sexuality is Straight. I hope it isn’t a problem to you.

I act Nervous, twitchy and paranoid. I try not to get too attached to anything because I am sure it will eventually be taken away from me or leave me so take it as it is.

My disorders are Agoraphobia (she needs to constantly be in sight of a door or she FLIPS), self destructive tendencies (anorexia and cutting because she does not have any feelings of self worth) and minor separation anxiety (This is being combated by having her take care of and constantly having a puppy with her. It helps keep her calm)

I have a crush on no one as of yet

I am currently dating no one as of yet

I am fond of animals, books, music, walking in the sun, light, warm cozy things but I don’t particularly enjoy dark, cold, rudeness, harsh words, and raised voices

I am in unit two because I have and undetermined amount of time left because of relapses

I was sent to the Hospital because I no one else could handle me.For years Rosa was what you would call an unknown. Her mother never got a check up while she was pregnant, didn't go to a hospital to have her and never even got her a birth certificate. All of this was done out of fear of being caught as a druggie and the fact that she was too high most of the time to actually think straight. Once she was born, Rosa was not allowed to leave the house and most times she wasn't allowed to leave a closet that stood for her bedroom. Her life was that closet until she was ten years old when her mother was busted for substance abuse. The police found her curled up in the locked closet soiled and starved. Her mother had been missing for days and in that time she couldn't escape the room.

Those days when she was locked up alone and defenseless is when Rosa snapped. For years after that she bounced from foster home to foster home. People couldn't handle her need to constantly be in sight of an open door, she had to practically be drugged to get into a car. The moving only made the separation anxiety worse because just as she got attached she was ripped away once more. Finally the child services agency gave in and decided to find a different method.

Just in case you don’t already know this is my puppy Dot:

And this is what I look like

My name is Bret Grant and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Please just call me Bret instead.

I have recently turned 18 and I am glad to be older.

I am obviously a Boy if you cannot tell.

My sexuality is Straight. I hope it isn’t a problem to you.

I act normally when I am not experiencing the full affects of my disorder. I am smart kind and downright amiable until PTSD takes over my mind sending me into a tailspin of fear so take it as it is.

My disorder is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and this means certain things will trigger a fearful reaction and make me relived the day my family died. Because of that I have nightmares and will go into fits of rage because I think I am protecting my family but in reality I am just hurting more people.

I have a crush on No one

I am currently dating no one

I am fond of Baseball and school but I don’t particularly enjoy nightmares, pushiness, rudeness

I am in unit two because I have two years left and I am danger to myself and those around me.

I was sent to the Hospital because I my relatives could not deal with my bouts of anger. Up until about a year ago Bret was a privileged, but still humble, regular teen. He had good grades, was a superstar baseball player, a slew of colleges to pick from but most importantly he had a family; a little sister and a mom and a dad all perfectly happy and all in all good people. At the time his father was prosecuting a religious cult leader who had killed a Jewish family, Bret's father won the case and the cult leader was locked up. Within days the family began to receive death threats and despite attempts by the police the Grant family was found by the cult. They stormed the house tying everyone up and preaching their ways. When they made a jab at his sister Bret yelled out, they hit him in the temple with the back of their gun. He blacked out but when he woke his whole family was dead, and the members of the cult also lay on the floor dying. They had been shot by snipers a second too late.

Bret now suffers from nightmares that wake him in the night and send him into fits of rage. He tries to destroy almost everything in his path thinking he is saving his family. These bouts can also be triggered by loud noises, shouting and clothing that is constricting around his wrists (he was tied up). Before Blue Moon he was shuffled from relative to relative but no one could handle him.

Just in case you don’t already know this is my family's old dog Clue: the doctors said I need to comfortable with things from my past.

And this is what I look like
All accepted!!! Congrats! Start rping you guys

Liz|| Shen they unstrap her,her arms wrap around you. She is shaking in fear of being tied up again and of hearing the voices. "Thank you" She whispers softly as her voice has been taken away from the screaming.
Andrew hugged her tightly, "Lizzie, I think Hannah ran back to the hospital, she was crying."
(Yay! Thanks.)

Mel sat in the shade of a tree in the Sanctuary. She played with Vash, a simple sack doll given to her by Cas long ago. She made him dance as she sang a soft song. Cas was lying down in the grass next to her. His eyes closed, he drifted between being awake and asleep while listening to Mel.

Mel stopped playing with her doll to pat her brother's head. Cas kept a still face, not showing how much he was enjoying this. He opened his sky blue eyes to look into her sapphire ones. Truthfully he knew that he was the only one she was truly close to in this place. He knew she wanted more friends, a luxury she didn't really have growing up. But he wanted her all to himself, even if it was disgusting.
Hannah sat on top of the tree, she didn't realize that people were there. So she took out he razor blade and began cutting. Tears dropped from her face onto Cas and Mel. "Ow." she said softly trying not to scream.
Mel felt a drop of water hit her hand. She looked up searching for rain clouds but instead saw a girl up in the tree. Though, she had no idea how the girl got up there, since the lower branches were removed. " . . . She's crying . . ." Mel said.

Cas looked up as well but closed his eyes. "Leave her," he said, not wanting to share Mel's attention with anyone.

But Mel didn't hear what he said and stood up. She saw the girl with a razor in hand and a bleeding arm. The nurses really should do a better job around here. "Doesn't that hurt?" she asked.
"No..." she said quietly. "I've never seen you around here before." Hannah put down the razor blade and pushed down her long sleeves covering the marks. "What's your name? Mine is Hannah Parker." she jumped from the tree and smiled.
Rosa slowly made her way into the courtyard, she had gotten yet another severe talking to about her wait from the head nurse. She hated disappointing them and they used that guilt against her. Beside her Dot bounced between her feet tugging on the soft pink leash while she tried to get her owner's attention. With a small smile Rosa picked the black and white puppy up in her arms and sat down on the stone bench she so loved.

Sighing she straightened her tight shirt and jeans frustrated by the new uniform. At first the Psychiatrist had thought her Anorexia derived solely from but her latest theory was that Rosa did in fact view herself as fat and she did not care enough about herself to take of herself. They were trying to prove to her that she was in fact stick thin and small and constantly stressed the idea that if she was not around DOt would not get taken care. She knew for a fact that she second was a lie the first was a bit more of a struggle but the truth was that if she died Dot would be in no danger of starving. Everyone wanted her puppy. The idea that she was thin, well she could see how small she was but she did not feel any better. She always got such a rush when she felt her jeans get looser or she was able to tighten her belts another hole. It was her own little accomplishment that she could control.
Mel looked up at the girl and gave a small smile. "My brother and I have been here for two years already. Though we haven't been able to meet other people. I'm not surprised you don't know me. My name is Mel and this is my brother Cas." She motioned to the boy laying on the ground. "Why are you cutting yourself?" Her eyes stared at the cut on Hannah's arm.
My name is Kai and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Please just callme K instead.

I have recently turned 16 and I am glad to be older.

I am obviously a female if you cannot tell.

My sexuality is Bisexual. I hope it isn’t a problem to you.

I act depressed & anti-social so take it as it is.

My disorder is Major depressive disorder and this means I am in a
depressed mood or at a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities & I change from my normal mood. Because of that I am depressed most of the day nearly every day, lose weight when I'm not dieting, have a case of insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day, a loss of energy nearly every day, feel inappropriate guilt & plan suicide.

I have a crush on no one

I am currently dating no one

I am fond of tofu,books & cats but I don’t particularly enjoy bread, pointless questions & reptiles

I am in unit two because I have three years left and I am dangerous

I was sent to the Hospital because I have attempted suicide several times & keep losing weight

Just in case you don’t already know I begged my parents to send me here

And this is what I look like
"I have SAD" she said with her eys watering, "Winter is coming so it makes me depressed. I don't commit suicide for my friend's sake so I cut and burn my self." she revealed the other arm which was burnt. "I don't know twhy I'm depressed, maybe because I have no one to love, or it's just the world getting back at me..." Hannah's legs started shaking, she fell to the ground and began crying. "Or maybe it's because I killed you Carter!" she screamed.

Nurse Angel came out and patted Hannah's back. "I am so sorry, she has SAD which causes her to act like this." she sat down next to Hannah and began mumbling to Hannah "It's not your fault you killed Carter, your depression did it."

Hannah looked up and pulled her razor-blade out. She slashed Nurse Angel across the face. "No.. it's you! You've just made it worse! I hate you!" she ran into the Hospital and went to hide.

Nurse Angel's cheek was bleeding. She didn't do anything. Angel put her hands on her face and mumbled, "Hannah you are back to stage one, after all those years of hard work... back to stage one."

Hey L O V E can is it too late for me to join?

My name is Kataline Lane and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Please just call me Kat instead.

I have recently turned 15 and I am glad to be older.

I am obviously a Female if you cannot tell.

My sexuality is straight. I hope it isn’t a problem to you.

I act shy, kind, and I worry alot so take it as it is.

My disorder is Panic Disorder and this means I constantly have feelings of extreme terror. Because of that I have frequent feelings of terror, rapid breathing, and rapid heart rate. I may experience these attacks unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, but they can also be preceded by some sort of triggering event or situation.

I have a crush on no one

I am currently dating no one.

I am fond of being outside but I don’t particularly enjoy being looked at wierd and being locked away.

I am in unit I am in unit 2 because I have 7 years left and I am dangerous(first time at hospital)

I was sent to the Hospital because I attacked the other people in my neiborhood during one of my episodes.

And this is what I look like:


and in case you didn't know I don't talk to people and I am pretty anti-social now.

Maddie quivered under a tree in the sanctuary. Her lips were a pale shade of blue, her arms were caked in goosebumps, and every hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Maddie was sick. Very sick. But she refused help from the doctors, they only pissed her off anyway. She let out another sneeze, tightened her sweatshirt, and whimpered alone.
@ L O V E

Can I be Nurse Angel? She is oneof the top nurses at the hospital, so she has many people to take care of.

Biography on Nurse Angel:

Nurse Angel used to be a doctor before she became nuts, she used to live in the MH til' she got her senses back. Now she is a well-know nurse here at Blue Moon Mental Hospital.

Nurse Angel walked around the yard with the blood still running, she didn't care. She was a nurse, others first.

She saw Maddie, another one of her paitents. "Maddie! Are you looking for Zelda?" she asked. Angel was one of the few people who understood Maddie, Nurse Angel used to have the same disorder, but she overcame it. "Maddie are you sick?" she asked. "I understand you don't want a doctor so let's just go inside and play with Zelda okay? I won't tell anyone that we're going to hide in my room."
Mel tilted her head to the side, unsure of what had happened. But she grabbed Vash and ran off in pursuit of Hannah. When she had lost sight of the girl, she looked around. There couldn't be too many places to hide. "Hannah!"

Cas watched as his sister ran off. He felt an urge to follow her but decided it was best that he stay put. His head started pounding. The voices were coming back. He clutched his head. "That girl's gonna steal her away." "Shut up!" he screamed. "You're gonna lose her."

After screaming again, he ran off in the same direction Mel left in.
Hannah was hiding in a dark room, she sat there quietly whispering, " I am sorry for my sins, I am sorry for my sins." over and over again. Hannah started to take out a lighter and burn her arm. "I am sorry for my sins." she said once again.

Maddie sneezed once more and stood up. "Yes, please. I wuv my wittle Zelda. It's just that the doctors here aren't nice like you. They don't care about me, they could care less! Why, I oughta march in there and stab every last one of them!" She screams, pacing about with heavy breaths. "Oh... My gosh! Your face! Oh, I must've done that, I'm so sorry.." Maddie mumbled, twithing her fingers quietly. "Yes, Zelda sounds nice."
Mel saw a light coming from a dark room. There shouldn't be light there. She peeked in and spotted Hannah trying to burn her arms. Hearing her whispered words, Mel clutched her head. Memories of a small black room flashed in her mind. She opened her eyes but there was something different. The black haired girl ran up to the flame and kicked the lighter from Hannah's hand. She flashed a big smile and took Hannah's hand in her own.

"You know, hurting yourself is never the answer. No matter how down you feel, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Come with me. There's nothing a few sweets can't fix."

Cas had lost Mel when he heard her voice, but it was higher and more upbeat. "Damn it. Kayo . . . " He ran to the sound and found his sister trying to drag the SAD girl from earlier. At least Kayo was one of the safer sides of Mel.

"No you didn't sweetheart, my other friend Hannah did it, but I am fine." she said pushing the thought aside. "I think I saw Zelda running through the garden recently."
The chaos buzzing about the facility was not unusual, but Rosa was able to distance herself from it just by staying quiet and perfectly still. She was good at that, long hours in a closet could do that to a child and it stuck with you. But now she was comfortable, she had light, and grass and even the simplest of necessities a toilet. Rosa could control her comings and going with out having to bang on a locked closet door begging for release.
@Okimouse: Lizll She walks out the door and sees her. "You new here? Welcome to the madhouse."

[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Lizll She gets up in a fast motion and runs to Hannah's hiding place. She graps the lighter holds Hannah in her arms. "it's okay don't worry god forgives you"

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