Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

Angel shook her head. "I'm okay Maddie. Don't use death as revenge... I had that lesson learned two years ago..."
"No!" Maddie squeaked, squeezing the teddy bear. Zelda sat purring on her lap, rubbing her cheek on to Maddie's stomach.
"Well there was this crazy man named Carter Louise. He was my true love. He said some bad things about me and a choked him...." she started to cry.
"Some man named Thomas Dunthaw made me upset. So I strangled him. But police came and dragged me away before he died. I was placed as guilty and put in jail, bail a low 5,000. My old folks bailed me, but sent me here 'for my own good.' Greedy bastards." Maddie hissed, rubbing her kitten.
"How long were you in there, Nurse Angel? And can you cut some of that watermelon, please?" Maddie asked.
"I was in there for 1 hour. It's a terrible place.... I'm sorry." Maddie replied, grabbing a chunk of watermelon and biting in to it.
"Two whole years Maddie," she paused for a moment. "I need a break from work for the rest of the day. I'll be at the spa nearby. If you need me come."
Kat left Liz to be alone in her room so she could rest after the tiny episode she had just had. Kat decided that she would go walk around and mabey work on her social skills. As she walked through the halls of Blue Moon, she kept coming back to what Liz had told her. "You never's all a lie..." Kat found this impossible though. "Of course they let us leave....they can't just lock us up here forever! That would be against the law! And anyways, Why would they want to keep us here forever?" Kat puzzled about this for awhile. As she was walking she walked past a room where she saw a little girl and a nurse eating watermelon and talking. That was when Kat decided that she wasn't going to find anyone to talk to here and turned back to her room.
"Before I go.... I love you, Nurse Angel. I'll miss you..." Maddie said, grabbing her pills and cat.

When Maddie got back to her room, she put out food for Zelda, a bit more than usual. She grabbed the pills, and took several deep breaths. "No more freaky Maddie." The girl poured several pills in to her hand, and swallowed them. She continued to do this until only 1/4 of the bottle was left. Maddie laid down on the floor, and smiled.

"No more freaky Maddie."
I sit in my room just staring at the wall. I can't help it but I am seeing flashbacks of my mother and fathers faces when I had my episode. They were so scared of me...When I was in the car coming here, I could here them talking. My mother said to my father "What did I do to deserve a monster..." and all my father said was "Nothing... hopfully here, someone can show her love because I don't think we can anymore..." All the tears start rolling down my face and I tuck my head inbetween my knees and hope that this is all just a horrible dream, and that I wake up normal and at home with my parents who love me like they used to.
@Okimouse: Lizll she walks into your room and turns the lights on. "Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey" She smiles and opens the blinds. She offers you some pills in her hand seeing your face. "They make you forget your past"
"I prefer to only use what the docters give me...I'm just cautious, you know?" Kat said as she laid back down on the bed.

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