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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)

@Wolfrose[/URL] @DopeJackalope @FireMaiden @Nyxianforeigner @djinnamon

(( hope I got all of you whom have characters or oc's within the classroom ))

Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

Shura listened to the speech with such dread. But she kept it to herself. She turned away from the light of the action and sank into her thoughts.

I wonder why all of a sudden the Demons are returning... Its only been six months since Yukio and Rin destroyed Gehenna's Gate...

She furrowed her brow both with concern and distastefully.

That means... Satan is sure to return... And this time, we may not be lucky enough to stop him.

@Everyone in the Exwires class

Nyxianforeigner said:
Location: Mephistos Office.
Company: Mephisto, Evelyn

"Erm.... Its about this morning..... And Im not totally sure that one of the Cram Students shoukd be listening into the conversation sir.." Yukio informed, he stood there almost animatedly.

@Wolfrose @Altaynna

Location: His office

Company: Yukio, Evelyn

"I am well aware of today's events with the Demon who so rudely decided to trespass onto my campus. If it is about that, then it can wait a moment." He glanced back up at the door.

"Come in, come in!" he called to Evelyn with the same enthusiasm as before.

@Nyxianforeigner, @Altaynna
Amber & Kotori

Location : Exwire class

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

The twins walked into the classroom , they had fixed their hair and clothes but their eyes were still red and puffy. " We are very sorry for being late. We were caught up with some family trouble." They said simultaneously not really caring if it scared anyone. They both bowed lowly and awaited the teacher's words.

@Wise Owl
Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

Shura listened to the speech with such dread. But she kept it to herself. She turned away from the light of the action and sank into her thoughts.

I wonder why all of a sudden the Demons are returning... Its only been six months since Yukio and Rin destroyed Gehenna's Gate...

She furrowed her brow both with concern and distastefully.

That means... Satan is sure to return... And this time, we may not be lucky enough to stop him.

@Everyone in the Exwires class
djinnamon said:
Amber & KotoriLocation : Exwire class

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

The twins walked into the classroom , they had fixed their hair and clothes but their eyes were still red and puffy. " We are very sorry for being late. We were caught up with some family trouble." They said simultaneously not really caring if it scared anyone. They both bowed lowly and awaited the teacher's words.

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Exwire Class

Company: Exwire Students and Shura, and arriving students

Shura must have forgotten, but Cattileona was telepathic, so when she dwindled into her own thoughts, Cattileona could hear it all. She turned her head slightly, looking at Shura as she could hear Cattileona's voice within her mind, "We'll figure it out Shura, all of us will. If anything, that boy Rin and Yukio will. I hate to admit....but he is much stronger then all of us, especially now that you are training him. I may just be a demon...but I don't want Satan to destroy what's here either. So we will just have to prepare".

Cattileona then looked towards the two students whom entered, concerned as she could see they were still puffy in the face. "I'm sure it's not a worry" she looked to Shura, then back at them, "There's not much of class anyways by her account...and simple requests you do homework." Cattileona then gave a gentle smile, she was still stern in that gentle monotone, seeing as she was growing more comfortable. "Are you alright....? I can adress myself later to you....you look like your more in need of something else...." She finished, keeping that gentle smile as her eyes looked towards them in a gentle manner too, she was currently reading their minds since she couldn't help it but tried to be respectful.

@Wolfrose @djinnamon
Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

Shura listened to the speech with such dread. But she kept it to herself. She turned away from the light of the action and sank into her thoughts.

I wonder why all of a sudden the Demons are returning... Its only been six months since Yukio and Rin destroyed Gehenna's Gate...

She furrowed her brow both with concern and distastefully.

That means... Satan is sure to return... And this time, we may not be lucky enough to stop him.

@Everyone in the Exwires class


Location: His office

Company: Yukio, Evelyn

"I am well aware of today's events with the Demon who so rudely decided to trespass onto my campus. If it is about that, then it can wait a moment." He glanced back up at the door.

"Come in, come in!" he called to Evelyn with the same enthusiasm as before.

@Nyxianforeigner, @Altaynna
Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Yukio, Mephisto

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn pushed open the door, smiling at Mephisto. "Sir, I'm here for my...transfer." Her voice trailed off as she nodded briefly at Yukio, internally slamming her head against the mental desk yet again. "Yukio."

Don't look at the hot guy, don't look at the hot guy currently looking down at you, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.

@Wolfrose[/URL] @djinnamon

Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

Shuro narrowed her eyes when she realized Cattileona had gotten in her head. She flashed her a glare.

I'd like it if you stayed out of my head, and out of my business... she growled back, her face hard. It was quite disrespectful to her, and nosy. Shura's business was purely her own. But at least she didn't have to hide the confidential information about Rin's situation from her. Mephisto was sure to inform Cattileona about it. After all, they were close friends.

Her gaze then fell upon Amber and Kotori, but she just watched them. Their business was purely their own, as Shura's was purely hers.

"Take a seat," she told them coldly, nothing personal, "and turn in your homework if you've finished it. If you haven't, you have... The remaining five minutes of class to try to." She leaned back against the desk nd kept her mind quiet now, since Cattileona couldn't be trusted with her thoughts. She simply watched over the class silently.

@Wise Owl, @djinnamon

Altaynna said:
Location: Mephisto's office
Company: Yukio, Mephisto

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn pushed open the door, smiling at Mephisto. "Sir, I'm here for my...transfer." Her voice trailed off as she nodded briefly at Yukio, internally slamming her head against the mental desk yet again. "Yukio."

Don't look at the hot guy, don't look at the hot guy currently looking down at you, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.


Location: His office

Company: Evelyn, Yukio

Mephisto's eyes lit up with the light of amusement yet again.

"Ah, if it isn't Miss Evelyn Onisha. How wonderful and fortunate to see you at True Cross Academy again. Or rather, should I say... How
unfortunate, regarding your circumstances as to why you have returned." He smirked as his eyes shifted to Yukio wryly.

They knew each other, it was obvious by Evelyn's greeting to him and facial expression, which also told the Headmaster she was interested in him.

"I don't mean to sound so rude and blunt, but you know very well why you have returned. I'm afraid troublemakers cannot wander the streets of Japan- though anywhere, really- as you have come to realize. I'm just glad I didn't have to take part in cleaning up that mess." His eyes glinted knowingly. "I'm sure it was a pain to fix."

@Altaynna, @Nyxianforeigner
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Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Cattileona

Shuro narrowed her eyes when she realized Cattileona had gotten in her head. She flashed her a glare.

I'd like it if you stayed out of my head, and out of my business... she growled back, her face hard. It was quite disrespectful to her, and nosy. Shura's business was purely her own. But at least she didn't have to hide the confidential information about Rin's situation from her. Mephisto was sure to inform Cattileona about it. After all, they were close friends.

Her gaze then fell upon Amber and Kotori, but she just watched them. Their business was purely their own, as Shura's was purely hers.

"Take a seat," she told them coldly, nothing personal, "and turn in your homework if you've finished it. If you haven't, you have... The remaining five minutes of class to try to." She leaned back against the desk nd kept her mind quiet now, since Cattileona couldn't be trusted with her thoughts. She simply watched over the class silently.

@Wise Owl, @djinnamon
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Exwire Classroom, then leaving

Company: Students and Shura then no one

"I...I'm sorry I...I can't help it. I...it's something I can't control. Besides I...I just wanted to assure you, comfort you, I didn't mean to be disrespectful or rude. I'm sorry", Cattileona muttered in Shura's mind once more, looking down as she felt awful. She didn't intend to be rude or disrespectful, or invade someone's privacy, especially such privacy that was there mind, even though she couldn't control it. Being telepathic was hard for her, especially when she could read the thoughts of anyone or anything without her wishes, and she tried many years to keep herself from doing so, but alas, it did not work as it was just part of such a gift. When she heard Shura's worried thoughts, she just wanted to be comforting, but it obviously wasn't helping. For being a demon she cared to much of others well being then herself, especially if they didn't want it. And that was, without her realization, slowly tearing her apart.

She could tell the tension between her and Shura was growing even though she didn't intend it, and she didn't want to cause more trouble. "Well....I'm going to go now. I did what I came here to do. Thanks..." She then left the room, with a parting smile to everyone, "See you all later today" and closed the door behind her.

She immediately regretted leaving the library, and wished she never had as she felt quite silly, embarrassed and slightly upset of herself for trying to be social when she knew it was just something she couldn't do. She was terrible at it, and most of all she was just an irritation as she always did things that weren't exactly helpful to anyone. She wanted to try anyways.

She began heading to the Medical Ward, for personal reasons and agenda forgetting Rin and a new student would be there.

@Wolfrose @Students in Exwire Class
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Wolfrose said:

Location: His office

Company: Evelyn, Yukio

Mephisto's eyes lit up with the light of amusement yet again.

"Ah, if it isn't Miss Evelyn Onisha. How wonderful and fortunate to see you at True Cross Academy again. Or rather, should I say... How
unfortunate, regarding your circumstances as to why you have returned." He smirked as his eyes shifted to Yukio wryly.

They knew each other, it was obvious by Evelyn's greeting to him and facial expression, which also told the Headmaster she was interested in him.

"I don't mean to sound so rude and blunt, but you know very well why you have returned. I'm afraid troublemakers cannot wander the streets of Japan- though anywhere, really- as you have come to realize. I'm just glad I didn't have to take part in cleaning up that mess." His eyes glinted knowingly. "I'm sure it was a pain to fix."

, @Nyxianforeigner
Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto, Yukio

Evelyn cringed, fidgeting with the summoning circle on the back of her hand. "Yes...that seraphim was...unexpentantly nasty." Her mind reeled back to the unexpected threat, large and mysteriously dangerous, exploding and sending her flying as part of the city exploded. Her hands lowered into her pockets as she fidgeted with her claw blades. Her eyes met the demons, and she refused to show any weakness.

"I understand your concern, however the Vatican decided this was not my fault and therefore deserved little more than a year of further training to make sure I can deal with any...unnatural obstacles in the future."

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Location: Mephistos Office.

Company: Mephisto, Evelyn

Yukio nodded silently at the conversation, he would glance at Evelyn from time to time but kept a stoic expression. He would also sometimes glance at Mephisto as well. "Headmaster Mephisto. If she needs any extra training. I can see to it myself that she gets the training she needs.

@Altaynna @Wolfrose
Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Yukio, Mephisto

Oh no no no no no no no. No, Yukio was not offering to give her extra help. She was still an exorcist, she knew the game. Have one innaturally large Seraphim blow up a portion of a town and suddenly you're branded for life. God dammit. She shot Yukio a sideways glare, doing her best to not jump over the furniture and just strangle him.

It was just annoying. While she wouldn't necessarily object to more alone time with Yukio...she would also prefer to not be embarrassed out of her mind because he thought she needed extra practice. She had graduated two weeks behind him, that didn't make him extra good.

@Nyxianforeigner @Wolfrose
@Wolfrose[/URL] @Students in Exwire Class

Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Cattileona (until she left), Exwires students

Shura watched Cattileona go with a grunt.

Maybe I was a bit hard on her... After all, that'sthe most I've heard out of her since I met her, and she's just trying to be nice... Shura thought, then immediately stopped herself and widened her eyes.

She had almost forgotten Cattileona could read minds.

She hoped Cattileona hadn't read her.

Moments later, the bell rang to dismiss the class for lunch and from that class for the day. She sighed with relief, now she could get a break from babysitting.

"Alright, get lost, turn in your crap. You know what to do. Oi..." she grumbled to the class.

A nice glass of sakura sure sounded nice in that moment. It called her name.


Altaynna said:
Location: Mephisto's office
Company: Mephisto, Yukio

Evelyn cringed, fidgeting with the summoning circle on the back of her hand. "Yes...that seraphim was...unexpentantly nasty." Her mind reeled back to the unexpected threat, large and mysteriously dangerous, exploding and sending her flying as part of the city exploded. Her hands lowered into her pockets as she fidgeted with her claw blades. Her eyes met the demons, and she refused to show any weakness.

"I understand your concern, however the Vatican decided this was not my fault and therefore deserved little more than a year of further training to make sure I can deal with any...unnatural obstacles in the future."


Location: His office

Company: Evelyn, Yukio

"Yes yes, so I've heard," Mephisto replied dismissively to Evelyn. "In my honest opinion another year here at the Academy would do you some real good, we can surely train and teach you how to... Properly... Handle a situation such as the one you had recently encountered. I'll see to it that you recieve True Cross Academy's best. It'sthe least I could do to help remove the tarnish from your family's name." He looked to Yukio.


Nyxianforeigner said:
Location: Mephistos Office.
Company: Mephisto, Evelyn

Yukio nodded silently at the conversation, he would glance at Evelyn from time to time but kept a stoic expression. He would also sometimes glance at Mephisto as well. "Headmaster Mephisto. If she needs any extra training. I can see to it myself that she gets the training she needs.

@Altaynna @Wolfrose

Location: His office

Company: Evelyn, Yukio

Mephisto's eyes lit up once more with amusement after hearing Yukio's request. "Ah, volunteering yourself for such a calling task, Mr. Okumura? That doesn'tseem much like you." He smirked, the intrigue and amusement flickering in his Demonic eyes. "I trust you can manage that task with your teaching schedule, your brother, and your own personal needs, then?" He grinned, awaiting his answer with such anticipation. How fascinating, human behavior was to Mephisto.


Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, soon to be Cattileona

Kuro perked suddenly and exclaimed, hearing the Demon teacher approaching them.

'Hey! That Demon teacher is coming!' he announced to them.

Rin picked up his head and scowled. "Ugh, Mephisto? What could he want... My head probably. I'm sure he knows about my fight with that Demon freak..." he growled, hunching over as he waited for Mizuki.

Kuro padded over to the door to get a better look, nudging it open.

'No, actually she's a lady. But I don't know what she wants. It looks like she's coming here...'

Rin exclaimed, making a face. "Huh!?" he exclaimed with surprise.

What Demon teacher lady...?

She had to be new to the Japan Branch of True Cross. Otherwise, Rin would've heard of her.

@Wise Owl, @I am Shadow
Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Cattileona (until she left), Exwires students

Shura watched Cattileona go with a grunt.

Maybe I was a bit hard on her... After all, that'sthe most I've heard out of her since I met her, and she's just trying to be nice... Shura thought, then immediately stopped herself and widened her eyes.

She had almost forgotten Cattileona could read minds.

She hoped Cattileona hadn't read her.

Moments later, the bell rang to dismiss the class for lunch and from that class for the day. She sighed with relief, now she could get a break from babysitting.

"Alright, get lost, turn in your crap. You know what to do. Oi..." she grumbled to the class.

A nice glass of sakura sure sounded nice in that moment. It called her name.

Wolfrose said:
Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, soon to be Cattileona

Kuro perked suddenly and exclaimed, hearing the Demon teacher approaching them.

'Hey! That Demon teacher is coming!' he announced to them.

Rin picked up his head and scowled. "Ugh, Mephisto? What could he want... My head probably. I'm sure he knows about my fight with that Demon freak..." he growled, hunching over as he waited for Mizuki.

Kuro padded over to the door to get a better look, nudging it open.

'No, actually she's a lady. But I don't know what she wants. It looks like she's coming here...'

Rin exclaimed, making a face. "Huh!?" he exclaimed with surprise.

What Demon teacher lady...?

She had to be new to the Japan Branch of True Cross. Otherwise, Rin would've heard of her.

@Wise Owl, @I am Shadow
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Soon to be Rin, Kuro, Mizuki

For being a little ways away, she did read/hear what Shura thought, however she still didn't feel quite better. She knew Shura didn't mean it, or was just acting reasonable, but sometimes it was hard on her to understand that. Sometimes it was difficult for her to not be slightly hurt by it, even if someone didn't intend to be that rude. The last thoughts she heard from Shura, she only hoped it would make things a bit less tense between them.

Dwindling in her thoughts, she didn't realize that the familiar presence of Kuro was peaking out to see she was coming. So much that she didn't even realize the presence of Rin as well since Satan's son had a familiar and unique presence no one could miss.

She headed into the entrance, luckily not stepping onto Kuro as she was still rather very focused on her thoughts that she didn't even stop to notice the two students. Her path led her to the pill section of the medical area of the room as she was looking through the pills, looking for something.

When Rin seen her, if he directed his eyes to her, the memory of her would come to mind most likely. She was that teacher whom taught Herb and Mythology class, and spoke to her brother a little. He could possible also have remembered that she spoke to Mephisto alot and hardly ever, infact, spoke to anyone, so this was new for her, especially coming out of the library. The only time she came into the medical wing was to heal students and teachers that needed medical healing.

Both the students, including Kuro may have noticed she looked rather occupied in her head, and also down. More down then usual anyways from Rin's experience. Maybe she was just a little down in the weather today, but the hasty search for whatever she was looking for in pills told otherwise. Even though it was unexpected, maybe she could help heal Rin's wounds if Mizuki couldn't do anything.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
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Mizuki A.

location: medical wing

company: Cattileona, Rin Okumura, and Kuro.

"Rin, lay down. It will help to stop the bleeding if you do." She stated as she put a hand on the boys shoulder and gently laid him down on the medical bed. Quickly, she sped to a cabinet in the corner of the room, titled 'FOR EXWIRE USE ONLY' with a lock on it, so normal kids couldn't get into the medical supplies that resided in the cabinet. Once she decided on becoming an doctor in the field of exorcism, she was given a key that matched the lock on the cabinet if the need arised when she needed to sew up a fellow exwire. She grabbed the key and unlocked the cabinet, there, she found what she needed. Quickly she walked over with three things in her hand, only to go back to get a few more things, she set them in a clean metal tray on the table by Rin's bed. On the tray, now held all she'd need; sterile gloves, a small dose of morphine to help with the pain, a couple of bottles of water and gauze to help clean the wound, sterilized tools for stitches, bandage, and antibiotic. "Depending how deep of a wound you have, the tools I use will vary. I'll have to stop the bleeding then clean it. Rin, on a scale of 1 to 10, what number would you rate your pain? I need to understand this so I can know if I need to give you morphine or not." Mizuki stated, her voice and expression were dead serious.

Wolfrose said:
Remember not to God Mod, you cant be in control of another characters thoughts or actions @Wise Owl ))
(( Ah crap, I'm sorry I just noticed I did that in my last reply. I'm really sorry about that I'll fix it ))
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Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephsito, Yukio

Oh, that comment smarted. Evelyn flinched almost imperceptibly, her finger scratching at the summoning circle on the back of her hand, right where her scab was. She sighed through her nose, but held Mephisto's gaze in her own. "I appreciate the sentiment Headmaster Mephisto, I can assure you I'll do my best." She grouse her teeth with the question directed at Yukio. She didn't need his help, this was ridicolous! She was an exorcist, and she could have taken the Seraphim if it hadn't fucking exploded randomly with zero warning, it was like Lucifer had wanted to get on her nerves!

@Nyxianforeigner @Wolfrose
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Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, and now Cattileona

Rin was going to protest Mizuki before he glanced over and saw Cattileona enter the room, after Kuro darted away. The cat Sidhe watched her with perked ears, obviously alarmed. He looked to Rin.

Rin fixed his eyes on the very familiar lady. She was the shy Herbal teacher that he remembered who was timid yet always hung around Mephisto every chance she got and almost every time Rin saw him now. He also recalled having watched his brother speak with her about official things he didn't understand or cared for. He furrowed his brow at her behavior. She seemed tense and unhappy. He wondered why.

He continued waiting for Mizuki in the meantime, still feeling exposed awkwardly with his shirt off.

Um... Miss Cattileona...? Kuro finally spoke to her, leaping up onto the counter behind Mizuki and stalking towards her cautiously to see what could be bothering the Demon teacher. He flattened his ears nervously.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow

Altaynna said:
Location: Mephisto's office
Company: Mephsito, Yukio

Oh, that comment smarted. Evelyn flinched almost imperceptibly, her finger scratching at the summoning circle on the back of her hand, right where her scab was. She sighed through her nose, but held Mephisto's gaze in her own. "I appreciate the sentiment Headmaster Mephisto, I can assure you I'll do my best." She grouse her teeth with the question directed at Yukio. She didn't need his help, this was ridicolous! She was an exorcist, and she could have taken the Seraphim if it hadn't fucking exploded randomly with zero warning, it was like Lucifer had wanted to get on her nerves!

@Nyxianforeigner @Wolfrose

Location: His office

Company: Yukio, Evelyn

Mephisto grinned again, his fangs once again not failing to mark his amusement.

"Alright then. I advise Yukio to direct you to where he would like you to begin your... Discipline... For him and I have some rather touchy and confidential subjects to discuss." He looked to Yukio and waited with a sort of jovial tune about him.

@Nyxianforeigner @Altaynna

Location: Hall

Actions: Making a return

''Got it... no, no.. it cool, I got this.'' She explain down her earpiece, the amount of absence Asami had been through was all because she was hired to be a spy for an organisation. She knew a little about but they earned good money. She was strolling down the corridors in her casual clothes, a red jumpsuit, white shorts along with brown boots. Her personality hadn't change one bit since she left, still eager to kill demons as she saw no redemption in them. ''Why are you following me, Valentine?'' A demon.. the only one that piss her off the most and yet it always followed her. Inches behind, it had nothing better to do or say. It couldn't interact with much unless it had a host that was willing to help ''You can stick it up your ass cause I told you a thousand times.. NO'' She hissed.

She carried a rucksack and inside was Butter, the small puppy with a slice of toast in her mouth.. where dose she get it from?! Anyway, the girl came back to the P.E hall and this time she just sat on the edge of the deep ditch of demons.
''Kill all the demons in the pit? got it... just don't rush me.'' She had to be sneaky about this, she didn't panic as she was motionless but she was aware of the dangers.
Wolfrose said:
Rin, Kuro
Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, and now Cattileona

Rin was going to protest Mizuki before he glanced over and saw Cattileona enter the room, after Kuro darted away. The cat Sidhe watched her with perked ears, obviously alarmed. He looked to Rin.

Rin fixed his eyes on the very familiar lady. She was the shy Herbal teacher that he remembered who was timid yet always hung around Mephisto every chance she got and almost every time Rin saw him now. He also recalled having watched his brother speak with her about official things he didn't understand or cared for. He furrowed his brow at her behavior. She seemed tense and unhappy. He wondered why.

He continued waiting for Mizuki in the meantime, still feeling exposed awkwardly with his shirt off.

Um... Miss Cattileona...? Kuro finally spoke to her, leaping up onto the counter behind Mizuki and stalking towards her cautiously to see what could be bothering the Demon teacher. He flattened his ears nervously.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, Rin and Kuro

Cattileona merely snapped out of her thoughts, shaking as she was slightly jumped by the fact she didn't realize there was a presence there, knocking down some of the pills she was rummaging through. She quickly took the pills she wanted and turned around, keeping them slightly hidden behind her back as she had created a bit of a mess, merely turning just a little to look at the familiar cat she remembered as Kuro.

She knew such a cat belonged...or use to belong to Shiro, and after his death, was taken up by Rin.

She gave a gentle, weak smile and answered, "O...Oh...he...hello Kuro why are youuu-" as she trailed, she realized Rin and the new student Mizuki was here, whom was trying to aid Rin whom was distracted by her presence....Cattileona's presence. "Oh...I...didn't realize others were here....I...didn't intend to interrupt".

Through her studdering, Cattileona took a moment to admire Mizuki. She was impressed, astonished really, for such a young women to know such experience at an early age. She admired her.....greatly.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
xkeyxx said:
Location: Hall

Actions: Making a return

''Got it... no, no.. it cool, I got this.'' She explain down her earpiece, the amount of absence Asami had been through was all because she was hired to be a spy for an organisation. She knew a little about but they earned good money. She was strolling down the corridors in her casual clothes, a red jumpsuit, white shorts along with brown boots. Her personality hadn't change one bit since she left, still eager to kill demons as she saw no redemption in them. ''Why are you following me, Valentine?'' A demon.. the only one that piss her off the most and yet it always followed her. Inches behind, it had nothing better to do or say. It couldn't interact with much unless it had a host that was willing to help ''You can stick it up your ass cause I told you a thousand times.. NO'' She hissed.

She carried a rucksack and inside was Butter, the small puppy with a slice of toast in her mouth.. where dose she get it from?! Anyway, the girl came back to the P.E hall and this time she just sat on the edge of the deep ditch of demons.
''Kill all the demons in the pit? got it... just don't rush me.'' She had to be sneaky about this, she didn't panic as she was motionless but she was aware of the dangers.


Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, Rin and Kuro

Cattileona merely snapped out of her thoughts, shaking as she was slightly jumped by the fact she didn't realize there was a presence there, knocking down some of the pills she was rummaging through. She quickly took the pills she wanted and turned around, keeping them slightly hidden behind her back as she had created a bit of a mess, merely turning just a little to look at the familiar cat she remembered as Kuro.

She knew such a cat belonged...or use to belong to Shiro, and after his death, was taken up by Rin.

She gave a gentle, weak smile and answered, "O...Oh...he...hello Kuro why are youuu-" as she trailed, she realized Rin and the new student Mizuki was here, whom was trying to aid Rin whom was distracted by her presence....Cattileona's presence. "Oh...I...didn't realize others were here....I...didn't intend to interrupt".

Through her studdering, Cattileona took a moment to admire Mizuki. She was impressed, astonished really, for such a young women to know such experience at an early age. She admired her.....greatly.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki

Kuro tilted his head and blinked.

Rin laughed, raising his head up, trying not to move or have his eyes gouged out by Mizuki.

"Miss Cattileona! I thought that was you," he said. "Don't worry, you're not interrupting much-" He cringed and laid back once more. His wounds were punishing him for his foolishness earlier. "What are you doing here?" he asked, out of curiosity. "I figured you would be with Mephisto. You two are hard to catch apart."

@Wise Owl, @I am Shadow


Location: Training Arena

Company: Asami

From afar, Shura was secretly spying on Asami. This was the first time she had attempted to observe her in secret, and already she didn't regret her decision. "She's a damn spy! But... For who...?" Shura whispered to herself. She hid back behind the wall out of sight once more and listened in. Luckily the class had just been dismissed, allowing her this freetime to try and understand why Asami hated Demons so much, and to see if Rin would need to be protected from her.

Obviously, the answer was clear.

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Location: PE Hall

Actions: Taking her time with things.

Biscuit seem to have left her rucksack and she was heading for the doors, Asami watch her with amusement ''If you get caught....it your own thought...'' she stated, though she knew she wouldn't let that happen. The pup couldn't even run fast anyway so she only follow behind in a steady walking paste. ''I'll deal with you demons later..'' she stated as she turn her back and went for the exit along with her nightmare behind. Valentine, the big giant wolf following from behind at a distance. Shura would of been able to see the figure clearly since she a exorcist.. the demon was popular for it dangerous history, but also for the animal being Satan loyal servant

Wolfrose said:
Rin, Kuro
Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki

Kuro tilted his head and blinked.

Rin laughed, raising his head up, trying not to move or have his eyes gouged out by Mizuki.

"Miss Cattileona! I thought that was you," he said. "Don't worry, you're not interrupting much-" He cringed and laid back once more. His wounds were punishing him for his foolishness earlier. "What are you doing here?" he asked, out of curiosity. "I figured you would be with Mephisto. You two are hard to catch apart."

@Wise Owl, @I am Shadow

Location: Medical Bay

Company: Rin, Kuro, and Mizuki

She flinched a little again from the abrupt laughter of Rin, and became much more timid as she remained close to the large cabinet full of most of the pills, a few still on the floors from her sudden shift not to long ago.

Her eyes looked with concern at Rin's wounds, realizing once he had winced when speaking so loudly and moving too quickly which caused a strike of pain, that his wounds had not healed like a typical Demon's would, especially his. She found this rather peculiar and grew worried of what may be the cause of it.

As she questioned about this, she snapped out of her hazed thoughts when he asked about her reasons being here, and of course a little jest of her oddly seperating from Mephisto. She knew those would bound to come about as she only felt comfortable and trusted Mephisto that she often stayed around him, and because of that, everyone would consider her a little pet of his. "I tend to have a lot of business with him, so it's to be expected of such a comment" she lied, not at all always being about business, "And it's nothing...I was just..." She tensed, trying to think of the proper words to say as to not give away her true reasons, "Grabbing some pills" was all she could really mutter out.

It would be an obvious odd behavior to anyone of her grabbing pills, as she never really did as she was a firm believer of herbs doing just as good of a job. Or at least, no one caught her, because in all honesty, she always snuck in to take some pills when she was at her lowest. It was an addiction to consume a large quantity all at once to help make her feel....better. With severe depression comes many unsavory thoughts, and sometimes the need to consume something that will remove such things for a lengthy period of time.

She was....infact...addicted to pills.

"Rin....I find it rather peculiar but your wounds aren't healing. It's unlikely of a demon unless something is keeping it from doing so.... May I have a look? I do not intend to refrain Mizuki from assisting your care, but such an anomaly....I need the know" she requested in that rather gentle and soft voice she always toned when in a much more calm, and less anxious state, pretty much monotoned. It seemed the oddity caused her to be less anxious suddenly at the moment, most likely because it was of an important matter and not one to act clumsy about.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
Mizuki A.

location: Medical Wing

company: Catileonna, Rin, and Kuro

Mizuki stayed mum while Catileonna and Rin spoke with each other, having a casual conversation was not on her agenda as of now, quietly, she worked, she put on the sterile doctor's gloves and then she had given Rin a small dose of morphine to help kill the pain so she wouldn't hurt him to badly, and so he wouldn't hurt himself while she worked if he were to move, she had to do other things before stitching him up, so, quietly, she took a small patch of sterile cloth about the size of a washcloth, and poured clean filtered water onto the cloth, gently, she dabbed the area around the wound to clean it up, unphased by the fact Rin was shirtless, her expression stoic and serious, she continued to clean the area around the wound, and retracted a bit when Rin laughed, then flinched. Once he relaxed again, she grabbed several sterile cloths the same size as the other, but kept them dry and placed them on Rin's wound. "I'm going to help stop the bleeding, Rin, I'm sorry but this may hurt, I'll have to put pressure on the wound." She stated before pressing both hands onto the wound on Rin's chest, she pressed hard, her small and fragile hands, which never helped her much in combat, soon becoming useful to her as she healed her friend. When Catileonna asked to see the wound, Mizuki nodded, the wound stopped bleeding for a bit, but it would soon start bleeding again but only a bit, not as majorly as it had before, but despite her worry, Mizuki stepped back, waiting for Catileonna to inspect the wound, she stood there anxiously.

@Wise Owl @Wolfrose
@Wise Owl[/URL] @Wolfrose
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Medical Ward

Company: Rin, Kuro, Mizuki

Cattileona furried her brows at the severity of the wound, even more concerned as she suspected something was very wrong, especially since it wasn't regenerating.

Thankfully, Mizuki was here or he would have had more trouble recovering. "Sorry, you may finish Mizuki. I just needed to assess this. He's quite lucky, if you weren't so experienced in your medical work he would have most likely faced worse problems. I'm impressed." She commented, seeing as her assessment of the wounds Mizuki was fixing up caused her so much concern she remained close. She was also watching, seeing as she was a medical healer too, being under the Doctor class of Exorcist herself, and another, she was rather interested in the amount of experience Mizuki had, and wanted to see how experienced she was. To say the least she was impressed so far, even if she was still mulling in her thoughts of why Rin was not regenerating as he was suppose to. "Rin, well Mizuki is assessing your wounds, I need to know, when did your wounds stop regenerating? And don't move around too much, I prefer if you stay still as much as possible for her".

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
xkeyxx said:
Location: PE Hall

Actions: Taking her time with things.

Biscuit seem to have left her rucksack and she was heading for the doors, Asami watch her with amusement ''If you get caught....it your own thought...'' she stated, though she knew she wouldn't let that happen. The pup couldn't even run fast anyway so she only follow behind in a steady walking paste. ''I'll deal with you demons later..'' she stated as she turn her back and went for the exit along with her nightmare behind. Valentine, the big giant wolf following from behind at a distance. Shura would of been able to see the figure clearly since she a exorcist.. the demon was popular for it dangerous history, but also for the animal being Satan loyal servant

Remember no God-Modding @xkeyxx ))


Location: Training Arena

Company: Asami, Butter, and Valentine (unaware of her presence)

Shura pressed herself back against the wall and slipped as far into the shadows as she could as Asami passed with Butter and...


Her eyes furrowed. "It can't be..." she whispered as she laid her eyes upon the wolf-like Demon.

That was Satan's right-hand servant- and the King of all Hellhounds.

Shura had only heard legends of the servant. But now...


@Wise Owl[/URL] @Wolfrose
Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Kuro is about to leave, Mizuki, Cattileona

The morphine had already taken affect to Rin, so he felt no pain as Mizuki pressed on his wounds. As he watched her, he couldn't help but feel concerned as to why his wounds weren't healing.

He felt the need to contact the Demon who did this to him and make him pay.

When Cattileona asked to examine his wounds, he turned his focus upon her, concern in his eyes.

Kuro, unable to see them work on Rin like thi,s leapt off of the counter he had jumped upon and headed out the door. He would meet up with Rin later, when the procedure was through.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow


Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki

Rin narrowed his eyes and rolled them. "Would you guys relax? I'm not a porcelain doll..." Looking to the wall, he sighed and answered Cattileona.

"When I was fighting that hooded Demon thing, in the middle of our fight, he had stabbed me with these black tendrils that emanated some weird black fog of some sort. I haven't dealt with something like that before. After those things struck me was when my wounds stopped healing." He glared at the wall, furious with that Demon. So far, he's had a pretty bad day. He didn't expect it to get any better, especially since he had to face Yukio and Shura still, as well as Mephisto and the whole Exwires class. It would probably cause him to have a suspension from gaining his next level of Exorcist education. He grunted unhappily at that thought.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow

((Kuro is now open to rp with))
Wolfrose said:
Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Kuro is about to leave, Mizuki, Cattileona

The morphine had already taken affect to Rin, so he felt no pain as Mizuki pressed on his wounds. As he watched her, he couldn't help but feel concerned as to why his wounds weren't healing.

He felt the need to contact the Demon who did this to him and make him pay.

When Cattileona asked to examine his wounds, he turned his focus upon her, concern in his eyes.

Kuro, unable to see them work on Rin like thi,s leapt off of the counter he had jumped upon and headed out the door. He would meet up with Rin later, when the procedure was through.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow


Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki

Rin narrowed his eyes and rolled them. "Would you guys relax? I'm not a porcelain doll..." Looking to the wall, he sighed and answered Cattileona.

"When I was fighting that hooded Demon thing, in the middle of our fight, he had stabbed me with these black tendrils that emanated some weird black fog of some sort. I haven't dealt with something like that before. After those things struck me was when my wounds stopped healing." He glared at the wall, furious with that Demon. So far, he's had a pretty bad day. He didn't expect it to get any better, especially since he had to face Yukio and Shura still, as well as Mephisto and the whole Exwires class. It would probably cause him to have a suspension from gaining his next level of Exorcist education. He grunted unhappily at that thought.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow

Location: Medical Ward

Company: Rin, Mizuki, Kuro left

Cattileona answered to Rin's comment about him not being a porcelain doll, into which she responded, "Unfortunately you are more then a porcelain doll now Rin. Your wounds are very severe, and considering they aren't healing makes it even more worse, which is why you must take it easy on yourself or it will get worse. Try not to be your reckless self as usual. Which now makes me question...."

She then looked back at his wounds, hearing Rin's answer to why he wasn't healing. Indeed she was surprised by this, like she had felt something else, something strange. "I suspected it was something else...but I suppose that could be luckily depending on the demon he is and what level he might be. I do have a sense...a presence of something that uses fear....a demon of shadows most likely....perhaps one who uses illusions of fear. Either way...it still baffles me on how his strikes kept your wounds from healing" she simple gestured her hand over Rin, but not touching him, more like gliding over him with about an inch away from his body as her blind eyes looked like they were reading something.

"Yes.....I feel something...unfamiliar on you. I thought that was the cause of your wounds not healing....but now on what you have mentioned....its beginning to worry me. It feels....like a mark" she softly mentioned, trailing into her thoughts nearly, much like a trance as she needed to keep focus with her concentration in reading off of Rin. It was something like scanning him for any physical or mental stats that may come as odd to her.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow

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