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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]


drugstore perfume

Chishio Academy may look peaceful at first sight--and it sure is on one side of the school. But a 'special' set of students are something no person would ever think to imagine. Vampires? You're right. But they have to hide their true form. No one from the peaceful side of the school knows why these students are put in a seperate class. Maybe one of them can find out the hard way...


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It was the first day of the year. Students gathered around the gates, waiting for them to be opened.

Nakami peddled her bike along the driveway to her house, opening the gate and waving her goodbyes to her parents. Her first day of highschool, huh? She wondered if she would make any new friends this year. "Goodbye!" Nakami exclaimed, beginning to move the bike and hopping on it. As she arrived closer to the school, there was a crowd around the gate. Not only that, but the school had a weird feeling to it.. Sort of, unwelcoming?

Suddenly Nakami's bike stuttered, the wheel coarsing over a rock which made Nakami fall off of her bike and collect a cut on her leg, which was now oozing blood. 'Ew! No, what have I done. Ew.' To her surprise a crowd of girls ran over to her, mumbling 'She's so pretty..' over and over again. "Hey, would you like some help?" A girl stretched out her hand to pick Nakami up. She nodded and stood up, thanking them and looking down at her leg. "Ow.."

@Defective Kitten @Magni @WeabooTrash @Kaira @Edward Valentine @Raypoint @spidermanda
A long black limousine arrived in front of Chishio Academy and a middle-aged man got out of the car and ran to the back seats. As he opened the door, a young teenage boy walked out, wiping the dust off of his clothing and waited for the door to be close. As he spoke to the older man, sharp fangs could be seen if looked at closer. "Why, thank You, dear Talli! Would you mind passing me my school bag from the other side, hm?"

The man appeared to be his servant and thus walked over to the other side of the limo to get the boy his school bad. "There You go, young master." Said the servant and passed him the object. "How many times have I told You? Call me by my first name, if you please!" The younger man smiled and thus received a reply: "Yes, young ma- I mean, Ambrogio." "That's more like it! Now, if You would please inform my parents that I arrived safely to the Japanese highschool. You are now dismissed, dear Talli! We shall se each other after school in the new dormitory."

"But yo- Ambrogio, I have no rights to live with You nor accompany You on school grounds by the Academy's strict conduct." Giving a surprised and disappointed expression, Ambrogio started arguing about that with his "dear" servant until he was finally convinced to follow the school's rules and leave Talli. Thus they gave their farewells *insert dramatic scene here* and Ambrogio watched as the expensive vehicle left dust behind its wheels.

Ambrogio sighed in a frustrated manner and walked towards the school gate, trying to put a strong high-and-mighty look as he took each step gently. Seeing a crowd of people startled him and to his surprise easily smelled blood. "Acetyl-galactosamine? Is than an A Blood Group? No... A groups don't have extra Galactose cells! It must be AB. Although I can't tell whether it's positive or negative..." He walked closer to the scent and heard the many students around her exclaim how pretty she was and asking if she needed help.

Walking through the crowd, Ambrogio saw a girl, whose blood was dripping from her leg. He slightly kneeled down and stretched out his hand towards her. "Would You like some help, young miss?" He gave out that "oh, so charismatic" smile of his and was trying to endure his thirst. "Agh, good thing I had breakfast... I don't even like acetyl-galactosamine, but why does it smell so good?"

The crowd of girls stepped back in awe to make room for the tall, dark-haired boy. Nakami looked up and gazed into his bright blue eyes, noticing he had smiled. It seemed kind of uncomfortable for him somehow, but Nakami ignored it and looked down at her blood-covered leg. "Uh.. it just stings a little. I'll be fine." Despite the fact Nakami's eyes were watering from her pain she didn't want to cause any trouble for anyone--it was her first day, after all. She blinked to let the tears go away and flinched away from the sight of the blood on her leg. The gates to the school finally opened and Nakami walked in with the other group of girls who dropped her off at the girl's bathrooms to clear up her cut. She winced and didn't think to put a plaster on it--her mother always said it was best to let it have air so it heals faster.

Ambrogio helped her get up and said "But You are bleeding - that is no little problem!" He noticed her teary eyes and wanted to hand her his handkerchief, for the blood, that is, but she was already gone when he took it out. He tightened his grip in disappointment and looking at the silky tissue, he sighed. "Ah, and I wanted to get just a little taste of that blood, if only she used the handkerchief..."

The gates were finally open and Ambrogio gently put the handkerchief inside his pocket as he walked inside the school. Taking slow steps in the hallway, he noticed the same girl from before walking with he now clean wound, but without any bandages or the such. He wasn't used to Japanese welcoming ceremonies, but remembered that they are held outside in the yard. "I might as well refresh myself in the bathroom before it starts."

He continued walking to the male restrooms and upon arriving, he left his bag on top of the finely cleaned sink. Spraying his face with water, he sighed rather irritated. "I can even smell the chloride in the water... Why don't public schools ever use purified water?!" He remained in the bathroom, looking at the mirror in front of him and checking his teeth. "They look as though they've grown... *sigh* How problematic... Hm, is that a bit of spinach left in between my incisors?" There wasn't really anything there, but he took out some cleaning floss from his bag and started cleaning in between his teeth, starting from the incisors, where he thought there was left over from his dinner.
Nakami began walking down the corridor. She noticed that the boy from earlier had also gone to the bathroom, and peered her head into the boy's bathroom before realising what she was doing. The small peek of what she had seen--his teeth sure were weird when he had smiled at her before. Maybe.. he was a vampire? 'Haha. No way!' She chuckled to herself out loud, covering her mouth and hoping he didn't hear. She scurried a little bit further away from the bathroom door and her cut started bleeding again. Maybe she should have put a plaster on it?

As Ambrogio was flossing his teeth to unnecessary perfection, he heard and chuckle and thought it was just a conversation between two girls or something of the sort, but he felt suspicious as he only heard one female. Throwing away the dental floss, he took his bag and left the bathroom. What he saw surprised him - it was the same girl. "Her leg is bleeding again..." He smiled and bowed at a 45° angle. "Ah, excuse me for the intrusion. I noticed that Your leg is still bleeding. Here, take this to wipe off the blood and let's take You to the infirmary." He handed her the same handkerchief he wanted to earlier. He knew where the infirmary was as he checked the school guide map earlier n the yard. "Why do You seem so startled?", he asked with a worried expression, since she seemed surprised to him.

Nakami's heart stopped in shock. Did he think that she was spying on him? Hopefully not. "Uhm.. alright." She took the handkerchief off of him carefully and wiped the blood on her leg, keeping it in her hand and following him along to the infermary. "I.. I don't know. Am I startled?"

(Sorry for the short reply!)

"Ah, excuse me! You did seem surprised, so I felt concerned. It might as well have been from the wound - why, I would also show such a startled expression if my leg were to start bleeding!" He was speaking as they were walking to the infirmary. He was trying his best to avert his gaze from the then bloody handkerchief.

"This must be the infirmary!", he exclaimed as the arrived. Looking at her eyes, he smiled and said: "Why, I haven't introduced myself, have I? I am Ambrogio d'Clemente Sansone - I have just enrolled here from Italy. May I have the honour to know who You are?" Looking at the handkerchief in her hand, he spoke with a concerned expression "Oh, where are my manners? You shouldn't hold such a filthy thing in your gentle hands! Mind if I wash it in the bathroom while the nurse tends your wound?", then smiled in a rather hasty way.

(As long as there's something to work with, it's perfect! \(^o^)/)

Ai stood at the gates of Chishio Academy with a spaced look of awe on his face. He stood prepared for his first day with a small bag of supplies, his uniform, and an excitement stirring up his blood. Or..was it nervousness? It was hard to tell the difference right now. His stomach was filled with butterflies, but his head was filled with little whispers of hope.

Ai hoped he could make some friends and get along with people. He also hoped that not many people would give him attention because of his appearance, but as he glanced around at some of the stares he got he realized that the likeliness was low.

With that thought, Ai tucked a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear and finally pushed himself to make way into the building afore him. The light sound of his shoes tapping the cement kept him walking until he made it inside. He couldn't help but wonder if there was to be an entrance ceremony.

After shrugging his shoulders gently, the light-footed boy made his way through the corridor. His blue eyes wandering around in curiosity, the boy began to hum. The quiet little melody just loud enough for people to hear if they stood next to him. In his happy state, he'd yet to realize he had no idea where he was headed, barely paying enough attention to miss the passers-by. Let alone notice some of the extra looks the would get every now and then from other students.
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"Uh, If you don't mind.." She smiled and handed him the handkerchief. "Thanks for letting me use it, Sansone-San. I'm Nakami." Nakami turned to the nurse who began cleaning her cut. Her eyes watered again as it stang. Gee, he sure was nice. He was a lot more mature than the boys from her middle school. Again, Nakami noticed his teeth. She wanted to ask why they were like that, but she didn't want to offend him since he was so kind to her. Nakami averted her gaze quickly and nodded--she would never clean something like that herself as she hated blood.

(Had to repost it, sorry. My Tapatalk was glitching)

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Hikazu Akiyama

School Entrance

The boy was late, again, but as was such with trivial matters. Two blacked out Maserati Ghibli pulled up to the school. No one got out of the first car, but the driver of the second car exited. A coral haired woman with a hawk-eyed gaze and dressed in what could only be described as a designer suit opened the door for Hikazu. The young man smiled to the woman lightly and bowed his head in thanks. This would cause to woman to gain a soft fluster of pink tp paint her cheeks.

"Have a good day Sakura." He said to her before tossing his bag over his shoulder and walking into the school. The cars would zoom off not but seconds later leaving Hikazu alone. He took a breath of fresh air to start the day but something made his nose twitch. What was this scent pulling him. Suddenly a unexplainable bloodlust shadowed over the school, warning all vampires in the schools radius of his presence. Birds screeched and left the school grounds within seconds. They knew to leave the area.

Hikazu clear his throat and adjusted his tie, calming his own qualm. The bloodlust left the school and birds began to chirp once again. "Well, that was interesting...." He smirked to himself and took his water bottle filled with blood to take a swig and put his nerves at rest for the time being. He slipped the water bottle back into his bag and made his way to homeroom.
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Tsukino arrived to school a bit late compared to the rest of the students who showed up eager to first day of school, being the fact that she was sleeping on the ground last night working on a project that she wasn't able to finish in the end. Walking up the cement pathway leading towards the school's gate, it didn't seem like she was at all excited or nervous or even happy, she simply had a blank expression masking her face.

She walked slower compared to most of the students who simply passed her by, some boys and girls blushing as they caught a glance her but Tsukino didn't even notice their stares, her eyes was simply at the ground or in front of her. Once reaching the school's gates, a gust of cool wind welcomed her in. Air-conditioning

Tsukino had no plans on wandering the school or making friends or even going to the entrance ceremony, she simply wanted to paint or draw. It didn't take her long before finding the empty art room, it seemed that the students were simply making small talk in the halls or eating breakfast in the dining hall which was good for her since she quite enjoyed solitude, especially when drawing or painting.

She set up an easel and propped up a fresh canvas, beginning to paint in which a few colors got on her fingers and hands but it didn't seem to bother her. Even her expression while doing something she enjoys was dull and plain, perhaps someone will draw an expression on her blank mask one day.
Ambrogio gently took the handkerchief from Nakami's hands and smiled as he thanked her. "You should not worry about anything Nakami-san, so if You ever need assistance, I shall always be around to help!" Leaving her to the nurse in the infirmary, he bowed at a 90° angle and left with a smile, the bloody handkerchief hanging from his gloved hand.

"Ah, yes, I am in fact in Japan... I should have introduced myself starting from the surname. Maybe "Sansone" is easier to pronounce than "Ambrogio" and that's how she coincidentally addressed me by my surname... Or because I said I am from Italy... Or maybe..." and he kept thinking of unnecessary things as he walked, referring to the many guidebooks he had read about Japan.

He finally reached the male bathrooms again and as he walked in, he immediately went inside a bathroom stall. Leaving his bag on a small hanger on the door of the stall, he started sniffing the handkerchief. "Ahh, the smell! It's simply incredible!" Taking a barely refrained lick of the handkerchief, his eyes sparkled in awe as the taste was simply mesmerising. Sucking on the silky tissue, he remained in the stall, enjoying the amount of blood absorbed in his handkerchief and made surprisingly quiet slurping noises, that could be heard from a close distance, in the male bathroom.

Kai arrives a few minutes before the opening ceremony, she's hardly ever late. As she steps out of the black car, she brushes her black hair out of her face and glances around. "Thank you, Hiro." Kai speaks softly and her driver nods, shutting the door and pulling away from the curb. After adjusting her satchel over her shoulder she walks threw the gates. Hopefully this school will be better than her one at home.

Debating about going to the entrance ceremony or not takes a minute decide, but Kai eventually decides against it. She's been to dozens of them, she doesn't need another. There's tons of humans here, as well as some others like her. At the smell of all the blood, her fangs elongate a bit. She keeps them hidden well. After spotting a bench under a tree, she sits down and scans the people walking by.​
Nakami thanked the nurse for tending to her wound and placed a hello-kitty plaster on top of it. She stood up and walked to the boys' bathroom, knocking on the door and peering inside. The girl mumbled, "Sansone-San?" She looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. Where could he be, if he said he was here? She wanted to thank him, or at least do something in return, no matter what it was. "Hm.. He's not here." Nakami shut the bathroom door and walked along the corridors, spotting a cushioned windowsill to rest on. She laid down and closed her eyes tightly after brushing all of her hair to the left side of her face, leaving the right side of her neck exposed to the gentle breeze from the window.


Hikazu Akiyama

School Courtyard

Hikuza passes Kai one his way into the school. He notes the limited bloodlust coming off her and stops in his tracks. He makes his way over to the girl standing in front off her. Well, more like towering. Hikazu was almost a solid foot taller than the girl and his was already an imposing figure to say the least. His smiling demeanor had retreated as he stared at the girl. His years of experience led him to believe this girl was no more than recently one hundred years of age. She had a lack of control and was probably trying her best to do so. He'll just chock it up to bad parenting.

He pulls the water bottle from the bag and holds it out to the girl. If she was careful, she would notice the faint scent of O+ blood coming off the tip. He stared down at his fellow species and spoke in a very formal manner.... "Drink it." ....and demanding.

She spots him as soon as he steps into her line of vision. He stops in the middle of the sidewalk, before turning towards her. He's most definitely older than her, probably by a couple dozen years. As he walks up to her, she can sense his rigid control. He's very much in control of himself and definitely one of her kind. He's stares at her, and she looks at him with a measured calm. She good at keeping her emotions in check, though she's curious as to why he approached her.

She has her answer as he continues staring down at her, and reaches for something. He pulls a water bottle from his bag and holds out towards her. The scent of blood, she's guessing O+, permeates from the bottle. Kai looks up at him as he speaks. Normally she wouldn't take it, but she hasn't had any since she left home a couple days ago. She reaches out a hand, small in comparison to his, and takes the bottle. She's careful when she takes a drink, not to let any drip. After taking a few swallows she licks her lips, removing any lingering blood. "Thank you." She keeps a calm, even voice and continues looking up at him.

@Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

School Courtyard - Homeroom

Hikazu stares down at you, watching you drink the blood without a craving desire or a uncontrollable hunger. He finds it refreshing and refined to watch someone drink so elegantly. He takes the bottle back and slips it into his bag. He smiles at you softly before turning without another word. He enters the school and makes his way to homeroom. On his way a few girls stop, group up and whisper about the boy with flustered tones. Hikazu passes one girl with a flustered scowl and gets a strong scent coming from her. He puts his hand to his mouth and coughs a little.

He whispers to himself as he passes her, "Seems its that time of the month."

Hikers makes it to the homeroom, sliding the door open and walking over to his seat in the middle next to the window. He always loved the window seats, why should this year be any different from the last. He claims this land as his own!! A flag appears and he strikes a captain Morgan pose as to conquer the desk...or atleast it does in his head. He continues to day dream, looking out the window. The room fills up and the new school year starts to pick up.

Kai's lips pull up in a soft smile in return to his. "Goodbye." He's gone before she can finish and ask his name. She doesn't mind too much, she's she to see him again. Her fangs have returned to their place, and should be able to tide her over for a few days. Kai usually doesn't drink unless it becomes obvious like it apparenty was today. She's grateful to the man, and will hopefully et to repay him.

As she glances down, her eyes lock on her watch. It's only a couple minutes until it's time to be in home room. She lifts off the bench and smooths her black skirt over her legs. The skirts a bit short for her taste, but her father insists that she wear the uniform. Today is the only day she is going to wear it. Her boots click against the tiled hall as she makes her way to homeroom.

Nakami opened her eyes and ruffled her bangs away from them, stretching and realising she had fallen asleep at the window. She yawned and stood up, looking around to see a group of girls staring at her in awe. Nakami's glossy brown eyes fluttered, as so did her long eyelashes, before walking to her homeroom with the help of a map. Opening the door she startled herself with the sight of a bright shandelier that sparkled and caused light to reflect into her eyes. She walked up the stairs and unpacked her belongings, but to her surprise at the top of the suitcase was a leather brown bag, tied with a lacy bow. Nakami picked up the bag and carefully layed it on her bed, kneeling on the floor and untying the bow to reveal a sharp, glistening dagger encrusted with a red ruby in the centre of the handle. 'What is this? Did mom pack it by mistake?' She picked up a piece of parchment that was also inside the bag, in which listed what to do with it.

'Red Ruby Dagger - Handled by Xeophelius III


If you are ever in danger, use this dagger. Now, you may not know what I'm talking about know, since this is a 'safe' academy--but one day you'll find out the meaning of why I have placed this in your hands.'

Before reading any more past the first paragraph, Nakami's heart rate began to increase as she felt the blood coarse through her veins much faster than usual. She flinched the paper out of her hands and stood up from her kneeling position. 'No? What? This can't be for me. It mentions an academy, but.. How could it be dangerous!?'

(I'm sorry if I'm bringing too much attention to my character, but I thought it would be an interesting part of the plot ^^)
Tsukino stopped her painting mid-way through when a few students walked in to simply just find a place to hang out, their loud talking and annoying giggles were simply too distracting for her to focus, not that she showed her irritation through facial expression. Placing the soon-to-be finished painting in a cubby that she declared hers, she walked out of the room in a silent manner. Bedroom. Sleep. Walking through the halls of the students chit chatting, down the stairs and outside of the building, Tsukino took a quick glance around before making a right to the dorms.

Upon arriving in her dorm, it seemed that her items would arrive after school that evening and she would have to share with a roommate. That was a bit disappointing, she believed she would get her own room but that wasn't the case. Walking in on her roommate seeming to be unpacking and holding a dagger, Tsukino simply stared at the girl with her blank expression, not scared that she had a weapon nor seeming to care that much overall. Suddenly lifting up her arm and pointing to her, "Dagger." Speaking in a rather soft and monotoned way, blinking twice before putting her arm down and walking away to her side of the rather large dorm they shared and flopping onto her now claimed bed.
Out of shock, Nakami jumbled the dagger clumsily in her hands, skimming the sharp part of the weapon over her smooth skin and creating thin cuts along her fingers. "Y-You gave me a shock..!" She wrapped the dagger back up and placed it under her bed--she would never use something like that to hurt someone. Nakami turned around to the girl and noticed she was very tired, so she walked out of the dorm to leave her be. From the cuts a few drops of blood started running weakly down her hands, but she didn't notice them since they were so small. "Where should I go now?" Nakami walked outside and sat down on a bench under a tree, taking out a lemon candy from her pocket and placing it in her mouth. Was there somewhere she forgot to go?

@Defective Kitten
(Well that's the end of our interaction I guess cx)

Tsukino heard the door to the dorm shut leaving her to be alone again in the room. ".. sleep .." Mumbling the soft words that rolled off her tongue and closed her eyes, at this rate she wouldn't just miss the entrance ceremony but also the rest of the school day. Staying in the same position she was in when she flopped onto the bed, one leg on the bed and the other on the floor while the rest of her body laid on the bed and her pillow cushioning her head, she closed her eyes slowly and fell asleep.
<p>As Ambrogio was finally done with his disgusting sucking and licking of a... handkerchief, he sighed rather happily and looked at the ceiling. <em><span style="color:#000066;">"And I thought A groups tasted terrible because of the unnecessary acetyl-galactosamine... I would surely want more of her blood, but... How? I cannot simply throw myself at her neck and suck out her blood on school grounds..." </span></em>Thinking about the possibilities, he unzipped his bag and took out and extra Ziploc bag to keep the bloody handkerchief in and put it back inside the messenger bag.</p>


He took out a silver case, ornamented with different types of priceless rocks and took out another silky handkerchief, which he gently folded and put back inside his school jacket's pocket. Taking his leave, he went over to the sinks and carefully rinsed out his face, especially around the mouth, and his gloves, trying his best not to leave any blood stains behind. After that he, as a skin-obsessed clean freak, took out Sun cream with a high protection factor and delicately squirted some on his face, and smudged it after removing his white leather gloves.<em><span style="color:#000066;"> "I might have to stay outside for the ceremony, so some extra skin protection would not be unnecessary in any way!" </span></em></p>


Ending the process with a pat on the cheeks, he washed his hands after making sure there were no white marks from the cream, and put back the gloves on, then the sun cream as well. Opening his mouth to check on his teeth, Ambrogio clicked his tongue. <strong><span style="color:#000066;">"Tch, as I thought...</span></strong><strong>", </strong>he said out loud and with some hot water and his gloves he tried cleaning off the leftover blood on his teeth. Thus remained in the bathroom yet again - let's hope he doesn't miss the ceremony!</p>

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