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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

FireMaiden said:
"For one missy, I'm his sister, so you put gun up, or get thrown out. And second of all, this is his girlfriend." August pointed to the red headed girl
"I'm not his girlfriend until he asks me to be, which he hasn't."
Gabriel97 said:
She chuckled, "I don't even know...nowadays rich people are always corrupt politicians, or supporters of this shitty government." She then added, looking over Arthur.
@Safety Hammer @Paint The Wind @FireMaiden
Arthur wasn't paying attention to her. He had all of his attention on fixing August's arm. He replaced all of the screws and redid some wiring, and then he started working on circuitry.
Grizzlot said:
"Well look at this, do you require some help my good sir?" Was heard, a dark figure approaches tapping his cane, "Unless you don't require me" He said tilting his head slightly
(They are underground in an abandoned train station that only four people know about.)
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](They are underground in an abandoned train station that only four people know about.)

(Sorry About that, I might have missed it while reading)
An hour had passed since Theo had seen Roland and Clyde, and he had finally made it back to his Cult's territory in the city's middle circle, the Mid-Circ. Normally, when he was walking in daylight MPs would clear the streets to reduce public awareness of his existence, however, the only people living in this district were of the Cult or beholden to it. In truth, he could care less about whether or not peasants saw him, but the Board insisted that he remain a mystery amongst the masses.

In this district, the Nightfall Atrium, he was revered as was his right.

He was walking through the streets when he was stopped by the somber sounds of an expect violinist's music dancing with voice of a crying angel. When he turned and followed the sound, he was met with the sight of a small boy and girl performing for coins. His presence was met with an immediate hush of the gathered crowd and the performers.

"Please continue. It has been far too long since I've heard music that makes me stop and listen." He inclined his head respectfully to the small children and they were beaming with joy; Theo rarely saw a need to interact with lowly mortals.

The boy and girl wasted no time in performing a new piece. It was obviously sang in his honor. When they finished performing, several onlookers were in tears and everyone was prepared to throw coins there way. He halted everyone with a whistle of his wings.

"There is no need to pay them for their performance," the children's faces fell, "be cause they will be under my employ from this moment forward." Their faces became exalting; the Idol of the Ravens had personally acknowledged their skill. The crowd around them cheered.

"Dadrel." A shadow of a man in a feathered cloak melted out of the crowd.

"Yes, Milord?" He was covered from head to toe with only his piercing gray eyes showing.

"When these two have finished their work for today, see to it that they are taken care of. I will look forward to their performance for my evening meal." If those children smiled any harder, their faces would crack.

"Of course Milord." The man faded into the crowd once more.

"I will be seeing you soon, children. Tell me, what are your names?"

"I am Somna and my brother is Sullem, Lord Raven."

Theo nodded his head once and was gone in a flurry of feathers. He was heading in the general direction of his temple, but chose to go slowly so that everyone may bask in his glory. Many citizens he passed bowed and whispered prayers to him.

((Open for interaction.))
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Delacare said:
An hour had passed since Theo had seen Roland and Clyde, and he had finally made it back to his Cult's territory in the city's middle circle, the Mid-Circ. Normally, when he was walking in daylight MPs would clear the streets to reduce public awareness of his existence, however, the only people living in this district were of the Cult or beholden to it. In truth, he could care less about whether or not peasants saw him, but the Board insisted that he remain a mystery amongst the masses.
In this district, the Nightfall Atrium, he was revered as was his right.

He was walking through the streets when he was stopped by the somber sounds of an expect violinist's music dancing with voice of a crying angel. When he turned and followed the sound, he was met with the sight of a small boy and girl performing for coins. His presence was met with an immediate hush of the gathered crowd and the performers.

"Please continue. It has been far too long since I've heard music that makes me stop and listen." He inclined his head respectfully to the small children and they were beaming with joy; Theo rarely saw a need to interact with lowly mortals.

The boy and girl wasted no time in performing a new piece. It was obviously sang in his honor. When they finished performing, several onlookers were in tears and everyone was prepared to throw coins there way. He halted everyone with a whistle of his wings.

"There is no need to pay them for their performance," the children's faces fell, "be cause they will be under my employ from this moment forward." Their faces became exalting; the Idol of the Ravens had personally acknowledged their skill. The crowd around them cheered.

"Dadrel." A shadow of a man in a feathered cloak melted out of the crowd.

"Yes, Milord?" He was covered from head to toe with only his piercing gray eyes showing.

"When these two have finished their work for today, see to it that they are taken care of. I will look forward to their performance for my evening meal." If those children smiled any harder, their faces would crack.

"Of course Milord." The man faded into the crowd once more.

"I will be seeing you soon, children. Tell me, what are your names?"

"I am Somna and my brother is Sullem, Lord Raven."

Theo nodded his head once and was gone in a flurry of feathers. He was heading in the general direction of his temple, but chose to go slowly so that everyone may bask in his glory. Many citizens he passed bowed and whispered prayers to him.

((Open for interaction.))
He soon passed by a certain building, it had nothing but birds tweeting, soon came a horrible scream of agony, as the agony went silent a person who was wearing a crows mask came out of the bulding, exactly as an plague doctor, he lifted up his head to see him, he broke into a light chuckle,"Mighty My, what kind of failed experiment are you?" he questioned him, tilting his head ever so slightly,"Did you decided to have your arms removed to wings too fly?" He said,"Or are you nothing but a circus freaks?" he said tapping his cane onto the ground
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Grizzlot said:
He soon passed by a certain building, it had nothing but birds tweeting, soon came a horrible scream of agony, as the agony went silent a person who was wearing a crows mask came out of the bulding, exactly as an plague doctor, he lifted up his head to see him, he broke into a light chuckle,"Mighty My, what kind of failed experiment are you?" he questioned him, tilting his head ever so slightly,"Did you decided to have your arms removed to wings too fly?" He said,"Or are you nothing but a circus freaks?" he said tapping his cane onto the ground
((He has arms. The wings grow from his back. Look at my profile picture for a general outline of what I mean. The wings are tit for tat tho.))

"I am an Icon of a God. You should be careful how you address the Lord of Ravens. Who are you anyway, and what gave you the right to terrorize mortals in my Atrium?" His voice was dripping with boredom.
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Delacare said:
((He has arms. The wings grow from his back. Look at my profile picture for a general outline of what I mean. The wings are tit for tat tho.))
"I am an Icon of a God. You should be careful how you address the Lord of Ravens. Who are you anyway, and what gave you the right to terrorize mortals in my Atrium?" His voice was dripping with boredom.
((I thought that was like a cape or something, soz))

I chuckled shaking my head,"I'm completely terrified, A god right in front of my eyes!" He said sarcastically,"You sure don't read the papers, i'm The Plague

, and I have my own rights to do so, as long as my job allows me to do so" He said as a bird flew onto his shoulder, he soon started to drag a large bag and laid it over his shoulder,"What should I address you, i'm sure as hell won't call you anything fancy"
Grizzlot said:
((I thought that was like a cape or something, soz))
I chuckled shaking my head,"I'm completely terrified, A god right in front of my eyes!" He said sarcastically,"You sure don't read the papers, i'm The Plague

, and I have my own rights to do so, as long as my job allows me to do so" He said as a bird flew onto his shoulder, he soon started to drag a large bag and laid it over his shoulder,"What should I address you, i'm sure as hell won't call you anything fancy"
"Most mortals call me Lord Raven, but I find your insolence mildly entertaining and I am in a good mood. My name is Theo Sek Mekhanes. Its nice to hear the stories are true Plague." Theo's smile was murderous and friendly all at once, like he'd seen a delicious meal that he'd have to dress fancy for.
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Delacare said:
"Most mortals call me Lord Raven, but I find your insolence mildly entertaining and I am in a good mood. My name is Theo Sek Mekhanes. Its nice to hear the stories are true Plague." Theo's smile was murderous and friendly all at once, like he'd seen a delicious meal that he'd have to dress fancy for.
He nodded,"I might have read about you once, brings me great interest that Lord Raven is interested in two kids, playing there music and thus being hired by you, wouldn't you want someone a bit professional and not some kids who might have some diseases in them?" He said moving his cane around,"Brings me great interest that you stopped and talked to me, oh I feel like i'm special!" he said sarcastically,"Hopefully you don't know the person who lives here, it would bring me great shame to be talking to a witness who is connected to this person"
Jacob watched this Nova person approach the wall. "It's going to open up because a part of the wall is a button isn't it? Because if that's the case I feel like an idiot knowing that something that predictable was this close."

Grizzlot said:
He nodded,"I might have read about you once, brings me great interest that Lord Raven is interested in two kids, playing there music and thus being hired by you, wouldn't you want someone a bit professional and not some kids who might have some diseases in them?" He said moving his cane around,"Brings me great interest that you stopped and talked to me, oh I feel like i'm special!" he said sarcastically,"Hopefully you don't know the person who lives here, it would bring me great shame to be talking to a witness who is connected to this person"
"Those children have great potential. That can more potent than the greatest skill. I'm sure I will know who that unfortunate mortal is by the time I reach my temple, but their death means nothing to me if you are able to slay them without my knowledge."
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Delacare said:
"Those children have great potential. That can more potent than the greatest skill. I'm sure I will know who that unfortunate mortal is by the time I reach my temple, but their death means nothing to me if you are able to slay them without my knowledge."
"That would be the most acceptable." He said, he started to tap his cane onto the ground again, "Well i'm more certainly sure I am boring this "Icon of God" with my mindless chatter about our self, many people do see you as a god in this parts, but I would most likely count you as someone who would be lost in time of history, such as me" He said tipping his hat,"May your luck be in your favor" he said before he started to walk to a alleyway,"There are still plenty of targets required to be targeted, hefty amounts just for a soul" He said as he started to vanish into the alleyway
Baku said:
Jacob watched this Nova person approach the wall. "It's going to open up because a part of the wall is a button isn't it? Because if that's the case I feel like an idiot knowing that something that predictable was this close."
Chris looked at Jacob and said "Oh, yes! Of course it will." with a passive-aggressive voice. Nearly a second afterwards he turned his head to look at Jacob and added "I don't know what kind of sad book you've read, but I am going to be forced to dissapoint you." with a mocking tone. Jacob started examining the graffiti, then said "I know where the others are. Now, about your family. You don't mind that my buddies will escort them to headquarters, right?" with a polite tone. "Y'see. Our leader has... precognitive abilities, of sorts. We use his power to see people that would join us. And people with talent. That's how I got to you."

He walked up to Jacob and said "Look. We need to get your family to headquarters ASAP. I can call a friend to escort them, or we can do it ourselves. With the second one, though. We're wasting time. We have to go find others to recruit. Or we can split up, whichever you prefer."
Grizzlot said:
"That would be the most acceptable." He said, he started to tap his cane onto the ground again, "Well i'm more certainly sure I am boring this "Icon of God" with my mindless chatter about our self, many people do see you as a god in this parts, but I would most likely count you as someone who would be lost in time of history, such as me" He said tipping his hat,"May your luck be in your favor" he said before he started to walk to a alleyway,"There are still plenty of targets required to be targeted, hefty amounts just for a soul" He said as he started to vanish into the alleyway
"I will surpass the need for time. Every heart I win magnifies my power. I hope the next time our paths cross, you will have learned the true weight of my name." Theo spoke to his back as he faded away.
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Jacob shrugged. "It would be in everyone's interest if my family went with your friends. As much as I hate to admit it. I do trust your people with my family's lives. And your leader must know a lot about me if he picked me of all the people in the outer district. Oh by the way my name will be Disruptor. That good with you?

Baku said:
Jacob shrugged. "It would be in everyone's interest if my family went with your friends. As much as I hate to admit it. I do trust your people with my family's lives. And your leader must know a lot about me if he picked me of all the people in the outer district. Oh by the way my name will be Disruptor. That good with you?
Chris shrugged and said "Whatever. A lot about you? Maybe even everything. The Leader sees the past, and glimpses of the future. He also sees people that wish to join his side, to make this country better. A convenient power to have. He's a great man. I'm proud to serve him." with a cold, bored tone.

"In that case, there's someone going over here right now. As I said: The Leader sees the past, so he sees everything I said to you. So he also sees what your choice was in this matter. So he also knows to send someone here. Let's go, tell your family to wait here, and tell them someone will arrive shortly for them. Sounds reasonable, Disruptor?" he asked, trying to memorize Jacob's chosen code name.
Jacob spoke with his family, namely his younger sister. Jacobs sister was quick to understand and had Jacob return to Nova. "Felicia said she would make sure mom or dad didn't wander off. For now do we head to the HQ or do we find the other people?"

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Plague just continued carrying the bag, wondering how long it would take before someone would ask him about the bag, he could leave it off almost anywhere but he was curious to see, he was mighty curious about the person he met, but it general he only wanted to complete the job in high expectations something exciting would happen, like many stories he read, their must be a climax in every story or quest, yet he seems like he hasn't found one yet, maybe it's best to just leave this bag in front of a door, or by a sewer, or in a alley, he knows vast knowledge of whats happening around the areas, even if a revolution did happen it wouldn't affect the way he is living, he would still be out and around doing what he normally does, yet he still wanted to interfere in some way, just for the fun of it, his birds came a flew onto his hat,he continued to walk onto the streets just to see people looking at him, hoping one would ask about the bag
Baku said:
Jacob spoke with his family, namely his younger sister. Jacobs sister was quick to understand and had Jacob return to Nova. "Felicia said she would make mom or dad didn't wander off. For now do we head to the HQ or do we find the other people?"
Chris was very quick to respond by saying "The other people." with an inarguably blunt tone, then started walking out of the park, towards a different street, he stopped after a moment.

Chris turned back to Jacob and started thinking. "Our targets are..." he started talking, but did not finish. Chris stomped the ground beneath him several times. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, crossing his arms and clenching his fists in clear annoyance. He started thinking. "Just a moment... It'll come to me." he said, annoyed but focused. His voice was like wine, that just got poisoned with pure annoyance. He bit his lip, and started shaking his whole body, as he was unable to answer.

His head went up, as his eyes opened in reflection "Right." he bluntly stated. Walking up a few steps to Jacob, and returning to a more neutral bodily gesture he continued "August Winters, Arthur Winters, Rosemary Joy Distal. All I know is the first two know magic, the other one is an Assassin, or somethin'. Now, let's go. I have their location. They're at some..." he stopped, clearly confused and kind of offtrail. "What the fuck." he said bluntly. He didn't seem that surprised, or scared. It was a very blunt, emotionless one.

"IIIII..... have absolutely no idea where they are. They're somewhere underground. Maybe... an old train station. You know anywhere like that?" he looked at Jacob, with his face and voice calling out in hopes that Jacob had any idea where their next batch of recruits could be.
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Jacob sighed "I'm starting to think you're leader didn't give you a note so you could remember. Well if it's any help I do believe someone mentioned some assassin running from the MP a good hour ago. But I do know the name Winters. Here in the outer district it's the name that belongs to a guy and his sister. Most of what I've heard is one of them has a prosthetic arm or somethin like that. And the male is a Technomancer. But the chances of us finding them is rather thin. Those two are like ghosts."

Baku said:
Jacob sighed "I'm starting to think you're leader didn't give you a note so you could remember. Well if it's any help I do believe someone mentioned some assassin running from the MP a good hour ago. But I do know the name Winters. Here in the outer district it's the name that belongs to a guy and his sister. Most of what I've heard is one of them has a prosthetic arm or somethin like that. And the male is a Technomancer. But the chances of us finding them is rather thin. Those two are like ghosts."
Chris smiled proudly, but not cockily. He tilted his head around and jokingly announced "Well. I'm a Ghosthunter, if you need me to be one. Besides, we'll know their exact locations and abilities in but: a few minutes. For now - It won't hurt to look around ourselves. Let's go, Disruptor." he said, then walked up to Jacob and asked "Do you know how grappling hooks work?" while taking off one that was tangled around his body up until this moment. "We're going to use rooftops. They are not faster, but safer. The MP's are everywhere. They're poorly trained, but well-equipped. This is what makes big groups of them a serious threat. If we're detected, they will call support and we'll quickly get overrun by hordes of them. That's like a suicide attempt, so I use rooftops to lower the risks."

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