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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

(but yea its interesting to see how far people have thought it out Iv had people just half ass things when they do them on other forums I have been on they really fucked it tell it became op its nice to see you planned it out to a good point)

Eldritch Being](but yea its interesting to see how far people have thought it out Iv had people just half ass things when they do them on other forums I have been on they really fucked it tell it became op its nice to see you planned it out to a good point) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32629-delacare/ said:
((I know what it feels like to have someone snatch the floor out from under you, and I try to not do that to other people. Doesn't mean I don't try my darnedest to come out on top though. With Hunger's help, I can see a lot of things going smoother for Theo.))
(yep well atleast I hope so this shit could go south so quick but worst comes to worst theo is still rich and I'm still a huge beast of a creature)
A long nights rest had been all Kasseb had as of late. Currently sprawled out on the floor, he pondered his existence the existence of the world around him. So much was left unknown and with little knowledge the creatures of the world had, they had grown cocky. Filled to the brim with pride in their petty inventions. Was he just hungry for the things that lie beyond his comprehension? Was he going mad?

He had hardly anything to his name as he remain in the alley in the center of the city. Not that he needed anything. He didn't put much stock in the words of the officials. He, and people like him might be clever or just conspiracy theorist. This could be partly due to his own history of hiding his half-breed self. But now, he was fully open. And he'd kill the one who dare threaten his life and way of just for what coursed through his veins. But he might be proving their point in the end.

Kassed said "So much void in the hearts and minds of the average. So easily their minds are broken, twisted into the much clay for the smart to form of their own. This is how armies are made. This is how followers are created. This is how legions form and Empires are wrought. Surely there was more to it. Who pulled the strings? Kasseb sought power and would do what it takes to get it. Some of the things he has done in his past would make the skin crawl on most. He could try his luck at finding who had power and then rip from their very being. He needed to get more power if he was to accomplish his goal.
he was thinking of how he missed the taste of elf it settled well with him kind of like wild boar "my new memory's are rather ... food related" he said aloud to him self. My how his world had changed once an honorable warrior for the.... well he really didn't know any more now a abomination serving a Priest of the Raven. well none of that mattered he supposed as he wondered through the vast empty halls of the church if he didn't have visitors he might hunt but if he didn't stray to far he would be fine he thought finding a door and escaping into the out side world as he went into a dark ally way on the prowl for man meat.

@VY Canis Majoris
With all he had thought of, he wasn't thrown off by the site before him. Surely this... creature didn't expect to sneak up on him? No, he was built for something else. Whether he was seen or smelled, Kasseb saw the aura of energy that coated his body long before he would physically be visible.

The razor sharp teeth that looked like they had once belonged to men as daggers, the talons on each finger and the long face. It was an ugly looking creature, but one made for death. The real question remained; was it intelligent? Capable of complex communication? It was an odd appearance, so Kasseb was mentally prepared for the worst all without physically revealing it.

He rolled over and stood up slowly as he eyed it. His blue eyes glowed as he stared down the creature. "I only am able to conceive of a few possible options. I do hope it is the third one in my head. You reek of savagery and duplicity. Hardly surprising if you are capable of half the intelligence I predict. Your mouth looks watered. Do you really think devouring me is the more prudent choice?"

@Eldritch Being
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"What the fuck is a prudent? or a duplitcity diplipcity what ever that word was" and why was this creature talking to him this town was weird I mean seriously who .... who... who is making that delicious aroma he thought as he looked at the man. "ELF BLOOD" he said very hypnotized by the smell of elf it was like reencountering a ... well he could not think of a good example but it was certainly rare and tasty. "elf where is your tribe" He had to think an act that pained him greatly elf's traveled in tribes there is no chance this one was alone and while a single elf was a opponent a tribe was a force of nature when they fought.

@VY Canis Majoris
That told him all he needed to know as Kasseb stood there. He felt more comfortable around the creature and not worried for his life. "So the intelligence part is confirmed." But what stuck him the most of the comment. "My tribe?" This leviathan of a being asked for his tribe while bellowing a lust for his vital fluid. It was all too obvious what trick he attempted to play, and it wouldn't work.

"I have no tribe", Kasseb explained. "As far as I know, I'm the last of my kind. The last of the High Elves, even if I'm only half elven."

this monster wasn't the only thirsty one here. Kasseb could see the aura around this creature and he lusted for it to make a move so that he could rip the soul right out of it. With his keen mind, agility, and his strength, he could surely best the devil.

@Eldritch Being
He could rip the elf apart if he got a hold of it he knew that but he had hunted elf before and knew they were full of tricks. First of all the elf had him in maneuverability but if I get down on all of my limbs I'm faster also only my steel hard shell can be seen. second of all he needed to keep the elf from touching him magic attacks are not his problem at a range but if he got on top he didn't think his shell would protect against much his tentacles would rip the creature apart if he got on his back. now all that was left to do was to catch and kill the creature lets begin with a classic he thought as he down into his more animal like stance all eight of his arms were on the ground as he began his charge he was like a fast tank with his shell and he would rip this elf apart. "BLEED ELF" he shouted barreling at the small being.

@VY Canis Majoris
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Nostrils flared and muscles tensed with the momentum the creature gained. He licked his lips before they curled up as he waited for the right moment to act. With his agility and mind, he filled his body with magic and ran at the monster. Timing it just right, he slid, goign right under and bringing up his hands just under the belly of the large mass. His eyes glowed brighter as he would attempt at yanking the soul from the monster.

Regardless if he fails or not, he would simply slide out from under on the other side. His attempt at draining the life would be used to fuel his own body and mind. It was too short to generally kill things off completely, but would weaken them.

@Eldritch Being
Now that he had had a few quiet minutes to himself, Theo had been able to use a portion of Hunger's mana to unlock some new power within himself. Unfortunately, there was a limit to how much mana he could burn from a living creature, but for now, it was just enough.

Theo left his sanctum with new power in hand, and a satisfied smile on his face. He was ready to face whatever the Rebels had in store for him.


"Milord. Here are the children and the flute, as you requested." Dadrel had entered the throne room with Somna and Sullem in tow.

"Thank you Dadrel. Now go help everyone finish our preparations. I will send for you when I am done." He bowed deeply and was gone.

"Somna and Sullem I have a task for you. I need you to play a special song for some guests that a
re due to arrive soon. This is not just any old song, so it must not be performed on any old instrument." Theo handed a long ebony box with silver and sapphire inlays to Sullem, and a regal necklace made of interlocking obsidian feathers to Somna.

"I am going to give these to you, for tonight. With them, you could stir the hearts of even the most stalwart soldier and bring him to tears. Sullem, this flute will allow you to play an entire orchestra. With it no piece is ever lacking. Somna, that necklace will amplify the strength of your voice. Every sound you want hear, and every emotion you want felt will be magnified." Sullem opened the box to reveal a delicately etched silver flute, with small sapphires topping off the keys.

Theo waved his hand over both gifts and they briefly glowed violet.

"Now these items will work for you. You will go to the concert hall and practice the song, without the gifts, when the time comes to truly begin, Dadrel will let you know." Both children bowed and left the throne room with their items. Dadrel appeared before them and led the way.

"All preparations have been completed Milord." Zach and Chaz we always in sync.

"Collect Hunger's offerings from the Raven's altar. I am going to my sanctum now." Turning his back on the bowing duo, Theo was gone in a swirl of feathers.

End of Flashback

He had just been about to sit down when he felt it.

"Now who wold be foolish enough to incite my Hunger?" Curious to answer his own question, Theo locked on to Hunger's position. He disappeared from the throne room in the sweep of a single feather's rotation.

Appearing in the same fashion as he disappeared, Theo landed on the roof of a small building. In the distance, he could easily see Hunger battling with some elf. Not caring to get involved, Theo sat on the edge of the building want watched.

'Hmmm. That elf has magic, refined magic. The odds that I would find another caster in this city of progress. This should be fun to watch.'

The sands in the hour glass still fell slowly.

@VY Canis Majoris @Eldritch Being @Birdsie
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The shadows were known to hide many things from the eyes of mortals. Right now, outside a politicians window, it hid an assassin dressed in black. Clockwork, the masked assassin, was waiting for the opportune time to strike the man inside down. Right now, he was discussing plans with one of his underlings. What these plans were, he did not care. Soon enough however, the other person left, closing the door behind her. Carefully, Clockwork lifted the window open just enough for him to use his magic. The black mark on his hand glowed as his form turned into a black shadow and was flung inside the room. The man was leaning over a ledger, unaware of the imminent danger that lurked behind him. From within his overcoat, Clockwork pulled out the hilt to a sword. Pressing a button on the side caused a blade to extend. The man, hearing the clicks of the extension, turned and only caught a glimpse of the assassin before his lifeblood began to drain from his throat.

Clockwork wiped the blood from his blade onto the politicians coat and removed a ring from his hand. As he stood up, there was a knock at the door. Of course, he couldn't stay around to see who it was. With haste, Clockwork climbed out onto the small ledge on the side of the building once again and shut the window. He concentrated his magic once again as he leapt from the buildings edge. He was five stories up and falling, but he lifted his left hand once again and used the magic. His form turned into a shadow as all momentum seemed to halt. Safely, the shadow shot towards the ground, dissipating as he landed in a roll. He quickly folded the blade and hid it in his coat before making his way towards the meeting point where his contact had agreed to meet him once the job was finished.

(There we go, my intro post!)
Birdsie said:
Chris looked at them and said "Great." then back forward, he slowly peeked out around the corner and said "When I say 'Go' then all of you run after me, and we're heading for the tank. Get ready."
@Safety Hammer @Paint The Wind
"Or I could stop the tank in an alley, and when the men come out to repair it, we jump them."
Jacob was leaning more towards Arthur's idea. "I'm thinking jumping a tank would be a better idea. Plus our technomancer here could disable the tank and have the driver think it's malfunctioning. Or do your powers not work like that."

@Safety Hammer @Birdsie
Birdsie said:
Chris nodded and said "Let's do that. And in that case: Get ready, it's about to drive over here." turning his head to Arthur. Chris looked out of the corner once again, and you could hear the tank driving. Chris whispered "Hide." and hid behind a trash can.
@Paint The Wind @Gabriel97 @FireMaiden
"I got all of you in my sights, don't worry." She said tapping her ear and focusing on her scope, to take good aim.
Birdsie said:
Chris nodded and said "Let's do that. And in that case: Get ready, it's about to drive over here." turning his head to Arthur. Chris looked out of the corner once again, and you could hear the tank driving. Chris whispered "Hide." and hid behind a trash can.
@Paint The Wind @Gabriel97 @FireMaiden
Arthur held out his hand as if he was going to use the force and closed his eyes. His consciousness flew from his body into the tank, and while there, caused the engine to stall.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Arthur held out his hand as if he was going to use the force and closed his eyes. His consciousness flew from his body into the tank, and while there, caused the engine to stall.

Vanessa saw the whole scene. "He's goddamn good at what he does." She muttered with a smile, still keeping her scope on them all. Her gun was silenced and ready to shoot. She didn't notice that her earpiece was on...
FireMaiden said:
"His ability to do that is quite useful when it's not my arm," August whispered.
"Stop talking like a bunch of sods and go jack the fucking tank."

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