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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

@FireMaiden @mewbot5408

He rushes after Val gathering some snow as he ran, grinning. He launches the snowball at her back as he runs, looking back to see if Ori would follow them. He certainly hoped so, it wouldn't be as much fun without him.
Orious' eyes widen as he was hit with another snowball as he watched her go under him. "je vais pour vous pour cela!" he yelled loudly and scooped another handful of snow into a ball and threw it at her trying to run but slid on the ice and landed flop into a pile of snow having fell straight in looking like a snowman almost since it covered his torso and his head poked out.

"Je jure que je sens comme un homme vieux maintenant ... je me suis transformé en gelée!" he says and stands brushing himself off and starts walking with a little shake to get the snow all off. orious can't help but to burst out laughing at himself.

~i'm going to get you for that!

~i swear i feel like a old man now...i turned myself into frosty



BlueOctober said:
@FireMaiden @mewbot5408
He rushes after Val gathering some snow as he ran, grinning. He launches the snowball at her back as he runs, looking back to see if Ori would follow them. He certainly hoped so, it wouldn't be as much fun without him.
"Cold!" Val yelps as she's hit with a snowball. "Your asking for it now!" She laughs, gathering two up and throwing them at Cas, aiming for his face and chest. She then laughed at Ori and started singing frosty the snowman's theme, while throwing a snowball at him.

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Cas looks back and sees that Ori had fallen in the snow. He jogs back, chuckling, looking up at his mate. "You alright there?" he asks, standing on his toes to brush some snow off of the taller vampire's shoulder. "Also, you need to teach me how to speak french" He said before picking up another snowball.
One of the snowballs hit Lucian in the chest. The vampire obviously didn't understand the point of the game as he looked at them all with confusion.

"Why are you throwing projectiles at one another?"
Orious nods."I'm thoroughly enjoying myself..." Orious says smiling. He hadn't had done anything like this in a while and he enjoyed it. Orious looks at his mate."I could try but it might be easier reading my mind to learn to translate it into speech......I think Val knows what I'm saying but I've known her long enough for her to understand a good portion. You'll pick it up as you go." He explains with a small chuckle. He then looks back to red. "You coming??"



Xavier Kolbe was praying. Before, the alter had a crucifix. The light coming from the stained glass window from behind cast a shadow onto him. Xavier clutched his rosary beads with passion and grace.

"Amen," he finished, before standing up. He had a dangerous task ahead of him. Another service to Christ. Another vampire to vanquish. His orders, however, came straight from the Pope himself. This was a dangerous task indeed.

He would find whatever threat had risen against the Vatican, and cleanse it from the earth.
KaalysBR said:
One of the snowballs hit Lucian in the chest. The vampire obviously didn't understand the point of the game as he looked at them all with confusion.
"Why are you throwing projectiles at one another?"
"They're snowballs. It's a game people play when it snows," Val said, very happy. Her cheeks were red and her nose redder. Snow was mixed into her hajr, and sprinkled on her clothes. "It's fun, you just get a handful of snow, ball it up, and throw it. It's all in good fun," she explains to Lucian, her breaths coming out as white puffs.
Lucian gave Val a huge smile,happy to see her looking so content. He picked one of the snowflakes from her hair,analyzing it.

"So it's a training for war. Okay!"

He threw one of the snowballs at her,already understanding the game as he laughed.
KaalysBR said:
Lucian gave Val a huge smile,happy to see her looking so content. He picked one of the snowflakes from her hair,analyzing it.
"So it's a training for war. Okay!"

He threw one of the snowballs at her,already understanding the game as he laughed.
"No, not training, although it's pretty good for target practice," she said walked in the direction of town. The bottom of her pants were damp and covered in fresh snow. "Well, come on. We don't have all day."
"Yes,we need to fight our soda enemies."

Lucian had obviously forgotten already that soda was just a drink as he walked along with Val.
KaalysBR said:
"Yes,we need to fight our soda enemies."
Lucian had obviously forgotten already that soda was just a drink as he walked along with Val.
Val had to hold back a snicker. Oh my god! Soda enemies? She though, before snickering a little, then it became a full blown laugh. "Soda is a fizzy drink in different flavors, not some one we can fight. Oh idea! We can get a ball and go soda can bowling! You lovers in?" She asked the two walking in front t of her and Lucian.

@mewbot5408 @BlueOctober
Lucian watched the snow in his hand slowly melt until it became only water. The sight,along with the hole playfulness of the situation,seemed to trigger some memories inside of him. When Lucian rose his eyes again,he seemed more lucid.

"We should probably go before the first sunshine arrives. I don't want to stir fear into the villagers,so we should keep to ourselves mostly."

He walked around,inspecting the path towards the city.
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Val raised an eyebrow, "Nobody really knows were vampires. It's more because they suspect. I mean we live in an old mansion in the middle of the woods and three towns. Plus, last time I got chased out was because I stole a few things and I don't think that made them to happy. As long as your eyes don't go red and you don't show your canines, you'll be fine to walk around," she said, putting her freezing hands in her pockets.

KaalysBR said:
Lucian watched the snow in his hand slowly melt until it became only water. The sight,along with the hole playfulness of the situation,seemed to trigger some memories inside of him. When Lucian rose his eyes again,he seemed more lucid.
"We should probably go before the first sunshine arrives. I don't want to stir fear into the villagers,so we should keep to ourselves mostly."

He walked around,inspecting the path towards the city.
"They will know if the sun meets our skin. But as long as we avoid that situation,yes. We should be fine. I simply would prefer to avoid trouble."

The shadows under
Lucian took the form of a can,and Lucian leaned on it with a serious expression as he looked forward. He raised one eyebrow towards Val.

"You were stealing? Why? You seem like you have enough money. Is that some sort of hobby?"
Et wrinkled her nose when she established that it had turned out into a snowball free-for-all, moving off into a distant clearing and waiting patiently for the entire snowball fight to conclude, She'll sooner rejoin the rest.
Orious nodded."sure. anything else you want? I'm going have to do some groceries shopping for the house and we need to pick up some clothes for Lucian and castiel,also you need to drop off red...." he says to val as he walks moving a arm around his mate looking around. He then noticed the snow was oddly only in certain areas.

"Hmm I really should've brought the car..."




Xavier was wearing a winter coat. His breath was plainly visible to him as he felt the harsh cold. He shivered. But he endured. He had a task for his Lord. Nothing would stand in his way.
(It's snowing because one of the characters can control Ice. Most of the characters sre outside the gates.)
KaalysBR said:
"They will know if the sun meets our skin. But as long as we avoid that situation,yes. We should be fine. I simply would prefer to avoid trouble."
The shadows under
Lucian took the form of a can,and Lucian leaned on it with a serious expression as he looked forward. He raised one eyebrow towards Val.

"You were stealing? Why? You seem like you have enough money. Is that some sort of hobby?"
"I have my reasons, and I don't want to share," Val said, crossing her arms and huffing.

DaManofWar said:
(where is everyone?)
(Walking to town through the woods. They're almost there)
KaalysBR said:
(It's snowing because one of the characters can control Ice. Most of the characters sre outside the gates.)

Xavier was waiting in town. He knew that this route would bring him to the vampires.
KaalysBR said:
(It's snowing because one of the characters can control Ice. Most of the characters sre outside the gates.)
(so would it be snowing like in town or path that goes to the mansion?(if there is one.))
(I think the snow is pretty much everywhere!)

Val's reaction made
Lucian return to his old self. He blinked towards her,feeling immediate guilty as he walked towards the lady.

"I'm sorry. I won't mention it again. We will go do bowling instead."


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