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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Orious tilted his head. "Hmmm...and while we're maybe I could get some errands done. After all it's still my job to take care of the house and those who live in it even if andreous died.." Orious chimed and a small smile spread on his lips."so with further ado, when you're ready to go just call I gotta take care of a few things. Castiel,come with me you'll need to change into something suitable I don't want you to walk around and your pant accidentally call off since I'm taller than you.."Orious says.





(Hmm could people try posting more than one liners please?? It's not hard not to...)

Orious headed upstairs and walk down the hall quickly to his bedroom his steps barely even heard on the floors as he walked down the hall. Stopping at the bedroom he opens the door turning the handle slowly and pushed it open stepping inside with a soft exhale. Orious made his way over to the dresser and pulled out one of the drawers pulling out some clothes that would probably fit his mate better being less likely to fall off." well yes but that's only for my eyes and you very well know that, castiel my love." He answers and goes up to the door shutting it for better privacy to change in. Orious have left the clothes on the bed. He steps over to the closet and pulls out a hanger with a dark colored button up sliding it on after having already put on some new pants. his fingers carefully went over the buttons as he buttons it up looking down at what he was doing.


While his mate is getting dressed, Cas slides out of the clothes that Orious had given him. He pulls on the new clothes and smiles, walking behind his mate and sliding his arms around the taller vampire's waist, leaning his head against the other man's back. "You've got quite the manual dexterity" he commented.
Orious smirks tilting his head to look back the other vampire with his violet eyes as he finished up the last of his shirt buttons. " I guess we could also come in handy for rather other things if you get the idea."ori whispered pressing his lips to his mate's roughly but with a bit of passion in it unable to help himself. Orious parted after a good moment from the kiss and moved away slowly like he didn't want to stop but knowing he had to in the moment. He then pulled over his coat sticking a few things in his pockets. "Take that as a little spoiler to what I have planned later..." He adds turning to the door.


"Never thought I'd be more excited to do errands, if only to get to that faster." Cas said with a smirk as he pulled on the jacket that he'd brought up into the room before they'd fallen asleep last night. He hadn't wanted to stop the kiss either, but he knew Ori had to get these errands done, for the good of the house. It was still kind of strange to Cas, having a mate. He'd never had one, not in 709 years of life, and the crazy amount of attraction he was constantly feeling was almost driving him crazy.
Val rolled her eyes, the moonlight from the upstairs window cast her shadow across the entrance to the mansion. "Stop being gay! I'm coming off my sugar high!" She called trying to get the boys to hurry up. "We have places to be, people to take home, things to buy!" She tapped her foot, the sound echoing due to the converse she had on. She fixed her pants, pulling them up so hopefully they'd stay up on her slender frame, "Let's go already!" She sang, in a loud, obnoxious voice.

@mewbot5408 @BlueOctober
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Lucian felt a weird type of envy as he saw the two lovers. Even if he couldn't remember anything from his past life,he knew he never had something like that. He wished for something like that in his life,but wasn't sure if he deserved it.
"I know, I know I'm coming val. No worries."Orious poems back to younger vampire with a text hell as he stepped quickly down the stairs and stops at the very bottom step to look at her with a wide smirk. the tall vampire then adjusted his coat a little and looked glancing over at Lucian raising a curious eye brow before moving his head to look back up the stairs to make sure his maid have been following them. "Is everyone ready to go?" he asked. He looked around at everyone to make sure whoever was going was there. " also, what should I do with the little girl? Adopt her?" he adds gesturing to oceane.






"Wouldn't that be something we should consult about?" Cas asks teasingly as he makes his way downstairs, standing next to Ori with his hands in the pockets of his coat. "Not that I'm against adopting a kid just...she's a human Ori."
"As touching as what you two have going, I really would like to get going. I may be new here, but I'm pretty sure this is something important." She smirked and gestured to the doorway. "And I owe you, and as much as I like roofs, I do so love air that isn't musty."
"Ugh, seriously. Domestic. I ship it like fed ex, but really need to get going," Val said, walking out the door. A cold wind blew threw her hair, sending shivers down her spine. "Great. It's cold," she muttered, sticking her hands in her pockets, "Hey! Red let's go!" She shouted, lookin back into the house.


Lucian had found a warm coat in the rooms as he searched the house. He now placed it in Val's shoulder,smiling gently as he squeezed her shoulders lightly. It would probably be a bit long on her,but it would definitely be warm.

"Now you won't be cold,I think."

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The pureblood vampire blushed a little shaking his head brushing his hand through his dark bangs."I was merely joking.....but okay..." Orious responds with a exhale. He moved stepping out the door after the others enjoying the cool air against his face as he stepped out looking up at the night sky to the soft white moon that Peaked from behind grey clouds that sat I just painted among the dark purple blue sky image with illuminated by the pale moon light. a soft mist like fog shrouded among their feet around the entire Mossy ground of the forest floor enveloping gently around the trees that in which have grown into the soft dark miss earth among various other sorts of plant life. Orious need a few quick elegant steps as he headed out a few feet and looked out again before turning gracefully to glance at the others and waiting for them.





Cas walked behind everyone, watching as Ori walked ahead of the group. He wasn't one to rush a walk, he actually enjoyed being out in nature, it's one of the reasons he had moved around so much during his life. He glanced around at the plant life, taking note of all of it and noting anything that seemed foreign to him. He decided he would let his mate lead the group, while he waited behind.

Val smiled warmly at Lucian, "Thank you." She said, before walking down the sunken steps. "We have like serious repairs to do," she muttered, waltzing up the the front gate and opening it, a high pitched whine coming from the hinges.
Right outside the looming gates, a stray figure stood still.

Her brown eyes shoot open and she looks around the vicnity with a confused pondering befores he exhales through her nose as if to sigh.Se pursed her lips and takes an uncanny step forward with a hint of curiosity, her entire attire will give off an impression that she was from a church levy...one of the very organisations pledged to purge all monsters/
((I have already been accepted into this RP, except I have no one to interact with my character))

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Lissa hums a jaunty little melody to herself while roaming a small little garden. She liked plants, and since no one else cared.. she claimed this little garden as her own. It had a cherry tree in one corner, and apple tree across from it, a Pear tree diagonal, and an Orange across from it. So.. a try of blossoming tree in every corner. She had a picnic blanket set underneath the cherry tree, and a bench under the apple tree. There were other various flowers around the bases of the other two. It was rather astonishing and a very pretty sight to behold. It was her own little sanctuary. Others could come and go as she pleased... with her permission. As the princess next-in-line for the vampire throne her words did in-fact hold some weight.

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FluffyMarshmallow said:
((I have already been accepted into this RP, except I have no one to interact with my character))
(( My character is right outside the gates, feel free to go ahead and interact with her if you wished to ^_^ ))

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