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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

As soon as K'tal placed Alyiah against the ground she drifted into a state of semi-unconsciousness. She was worn out from the overuse of her powers,which showed in the fact that her light wasn't glowing anymore.


K'tal started to panic a bit when he saw Alyiah's light fade away. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no. Not now. I just met her, and Alucard's merely one thousand years old. This can't happen now. He placed his hand on her wrist to check for a heartbeat. A pulse. Oh, thank god. He instinctively hugged tight, and held on to her with no intention of letting go any time soon. K'tal commanded a thick layer of shadow to wrap around Alyiah so she can be safe, should anyone get any ideas to harm her. His shadows permitted breathable oxygen to pass through, so breathing wasn't a problem. He stood back up to converse with Alucard, still standing by Alyiah.
"There. That's about five times." Crowley grunted, before pulling Lyrev closer for one last thrust. "Is that enough? Because I think we might need to get back to the mansion soon. And you look like you are about to pop."

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??? WHO?
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Lewis and Simon from the Yogscast!)

(Oooh I know them! They are pretty cool.)
Lyrev groaned as Crowley pushed himself away from him. He let go of the pillow he had been biting and spit some feathers that were stuck in his mouth. It couldn't exactly be called a pillow anymore,but the demon probably wouldn't mind.

"I'm okay. Just give me a minute. A day. A century."

He laughed,turning around so he could look at Crowley's naked form. Now there was a sight he would never get tired of.

"That was fun,old man. Can't wait for next time. Unless you want to give my ass time to recover." He chuckled as he pushed himself up and grabbed his clothes that were lying in the ground. "Yep,let's go back to the mansion. You will introduce me to your boyfriend eventually,right?"

Rukia said:
Lyrev groaned as Crowley pushed himself away from him. He let go of the pillow he had been biting and spit some feathers that were stuck in his mouth. It couldn't exactly be called a pillow anymore,but the demon probably wouldn't mind.

"I'm okay. Just give me a minute. A day. A century."

He laughed,turning around so he could look at Crowley's naked form. Now there was a sight he would never get tired of.

"That was fun,old man. Can't wait for next time. Unless you want to give my ass time to recover." He chuckled as he pushed himself up and grabbed his clothes that were lying in the ground. "Yep,let's go back to the mansion. You will introduce me to your boyfriend eventually,right?"

"Of course. Although, you might want to take another shower. Vous .. fuit, si vous savez ce que je veux dire." Crowley said with a smile, as he gestured towards Lyrev's behind.

(I'm fairly certain the video was a joke. Sorry bud)
Lyrev laughed loudly,walking through the room completely naked and making sure to let Crowley see all parts of him.

"Connard. Vous remplissez mon cul et maintenant vous faites des blagues? Je ne vais pas vous donner le plaisir d'une réponse."

He walked to the shower and turned it on,allowing the water to drop over his body.

Rukia said:
Lyrev laughed loudly,walking through the room completely naked and making sure to let Crowley see all parts of him.

"Connard. Vous remplissez mon cul et maintenant vous faites des blagues? Je ne vais pas vous donner le plaisir d'une réponse."

He walked to the shower and turned it on,allowing the water to drop over his body.

It was Crowley's turn to laugh now. He had to give him credit. The kid had a sense of humor. "Oh, ne pas agir comme vous n'étiez pas mendier pour elle! De plus, qui pourrait résister à remplir un cul comme ça? J'ai enregistré cela. Vous savez quoi, la prochaine fois que vous pouvez le faire pour moi." Since Lyrev's clothes were dirty, Crowley looked into his closet, and pulled out a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and some boxers for good measure. "Oi, I got you some clothes. I'll be going in the shower after you, so could you leave the water on?"
Lyrev smirked,leaning against the wall of Crowley's room. That man made him crazy,and he loved that. The only problem would be finding someone else that good after this...

"I want to see that later,just to make sure that you got my good angle. And to revive memories."

When Crowley talked about getting in the shower after him,Lyrev disappeared. He suddenly appeared behind Crowley and grabbed him,teleporting them both to the shower. He pinned the demon against the wall and kissed his neck.

"Just so you know,you may have ruined sex for me. Now I'm going to have to look for someone that is as good as you when you meet your quota and forget about me." He chuckled,although there was a note of disappointment in his voice when he mentioned Crowley leaving.

Rukia said:
Lyrev smirked,leaning against the wall of Crowley's room. That man made him crazy,and he loved that. The only problem would be finding someone else that good after this...

"I want to see that later,just to make sure that you got my good angle. And to revive memories."

When Crowley talked about getting in the shower after him,Lyrev disappeared. He suddenly appeared behind Crowley and grabbed him,teleporting them both to the shower. He pinned the demon against the wall and kissed his neck.

"Just so you know,you may have ruined sex for me. Now I'm going to have to look for someone that is as good as you when you meet your quota and forget about me." He chuckled,although there was a note of disappointment in his voice when he mentioned Crowley leaving.

"Well, we're still friends. And I need to fill my quota each month, so I guess that leaves something for you to look forward to. And maybe a quickie every once and a while wouldn't hurt." Crowley was kinda worried about what Lyrev was implying. Did Lyrev know that the demon didn't really have feelings for him like that? Hopefully he did. Sex was never very emotionally important to Crowley, since he had it all of the time. It was kinda like a drug, really. Just something he did for the feeling.

He also already had a boyfriend who he loved dearly. He wondered if Soren got the wrong idea when he was 'at work'. Did he know that it had nothing to do with their relationship? All of this was troubling Crowley, and only increased his yearning to go back to the mansion.

"Hey, now. We just got finished fucking, and you're going in for sixth's? Aimez-vous le sentiment de me remplir votre cul serré jusqu'à, ou êtes-vous toujours cette horny?"

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