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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


K'tal smiled at the all too familiar face. "Queen Bella. It has been a while. Keeping quiet as usual, I see? How long has it been, three...five centuries?"


He turned to Alyiah to back up Bella's statement. He stated calmly, "Yeah, I knew something was up, I've just never met a demi-god before, so I can't know better. I wonder how god's blood tastes. Wait," K'tal turned to Bella, "Bella, how do you know about gods and stuff? I've an entire digit on you." He sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess that's what I get for being such a shut in. Then again..." K'tal's eyes went red as the shadows around him began to ripple. "God's don't like conversing with the devil." K'tal's eyes switched back before the shadows calmed down.
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Alyiah took a step back once he asked about how her blood tasted,obviously scared.

"It would be harmful to you."

MightBeASithLord said:
K'tal smiled at the all too familiar face. "Queen Bella. It has been a while. Keeping quiet as usual, I see? How long has it been, three...five centuries?"


He turned to Alyiah to back up Bella's statement. He stated calmly, "Yeah, I knew something was up, I've just never met a demi-god before, so I can't know better. I wonder how god's blood tastes. Wait," K'tal turned to Bella, "Bella, how do you know about gods and stuff? I've an entire digit on you." He sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess that's what I get for being such a shut in. Then again..." K'tal's eyes went red as the shadows around him began to ripple. "God's don't like conversing with the devil." K'tal's eyes switched back before the shadows calmed down.
"I have my ways of knowing, old friend."
Rukia said:

Alyiah laughed at the comment,covering her mouth with her hands. She knew exactly who the woman was talking about.

"He isn't so bad once you get to know him,actually. Hmm. Maybe only sometimes,my queen."

This time she noticed the vampire and approached him hesitantly,exchanging her glance between him and the human he was carrying.

"Why...why are you holding him that like? Won't he be hurt?"

She smiled and her influence spread through the room,calming the people who were here.

"He is human. And decided to sneak around. And of course, when I come home from my night out, I have to deal with this bitch in my home," Jack would say. He felt the magic slowly try to calm him. "Remove yourself from my mind, or I will force you out."
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[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"He is human. And decided to sneak around. And of course, when I come home from my night out, I have to deal with this bitch in my home," Jack would say. He felt the magic slowly try to calm him. "Remove yourself from my mind, or I will force you out."

"I don't believe it's your place e to say whether she can stay or not. Seeing as how Valeria has been living here the longest."
Alyiah ran one hand through her hair,blushing lightly. She looked sad as she stepped to a corner of the room.

"I don't...do it intentionally. My powers just work like that. But if you stay away from me it will probably stop."

She gave a grateful smile to Belle when she spoke up to her,although she just felt lost and wanted to go home.

@FireMaiden @Rukia @Dalamus Ulom

K'tal pursed his lips and replied in a sassy voice, "That's not a good enough answer for me, and you know it..." Although, he knew that this was all he was going to get from Bella. She wasn't too fond of sharing her secrets. He smiled at Bella again, and said in a soft tone, "It really has been too long. Nonetheless..." he turned to Alyiah, "We should get you to that mansion, yes?" He knew she was lying, given the recent feat of healing magic displayed, and Bella's talking of the only god who's blood was harmful to others. He turned to this 'Jack' character with bloodlust in his eyes. His voice reached a low, demonic grumble as he said, "Don't you speak to Alyiah that way again, lest you want to share the same fate as a ghoul who tried to bite me." He pointed to the a pile of blood and mush from the ghoul he had crushed.
Alyiah blinked with surprise at the vampire's reaction,not expecting to have two people speaking up for her in this unknown world. She quickly rushed to K'tal's side,not wanting a fight to break in the middle of the mansion.

"I-I'm sure he didn't mean it,K'tal. Don't worry,he did not offend me."

She held his arm in a calming manner,smiling up at the tall vampire. It was good to find someone who wasn't hostile,and it did help to make her feel a bit less lost. Her head tilted lightly.

"You seem to be from royalty,K'tal. Do you belong to a kingdom somewhere?"


K'tal felt his heart leap a bit at Alyiah's touch before quickly calming down. His eyes, returning to violet once more, "Well," he said with a voice slowly heading back to a normal pitch, "it's a long story. To keep things simple. My royalty was...'inherited', for lack of a better word. With all do respect, it's something I'd rather keep to myself, or at the very least explain in private, if we get the chance." He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. It's okay, he thought to himself, you're still in control. Nothing's gone terribly wrong. Just...find a place to actually stay. K'tal slowly opened his eyes and stared into space, refusing to make eye contact with anyone [slash]and trying his best to hide his blush[/slash] while speaking calmly, "I have a few hotels in mind. Good food, nice smelling soaps, very good plumbing." Plumbing was very important. He can't afford to have anything like 'The Costa-Rica Catastrophe' happen again.
FireMaiden said:
"I don't believe it's your place e to say whether she can stay or not. Seeing as how Valeria has been living here the longest."
"Oh, so Valeria is in my head now? I had no idea! Please, don't mind me wanting to have control over my own mind!" Jack said mockingly.

MightBeASithLord said:
@FireMaiden @Rukia @Dalamus Ulom
K'tal pursed his lips and replied in a sassy voice, "That's not a good enough answer for me, and you know it..." Although, he knew that this was all he was going to get from Bella. She wasn't too fond of sharing her secrets. He smiled at Bella again, and said in a soft tone, "It really has been too long. Nonetheless..." he turned to Alyiah, "We should get you to that mansion, yes?" He knew she was lying, given the recent feat of healing magic displayed, and Bella's talking of the only god who's blood was harmful to others. He turned to this 'Jack' character with bloodlust in his eyes. His voice reached a low, demonic grumble as he said, "Don't you speak to Alyiah that way again, lest you want to share the same fate as a ghoul who tried to bite me." He pointed to the a pile of blood and mush from the ghoul he had crushed.
"Oh, I'm so intimidated! I'm quaking in my boots!" Jack laughed.
Alyiah nodded,noticing with worry that K'tal was upset. Her powers reached forward and embraced him soothingly,almost working by themselves. The purple light was there in his eyes again,and she wondered what that shine meant.

"Don't worry,you don't have to tell me anything if it doesn't make you comfortable,K'tal. I might tell you about my kingdom instead." She sounded like she deeply missed her home. "But...wouldn't you rather spend the night here instead of an hotel? You seem to have friends around,and this is a comfortable mansion."

She sighed as the vampire from before spoke again,being unnecessarily rude and childish.

@Dalamus Ulom @Rukia

K'tal lifted his eyebrows at Jack before shadows suddenly encased him, squeezing him hard. Not enough to kill him or hurt him, but he couldn't get out...or breathe easily. Someone like Jack couldn't escape his grasp. No one could, really. K'tal hadn't been blessed by the spirit of 'Nosferatu' for nothing. His voice was inappropriately calm for the action he was committing. "Listen, bud," K'tal said, "I'm not sure if you know who you're talking, so let me enlighten you. The name is K'tal. K'tal Maverick. I don't know how old I am, but that's because I stopped counting at ten thousand. I've a whole digit or two on you. Both in age, and power. Now, please, treat my friends with a bit more reverence in the future." The shadows let go of Jack. K'tal shifted his focus to Alyiah. His voice maintained the same calmness, but there was a...'warmth' in his eyes. "If it's okay with you," he answered to Alyiah, "I'd rather be in a place where I can retreat from social interaction. You may stay here if you wish, but I'm leaving." He held out his hand to Alyiah, should she want to come along.
Alyiah was pretty sure that the look of pure shock in her face made her look silly,so she coughed to make it go away. K'tal was older than ten thousand years? She wasn't exactly a child herself,but that was a lot of time. She didn't understand why such a powerful man would be taking an interest in being with her,not while he didn't know about her secret. But her curiosity wanted to know more about him. And the shadows on his body...her own light was reacting to it,opposing the darkness by reflex. She had to know more.

When he turned to her and made his proposition,she nodded and held his hand.

"That seems fine to me. I am still unsure of how to treat the beings from this realm,and having some time to spend away from society is a good idea."

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MightBeASithLord said:
@Dalamus Ulom @Rukia
K'tal lifted his eyebrows at Jack before shadows suddenly encased him, squeezing him hard. Not enough to kill him or hurt him, but he couldn't get out...or breathe easily. Someone like Jack couldn't escape his grasp. No one could, really. K'tal hadn't been blessed by the spirit of 'Nosferatu' for nothing. His voice was inappropriately calm for the action he was committing. "Listen, bud," K'tal said, "I'm not sure if you know who you're talking, so let me enlighten you. The name is K'tal. K'tal Maverick. I don't know how old I am, but that's because I stopped counting at ten thousand. I've a whole digit or two on you. Both in age, and power. Now, please, treat my friends with a bit more reverence in the future." The shadows let go of Jack. K'tal shifted his focus to Alyiah. His voice maintained the same calmness, but there was a...'warmth' in his eyes. "If it's okay with you," he answered to Alyiah, "I'd rather be in a place where I can retreat from social interaction. You may stay here if you wish, but I'm leaving." He held out his hand to Alyiah, should she want to come along.
Jack didn't really care. He had learned abut 800 years ago that due to him actually being dead, he didn't really need air. Once released, he would straighten his tie. "I've dealt with worse than you," with that simple statement, he would walk away, towards the library.
@Dalamus Ulom

K'tal smiled at Jack. For some reason, he was happy to hear that, but..."Trust me, you haven't dealt with anyone worse than I, and if you have, they're not dead. Have a good night. Sleep well, please." He was going to be fun, K'tal can tell.


K'tal's face lit up when Alyiah accepted her offer. Don't freak out, don't freak out, DO NOT FREAK OUT. Play it cool, women still like that...maybe... "One minute please," K'tal requested before heading over to the other body to feed off of it, "I need to feed. What I'm about to do requires blood intake, and a good amount of it. Hold on tight, and don't be scared." He squeezed onto Alyiah's hand before the both suddenly vanished. It was dark for a couple of seconds before they appeared inside the lobby of a pretty luxurious hotel. "Hold on a minute," K'tal said, "I'll get rooms." He hypnotized the receptionist into giving them a conjoined suite. Two rooms, that each had a queen sized bed, with a living area in between. The living area had a simple TV room and a kitchen to the left. "Welcome to the Ritz," he announced with open arms. "I hope you like it."

(I'm calling it a night)
MightBeASithLord said:
@Dalamus Ulom
K'tal smiled at Jack. For some reason, he was happy to hear that, but..."Trust me, you haven't dealt with anyone worse than I, and if you have, they're not dead. Have a good night. Sleep well, please." He was going to be fun, K'tal can tell.


K'tal's face lit up when Alyiah accepted her offer. Don't freak out, don't freak out, DO NOT FREAK OUT. Play it cool, women still like that...maybe... "One minute please," K'tal requested before heading over to the other body to feed off of it, "I need to feed. What I'm about to do requires blood intake, and a good amount of it. Hold on tight, and don't be scared." He squeezed onto Alyiah's hand before the both suddenly vanished. It was dark for a couple of seconds before they appeared inside the lobby of a pretty luxurious hotel. "Hold on a minute," K'tal said, "I'll get rooms." He hypnotized the receptionist into giving them a conjoined suite. Two rooms, that each had a queen sized bed, with a living area in between. The living area had a simple TV room and a kitchen to the left. "Welcome to the Ritz," he announced with open arms. "I hope you like it."

(I'm calling it a night)

Alucard would slowly rise from K'tal's shadow. He would tap his shoulder, saying: "Greetings." With a neutral tone. His black hair, red coat and big hat, red glasses were giving him a threatening look, but his tone and facial expression would reassure you. "I noticed...something in you." He then added with a smirk.
Rukia said:
Lyrev held onto Crowley in the shower,sighing through his nose.

"Please don't tell anyone about this. It will ruin my already ruined reputation."

He was embarrassed and feeling weak,but was still happy that Crowley was the only one to see him like that. If he had to trust someone,he would prefer for it to be the demon.

He cleaned himself as well as he could but was already half asleep by the time he was finished,leaning his body against the demon.

"Sorry...about your quota..."

He closed his eyes and drifted off.

Crowley awoke to a naked Lyrev snoring away next to him, and some very wet sheets. "Ew." The demon said, as he flung it to the corner of the room. Sadly that sheet was all that was covering the two. Crowley, not wanting to wake his friend, scooted closer and basically started to spoon him.
@Gabriel97 @Rukia

K'tal smiled and turned around to see another vampire. "Ah," he replied somewhat irritated, "the 'great' Alucard has graced me with his presence." He crossed his arms and tilted his head. Despite not being anywhere near intimidated by his appearance, Alucard was probably the only other vampire, other than Bella and K'tal himself, that had more than three digits in their age. He deserved K'tal's attention. "You're probably noticing the my advanced shadow manipulation, or the gratuitous amount of blood I had consumed, OR the fact that I've five digits in my age. Other than that, you might be sensing the spirit of a vampire lord that's even older than I. Could be anything." K'tal tossed his hat on the hatstand, along with his coat. Leaving him with only an undershirt, gloves, his pants, and combat boots. His long, blak hair was properly kept and remained behind him, going down to his upper back. K'tal continued, "Although, you're probably not here just to say hello and flatter me, knowing you. Perhaps there's some business to discuss?"

He walked to Alyiah's side, but a tad in front of her, should Alucard try anything risky. "Stay behind me," he whispered to her, quiet enough for only her to hear.

(I'm going shopping for a while. I'll be back soon.)
Lyrev's eyes slowly fluttered open in the morning. He found a light pressure against his body and touched Crowley's arm that was wrapped around him. He was wet and naked but at least that was a plus.

"H-hey mon c-cher" Lyrev suddenly started to shake,his skin burning. The fever was trying to counter the left traces of poison in his body.

The half-breed was ashamed for being sick in front of Crowley and tried to stand up,although that only caused him to slid through the bed and fall to the ground.

MightBeASithLord said:
@Gabriel97 @Rukia
K'tal smiled and turned around to see another vampire. "Ah," he replied somewhat irritated, "the 'great' Alucard has graced me with his presence." He crossed his arms and tilted his head. Despite not being anywhere near intimidated by his appearance, Alucard was probably the only other vampire, other than Bella and K'tal himself, that had more than three digits in their age. He deserved K'tal's attention. "You're probably noticing the my advanced shadow manipulation, or the gratuitous amount of blood I had consumed, OR the fact that I've five digits in my age. Other than that, you might be sensing the spirit of a vampire lord that's even older than I. Could be anything." K'tal tossed his hat on the hatstand, along with his coat. Leaving him with only an undershirt, gloves, his pants, and combat boots. His long, blak hair was properly kept and remained behind him, going down to his upper back. K'tal continued, "Although, you're probably not here just to say hello and flatter me, knowing you. Perhaps there's some business to discuss?"

He walked to Alyiah's side, but a tad in front of her, should Alucard try anything risky. "Stay behind me," he whispered to her, quiet enough for only her to hear.

(I'm going shopping for a while. I'll be back soon.)

Alucard would grab both of their shoulders, they would phase into the ground, somehow getting out of his mansion's floor. He would toss them at the other end of the room, smiling maniacally and saying: "Finally someone that can match my power!" He would take out his guns, starting to shoot at them, intentionally not hitting them but shooting extremely near them.
Alyiah did not expect to be teleported so suddenly,and when she was back to a physical form she felt slightly sick. Breathing deeply,she controlled herself and entered the place that K'tal had chosen for them.

"It is simple,but also very charming. Thank you K'tal,I am sure I will feel comfortable here."

Her smile was very warm as she looked up to him,then started to look around the rooms.

Alyiah blinked with surprise as a new vampire entered the room,nodding with quietness as K'tal asked her to stay behind her.

But suddenly she was grabbed and the ground below her feet disappeared. She hit the floor harshly,feeling a sharp pain in the back of her head before she detected the golden blood coming from the wound.


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