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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Orious stood up taking his cigarette putting it in the ash tray and he swung his door open hitting male vampire by accident."oops...I'm sorry. I'm on drugs.." He says with a wide devilish smile before looking at val."I'll be out in the woods doing God knows what..." He says with a wave of his bloody cut hand not bothered by any pain. He steps down the stairs and quickly goes out the door before heading out into the woods with a small Huff pulling out a fresh cigarette lighting it as he heads out into the woods.




FireMaiden said:
"That's because I'm not a pure blood. Plus, if you knew who I was, you would know I help humans because I don't eat them as often as you. If you want food you can go downstairs, there are blood packs in the fridge," Val said crossing her arms, and glaring at him.
"it tastes better when it's from the body. Now step away from that insect lower being. Or feel my wrath"
JPTheWarrior said:
"it tastes better when it's from the body. Now step away from that insect lower being. Or feel my wrath"
"Just how dense are you. I said no, I'm not gonna fight you, and I'm trying to leave. Beside you couldn't touch her not matter what. She has the bracelet."
FireMaiden said:
"Just how dense are you. I said no, I'm not gonna fight you, and I'm trying to leave. Beside you couldn't touch her not matter what. She has the bracelet."
"That doesn't mean anything. When you are as old as I am. You know some things" he smiles and gets closer to her "For example... how to remove the curse set upon an human to turn into a vampire..." he smiles and gets even closer. It was called charm speaking that alot of vampires have. However. Vladimir is one of the most old vampires and with that, his charm speaking is quite advanced
Serana rolled away from Castiel as she felt a vampire presence coming towards the forest. She got up from the ground and pulled her hair back delicately,composing herself with a smile as she expected a new meeting. She walked in the direction of the stranger with a big friendly smile,but blinked when she noticed his wounded hand.

"Hm...dear,I think you should probably be more careful with that. Vampire blood is precious,don't go dropping it around."

She picked his hand and licked it,causing the wound to close slowly. The smile returned to her face.

"I'm Serana,by the way. We're obviously intimate already,so would you tell me your name?"
JPTheWarrior said:
"That doesn't mean anything. When you are as old as I am. You know some things" he smiles and gets closer to her "For example... how to remove the curse set upon an human to turn into a vampire..." he smiles and gets even closer. It was called charm speaking that alot of vampires have. However. Vladimir is one of the most old vampires and with that, his charm speaking is quite advanced
"You ignorant little man. I'll fight if you have a weapon to lend, but keep your filthy hands off the merchandise."
FireMaiden said:
"You ignorant little man. I'll fight if you have a weapon to lend, but keep your filthy hands off the merchandise."
he laughs. The mansion would look like it was about to collapse "Me? ignorant?!" he laughs "Listen little girl, i am Vladimir Markov, an elder vampire, the red twin brother, the ruler of battlefield and you dare to talk to me like that? I was about to ignore you and maybe I would turn you back into an human but now you will pay!" he summons more bats, and they all fly towards her
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KaalysBR said:
Serana rolled away from Castiel as she felt a vampire presence coming towards the forest. She got up from the ground and pulled her hair back delicately,composing herself with a smile as she expected a new meeting. She walked in the direction of the stranger with a big friendly smile,but blinked when she noticed his wounded hand.
"Hm...dear,I think you should probably be more careful with that. Vampire blood is precious,don't go dropping it around."

She picked his hand and licked it,causing the wound to close slowly. The smile returned to her face.

"I'm Serana,by the way. We're obviously intimate already,so would you tell me your name?"
Sorin looks at the girl from the shadows with his golden orange eyes. He draws his great sword and walks slowly towards her
JPTheWarrior said:
he laughs. The mansion would look like it was about to collapse "Me? ignorant?!" he laughs "Listen little girl, i am Vladimir Markov, an elder vampire, the red twin brother, the ruler of battlefield and you dare to talk to me like that? I was about to ignore you and maybe I would turn you back into an human but now you will pay!" he summons more bats, and they all fly towards her
Val ducked, "And I'm Valeria, nice to meet you." She said. She stood, waiting . "I seriously don't have time for this. If only Zalor Mansion had actual weapons intend of," she looked around, "Fake pieces."
Orious looked down at her with his violet eyes raising a eyebrow quickly pulling his hand away."my name is Orious xavian....also we are not intimate so don't do that." the extremely tall pureblood responded tilting his head to look annoyed into the shadows having picked up on sorin's prescence. "Hey,kid. Stop sneaking around like a creep.." He says pushing serana aside moving and slammed his leg in sorin's side with a extreme force hard enough to send him a a small distance and possibly snap through a tree.

He moved as a wide blood thirsty smile spread on pale lips as his eyes widened the pupils thinning."or would rather play hide and go seek?" His eyes glowed as he licked his lips like a starving animal. Orious looked like he would eat sorin no problem if he got the chance.



(Back) Claudine raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "Well Val, lets see how clever you are since Im not immortal!" She then begins to think of a plan and senses another presense.. "Well someone else is here I assume its the old guys bro." She smirks. Oh do I have a plan..

@FireMaiden @JPTheWarrior
Enmyira said:
((Woooow I haven't gotten any notificationa at all! Can someone catch me up?))
(An elder vampire (My character) Is "fighting" with Libra's human and Maiden's vampire. Only know that sorry)
Enmyira said:
((Woooow I haven't gotten any notificationa at all! Can someone catch me up?))
(Well currently Claudine and Val managed to piss of Vlad and now there fighting thats all that I know xD there could be more but i just got back)
"Well,we could be intimate some time. I'm just looking for the future."

Serana's face was playful as usually. She didn't look offended at all by the fact that he pulled his hand away from her. She blinked with confusion as he pushed her away,only now noticing the new comer with the sword.

"Sweety,unless you plan to use that as a bed roleplay,you should be careful with pointy things"

She stood in a defensive stance,ready for an attack. Serana wasn't a fighter. But she was very,very fast.

Claudine returns the smirks then runs into the bats towards Val while taking her leather jacket off. The scratching and biting did near to nothing as her bracelet glowed red. She grabs Vals wrist and just pulled her through the bats. She would whip her jacket around. It may not hurt them but it would shove them away.

@JPTheWarrior @FireMaiden

Cas had emerged from the forest in the midst of this argument. "Woah, we're all alike here, all creatures of the night." He smiles at Orious "Some of us are a little better looking than others, but we're all alike. Let's not kill each other."
KaalysBR said:
"Well,we could be intimate some time. I'm just looking for the future."
Serana's face was playful as usually. She didn't look offended at all by the fact that he pulled his hand away from her. She blinked with confusion as he pushed her away,only now noticing the new comer with the sword.

"Sweety,unless you plan to use that as a bed roleplay,you should be careful with pointy things"

She stood in a defensive stance,ready for an attack. Serana wasn't a fighter. But she was very,very fast.

Sorin chuckles "Is he your next meal? If so I wont interfere. I follow a few rules and one of them is: The one who reaches the meal first, gets it." he smiles and puts the sword away "So who are you?"
Serana's tense expression broke into an amused smile as she bowed towards the stranger.

"No,I'm not going to eat him. Although the idea has it's merit." She licked her lips as she looked between Orious and the stranger.

"My name is Serana,from the Royal house of Duskfang and all of those boring stories. And you are?"

@JPTheWarrior @mewbot5408
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Claudine still wasnt fazed by the bats as she whips her jacket at them. Sending some of them flying and temporarily fazing them. She continues to run, "i just ran! But lets run faster! That old vampire dude is still coming!!" She shouts, "your a vampire so you got increased strength well here! Stab the bats i know its a pen but still!" She pulls a pen from her pocket and shoves it at Val.

@FireMaiden @JPTheWarrior
Libra259 said:
Claudine still wasnt fazed by the bats as she whips her jacket at them. Sending some of them flying and temporarily fazing them. She continues to run, "i just ran! But lets run faster! That old vampire dude is still coming!!" She shouts, "your a vampire so you got increased strength well here! Stab the bats i know its a pen but still!" She pulls a pen from her pocket and shoves it at Val.
@FireMaiden @JPTheWarrior
Val started frantically stabbing the bats, making a weird sound as she did. "I hate, hate, hate, bats!"


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