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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Vladimir moves so fast they don't even have time to blink. He is now in front of them blocking their way "You know insect and traitor. Good manners never killed anyone"

@Libra259 @FireMaiden
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Orious exhaled deeply and shook his head a bit annoyed nobody had listened to him." very well then...i may be a servant but I don't like being ignored...i guess nobody needs anything."He mumbled ticked off and left the room heading upstairs down the hallway to his room. Shutting the door in which cracked the wall due to orious' strength. This was driving him nuts. Nobody has needed his service at all for weeks and it absolutely bothered the pureblood. He sat against the wall with a deep exhale as if he were tired. He tasted something bitter in his mouth and he felt something inside him snapping like a thin wire as his eyes widened and he covered his ears as the repeated voice andreous filled his head and he was forced to remember something terrible. Orious found himself standing up and ripped the Crystal from his neck before slamming his hand into the mirror which busted out onto the floor not thinking as he was stuck seeing the memory replay and master's voice. " you're the one who left me behind!! You left me here alone! I trusted you and you tossed me away too!! Why.....why didn't you want me anymore..."

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As the scent went further into the forest,Serana detected the soft sounds of deers running through the forest. It was an entire pack of them,strolling along the trees.

An animal smirk surged in Serana's face as she quietly approached them,considering which one to attack first. The head of the pack was the biggest deer,but Serana knew how to be courteous even as she followed her animal instincts in a hunt. She left that one for her partner,then jumped towards the second bigger.

The animals were scared and tried to flee,but the vampire was too fast for any of them. Her teeth cut through flesh and nerves like they were made of butter. She enjoyed the warm feeling in her mouth as she sucked on the animal's neck. It didn't taste as good as humans,but it was something.
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Tch "looks like I have to show you all a little respect. For that lesson you will pay with your life!" his legs now appear and he grabs his great sword slashing with speed at the human


He leapt upon the largest buck, tearing its neck to shreds as he drank its blood down like a man possessed. His instincts had overridden everything, and he was in a frenzy as he drained the animal dry before casting it away.

His eyes glowed now in the moonlight, his strength renewed by this feast. He grinned as he watched Serena feed, noting that his clothes had blood all over them now from his initial bite.
Claudine chuckles. "Woah ok that was cool.."

(Tho that is powergaming u are not able to send another person's possession flyig or anything
xD )

Serana was much more delicate in her job,draining the animals without getting any spots in her black dress. When she was done with the deer she tossed it aside,noticing how wild Castiel looked after the hunt. A wicked smirk surged in her face. The male vampire was very,very hot.

She opened her mouth to stay something,but suddenly closed it instead. Her pupils got bigger as she detected the scent of a human in the forest. She blinked for a second,forgetting the fact that they were supposed to be undercover,and jumped after the smell with the speed of a hunter.
"Will you stop acting like a child?" Val yawned, moving out it the way of the attack. "I really don't have the time to deal with Count Batula," she said, trying to head to the front door.

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FireMaiden said:
"Will you stop acting like a child?" Val yawned, moving out it the way of the attack. "I really don't have the time to deal with Count Batula," she said, heading to the front door.
(the bats blocked their way. They cant go anywhere without fighting)
(welp. I guess im going rp with myself like a crazy until someone actually wants to rp with me......)

Orious then crouched down picking up a shard of the mirror between his fore finger and thumb. "Damn it...." He curses before sliding a long cut across his palm looking at the red that trickled down his arm. That was right he was a monster. A animal. Even among his own kind that was the truth. He missed his master. If he had command his life bore meaning but in a place nobody needed him he felt empty inside like there was a hole in his chest. What was he supposed to do? he was a servant and if nobody needed him then where did he fit? He didn't understand. He was left alone. But why?! Orious shook his head and stood grabbing his pack of cigarettes lighting one and stuck it in his mouth. He didn't want to think anymore nor did he want to tear open his wounds more than his brain had forced. He blew out a few puffs laying on the floor. His head hurt.



"You're serious challenging an unarmed girl? And I though you old timers had class," Val mocked, looking at the cloud of bats, pushing Red behind her. "Look, I don't want to fight you with the Duke not awake to see, plus I don't have a weapon to use, even though I'd like to have a giant fly swatter."


Serana growled,losing all the control she still had as she smelled the human. She now saw Castiel as an adversary,someone who was trying to rob her from the hunt. She jumped towards him,wrapping her hands around his waist and pinning him against the ground. A grow rose out of her throat,but she stopped suddenly as she looked down at Castiel's face. Her humanity was returning to her,and she smirked once she noticed the position they were in.

"You know,Castiel. When I imagined me rolling around with you,I didn't really expect for it to be like this."

FireMaiden said:
"You're serious challenging an unarmed girl? And I though you old timers had class," Val mocked, looking at the cloud of bats, pushing Red behind her. "Look, I don't want to fight you with the Duke not awake to see, plus I don't have a weapon to use, even though I'd like to have a giant fly swatter."

"Well she is an human. And I am hungry at the moment so..." he smiles "And you are helping food? Traitor. Humans are just mere insects! They should serve us, not the opposite. You look like a slave!"
JPTheWarrior said:
"Well she is an human. And I am hungry at the moment so..." he smiles "And you are helping food? Traitor. Humans are just mere insects! They should serve us, not the opposite. You look like a slave!"
"That's because I'm not a pure blood. Plus, if you knew who I was, you would know I help humans because I don't eat them as often as you. If you want food you can go downstairs, there are blood packs in the fridge," Val said crossing her arms, and glaring at him.

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