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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


Lyrev rolled out of bed in the morning,hitting the ground with a loud noise. He sighed and pushed himself up,noticing that he was standing completely naked. That wasn't a bad sight at all,and for a moment he considered showing downstairs exactly like that.

Wouldn't that be a nice view in the morning...

He laughed a bit and conjured some pants,pulling them over his legs. They wouldn't have that pleasure today.

The smell of Sapphire was close,and he followed it to the kitchen. He ran one hand through his white hair like he did when he was nervous as he entered.

"Saphi...you know I'm really bad with being grateful in general. But that was...really nice of you. To not let me die and all. Thanks."

He detected the power of another Demon in the room and looked over to him,a wicked smile on his lips.

"Ah,I see you are in amazing company here. How interesting."

Rukia said:
Lyrev rolled out of bed in the morning,hitting the ground with a loud noise. He sighed and pushed himself up,noticing that he was standing completely naked. That wasn't a bad sight at all,and for a moment he considered showing downstairs exactly like that.

Wouldn't that be a nice view in the morning...

He laughed a bit and conjured some pants,pulling them over his legs. They wouldn't have that pleasure today.

The smell of Sapphire was close,and he followed it to the kitchen. He ran one hand through his white hair like he did when he was nervous as he entered.

"Saphi...you know I'm really bad with being grateful in general. But that was...really nice of you. To not let me die and all. Thanks."

He detected the power of another Demon in the room and looked over to him,a wicked smile on his lips.

"Ah,I see you are in amazing company here. How interesting."

I go to the man, my eyes yellow "hello! My name is Harmony, what's yours?"
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Lyrev looked down when he noticed a girl speaking to him. He smiled to her as he noticed the colour of her eyes.

"Hey there,kiddo. You have some pretty eyes over there. So you are the big bad wolf,just like Sapphire?"


I smile falters "I was bit by one yesterday... But on the bright side I can live here" I say smiling again. I think about what he said about the eyes and I remember what she did "You smell wierd"
"That is because he is weird." Sapphire chuckled,although she was being softer towards Lyrev now. "You don't have to thank me,demon. We have our differences,but I wouldn't have allowed you to die."

She made some coffee,black and without sugar. Just like she remembered that he liked. Placing it in front of Lyrev,she started to make some pancakes for Harmony.

"Child,I imagine you are starving."

She finished up quickly and placed some pancakes in front of Harmony,putting Syrup in top of them.

"Do you want to me to do cook anything for you,Lyrev?"


"I want the souls of the innocent." Lyrev replied ironically,before remembering that a child was in the room. "Hmmm...actually,forget that. I will just stay with the coffee."

He drank it distractedly,his eyes going over to Sapphire's neck by reflex. He noticed the locket she was wearing and smirked.

"So you still worship this...Fen something of yours. Does that mean that I'm never taking you to bed?"

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"Thanks Saphire" I say digging into the pancakes, I've never eaten anything like this before. "This are great... But taste really, off" I clean the plate and look at him when he says souls of the innocent, I slowly get behind Saphire "He's a demon? So hell exist?" I say curious
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Sapphire ran one hand through Harmony's hair reassuringly,giving Lyrev an ugly look. If he said anything more,she would hit him with the pan.

"That is a complicated subject,Harmony. In my opinion,no. My religion is different from the Catholic. But there are different realms,and Lyrev comes from one of those. But he isn't an evil demon. He won't harm you."

She rose one eyebrow to Lyrev,as if daring him to disagree with her.


"Catholic?" She asked confused, she only heard of hell from people saying she will go there if she did something wrong "What religion do you follow? And what's religion?" @KaalysBR
KaalysBR said:
Sapphire frowned to him immediately,looking annoyed herself.

"I spent an entire night with biting marks all over my body that hurt like hell. Why in the name of Fen'Harel would I be happy?"

She shook her head and went to make herself some tea.

"Did I specifically mention you in my extremely general statement, no I did not!" Crowley snapped. He was still kinda pissy from falling off of the bed this morning.

Rukia said:
Lyrev rolled out of bed in the morning,hitting the ground with a loud noise. He sighed and pushed himself up,noticing that he was standing completely naked. That wasn't a bad sight at all,and for a moment he considered showing downstairs exactly like that.

Wouldn't that be a nice view in the morning...

He laughed a bit and conjured some pants,pulling them over his legs. They wouldn't have that pleasure today.

The smell of Sapphire was close,and he followed it to the kitchen. He ran one hand through his white hair like he did when he was nervous as he entered.

"Saphi...you know I'm really bad with being grateful in general. But that was...really nice of you. To not let me die and all. Thanks."

He detected the power of another Demon in the room and looked over to him,a wicked smile on his lips.

"Ah,I see you are in amazing company here. How interesting."

Crowley looked over at the half demon with a smile. "Hey sexy. Fancy some tea?"
Sapphire growled to Crowley before deciding to ignore him. She could only stand one demon at once.

"Harmony,religion isn't something easy to define. But I guess you could say that it is a set of rules that defines your life. I follow the religion of my clan. We protect life and nature and worship a God called Fen'Harel. But the Catholic are a bit different from us. I'm sure AJ could explain more when I find him."

- the new blood awoke and began to thrash, he was hungry and pissed-"LET ME THE FUCK OUT!"-the shout could be heard throughout the house. Theo continued to struggle but became confused the chains would hardly buged but did budge an insignificant amount to help him-"What the fuck?"-he pulled his arm once more, it hurt he became tired but angered as well, he tried his only tactic known for now. His skin disapered or blended it was still unknown witch was the case, it didnt matter though his clothes were on-" AJ! JACK!" @Yappi @Dalamus Ulom
Dragasis said:
- the new blood awoke and began to thrash, he was hungry and pissed-"LET ME THE FUCK OUT!"-the shout could be heard throughout the house. Theo continued to struggle but became confused the chains would hardly buged but did budge an insignificant amount to help him-"What the fuck?"-he pulled his arm once more, it hurt he became tired but angered as well, he tried his only tactic known for now. His skin disapered or blended it was still unknown witch was the case, it didnt matter though his clothes were on-" AJ! JACK!" @Yappi @Dalamus Ulom
(What the fuck?)

Lyrev had a wicked smirk as he looked over to Crowley,playing with the cup of coffee in his hands.

"Sorry,gorgeous. I prefer something stronger. Like coffee. Or blood. But I didn't find any blood."


"I would prefer not to talk about how Catholicism, I know about that. My orphanage was like AJ, they all dressed up like that. I want to learn more about Fen'Haral... It sounds better than the other one." I say sounding mostly confused "I mostly read during the classes"
Sapphire heard the trashing and screaming bellow and sighed deeply,walking downstairs with a bag of blood.

"Harmony,I will be back soon."

She walked forward and opened the door to the cage,opening the vampire's mouth.

"Theo,stop making a scandal. And if you bite me,I will get really pissed." She dropped the blood in his mouth. "I'm sure Jack will release you when he feels like you are controlled."

(I also have no idea of what is happening but I'm sure I will learn eventually)
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Rukia said:
Lyrev had a wicked smirk as he looked over to Crowley,playing with the cup of coffee in his hands.

"Sorry,gorgeous. I prefer something stronger. Like coffee. Or blood. But I didn't find any blood."

"Well, my neck is reserved for someone else, but maybe some whiskey'll help." Crowley said as he finished his tea and set it in the sink.

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