Blood Red Roses, Dagger Sharp Thorns, Bleeding Swollen Hearts {Members Only}

Flower looked at him and then smiled which turned into a smirk. "Well this is always fun." She gave a loud whistle and out came a gray horse with white dots everywhere making it look like a snow storm in a horse shape. The horse ran beside flower and she jumped onto its back. She pulled Arashi up behind her and then let go of his arm grasping the rings. She sent the horse running fast. She giggled as she headed for some trees making the horse dash inbetween them. She looked at Arashi and then grabbed his arm making sure he didn't fall off. She put it around her waist. "Better hold on!" She said looking at a log that Snow; the horses name was going to jump.
Arashi jumped when the creature popped out of the forest but afterwards he broke into a smile. He used the momentum of the horse to help swing himself up behind her. For a moment his judgement faltered and he tried to stay on without wrapping his arms around her waist, that just wasn't gonna happen. He was relieved when Flower grabbed his arm guiding it around her waist and telling him to hold on, "I think I'm having fun," he yelled over the howl of the wind.
Flower looked at him and giggled. "Good." She said and then felt a rush when her horse jumped over the fallen tree and laughed when they landed perfectly. She looked at her horse and slowed down gently petting the horse's neck. "Calm girl. I'm sorry my poor horse isn't use to two riders is she." She said normaly, most people would probably use baby talk but flower just spoke in a soft calming voice instead. She continued to pet her horse and smiled now walking for the moment. She tried to ignore the feeling of having someone's arms around her waist. She smiled paying attention to her horse.
Sorin shrugged his shoulder and swan out of the water. He looked up at the sky, it seemed that the sun was setting and the sun was dis-appearing. He grabbed his wrap and turned to a point that some what made him look at both girls. "The feast will be in a bit." And with that he twisted around disapeared into the tree's.
As the horse slowed Arashi loosened his grip just moving with the motion. "I had forgotten how riding can actually be recreational. I'm in between horses right now, my first horse had gotten too old, and I've been stuck riding a different horse almost everyday," he said thoughtfully. He leaned back resting hand on the mare's patterned rump. "Your horse will experience the best of the best in our stables," he said noticing how caring she was toward her steed.

Yoi glanced at the sun, "Oh no, I have to change or else my parents will kill me. I have to go, goodbye Mel it was nice meeting you but I have to go," she called leaping into the saddle.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Thanks. Here that Snow?" She giggles as her horse shakes her head. Flower looked around trying to get in her surroundings. She looks back at Arashi and then smiles. "SOrry I must look strange talking to snow. I've had snow since she was a little foal and we bonded instently...I think her mother was a bit jealous, or just protective she didn't like me around. She tried to bite me once." She giggled.
Mel watched Yoi go back before realizing that she should go too. So she walked back to the inn. After she changed in a bathroom, she went outside and sat on a bench. Looking up at the sky, she sighed. Tomorrow she was going to be a wife. There was a pain in her chest. Why couldn't she shake off this feeling of something bad?
Arashi smiled, "Well if talking to animals is crazy than the world is filled with crazy people and by that logic craziness becomes normal and therefore you are not crazy...Maybe I'm the crazy one," he said with a laugh. Looking towards the sun the young warrior let out a soft sigh. "I do believe we are supposed to make and appearance at a banquet soon. Sitting politely at a table making idle chit chat all evening," he added with an eye roll.

Yoi tried to slip into her house without drawing attention but when your father is a world renown Sensei that is near impossible. When he saw he was boiling with anger. He yelled at her saying she was a dishonor and she needed to learn her place. Yoi dropped her eyes unable to meet her father's gaze as he berated her. Oh but how she longed to fight back, to give him a peace of her mind but that would only worsen the punishment. As she pondered her options Yoi missed a question requiring a response but a sharp slap not only gathered her attention but gathered a small punch of tears in the corners of her eyes. If she had been thinking, or had even dared to try she knew she could have blocked it but once again that only would have caused more trouble.

Finally he dismissed her, Yoi raced up the stairs a slew of maid servants rushing behind her. They quickly stripped her of her dress fussing with powders to cover the new swelling bruise and cover her puffy eyes. It wasn't the actual pain of the hit but the mental sting of being struck by her father. When the dress was on and her make up and hair was done rather than risk seeing her father again Yoi slipped out the window where Mai and Asa were waiting patiently for her. Both were solemn and kind sensing her distress and sadness as she headed to the banquet.

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Flower looked at him and then sighed. "Oh yes...." She slowly got off of her horse and then continued to pet the horses neck. "I rather stay here." She looked at the ground and then back at him. She smiled slightly and then looked back at Snow. She walked to the front of the horse and rested her forehead on the horses. She slowly let out a sigh. "I have no choice anymore girl...I envy you." She whispered to snow before looking back at Arashi having a small smile.
After Sorin disapeared from behind the tree's he made his way to his hut. It was actually some what weird now that he thought about it. The girl he loved was with the girl he was to marry. He let out a sigh and opened the door, making the soles of his heels making soft tickls on the wood. He went to his closet, and grabbed out a tux. He hated wearing formal things, but he knew he would have to be presentable. Atleast he was able to keep his shaggy hair.. It took a good week of convincing Jin to let Sorin keep his hair the way it was and finally he let him. He grabbed the loose tux and set it ont he bed. After he was done stripping he put on a button down white shirt and threw the tux over it. Buttoning his pants and sliding on a good pair of black boots. He looked in the mirror and slightly combeed his hair, but reusing to put anything in it. Afyer he was finished prepping up he put on his only silk white tie and made his way to the buffet.

((A pic. of Sorin in his Tux because I lack the descriptive capabilities, and plus he looks cute! :3)

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FLower turns to Arashi. "I'll be right back I have to get ready." She smiled and then patted Snow's head. "Off you go girl." She said as the horse ran off. She ran off as well to get ready. She went to the room where she was staying for the time being and looked through the things she brought. She smiled and then quickly cleaned herself up, did her hair and put on a lovely dress that looked very good on her. She smiled looking at herself in the mirror. She walked out starting to head back to Arashi.

Her dress and hair; (Just remember she had pure white hair lol)
"I'm glad you decided to go, I bet we can find a way to have some fun. I'm not sure if I grasp the concept quite yet," Arashi stood as Flower walked back towards him. While she had been away he had managed to change quickly discarding the heated armor for something lighter and airy. He bent his arm offering it to her with a goofy grin on his face. She looked absolutely stunning, before that Flower had been beautiful but it was a natural beauty this was glamour and elegance.
Flower nodded and then chuckled. "Yeah you have a lot to learn about fun." She said and then grabbed ahold of his arm. She looked at him chuckling at his funny face. "I hope I don't look funny for you to make that face." She said looking up at him with a smile. He wasn't so bad now that she got to know him.
View attachment 3217Mel continued walking around the halls. She had realized something in her time alone. She was lost. This place was huge and this was her first time there. Frustrated, she decided to sit in the hallway. A servant or something would eventually pass by and then she'd be able to get to the dining hall. She held Vash up to look at him. He was dressed up in a tiny tuxedo; it was cute.

"You'll always be here for me right?"

He nodded. "Of course. Forever and always."
Sorin made his way to the buffet place. Keeping in mind that he did tell everyone where it was he pushed open the door and thought he heard Mel ina distance, and in another voice as though making an impression. He made a few turns and twists and saw her sitting on the floor, leaning on a wall. He struggled to remember her dolls name and then the name Vash came into play. "Lost?" He thought out loud, leaning on a wall with his right shoulder.
Mel looked up to see Sorin. She nodded, "Yes." Hopefully he wouldn't yell at her for forgetting where the dining hall was. She knew Yin would.
"Oh you don't look funny you look amazing. I'm the funny looking one...hey maybe I am catching onto to this fun stuff. Maybe you should be taking lessons from me," Arashi teased playfully as they walked into the banquet hall. There was a swirl of nobles rushing about them and dull roar of politics.
Flower giggles and then looks at him nodding slightly. "Hmmmm.....No." She said and then looked around her smile changing into a smaller one. She wasn't use to this. In fact she was alone most of the time because her parents were killed. She looked at Arashi and then started playing with a strand of her hair.
OOC: I'm sorry for not mentioning this before but all ninja's have some sort of special power. Different than any other. Like Kilana, she can erupt in a cloud of black smoke and can appear anywhere. Or Sorin can slightly make time go a bit slower while fighting. Please next time you post, tell me what there special power is.. sorry my bad.

Sorin chuckled a bit. "Follow me, I'll show you were it's at." He said with a smile, glancing behind him for a moment, he thought he saw someone... Just as he thought it a ninja star flew at the young ninja's. Luckily Sorin had been training with Jin for a while. He took in a deep and made time slightly slow. The ninja star now came in a good pace, but not nearly as quick. He slightly dodged it, the blades on the side grazed his arm. He quickly took out his own ninja star as time started to go fast and faster again he flung it smoothly to the rouge ninja. Hitting it's head percisley. Sorin took in a deep breath and turned to Mel. Holding his shoulder, he asked, "Are you alrgiht?"
(Hmm....What about manipulating light? Like making light blind someone for a while or making herself disappear by forcing light to reflect behind her?)
(Can Mel have a telekinetic power? She can only use it on objects close to her, and they can't already be moving. Like, she can't divert a throwing star being thrown at her, but if she can react fast enough she could bring something to act as a shield. Though as an attack, she'd mostly use Vash or other dolls to attack. Also big things would take a long ass time to move, so they're usually a no no.)

Mel shook her head for a bit. The fight seemed over in an instant. She replied, "Yeah, I'm okay." She saw a bit of blood on his suit. She opened Vash's mouth and stuck her arm in. Her arm seemed to fit until her elbow. "Ah!" she exclaimed and pulled out a band aid. It had a smiley face on it. She opened the cut in his clothes and put it over the wound. Then she smiled and said, "All better!"
((That's fine for both of you! :) ))

Sorin smiled and slightly chuckled. "Looks like I'll be going to the buffet with a ripped suit and a smiley face bandaid." He said with a smile. "COme on, I'll show you were." He said and messed with his suit as he led her to the buffet. It seemed like that two others were already being flooded by politicians. Sorin saw Jin at the back, talking with Kilana. "Jin, an assassin attacked Melidiana and myself. Theres a dead bosy somewhere up the hall, I'd make sure no one see's it so that they don't freak out." He mumbled and walked back. The room was spacious, with white marbal floors and a very long table. Covered with a white cloth. With at the very least 70 chairs. A large danceing area was made for after the dinner so people could dance and mingle. Like they were doing know.
(Yoi has a special connection to animals, she can't have a full on conversation with her but they can relay important images to signal threats and Arashi has "Super Strength" but it does wear him out after a while)

Arashi was used to these banquets, his father always sent him to these things because they were a necessary part of politics. Showing up could mean one of a few things: one you viewed the host as threat and didn't want to piss them off, two you needed something from the host so you were trying to be nice or three you were just attending out of politeness. Not attending was rude and hardly ever happened, if you couldn't attend a banquet you sent a servant or another nobility with your sincere apologies in your place. Arashi broke away from his train of thought, "Are you okay?" he asked noticing that Flower's smile had shrunk.

Yoi made her way through the crowds with by her side. Her face still smarted from where her father had slapped her and she was having to block the pups questions from her mind. The dog was very protective of her and was begging for a picture of her attacker. Something she couldn't do, it had been her fault. She should never have played about in the water in that dress, she knew it would embarrass her father and be dishonorable but it had been so fun. Yoi sighed sitting down with a small metal glass of water, Asa leaped into her lap curling up tightly into a ball and glaring icily at anything that came close to her owner.

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