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Blood Lust


Once upon a time a were wolf lay with a shape shifter, the night produced a creature that had the power to change into a were wolf beast at will. To keep the child from being found by power hungry were wolves the mother sent the child away. Shortly after the two were slain by a greedy were wolf seeking the pup who's blood would grant him power. 18 years later the pup is enrolled in an art school to become both an actress and singer. I need someone to either play a male vampire that takes over protecting the girl or someone to play the girl. I can do either one of the characters.

Character Sheet--







Image or description:

no God modding--vampires can't be in the sun so if you're the vampire either wear a lot of layers or only come out at night. Were wolves only change on nights with a full moon or nights with no moon. However they always have the strength and sense of smell that their were forms have. Vampires are faster and need blood, no matter the kind. Vampires can even partake of each other's blood or were wolf blood, but humans are preferred. Also the blood of the shifter pup will only be effective to giving power to the were kind if it is drunk completely on a night with a full moon. Also vampires and were kind have incredible regenerative abilities.
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Do you have a preferrence or should I just go ahead and chose? In case you wish to be the damsel in distress (sort of) or the heroic vampire (probably accurate there yes)
Hm.... Suppose I'll be the damsel in distress then. I haven't been in that role for a while, so why the heck not! I'll get working on the skelly right away! 
Name: Lunaria (Luna) Owens

Age: 18

Personality: Luna is extremely happy and carefree induvidual which has worked up a somewhat, boyish, personality. This means she is more into video games and sports than shopping and make-up. She can seem as she's overconfident, but in reality she is very unsure of herself and hides it beneath a shell of fake bravery whenever she is scared. Luna loves the moon and starry nights, and she prefers to be alone rather in a large group due to the werewolf blood pumping in her. (I am going out from that she knows she is a werewolf, but if she doesn't then just delete the last part :P )

Likes: Dark nights, painting, drawing, reading, moon and stars.

Dislikes: People telling her what to do, pushy people, cats, large crowd and secrets.

Bio: Luna was born from a shapeshifter and werewolf under a fearsome night, another werewolf from the tribe heard of this and decided to take use of the newborn child and take her powers by taking her life. However, her mother heard of this before the werewolf managed to put his plan together and escaped the tribe, giving her child up to a couple of humans, leaving behind a small golden locket with the name "Luna" inside of it. Her parents were found and killed by the werewolf as they refused to tell her whereabouts, and he is still searching after her to claim the power.


alright, then here is mine--

Name: Nero Reydel Vampiri

Age: 18 in appearance

Personality: Nero is very self-sufficient and strong willed. He has a tendency to be abrasive, but he is at least caring. Sometimes he seems cruel, but he has motives to better the person with his so-called cruelty. When he likes someone he tends to look after them and protect them at any cost.

Likes: Good acting, beautiful voices, beauty, and any kind of sweets.

Dislikes: Ugly things, people who think they can act but suck at it, and people who hurt others for their own gain. Oh and he hates the sun.

Bio: He was Leader of a hoard of vampires, but when word reached his ears of a girl with incredible power who would be hunted by his half brother he immediately left. He could not allow his elder brother to have the blood to make him invincible. (especially knowing his brother would then turn on him and his kind)

Image or description:
I shall begin then 
it is unknown))

The first day of art classes was beautiful, absolutely beautiful For that he loved it. That evening the painting classes were to meet under the full moon to sketch and start a project. They would most likely be there all night. The thought pleased him greatly. He liked midnight jaunts with other people who appreciated the finer beauty of thing. However, his purpose there was far different than he played them to be. He was there to keep an eye on the were cub he'd heard so much about. He kept himself well disguised though. In the evening he could shed his cloak and dress more alluring. He'd made it a point to find the cub's interests and attend each of her classes. Of course he would not be recognized now. He wore his cloak and a wide brimmed top hat in class. Now he was in jeans and a tank undershirt. He was casual.
Luna met for the midnight painting class, she was almost jumping with excitement, as she had brought her entire shoulder bag filled with paper, paint and brushes. Her parents were a bit more skeptical to the school project, but after a small speech of convincing, they let her go. I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun! And we get to do it in the dark, under the stars, and moon! The full moon! Luna thought to herself as a couple of her friends were already there, and waved her over smiling to her. "Hey Luna! Are you excited? This is what you like right?" One of her friends asked her, and Luna nodded as she was almost completely ready, only waiting for the teacher. "I can't believe we get to paint my favorite scenery already! I am so pumped for this!" Luna said as she looked up at the stars, the full moon had yet to reveal itself, but it was only a matter of time before it would appear.
The teacher had set up spaces for each students with a little lamp that would illuminate their work and nothing else. This was probably for the students with no ability to see in the dark. Nero made his way to where Luna sat with her friends. He set up a space directly beside her. He even scooted it closer to her. He was clumsy when it came to wooing someone into trust, he hoped he could at least be pleasant enough for a first impression. He gently tapped her shoulder.

"Pardon, but I hear you are quite good at this. I am a terrible painter, would you show me some techniques? My name is Nero. I think we have the same major."

Nailed it! he thought to himself. He could tell that the other girls in class were staring directly at them. What a bother. Other girls are noticing me already. I will have to shoot them down quickly if I am to hold any attention from my charge.
Luna smiled and blushed a bit at Nero's compliment. Were people really going around saying that she was great at painting? Oh no... how embarrassing! "Sure. If you hold your brush like this..." She said as she adjusted the way Nero held his paint brush, making it a bit easier to move the brush around on the paper. "... your hand doesn't get strained so much," Luna advised him, giggling as maybe he took art class because he thought it was interesting, not that he knew much of it. "We... We'll go over there, to get a better view," Her friends said, giggling as they had other thoughts on their minds than this just being friendly. "He is totally cute! I am so jealous he went for Luna... I want to be Luna now..." one of the girls muttered as they walked a bit away, leaving Nero and Luna alone.
"Thank you. I feel terrible for asking, but could we also share paints." he opened his bag and revealed only a few tubes to be there. "You'd think I would notice, but it seems as though my room mate has stolen some of my supplies. I am terribly unprepared."

It was at that moment that several other girls tried to 'but in'. They started bringing their supplies over, "Mind if we join you?" they chimed. They were exactly the type of humans that Nero hated. They were the greedy self centered type who thought that everything was their right. He scowled and gave them the deepest most menacing glare a vampire could muster. It was a glare that might have threatened to stab them with his paint brushes.

"Your company is not wanted. I do not wish to put up with your pompous attitudes while I try to learn from this beauty. Be gone." Naturally the girls sauntered off with shocked and grievous expressions. "Please forgive me, Miss." he said to Luna. "I did not wish to be embarrassed as I am so poor a painter. I prefer only one person knows how miserable I am."
Luna blushed a bit more when Nero decided to use the word "beauty" to describe her. She gently slapped her cheeks to make the dark pink color go away, as she turned to him and smiled. "Oh no, that's fine. I got plenty," Luna said as she placed the paint in between herself and Nero. "Oh, and my name is Lunaria, but Luna for short," she said and pointed to his paper, and began placing her brush, making out the dark blue sky. "Start with the sky, as it's the largest thing you can see, and try your best to make all the strokes with the brush in the same direction, it looks more natural that way," Luna advised him again, as the moon was slowly revealing itself.

"It feels nice doesn't it? To be outside in the dark, full moon and stars, painting its beauty," Luna asked him with a smile, as she began to paint on her own sheet of paper, but still looking over at Nero's to make sure he understood her instructions. "You can't be that bad can you? We all have our different opinions, some may say terrible other will say beautiful. It truly depends on the person's mindset. Closed for new things, or open," Luna said to him, hoping to boost his confidence, even though she was happy the 'popular' girls didn't join them. She couldn't stand such girls, those spoiled brats. The only thing she wanted to paint with them was over their faces, so she didn't need to see them.
He gave a faint smile, liking her already. "I am a tough critic." he said, painting in soft strokes. He was trying hard not reveal that he was actually not terrible at this sort of thing. He started to swirl blues together with occasional strokes of white, leaving the illusion of shooting stars. "I fear I am better at singing and acting than painting." He looked over at her art and grinned. "It's quite nice. Is this a window to your soul? Beautiful, and fairly mysterious. I would venture there is more to you than meets the eye."

At this point he was probing to see whether or not she knew about her blood and power. She seemed to give away some of her nature by revealing her affection for full moons. He also knew all too well that their kind relished the feel of nightfall. His eyes rolled over her features, measuring what was werewolf and what was shape shifter. He marveled at how human she looked though. Her nails were trimmed, and her ears were not elongated. She also bore no fangs or canine like teeth. She had truly mastered being human. If only he had that ability.

I wonder how long I can play this chirade before gaining enough of her trust to take her away. This is such a bother. If she simply knew what she was I could inform her of her impending danger and whisk her away. Damn. She had to be raised by humans. If I were her parents she'd been raised in my mansion....then again...that might be a problem as well. Damn it all. Why do I have to give a damn!? I guess i'm just too good of a person. His thoughts started to appears on his face as his brows crinkled, showing concern.
"Acting and singing huh? If you ever hear me singing, shut down your ears and run in the opposite direction. It is torture like nothing else," Luna joked as she looked over to his paper, the painting that he was doing was great! It looked far better than what she was expecting it to be, maybe he wasn't such a bad painter after all? Maybe he was just shy, how adorable. She smiled when Nero commented on her painting, he didn't seem as such a tough critic, but it was easier to do that against yourself than to others after all. "A window to my soul... Hm... There is definitely more to the soul than meets the eye, but if this is a window to my soul... I'm not sure... I just love the night sky, it's like people who loves cats, it can't be explained," Luna answered him, as she began thinking if maybe it was a part of her soul.

"What about you? Unlike you I got no shooting stars on mine, but I made my full moon bigger than yours. Is this a little window to your soul?" She asked a bit teasingly, as she had never given that a thought. The paintings she painted to be a sneak peek at her soul... Maybe, maybe not. Truly, she just enjoyed the night. There was no other reason she could think of than loving the night.
She really doesn't know... He shook away his thoughts and looked over his painting. Perhaps if the painting were void of any life it would capture his soul. He often thought of himself as an empty husk. After all he was a vampire, and a powerful one at that. He was feared enough to lead a total of thirty vampires without a question. He tilted his head as he gazed at the painting. Maybe if he made the moon red it would capture him a bit more. No that would likely give away what he was.

"Perhaps. I tend to think my soul far more bland than this painting, however." he struck a cliched pose of dismay, with his wrist pressed on his forehead and his face mournful. " Oh, what tradgedy, my soul is like a blank canvas. Woe is me." he then looked at her to see if she found him amusing.
"Far more bland huh..." Luna repeated with a small giggle as she got a bit closer to him, looking over at his painting once more. "No, I think you're pretty interesting. Even if the painting doesn't reflect your soul, it reflects your thoughts. There's no shooting stars here, so maybe you wish for something? Or maybe you love the beauty of lights falling in the endless dark sky?" Luna asked her and smiled to him thinking a bit more about it, she had honestly never given her paintings this much thought, but now he was right. The paintings did reflect something in the painter after all.

"Well, if your soul is blank. Splatter it with colors! It seems a bit childish, but I'm pretty sure it's not blank. Every action we make, creates a color, and that color will create a whole picture in the end. I just think you can't see it. Not yet," Luna said to him, thinking of how colorful her soul had to be, she had done a lot of weird things in her life after all. Like how she yelled at a cat once, they don't like her and she doesn't like them.
He blinked in surprise at her. Yeah, she was childishly speaking to him, but he thought it somehow charming. He was even beginning to think that treating her with kindness and respect was easy. The thought of talking to someone being easy, however, was almost disturbing. He quietly wrapped up the painting. He made long thin strokes for the grass. He wanted it to flow. Amidst the painting, however, he made chains. The chains blended together with everything, they were nearly invisible, but they were there. They secretly wrapped around the moon as though holding it captive If she wanted to see his soul there it was. It was chained to his morals, and he would never falter in his mission.

"There...I think it is quite finished. I can think of nothing else to add. How is yours? Are you near completion? Dawn will be upon us in an hour. I pray you haven't any early classes."
"Wait... It's almost dawn?!" Luna said in a panic as she quickly finished her, the starry sky with a giant moon in the middle of it all, shedding light on a small village in the distant. Dark blue was the sky, and otherwise she had used white and black to color the rest. She looked at her clock as she knew she had an early Math lesson tomorrow, oh Math... It always ruined everything. "Why do I have Math classes?!" Luna asked herself in frustration as she gently wrapped her painting up, making sure that it wasn't destroyed. She stood up, brushing some of the grass off her clothes as she looked at Nero with a bright smile. "It was really nice meeting you Nero, let's meet up sometime in the near future!" Luna said to him, before she quickly ran towards her home.

I'm late, I'm late... I am so late! They are going to kill me, no. They are going to scold me and THEN kill me... I should have brought my cellphone. I'm so dumb! Luna thought as she was running towards her house, the streets were empty as the street lights were struggling to stay on. Some of them even blinked, it gave Luna the chills as it felt like a horror movie.
Without warning three men strode out from the trees and blocked her path. They were dressed in the basic street style of attire. They looked like thugs. The center one approached, a small knife drawn. He grinned. He started towards her, making a show of his knife.

"Why hello little pretty thing. What are you doing out at this hour?" said the one with a knife. "And so lonely too..."

"Yeah, lonely." Said another, coming up slowly. "And what the hurry, little pretty thing?"

"Slow down and we could show you a good time." said the other, following after his companions.

"Sorry that I was so slow, Love." Nero said, coming up behind her silently. He had completely abandoned his painting to come to her side. He pulled her behind him. "Do I need to put down these slobbering dogs?"

(sorry if it seems rushed)
Luna stopped as she had almost rushed into the man in front, she was in such a hurry she didn't notice anyone there at all. She stopped, her body froze a bit when she saw the knife, as two others appeared close by, all idiots looking for an easy victim... Why was it her?! She closed her eyes, backing up as she bumped into Nero and was pulled behind him. She had never been so relieved to see anyone in her entire life, she clenched his clothes in her hands, almost shaking as she was scared. The knife scared her, how the light reflected in it... She didn't know why, but it scared her. "N- Nero... B- be careful..." She muttered, as she tried to pull herself together, but she was still scared.
"Cover your eyes." he demanded, pulling an extendable rod from his pocket.

As soon as her eyes were shut she could hear wailing and the sound of metal breaking skin and bone. Then the sound of eight feet running, then the rustling of bushes, and then...silence. In a moment later she could feel her hands being gently pulled from her face. Nero stood over her, a soft look in his eyes. She was very beautiful, to be sure. He loved beautiful things, and he wasn't about to let some monster devour this one. He noticed, by the smell of their blood and the taste of it too that the two followers were human, and the leader was a werewolf. He could not say, however, if they were after her to take her to his brother or if they were just pathetic men looking for easy game.

"Did they scare you?" he said in a low voice. It was so gentle it could almost be a whisper. "Let me escort you home, please."
Luna did as he demanded, not opening her eyes. The sounds of the metal rod hitting and crushing through skin and bones made her jump a couple of times, but she was still standing completely still, hoping to soon be over. Once it was over, a couple of hands removed hers, as she looked directly into Nero's eyes, blushing slightly as she realized she had actually trembled in front of him. "I- I'm fine. T- Thank you though," Luna answered him, looking around and saw some blood on the pavement, as she already knew who it belonged to.

Luna walked a bit closer to Nero, glad he wanted to walk her home as she was now getting a bit more paranoid about the life on the street at night. Usually these kind of things only happened in movies, but it seemed as they weren't hesitant to do it in real life too. "I- If I'm not a bother then... please..." Luna muttered, clinging a bit to his side.
He smiled and delicately took her things, allowing her to lead the way. The sun was starting to color the sky, though it had not yet peeked its nasty head over the trees. He glared threateningly at the sky, daring the sun to come out. He had not planned for things to fall together in this way and was somewhat irritated that they had. He occasionally glanced at her, wanting no more than her safety. He couldn't explain what it was, but the idea of someone else being hurt and in need made his entire body ache with frustration. When they reached her home he allowed her to open the door before following her inside.

"Where would you like your artwork?" he asked. He'd been cradling it like it was a baby. He did not want it ruined. He also wondered where her folks were. "Are your parents home?"

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