Ah, there was death in a white labcoat. But, because she was so, so nice, she was gonna deny him death's release. Fuck no, he wasn't going to let her let him live! This was for the South! "Oh, really? Well, I did almost give meself up to the Blues! Almost went with them to find Red intel! Not to mention how spectacularly it backfired, and now we're all targets of Toffee! You guys got the traitor responsible for being near death, an entire war back to square one, and years of PTSD, right here!" He was looking specifically at Sarge as he yelled, then he jumped onto Lealan's shoulder and hissed into her ear. "I appreciate the gesture, Lassie, but you and I both know this is me last dance. Only a small handful out of all these people aren't willing to kill me. Might as well put it to use..."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
While talking with Eric, Rex was dragged on to the warthog before he could get an answer. Later the group shows up at a abandoned beach. "Finally. we're at the home stretch. Once we beat O'Malley we can forget about this stupid war, finally go back home and focus on real missions! You ready Lu- Lucky?" Rex searched for his little friend until he saw him in the distance with Lealan, contemplating for his death. "Oh no you don't bucko. You're not dying on my watch. What's up Lealan?" Greeted Rex while walking along side the two. "Rex?" "Huh?" Rex turned around to see Sora approaching him. "Oh, Sora. Where you've been man? Kinda forgot about you." Sora clears his throat. "Well, I've just been on a wild goose chase looking for parts to help rebuild the warthog. To put it short, I didn't find anything while everyone did. So in the long run I just wasted my time tiring myself out over nothing." "Sorry buddy. Least you're here now, you can help me make sure Lucky doesn't do anything stupid." Said Rex as he pointing his thumb to Lucky. "Hey Lucky. How you've been?" Sora greeted Lucky while trying his best not to burst out into Laughter over the sight of him in his boxers with a tattoo that says, "blabberbutt."

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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"Hilarious, isn't it?" Lucky huffed, dejectedly staring down at his bottom. "I can't wait to either die before I become known for this, or find some kind of fur growth tonic. Or maybe I'll get to find the person who did it, and tie their ribs into a knot." His ears folded. No amount of alcohol could ever wash down this moment.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"I can help with the Rib's option. I'm a great hunter. But I call dibs on their legs, I'm craving some flank right now." Lealan interjects, before turning to the new pair. "Hello Rex, and.... Uh... Sssssssomebody I don't know. Are you going to help us with the distraction? Or are you just decorative, like Lana?" Lealan takes a wild guess for the spiky haired newcomer.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
Corvo Attano | Blue Team | CS | Previous Post

"So two walls and gun turrets?" Corvo didn't bother mentioning the fan; it shouldn't be counted as a "defense" to begin with. The gun turrets sounded familiar to Dunwall's watchtowers, except he never dealt with them without his powers. Hopefully the Red Team could pull off their distraction. "Those are the only defenses? Even the lighthouse had more than that..." The plan was simple enough, and there was really only one obstacle to get through. Once more, he donned the mask. "Time to see how long O'Malley will last."


Megumin | Red Team | CS | Previous Post

The mage girl sat down to be around Lucky's height, staring at the rambling rabbit blankly. "Chomisuke, did you go insane?" Megumin crawled forward to pat his head as a poor attempt to comfort him. Somehow, she only heard his depressed talks now. Seeing his ears lower as he talked about the tattoo, a bright idea came to Megumin, evident by the gleeful look on her face. Wordlessly, she scooped Lucky up and put him into her witch hat, which she held out like an ice cream cone. "Now no one can see it!" she said joyfully.

Megumin then remembered Sarge saying something about needing a distraction, prompting her to feel for the spare two grenades she rolled in her sleeves. Yup, still there and ready to distract.

P PopcornPie @people_around_Lucky​
Lucky did smirk a little. "Don't worry, Lassie, I'm sure they'll let you feast on O'Malley's remains!...Maybe. Didn't he possess Doc or somethin'?" Would they have to kill Doc to kill O'Malley? He supposed that would kind of suck, but only for the core soldiers. Meanwhile, Lucky wasn't sure if he would even bat an eye. "I have a feelin' that I'll be the distraction. I mean, I'm easy to throw around..."

Then Megumin caught up with the lot, picking Lucky up and storing her in her hat. At first, he was annoyed, and then he realized her intentions. "Thanks, Lassie." He dipped his head respectfully.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal
"See? That's good motivation. There's no need to die so soon, you can find the guy who turned you in to the laughing stock then beat the daylights out of him." Rex suggested. "Is he still sad?" "You don't know the half of it. We're getting there though, baby steps" "Oh." Sora looked a little sadden, feeling bad for poking at Lucky when he could have been more mindful of his feelings. "Lucky. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sorry that I chuckled at your tattoo, I should have thought how that would make you feel." As soon as Sora was done apologizing to Lucky, Lealan ask who is he. "Heh. My name's Sora, I'm a friend of Rex and Lucky. I just got here, but I'm here to help."

Suddenly Megumin comes out of nowhere to put Lucky inside her hat. "Oh, hey.. umm.. Megumin was it?" "That's the name, still learning how to play nice around other people? Rex teased the young mage a little, hoping she had learned her lesson from their talk last time.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal
Lealan's eyes narrow at Megumin's appearance, recognizing her voice. She gets really close to her face, making sure the Magic user smell the blood on her breath as her black pools of eyes stare into her soul. "You I do not like. You blew us up!" She hisses at her, then pulls back and turns to Sora and Rex. "Sssssso, have any of you had any luck with regaining your abilities? I haven't felt anything, but I did steal this!" She flexes the stolen armor in front of her like she saw Felix do to activate the Hard Light Shield.
P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Oh, yeah, we were doin' that?" Lucky shrugged. It was rather hard to remember that people were looking for their lost powers, when you didn't have any to worry about yourself. "It would be pretty nice if it turned out that me paw was sittin' around somewhere."

As for Sora, he shrugged again. "Don't worry about it. It's what I deserve. You know what they say, pride goes before a fall. And, damn, did I fall." He huffed. Here he was, Lucky O'Chopper, being carried like a stuffed animal by some genki wizard, with a shaved bottom, having made an absolute clown of himself in the eyes of everybody here. Couldn't really fall much further than that.

Fortunately, Lealan had tricks up her sleeve, and she produced Felix's Light Shield. "Dahahamn! You pulled that right off his corpse?" Lucky guffawed. Why didn't he think of that?

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Go easy on her Lealan, I already gave her a talk about why she should HOPEFULLY think before doing her supers moves" Rex shouted loudly for Megumin to hear and take the hint. "As for our powers, no, I still can't make machines." "Same here, I can't do anything." Lealan then demonstrates the shield she stole off of Felix. "Whoa" Said both, Sora & Rex. "Y'know I got something like that, but that's locked behind my machines unfortunately. Just wish I could use my nanites!" Rex said slightly frustrated.

Lucky interrupts saying he's gotten what he deserves. "C'mon Lucky, it's not all that bad. Thing'll get better, you just have to wait for them to kick in is all."

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal
Lucky fixed Sora with hardened eyes. "I've been humiliated, I'm in deep shit with Toffee, if nobody else, we have zero way of getting out of here, you're still powerless, and I have proven to be the most miserable mercenary of the whole lot. What better things could possibly happen?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
The beginning of the end huh? The Operator could only wish he could express his excitement. "Will we finally go home?", he asks his silent guardian, to which the frame simply shrugs, clearly unsure, but to be fair, he does miss his own ship. As the group took their time of rest, Umbra remained alone and simply meditated, allowing as smooth of a connection he could to his Operator. The Operator let's out a soft sigh, thinking of how they will finally be able to return where they came from. This world was definitely one of old before their current position of time space, however, it was nice to see people and others that weren't just hell bent on attempting to slaughter them.

As they made their way to the compound with Tex as she explained the plans and Church told the Blues to fall on him, the warframe pulled out his assault rifle to check the magazine, to slap it back in, and cocks it with a satisfying click as he switches the safety. He keeps it close to his arms, honestly excited. "Alright, Umbra, let's go home..", the Operator mutters with anticipation. The warframe couldn't agree more.

Everyone Everyone
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As soon as Lucky swore, Rex give Lucky a little, "really" stare. "I swear I'm gonna have to duck tape your mouth eventually. We'll think of something to get out of here, we just we just have to. And don't worry about Toffee, once I get you home, I'll take care of him for all the trouble he caused you." Sora agrees. "Yeah! Count me in too. If there's someone who's after Lucky or anyone else, I'm all for taking them down!" "That's the spirit, Sora." Sora gives a smile puts his hands behind his head relaxed. " Haha. It pays to be positive. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him Lucky." Rex stares back at Sora then straightly at Lucky. "See what I mean?" "What's that suppose to mean?

P PopcornPie
Megumin | Red Team | CS | Previous Post

Megumin recoiled at Lealan's tone, gripping her hat with Lucky inside tighter for a second or two. When she desisted, Megumine muttered, "Don't make me use Explosion on you..." To Lucky, she argued, "Don't say that about yourself! I couldn't have calmed myself down without you!" She grimaced again when Rex made it abundantly clear that she shouldn't use her only attack. "You would have done the same thing if you knew what I had to go through!"

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Rex made an annoyed face when Megumin made a comment about the explosion. "Actually, I wouldn't if it meant blowing everyone to pieces! What do you even go through anyways?" Sora sighs in disappointment as he may have to hear Rex & Megumin argue the whole way through. "Here we go again. (Starting to see how Lucky feels with this many people chatting it up contently.)" Sora thought to himself. This was going to be a long walk.

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal
"Oh, yeah, that was you." Lucky cocked an eyebrow at Megumin. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were considering givin' you guys your powers back, up until that stunt. But, maybe, seein' as they're desperate to slaughter O'Malley...Ah, but same problem. We couldn't escape easily. That was the biggest blast I ever saw. In fact, if it weren't for you..." His eyes shifted to Lealan, remembering that act of hers. "...Why did you try to save me, anyhow? You said yourself that you wanted to eat me. And remember how I said I would put more bullets in your shoulder?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Wait...Who's O'Malley? Is that Irish? Surprisingly enough there aren't any Iish from where I'm from so I'm abit curious. Always wanted to meet one for myself. Is it true that they have this wierd obsession with green?I mean, I like green too, but like they take it to a whole new level. Like a borderline obsession with it. I don't know that neither, that's why I'm asking too. Also, do thay have an unhealthy obsession with beer? I mean, I know now isn't the time but in case I die, I just want some of these questions answered, so when I do die, I can't say 'I never knew'." Captain Falcon begins to follow his team while asking various questions on the Irish
Lealan looks at Megumin out of the corner of her eyes. "If you can use your little firecracker, then I would have my tech back, and I've ssssssurvived a dip into a planets molten core, and the Destruction of entire worlds" Lealan throws her arms in an overly dramatic gesture, "including Earth, the home of the Protectorate. Don't tempt me child, it won't end well." She then shifts her attention to the Rabbit in the hat. "Eh, I'll be honest. Not really. The time in the mind before the Explosion is a blur of color and regrets for me. I think ssssssomething happened in there." Then she smiles all friendly like to Lucky. "Besides, even if you were to shoot me in the ssssssshoulder, I would sssstill have another arm to eat you with!" She waves the hand Sarge had shot, now clean of blood and Garbo.
P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

  • Kassandra indignantly harrumphed as Tucker immediately took an interest in her. He didn't seem to confuse her with Aphrodite like some Greeks did, which was a first, but was obviously making a play to woo her. She wasn't interested. Not. One. Bit.

    Before Tucker could even finish his statement, the Greek immediately agreed with his statement about deserving the slap. "You're damn right you deserved that. And if you get us killed one more time, and we actually end up in Hades, I will find you and cut you into pieces." The Spartan irritably threatened, though backed down as Church- who was already informed of the Gray Soldier by Corvo- took it upon himself to snap Tucker out before Kassandra could murder the Blue, much to her internal chagrin. Once the two original Blues began to head back, Kassandra did- though not without glaring daggers at Tucker's back the whole time. Seriously, if looks were weapons, Tucker would have been dead ten times over.

    By the time the group came back to the Reds, the scarfless misthios was pretty tired of people's shit. So instead of reacting to other people like she normally would have, she promptly sat down in the middle of the "area". Her eyes glanced to her "trusted group", wordlessly looking at them as if to say that if they wanted to they could come over to interact with her. Otherwise, she crossed her legs, lowered her head, and closed her eyes to meditate and allow her wounded left shoulder to heal up.
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Celty hung back, hugging to her bossom the missile launcher she'd acquired not too long ago. If this was gonna be their last mission, then she'd better make it count. She watched, silent, as the others chatted amongst one another, and was reminded of her own friends waiting back home. Though, she did wish that she had more opportunities to try and interact with the rest of the group she found herself stuck with.

"Regrets?...Funny you should say that." Lucky's ears lowered. Well, she probably did still mean what she said about eating him, but at least they weren't hostile to each other anymore. He could only hope that she found another rabbit to eat, though; He would rather die in a blaze of glory than serve as someone's lunch. "I guess it was doin' funny things to me, too. I was so pissed at meself..." Well, they knew the rest.

"Hey, I'm not a 'funny thing'!" Lupé whined.

"No, you aren't." Lucky whispered back. "Hey, can you think of anything? You're the commando between us two."

Lupé had a look around at the motley group. "...Get that girl there to lend us her missile launcher?" She suggested, pointing to Celty.

"My God, where did she get that!?" Lucky hollered, instantly jealous. What a beautiful weapon that helmeted lass had! If he could just touch its trigger, he would be lynched and torn apart a happy rabbit. "Hey, Lassie! Come over here with that!" Or fire it directly at him, whichever worked for her.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude
Celty stared down at the fluffy rabbit that had called out to her. For what reason, she wasn't really aware. A few seconds of silence passed before she indulged in his request and moved over to him. She tilted her head to the side as she waited for him to speak up. The visor of her helmet gave no hints as to what was behind it, simply reflecting back the appearance of the hare. It was disturbing to some degree, the suffocating darkness that it seemed to hide.

P PopcornPie @Red_Solo_Team
Huh, not a talker in the slightest. Oh, well. Lucky, as he tried not to make eye contact with his reflection in her helmet, made an offer. "You're probably lookin' to use that missile launcher, eh, Lassie? I bet if you shot it in the right place, it could really turn O'Malley's head!"

Ineptitude Ineptitude @Wholesome_Squad
Celty smiled—or at least, she seemed to smile in response to Lucky's words. It was hard to say when there was no way of knowing, but her body language more than made up for it. With a nod of her head, she whipped out her PDA and quickly typed out, "I plan to," before showing it to the other.

P PopcornPie @Red_Solo_Team
"Listen, if you keep talking about toffee, you're gonna make me too hungry to move!" Grif exclaimed from atop the Warthog as he looked down at Lucky.

"Boys... brace for impact!!" Sarge suddenly shouted as the Warthog entered its maximum speed while driving up the hill. As he sped up the hill, the Red Team commander flicked up a nearby switch on the dashboard, and suddenly, a piece of music that some of you might find familiar began to play...

As the music began blaring from the Warthog's speakers, Sarge, Grif, and Simmons all began to scream at the top of their lungs. The Warthog outright crashed through the nearby wall, leaving a gigantic hole in it, as well as another hole in the NEXT wall, before speeding past the fan. It screeched to a halt in the epicenter of the turrets, as all of them soon trained their guns on them.

"Men... and women... it's been an honor fighting alongside all of you. Except you, Grif." Sarge said as he pumped his shotgun in his hands. Mere seconds later, all the turrets began firing strings of endless bullets towards all of you. Sarge, Grif, and Simmons began to scream at the top of their lungs as they fired at the turrets like a trio of angry monkeys, practically telling you all to do the same.

Oh and Donut was there too, but he was too busy gazing at the clouds to even notice the sounds of screams and gunfire right behind him.

P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake Ineptitude Ineptitude DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Buddha Buddha /Solo

Kassandra would have been able to find a multitude of cracks in the slowly crumbling pieces of rock, making for a relatively easy climb upwards. By the time she made it up, she found a neat little crevice to hide in, which of course made for a substantially suitable hiding place. Though it appeared to only be big enough for one person, so it probably wasn't the best idea for anyone to join her on this one.

It was then that the sounds of loud screaming and gun turrets could be heard.

"Guess that's our cue," Church said before turning and making his way up the steps, with Tucker, Tex, and Caboose following behind. As planned, the Red and Solo Teams provided a suitable enough distraction, allowing you guys to sneak past everything and up the steps without being noticed. The trek was mostly quiet, with there being no guards or even cameras monitoring the halls.

"I thought you said that security here had been beefed up?" Tucker whispered to Tex.

"Yeah, and that security is the turrets and the giant fan," Tex whispered back. "And no, O'Malley isn't Irish. And unless you want us to get killed here and now, I'd save the questions about the Irish for later." Tex whispered back to Captain Falcon as you all continued onward.

Eventually, you guys came across a fork in the path. Tex, having already mapped the place out, gave you all the rundown. "Alright," She whispered as she turned to face you all. "The left direction leads to the control room, which is where we'll plant the bomb. The right direction is O'Malley's Office. I wouldn't recommend trying to take him in a straight-up fight, though, so be as quiet and stealthy as possible. Just go in, find Red Team's robot friend, and extract him without being seen. Understood?" Tex asked, though whether or not you did, it mattered little.

Better choose fast.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Riven Riven StaidFoal StaidFoal darkred darkred Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch jigglesworth jigglesworth GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Chungchangching Chungchangching Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

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