Interactions: P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal

Monkey D. Luffy
"Oh, I see. Do you know anyone who can do that sort of thing? If not then I am okay with being in this condition as long as these bandages keep me alive!" Luffy said without fear.

"Oh, I didn't get your name! My name is Luffy!" He said to Megumin to introduce himself.

"Mr. Rabbit, who are those two guys who attacked us earlier before the explosion? Are they the ones who blew up the world and then turn us into clones? I could be wrong though." He said in confusion.

Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Raven (Rachel Roth)
"I see... You might be useful to us, at least..." Raven said to Lilith as she is impressed.

"Vitan, I have a task for you... I want you to dig up something that we might need in the future or at least useful... It can be anything as long as it is not dangerous... As for you Lilith, I want you to act as a spy for us... That means that I want you to gather information on the other group of any kind that we might need to know... Does that make sense to you guys?" She asked as she wants to know if they have been listening to the whole time.


Lobo hadn't been paying attention to things after Lealan failed to kill Donut for his piss poor play. The Main Man signed up to crack open skulls like coconuts, not dig through garbage looking for spare parts. When they needed someone shot or stabbed then he'd help. But like hell was he digging through dirty diapers and curiously colored substances. So in his spare time he'd made a rather comfortable if awful smelling trash chair and reclined in it while the others worked to fix the warthog.
"Tell The Main Man when you need someone's lungs pulled out, otherwise I'll be wastin' away in this dump."
He growled, making his boredom crystal clear as he lounged in his trash throne.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @WARTHOG_GANG​
"Shit if I know." Lucky answered the ever curious Luffy with a defeated tone. "For all we know, they were the good guys-Oh, what the fuck am I saying. They were probably friends of Toffee." The psychotic look in his eyes reappeared. "I swear to God, I will be starting me own warren, right on this soil, and then me and me army of descendants will destroy that locust-breathed lizard together. I'll show him to take advantage of me selfishness." Honestly, the feeling that Toffee had done something sinister with their bodies never left Lucky. Their combined power probably could create a wasteland like this. Even if the Luffy he was talking to was the real one, Lucky had no proof that they both had copies back in their own time, who were emotionlessly mowing down civilians.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
"Toffee... That bastard! I knew that I was right all along! You thought that I was lying did you, Mr. Rabbit? He is going to pay for what he had done to us! Just what are we fighting for anyway?" Luffy asked angrily.

P PopcornPie
"Sadly I don't know anyone here who's a mechanic, but you can ask someone if they can help."

Rex hears Simmons replying to him in a dry sort of meaner and verbally attacks back! "At least my "attitude" didn't get us stranded here because one of your friends decided to shoot a time bomb sending us into the future. Better yet, what kind of a person makes a bomb they can't disable, let alone putting it inside one of their comrades!" Remarked Rex at the annoying red soldier.

Afterwards, Rex feels something in the mist of scraps he and Lucky have been digging in for who knows how long.
"Huh? Haha. I got the pedal! Lucky we can go home now. Lucky?" Rex looked at Lucky confusingly as he appeared to be talking to himself. "Uh, Lucky." He then starts screaming for no reason. "Whoa, whoa. Lucky, hey hey, calm down" After having a bit of a moment, Lucky shows himself again talking to Luffy with Rex following shortly after, asking what was going on. "Lucky, what happened in there, why did you start screaming and why were you talking to yourself?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
"You...?" Lucky slowly turned back to face Luffy, his eyes wider than they'd ever been before.

Of all the people he'd sold to Toffee, the one who believed him about Toffee's evil...who was on his side, still...was the one who greeted him by mistaking him for a squirrel. He didn't even know what to say. Of course it was gonna be another Solo team recruit, but Lealan was much smarter than Luffy, and she didn't say a thing. "If you knew, then why didn't you back me up? Why'd you just look at me like I had jelly in me ears?" Lucky asked slowly, tilting his head. "I figured you would just join the others in murdering me. After all, you would still have an arm, if not for me..." Come to think of it, Luffy did mysteriously disappear after Lucky first revealed Toffee's name. Was he really gonna try and find Toffee himself? "Laddie, with his resources, Toffee is clearly not a one-man mission!"

"Who cares about that?!"
Lupé cheered. "Luffy believes you!"

"He believes me!" Lucky repeated joyfully. "Finally, someone else! Together, we can amass our anti-Toffee army! Just the three of us! Team Lucky is gonna take off again!" The good thing about being marooned out here was how minimal chances were of Toffee watching them this time.

In the middle of his celebration, Rex approached again. "Hm? Oh, you mean the...Lupé was..." Knowing exactly what Rex was referring to, Lucky sighed. "I was just thinkin' of Lana, and how she never wants to see me again, probably. For the best, she's got Eric, and he's not a selfish dickhead who just puts her in even worse dang-" Wait, the bitter tirade against love would have to wait. Something was dangling from Rex's wrist. Something squareish, and small, and...pedal-like...

"No way! You have a sharper eye than me, laddie!" Lucky climbed atop Rex's shoulders, screaming to Grif and Simmons. "Hey! Rex found the pedal! You can be rid of me now!"

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan lets out a sigh of relief when Red pulls out the duct tape. "Okay, Good, now what. We have the tape, We have a pair of tires, do we need any more? Also, weren't we initially looking for Radio bits, or am I going crazy?" A moment passes before she rounds on the pair of Pokemon.
Lealan turns and begins to climb over more of the trash, generic complaints echoing through the area as verbal vomit spills forth.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ManyFaces ManyFaces Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"Are you crazy? Lana's probably the last person who would hate you, she's too nice for that sort of stuff. Heck, when you left us the first time I saw her crying over you." Before Rex can continue to protest against another one of Lucky's self doubts again, he notices he has the pedal and informs Simmons and Grif about it. But at the cost of leaving him behind. Rex picks Lucky by the sides to tell him he's not having any of this. "Okay, now I know you're crazy! I told you I still got a promise to keep, and before you say you didn't agree to it, you didn't say you were against it either so technically it's your promise too and it's too late to deny it, so let's go. If you come with, you won't be lonely" He said that last part in a singly tone. After that happens Rex hears Lealan having a cow over something. "Yeesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the dirt bed."

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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"Anti-Toffee army? I like that idea, Mr. Rabbit! We can certainly form a team but under one condition! Since I am the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates I should be the one to take the leadership role!" Luffy said as he wants to be the leader of the newly formed team.

"Oh, you're talking about Lele are you, Rex? I can't stand her! She always talks nonsense and it doesn't seem that she is capable of being friends with someone who has the same interest as hers. Overall, she is stupid!" He said angrily as he is complaining about Lealan in general.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Corvo Attano | Blue Team | CS | Previous Post

After the excellently detailed explanation given to Corvo, he understood everything that's happened since his absence. Corvo had no idea who this white-armored man was, but he asked if anyone knew of someone who heavily resembled Church. After Price and Kassandra denied knowing anyone of the sort, Corvo remained silent as to not repeat their words.

When Wyoming left, Corvo took a better look at the area around him. Just how powerful was that bomb, that it sent them into the future and basically destroyed the world? Maybe—By the Outsider, what is that singing? Corvo glared at Caboose, his voice in itself making it hard to think. Was this payback for all he's killed back in his old world? Did the blasted Outsider throw him into this situation knowing this would happen? He pictured the black-eyed bastard watching from the Void, snickering as the hour passed with Caboose never letting up.

Finally, the torment came to an end when another group came into view. Their bickering could be heard from afar, but Corvo would take that any day over Caboose's "singing." Choosing to ignore the nonsense that the other group was doing, he approached Church. "Church, is there anyone you know by the name of 'Wyoming'?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Right_Path @Left_Crew

Megumin | Red Team | CS | Previous Post

Megumin gave a small at hearing the explanation for Lucky's buttocks, but turned her attention away when the armored people ordered them to rebuild the warthog, which she assumed was the rundown vehicle... except she didn't feel like doing any dirty work. She thought of making a seat or something out of the trash pile, but the armored people didn't seem most lenient.

To Luffy, she struck a cool pose and said, "I am Megumin! An archwizard that once wielded the most powerful magic of all: Explosion magic!"

Thankfully, before she had to start digging, she heard Rex call out that he found the pedal. After that came bickering between Rex, Lucky, Luffy, and Lealan. Megumin just stood watching, like all the other times when Kazuma fought with Aqua.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @People_near_Lucky​
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"...Okay, I...Ugh..." Lucky, once more, looked to Lupé for advice. "The fuck do I even say, lassie?"

"Lucky, you're acting like you did anything to hide it before." The rat simply sighed. "And since she isn't here, you might as well. Right?"

"Right." Lucky stared at the ground. "When I first laid me eyes on Lana, I...She stood out to me. It felt natural, since we're both forest dwellers. I thought she was gonna be the perfect blastin' partner. But no, she turned out to be so innocent and pure, and next thing I knew, I wanted to be her knight. I swear to Jesus, it was Doc who did something to me." It felt weird to say Doc's name again, after so long of not seeing him. Wasn't he under O'Malley's possession or something? "I was gonna help the Blue team find that bloody intel because I was tryin' to end the war as soon as possible, for her, so she wouldn't become all jaded and bloodthirsty, like me. But surprise of all fucking surprises, I just put her right in Toffee's line of sight. I would hate me, too. And there's not much point in still tryin' to be her knight, when she already had one all along." He wished he could have had a hard time believing that Lana was hitting herself over his leave, but he heard her beating herself black and blue. "She's probably realized the ramifications of what I did by now."

Then, when Rex addressed his second complaint, Lucky felt himself be squeezed tightly by the sides. "I know what I've been bellyachin' about!" He protested. "But the way I see it, it's either readjust to life as a lone bum, or be lynched by everyone I've come in contact with for makin' things harder than they were supposed to be!...Well, except you and Luffy, apparently. And Megumin." He glanced over to the witch, who seemed to have her head in the filthy clouds. But Pearl there? Definitely. He basically gave her the best possible reason to follow through on that violence threat she'd made when they met.

Luffy, on the other hand, was wrapped up in gushing about forming a team. "Well, we've seen what me leadership skills look like, haven't we? You can have the big chair. I just want to lead the hordes." He answered bluntly.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja ( StaidFoal StaidFoal and Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind mentioned in passing)
"Really? Why thank you Mr. Rabbit! I won't let my teammates down for sure! The last thing that I will need is for someone to serve as the deputy of the team and that deputy is you, Mr. Rabbit! I don't think that is too much of a difficult job isn't it?" Luffy asked happily.

"An archwizard? I've never seen an archwizard who is this cool! But what's an archwizard anyway?" He asked curiously.

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal
Rex was shocked to hear Luffy of all people say this. He didn't appear to be a very hateful child but still felt the need to speak up. "Easy now Luffy, Lealan's nice as far as I've known her; although she does seem to poke a lot of people in the face which is kinda rude" He said quietly in response to that poking part. "But, she's cool. Just give her another chance, get to know her better."

Rex focuses on Lucky again. "As for you Lucky, how do I put this..? YOU. WON'T. BE. ALONE!" Shouted Rex wanting to get the point to Lucky, hoping he can forgive himself and focus and what's happening now. "What happened in the past, stays in the past, and what's been happening as of late is not on you! All it's been so far are evil robot programs and mercenaries." Rex figures out how can persuade Lucky. Do you remember what I said to you before we got off that shuttle?"

P PopcornPie
With help from Lupé, Lucky racked his brain. She moved through aisles upon aisles of file cabinets in a flash, briefly becoming lost among his other conscious beings, until she struck gold. "Eureka!" It really wasn't as far back in his head as she believed, and she was back to the main bay with it in no time.

"...Something about you wanting to be with us, no matter what." Lucky muttered. Back when he was on perfectly good terms with Lana, and Lealan, and he had confidence that he would be a good soldier. Back when things were simple. Back before Toffee haunted him. "But we don't know the whole story here. It could've been all on me. Thinking otherwise is well and good, but putting so much faith in that is gonna hurt you, Laddie. Just like how I put faith in being some glorious war hero, and look how that turned out." He deflated in Rex's arms. "Lealan's snapped, for example. She's planning to eat us all. She said she was gonna be savin' me for last, but she probably took that back soon after." He looked off towards the point in the horizon where he had seen her little green speck. If anyone was with her, how long did they have? "Even though her last act when she saw me was to carry me away from that explosion, I doubt she considers me a friend anymore. She could be telling everyone that I'm the bad guy around here right now. And I don't blame her." He rubbed his temples. Bringing up that memory reminded him of how happy things were on that plane. Only two real enemies in Pearl and Benedict. They were just heading into an adventure. Things were straightforward. Maybe he would just wake up on that plane again, and discover that everything was just a heat-induced dream...

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

I was looking at the block bitch swinging his head to Caboose's singing. I don't know what kind of music exists back at his dimension but if this is a banger to him, I almost feel bad. Almost. I don't know if this was a Caboose original like that time I heard his song on the plane or he's singing a pre-existing tune but do I care? Nah, not really. Anyway, this was a long walk, and there's nothing to drown out the boredom that I'm feeling. We walked and walked and I'm having a hard time staying awake and the only reason I haven't fall asleep yet is because of Caboose but I did lose my focus. I was so zoned-out that I didn't realize that the path began to curve until the voices startled me back to my consciousness.

Shit? Who could those be?? I went alert until I saw that it's just those Red Team goofballs. I lowered my guard and gave them a little wave before Raven got my attention. She told me to start digging up shit that might benefit us in the future. Fuck, I don't want to get my hands dirty but oh well, I've done this before. I shrugged and said. "Aye, aye, captain.".

Then I went to the trash to see if there's anything useful.​
"Okay, first off; a lot of.. things similar to Lealan say they're gonna eat you, it's just what they do, think of them as wild animals. Now I'm not saying they are wild animals but I'm just using this as an example, they gotta eat other things to stay alive, so I wouldn't take it too personalty. And I doubt she even cares about the bad guy thing because one, she's knows you didn't do anything, two, I think she wants to eat Grif more then us, and three, she probably wants to go back home like everyone else." Rex continued to list off the problems in Lucky's theory.

"Two; just because you put too much faith in something, doesn't mean it's always destined to fail. Look at me, I saved the world from a bunch of EVO's and my friends had faith in me the whole time, faith that we were going to win that war and we did!"

"And most of all, three; that's not what I said on the shuttle. It was me telling you to never lose sight of what's important to you. And I know what's important to you... a normal life and a home. I know you miss your old life, but it's gone. But that doesn't mean you can't start a new one, I know it's easier said then done, but the faster you stop looking back at the sad stuff and focus on what's ahead of you, and appreciate what you have now, you may have found what you're looking for." He stared Lucky face to face, hoping he could get through to him with all these factors in the mind. Rex could hope, but he can feel like he's doing something right.

"Again, I told you before how I've been there just like you, only difference is I had someone to help me out, and now I'm gonna keep my promise and help you!" Rex then remembers something important said by Sora that could help him seal the deal with Lucky.

"I know the world can be rough, but that's why we all have friends, to help us with the hardships or whatever curveball comes our way; and believe me, Lucky's pretty.. well, y'know, to have a friend like you, Rex."

"But I know it won't be easy helping a little hell razer like you especially with doubt thrown into the mix.. but I can see you're also worried about something." Rex stops to take a breather for what he's about to say.. "Toffee, I know you've been worried about him and how you think he's behind all this, and with him getting in the way of my promise, I'll tell you what. I'll help you find and take him down. It may not be easy, but I'll do whatever it takes to get you to a new home safe and sound, and our promise is done! And once we're done with Toffee, we may even find that foot you said you were looking for awhile back."

Rex puts Lucky down, hoping his big speech would get through to him. "So Whatdda say Lucky?"

P PopcornPie
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Lilith knew Raven she was lying through through her teeth but she might as well try and help them on occasion.
"Oh thanks, I appreciate the self confidence, I'll get on it."
She looks to the side thinking to herself and then takes out her dairy, she sighs and quietly tells herself,
"I'll start the next page soon... I know she's lying."
She puts it away and goes to spy on the other team to gather information.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja (Raven)

  • "Classified"? Well, Kassandra was glad she didn't say anything about Church. What good would that have done if they didn't get anything else out of Wyoming? He didn't even know where they were, for gods' sake! The Spartan only nodded when the gray soldier headed off without giving the group any useful information whatsover. Once he was out of earshot, she couldn't help but let loose a quiet "Malaka" under her breath before moving on with the rest of the group, though grit her teeth when Caboose began "singing". Once again, the idiot's singing was just as terrible as all the original Reds and Blues at picking up common sense. And judging by Corvo's glower at the Blue, Kassandra had a feeling he shared the same sentiments as she did.

    After an hour, she was actually ready to murder someone. Caboose was even dumber than Testikles, who had tripped over a fruit bowl and drowned in the ocean. That was a terrible achievement, since a lot of people since the "incident" with the Olympian athlete had considered the dumb brute a failure. Regardless, the singing nonstop had driven her to near-insanity, and if she had her Spear of Leonidas it would've already been shoved down the Blue's throat to shut him up for good. She was nearly considering doing so with one of her throwing knives before she was (thankfully) given an opportunity to vent her fury out at the idiot who had gotten everyone "killed" in the first place: Tucker.

    As the equally-dumb blue flailed about, Kassandra's irritation shifted from the lucky Caboose to the not-so-lucky Tucker, who already had a certain something drawn upon his helmet. Her brown eyes flashed with anger as she scowled and walked over to the panicking Blue. Thankfully, nobody was stupid enough to get in the Spartan's way. Within a few moments, Kassandra was right in front of Tucker.

    And when Kassandra claimed the first slap against Tucker, she hadn't been bluffing. Despite the futuristic helmet, Kassandra didn’t hesitate to give the turquoise-colored “soldier” a slap across the face as hard as she could. Considering the Spartan could wield extremely heavy weapons and put another of the same size and length on her back simultaneously, Kassandra would still probably end up delivering a forceful slap despite the armor that would either knock the senses back into the Blue or knock him out altogether.

    “What in the name of the gods is wrong with you? If I knew there was a god of stupid people, I’d say they’re the ones ‘blessing’ you. That, and I doubt Athena herself would want to be remotely affiliated with a malaka like you.” Her enraged scowl deepened at Tucker as her fury internally smoldered, contemplating slapping him again but deciding against it and opting to fold her arms indignantly.
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Lucky had finally whittled down on Rex's patience, it seemed, and he was left at the mercy of his hidden power. Rex was standing up to him. He was left to cower. Though the rabbit tried to cut in, Rex would not stop until every qualm of the rabbit's was thoroughly demolished. When it was over, it was over. Lucky was beaten down.

His lip quivered, and he couldn't even face Rex. "I don't understand..." His voice was soft, distressed. "I got through so much of me life with no friends. I shouldn't need anyone now, just like I never needed anyone then. I was happy with nobody carin' about me. But you're right. I'm up shit creek without a paddle. What was important to me, Laddie, was retaining me pride. I felt it comin' back for a moment there, but it's gone. Without it...look, I'm scared, okay!? Toffee or no Toffee, I can't take on a change of this degree. You think I had any doubt that I wouldn't be able to go back to normal? Even if I could go back, I would remember all of you. Even if I found a new home, I would wish in me dreams that the rest of you found it with me."

He laid at Rex's feet. No matter how many years passed after this, Rex would haunt his brain forever. They all would. But Rex clearly wished to lead the pack. "If you want to take me with you, then go ahead. You've come to read me better than I can. You're better at people bein' nice to you than me. As you can see, I don't have the energy to keep up this fight anymore. Whatever you can see in all this, I want to be able to see it, too."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
“Believe me, I’m nothing compared to Sora, the kid’s a pro at what he does.” Rex said to Lucky’s praise regarding his skills of interacting with people fairly well.

“And, you don’t have to stay with me if you don’t want to. You can choose wherever you want to stay with who you want to go with, I’m just here to make sure you get a home where you can be satisfied with. Rex went on. “The change may not be easy, but I guarantee you, you’ll get used to it. And one more thing; if we’re gonna continue to work together, you gotta learn to be reasonable with yourself, and work on your language while you’re at it.”

P PopcornPie
Lucky's eyed moved around slowly. Lana was probably out of the question, as was Lealan. But Megumin wanted him to be her Chomisuke II, but Rex wanted so badly to take care of him. And he wouldn't want to abandon Luffy, with how happy he was to be his teammate. Now he had friends, but he would have to abandon all but one if them, one way or another.

"I don't know if I'll have it figured out in time, Laddie." He sighed. "All of you want me around for one reason or another."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
“It’s cool, not everyone can their thoughts together in a short amount of time. Just choose whoever you think might be the best fit for you.” As Rex was getting ready to leave he remembered he has a place at The Cape. “(Not sure if it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot)” Thought Rex, before returning to Lucky. “Listen, Lucky. There’s this place called The Cape, its where a lot of people gather to save the world basically. They have everything, they’ll even train you to be the best of the best. It’s the perfect place for Luffy, Lana, and Megumin! I was there before getting kidnapped, you can live there and not leave anyone behind.”

Rex then prepared to drop the reality hammer hard on Lucky. “Only problem with that is I’m not sure if everyone will be on board with this or if they have their own homes they want to go back to. You also can’t tell anyone about this, outside of the few I mentioned. They want to keep it a secret for some reason, but I figured I’d make an exception in your case. Don’t be sad if they say no, people have their own homes and choices, they at least have homes to go back to, you don’t apparently. It won’t be easy, but I’m all in if you’re up to it, so how bout it buddy?”

P PopcornPie
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"Okay, those look good," Simmons said as he took two of the cement blocks Lucky found, walking past everyone to place them in the front of the Warthog. He would then turn back to face Lucky and hold out his palm. "Hey, hand me that knife and that key." Simmons said, interrupting whatever moment him and Rex were having.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja StaidFoal StaidFoal PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind @GrifNSimmons

"Eeeyup! That one'll do just fine, Missie!" Sarge said as he took the duct tape from Red's hand and stretched it out. He proceeded to slap it on over the hole in the tire, and luckily it managed to hold enough air inside of it to not be deflated. After standing back up from his crouched position, Sarge stood behind the wheel and flicked his head upwards, motioning for Donut to do the same to his wheel. "Alright, now let's get these back to Simmons 'n Fatass!" Sarge exclaimed as him and Donut began to slowly but surely roll their respective wheels back toward the group. With nothing much left to do, you all stood up and followed.

Oh, and in the pile, Lealan would find a pair of batteries.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp BoltBeam BoltBeam ManyFaces ManyFaces Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

The sudden slap from Kassandra was enough to snap Tucker back into reality, the turquoise armored soldier, stumbling back a bit from the force of it. It took him a moment, but he eventually regained his composure, which was when he promptly looked over in Kassandra's direction.

"The fuck was that for, you--" He paused mid-rant as he slowly traced his eyes up and down Kassandra's body, before finally meeting her eyes. Smirking, Tucker let out a light chuckle and stood upright, slowly walking over to Kassandra and resting his elbow on her shoulder. "What I meant to say was, I totally deserved that, especially from a hot chick like you!"

Audibly groaning due to Tucker's actions, Church shook his head slowly before turning to face Corvo. "Nope. Never heard of him." He said simply, before his attention was re-adjusted to focus on Tucker after remembering why they had went searching for him in the first place. "Tucker, if you're done trying to get into every female's pants, could you please just tell me that you at least found the radio you were looking for?" Church asked. Moments later, Tucker reached behind his back and pulled out said radio, which appeared to look at least fifty years old. Perhaps even more, by this timeline's standards.

"Well, I found this thing. Dunno if it works or not, cus it's outta batteries," Tucker shrugged.

"Well, did you think to look in these enormous piles of miscellaneous items for some?"

"Of fuckin' course I did. I'm not a fucking idiot!" Tucker snapped back in an angry tone. "There weren't any in this fuckin' pile. Just rubble and trash and junk."

"Okay..." Church sighed. "I guess we should head back, then." Church said, and without another word, he began to lead you all back to the main group, this time with Tucker and a new radio in tow. You all took the right path, of course, due to the left one currently being blocked off by that sizable chunk of rubble.


It took a bit of walking, but you had all eventually reached the main area, where you had first arrived in this hellish landscape to begin with. As soon as you did so, you were met with the sight of Sarge and Donut pushing two large tires out into the open. They were accompanied by a good few of the other Red Team members.

"Looks like you assholes have been busy," Church said in a snarky tone, despite the fact that it was quite obvious that they had gotten more work done than the Blue Team has.

"Yeah, we found these damn tires from the Warthog and've spent the last hour rollin' em back!" Sarge shouted through deep, heavy breaths, still leaning up against his tire. "Did you at least find that radio you were lookin' for? I see you've found yer useless Dirty Blue number two!" He exclaimed. It was hard to tell if the rhyme was intentional or not.

"Yeah, we did, but it's missing some batteries. So if any of you assholes found any of those, that'd be great." Church said passive aggressively.

jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Chungchangching Chungchangching GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ManyFaces ManyFaces DerpyCarp DerpyCarp darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven @RedsNBlues
Lucky became filled with a sense of wonder. There was a place for idiots who got way in over their heads, like himself? "Save the world?...Maybe from Toffee! And, if I became a hero, a true hero..." He spotted the other Reds as they returned. Lana, Lealan, even the hooded chick who had been yelling at him before. "....then maybe goodbye won't be forever, after all. I can finally show them how strong I really am."

Popping his bubble was Simmons, who wanted the knife and key. "Both of them? All right..." He was okay with giving up the key, but he was a little slow to give him the knife.

And then the Blues returned, making for an awkward reunion. They two teams were clearly blaming each other for what happened. Rather than focus on the argument, his eyes homed in on Umbra. For someone so quick to call him a friend, they didn't really get to do much bonding, but Lucky really didn't want to know if his opinion on him changed.

So he moved behind Rex's legs.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Everybody

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