Interactions: P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Monkey D. Luffy
"The Cape? I think that is something that I might be interested in. But I don't think that it is a good idea to leave my teammates behind so no thanks!" Luffy said to Rex.

"You don't have to listen to Rex's recommendation if you don't want to! It wouldn't be a good idea to leave the team without my permission but you are free to leave anytime as you wish! That won't bother me at all!" He said to Lucky.

Interactions: jigglesworth jigglesworth Chungchangching Chungchangching ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Raven (Rachel Roth)
While Vitan and Lilith have started their tasks, Raven decides to talk to Captain Price as she has been trying to talk to him since the first time she arrived in this world.

"Um, excuse me... But may I ask you a question?" She asked.
"But, Laddie, if I became part of that Cape group, and became a true hero, then I might come around to see you again someday." Lucky responded gently. "They might even have a way for me to watch over you. And you to watch me, so you can see me real power!...But you really want me to go with you, too, don't you?" His ears drooped over his face. "And suppose Megumin wants me to be with her, too. And Lealan offered me a place with her. How the fu-" He shot Red a pouty look. "...How the flub do I decide?!"

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja



In Charge

"Eeeyup! That one'll do just fine, Missie!" Sarge said as he took the duct tape from Red's hand and stretched it out. He proceeded to slap it on over the hole in the tire, and luckily it managed to hold enough air inside of it to not be deflated. After standing back up from his crouched position, Sarge stood behind the wheel and flicked his head upwards, motioning for Donut to do the same to his wheel. "Alright, now let's get these back to Simmons 'n Fatass!" Sarge exclaimed as him and Donut began to slowly but surely roll their respective wheels back toward the group. With nothing much left to do, you all stood up and followed.

Oh, and in the pile, Lealan would find a pair of batteries.
Red Riding Hood would feel the duct tape be taken from her hand as she watched him patch up the tire with it - plenty of air in it to keep it in business! "You heard him, everyone! It's time to regroup!" Red Riding Hood addressed to everyone else in the team, noticing Lealan has found something - but was unaware if she had taken it or not, never mind what it was... She just followed the two soldiers without a word, and seemed proud of how smoothly this is all going. Despite this rocky start to wherever this is, it's going very well - even in these conditions!
It took a bit of walking, but you had all eventually reached the main area, where you had first arrived in this hellish landscape to begin with. As soon as you did so, you were met with the sight of Sarge and Donut pushing two large tires out into the open. They were accompanied by a good few of the other Red Team members.

"Looks like you assholes have been busy," Church said in a snarky tone, despite the fact that it was quite obvious that they had gotten more work done than the Blue Team has.

"Yeah, we found these damn tires from the Warthog and've spent the last hour rollin' em back!" Sarge shouted through deep, heavy breaths, still leaning up against his tire. "Did you at least find that radio you were lookin' for? I see you've found yer useless Dirty Blue number two!" He exclaimed. It was hard to tell if the rhyme was intentional or not.

"Yeah, we did, but it's missing some batteries. So if any of you assholes found any of those, that'd be great." Church said passive aggressively.
"Batteries...? Oh, yeah, it needs something to work on, doesn't it..." Red Riding Hood thought aloud and glanced to Lealan - regarding her find. "Hey, what 'did' you find down where you were looking there? I noticed you found something, but what was it and did you take it with you by any chance?" She asked - unaware that, if Lealan 'had' taken the batteries she found, she was to be pleasantly surprised.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confident
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors, water bottle (2/4 uses left), pistol (X2), throwing knife (X10)
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Batteries?
RP Information
Location: Sidewinder, or at least what's left of it (the future)
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Mentions: None
Nearby/In Group: @RedNBlue
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Lealan would snatch the batteries from the pile, hoping they still had a charge. She slid down the pile of refuse to rejoin with the others, still grumbling about the shitty planet they were stuck on. She wasn't paying attention to the group until Red specifically called out. "Huh? Oh, I just found these batteries, but I don't know if they are the kind we need."
She shows the batteries she swiped to Red Riding Hood.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam
Rex was surprised to hear Luffy join the conversation so suddenly. "What the- Luffy!? Were you eavesdropping on us? We were gonna tell you anyway, but learn to give other people space okay? You can't tell anybody this by the way, got it?" Replied Rex seriously, wanting to make sure The Cape stayed a secret, he looks down at Lucky. "Well. Can't say I didn't warn you, but don't worry." Rex leaned down to whisper. "The Cape is kind of.. universal, if you get what I'm saying, so they may have some devices that can let you see anyone whenever you want." He stands up. "Okay, one out of four's not so bad. Let's go look for the others and see what they think."

P PopcornPie GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Lucky's tail was wagging at full speed. "I'm hopin' so! It'll be one thing to part with the others, it'll be another thing to let them live out their lives thinking that this how I really am!" He whispered a bit harshly. "I don't think anyone's gonna be coming with, though, laddie. Sounds like they all have things they really miss."

As they moved to ask around, Lucky's brain hatched a rather chilling theory: What if the ones to send them to Blood Gulch were from the Cape? What if this was some kind of initiation? Was he passing? Failing? What if Toffee belonged with the Cape? Now that would be...awkward, for lack of a better word.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
As the groups rendevouzed, it seemed for the most part everything worked together, until the arguments on who's doin what began a war of pointing fingers. "Great, absolutely wonderful..", the Operator sighs, "Don't even know how we're even on this Blue team if we're in black and grey to be fairly honest.." Umbra had been shaking his head to the groups bantering, before nodding to his companion's words.

The warframe simply crossed its arms per usual, observing before noticing a familiar face be drawn to him. "Oh look, it's that talking Pobber again..", the voice whispered into Umbra's ears, "Is he done being mean..?" Umbra tilts his head to the side as his gaze was drawn to Lucky, the tilting as a reply to the Operator, as well as a response to seeing him hide behind Rex's legs.

As he ignored the argument, the tall frame made his way over to where Rex was, to drop to a knee by the rabbit with a small wave of the hand. Umbra slowly pointed to Lucky with a finger, before pointing to his own faceplate, and then to a very old and scratched inscription on his arm from the very first encounter. It was barely able to be noticed and seen due to the amount of damage and dust on him, but with him pointing it out, it was clear as day.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
P PopcornPie
Everyone Everyone
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Lucky peeked out from behind Rex's shield, shivering slightly. Umbra could probably twist him up like a sponge, and had a reason to do so. Kneeling down before a small animal was typically a sign of peace, but Lucky felt anything but peace currently.

Umbra, however, had retained that scribble from their first encounter. "Really, laddie? After everything I caused...?" He made a tiny step forward.

Riven Riven
The warframe remained silent, tilting his head to the other side in response to Lucky's question. It seriously REALLY seemed he was afraid, despite him being the violent one in the first place. "Really wish I could just hop out and talk this out..", the Operator muttered, "But I digress, show him we mean it." The warframe nods to himself before returning his gaze to Lucky.

It happened quick, a burst of a shadow in a flash of a few seconds, a single blink could've easily missed it. Umbra had stretched out at Lucky's position with his arms out. Suddenly, he returned to where he was kneeled, after grabbing and picking up the rabbit in his arms. Now Umbra, he's a tall guy, long arms and such, but, instead of a threatening hold, he actually has the rabbit in his arms in a gentle bear hug, before giving the top of his head a gentle pat with a hand.

Yes, even machines created and designed to kill with little kids piloting them can have hearts.

P PopcornPie
"Eep!" The Warframe was reaching down to him! Lucky held his nubs over his eyes, bracing for impact. This was what he deserved, he cost Umbra's team the war when they were so close, but he didn't want to die, not when Rex-


Instead of crushing his skull, Umbra was gently hugging the little guy, patting his head like a child. "Oh, uh, thanks. I'm glad you're not lookin' to kill me, either..." Well, he should have figured that the Blue team members would be slightly less pissed at him than the Red ones. While Lucky was relieved, he didn't know how to act next. He gazed at Rex with uncertainty. "Do I tell this guy about the Cape?"

Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Rex didn't know what to think of this guy, he shows up out of nowhere, Lucky seems to be a little scared, however he seems friendly enough. And Lucky's a little calm now. "Uhh." Rex takes Lucky out of the warframe's hands, telling him to wait. "I'm sorry, I need to talk with him for just one second. Hope that's cool with you." Rex sits Lucky down and the two begin to whisper again. "I mean, he seems nice. But I really only told you about The Cape because you need a home, we gotta keep it a secret. Plus you seem to be a little scared of him, you mind telling me why?"

P PopcornPie Riven Riven
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"Oh, it's just because he was Blue goon, not to mention the one I almost surrendered meself to." Lucky whispered back. "I guess I've still got the red vs. blue thing goin' on, somewhat. Though this really isn't much of a war anymore, is it?" He glanced back at the arguing core soldiers, and shrugged. At least they were finally cooperating again? Though five bucks said they would just start blasting each other again as soon as they were back at their home base. And would kidnap-oh, sorry, "recruit"-them all again. "If it turns out that we're trapped in some kind of time loop, and will have to go through this shit over and over again, I'm gonna scream."

"I mean, the timestream probably is kinda damaged now..."
Lupé wasn't exactly helping with that fear.

"If we're supposed to be keepin' it a secret, then why did you propose we asked around to see if anyone would go with us?" The rabbit itched his head.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
“You’re the one who wanted to try and take everyone with you.” Rex replied. “And I never said to ask anyone, I said to only to ask Megumin, Lana, and Lealan. It was your idea.” Rex thought of something.. “Okay, new plan, if anyone doesn’t have a home to go to, we’ll tell them about The Cape, but just be careful they aren’t backstabbers, had a problem with one of them in the past. So get to know the person well enough before you spill the beans about something big like this.” He proposed to Lucky.

P PopcornPie
"Good plan, Laddie." Lucky nodded. "I definitely don't want to fuck things up any more than I already have." His ears swiveled around his head, picking up on all the outside conversation. They were surrounded, for better or for worse. Those aforementioned four, and maybe Umbra, were the only ones they could really trust. And while Luffy was far from malevolent, he really didn't seem like the kind of boy who could keep a secret. "I don't necessarily want to take them all with me. I'd just like to keep in touch."
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
“*Sigh.*” Rex sighed as Lucky still thought everything was caused by him. “And you swore too... one step at a time.” At least Rex passed the first step that got him out of pushing people away. “One day Lucky, one day. So who do you want to ask next?”

P PopcornPie
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captain price.jpg
Blue Team
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @BlueManGroup​

Wyoming wouldn't disclose what he wanted with Church, calling that information classified. Despite his hesitated attempt at calling Church his friend, it was quite clear they were not. This Brit must be another merc after the Blue leader, which means they couldn't have been blasted anywhere in time, just in space. Which makes an equal amount of sense, i.e. zero. Hell, even Wyoming doesn't know where they are, somehow. How did he get here, then? Do people just appear in this... universe, or something? No matter the nature of Wyoming's curious existence, the inferior Brit promptly walked off when they gave him no information. He called them soldiers as they left, which was odd, since he had just called them travelers beforehand. Maybe the group just looks like soldiers, Price certainly does, but that's the whole point.

Further walking along the rubble covered path would reveal that, yes, the two paths do converge. Caboose's singing was finally interrupted again as they met back up with the other Blues, who had found Tucker and didn't send someone to tell Price and the others. But, no matter, they are all here now, no point berating to deaf ears. They were being idiots as usual, with Tucker trying to rub a penis off his visor and Church laughing at him. Price gave a deep sigh as Kassandra slapped Tucker, managing to disorient him even with the helmet. To which he simply responded by flirting with Kassandra, a certainly odd reaction to being slapped in the helmet. Corvo asked Church about Wyoming, and the latter said he didn't know him. Not surprising, but it doesn't much matter that Church knows him, more that Wyoming certainly knows Church.

Tucker had found a radio, an old one according to them. However, he couldn't find any batteries for it, which was a problem. Church decided they would head back to where they first woke up. They are mostly empty handed, considering they can't work the radio, but there isn't much else to do here if there aren't any batteries around. Price follows him back, meeting back up with the Reds. They were rolling wheels back, having made some progress themselves, likely more than the Blue's did for once. Church inquired after the Reds for batteries, so they'll have to see if anything comes of that.

Price was about to inform Church about Wyoming hunting him, when a girl approached him with her own. He turned to her, nodding. "Shoot, but make it quick, we've got work to do," he said simply, waiting for the question.
Lucky grew irritated. "Laddie, I can't even socialize properly. I'm not gonna be the best at keepin' me promises on the first day." Jesus, just how isolated was he? How much had society evolved around him? Come to think of it, his time on Whacked! was the most socialization he had in years. But this was different in ever way possible. Rex, and any friends he had in this Cape, depended on him. But everyone on his friend list had spoken about how badly they wanted to go home, would anyone want to follow them?

Lana...? Come to think of it, she never described her home once. Maybe she was just a very well groomed hobo, in need of a permanent home. Plus...he kinda felt that he owed both her and Eric an apology.

He was quick to spot the two Pokémon, and crept to them shyly. "L...l..." "This is fucking stupid. Either of them will kick the shit out of me as soon as possible."

"She'll understand that our almost shooting her was a misunderstanding, right?" Lupé nudged him along a bit.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Rex faceplamed himself at Lucky acting like he hasn’t learned anything. “Lana’s the last person who would want to do that, you know this. In fact I’ve never seen her get violent. Not sure about Eric though, something about him seems... not right.” Rex figured he’d give Lucky just a little help since he’s not used to this. “Okay, I did say one step at a time, why don’t I help you out? I’ll talk to Eric, and you talk to Lana. She never wants to talk to me for some reason. Just ask if she has somewhere to go; and if she does, you don’t say anything, she doesn’t, ask if she can come with you. Now go ‘em tiger!”

After pushing Lucky towards Lana as a little confidence boost, Rex confronts Eric to see if he has a home. “So.. Eric was it? You mind if I ask you a question? Do you have a home to fall back on?”

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Lucky breathed in deeply. "You're the guy with the plans..." The rabbit nodded slowly, shuffling towards Lana with his eyes focused on the ground. This was ridiculous. Why would Lana want anything to do with him after all of this shit? All he did was be borderline selfish towards her, throwing her into danger just so he could look clever. Even if she went with him to the Cape, she would probably move as far away from him as possible. There was no purpose to this, but Rex would just keep nagging at him if he didn't try anyway.

"Lassie..." Okay, she let him get a word in without slapping him. So far, so good. "We haven't spoken in a while." "Because you have no reason to ever want to speak to me again." "I, uh...look, I know I was an absolute shithead, and put you in danger instead of protectin' you, and you would probably rather be with a centipede than me, but Rex and I...Well, the laddie is inviting me back to his place, something called the Cape, where we would get trained up and such, help some other guys save the world...And, I mean, you can eviscerate me as soon as you get powers or whatever, Rex just wanted me to ask around, see who already has a home and who doesn't..." He quickly braced himself for bitter rejection, the fury of a woman betrayed and barred from her old home, presumably both.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Chapter Five
"The End of the Beginning of the Ending"

"Well, it won't hurt to try 'em," Church said as he reached out and took the pair of batteries from Lealen. He proceeded to open up the compartment in the back of the radio. And, luckily for everyone present, they popped into place without much hesitation.

"Ah, sweet! Looks like I just saved everyone!" Tucker exclaimed proudly as static could be heard emitting from the tiny radio. Church slowly began to turn up the volume via the knob, before switching focus to the other and tuning the frequency. After a good few moments, a familiar voice began to play through the speakers.

"This is Freelancer Agent Tex, broadcasting to the Reds and Blues of Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. I have located O'Malley's base. I repeat, I have located O'Malley's base." Her voice sounded stoic and serious as ever as she spoke.

"So uhh... should we go help her?" Tucker asked.

"Of course we should help her, Shit-for-Brains!" Church replied angrily. "Sarge, do you think you can get that... cat looking car of your's working within the next thirty minutes?"

"You mean the Warthog?" Sarge asked, though no response was given from the Blue Team leader. "Well, assuming that those two idiots have the parts I need, then I can finish it in twenty!" He exclaimed.

"Sounds good. Take your team to the Warthog and we'll meet you back here in twenty," Church said, and with a nod, him, Donut, and those of you who came with them on Red Team began to roll their wheels back toward where Grif and Simmons were. "Tucker," He said, turning to the soldier in question. "Gather up whatever materials you can from the nearby piles. Ammo, food, whatever." He ordered.

"Ah, shit! Dumpster Divin' Tucker, back in action!" Tucker shouted as he quickly ran over to one of the nearby piles and began digging through.

"Caboose," He said to the remaining original Blue Team soldier. "Uh.... it's good to see you."

"Thanks. I'm liking this speech so far." Caboose replied happily.

"Alright, the rest of you new guys," Church said as he faced all of you on Blue Team. "Just stick around here and rest up. We're gonna need you for the bulk of the coming fight, so get as much rest as you can." He said, leaving you all enough time to rest up and heal any injuries you may or may not have sustained over the course of your adventure.

"Thanks," Simmons nodded as he took the knife and the key from Lucky. He then applied the cinder blocks as makeshift pedals through some scientific means that I won't bother even attempting to explain, before trying the key on the ignition... only for it to not work. "...shit." Simmons grumbled.

"The fuck's wrong now?" Grif piped up from the side.

"It's the fucking key. It doesn't fit in the ignition!"

"Just try jabbing the knife in there and turning it!" Grif replied. Without many other options, Simmons only nodded, before doing as Grif suggested and jamming the knife into the ignition and turning. It took a few tries, but eventually, the Warthog revved to life. "See? Jamming sharp objects into shit always works, Simmons."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Simmons replied. It was then that Sarge and Donut appeared with their respective wheels. "Sir! You're back!" Simmons said excitedly.

"Hey, I'm back too!" Donut pouted.

"...oh. Hey, Donut."

"Hi there!"

"Simmons! Help me reapply these here wheels to the side of the Warthog!" Sarge shouted as he and Donut continued pushing them over to the vehicle in question.

"On it, Sir!" Simmons said as he jogged on over to the Warthog and grabbed hold of Donut's wheel, helping the pink-armored man push it over to the side. A bit of work and some use of makeshift tools later, and the wheels were successfully reapplied. With that out of the way, Simmons stood back up and listened to Sarge's coming words, though not before handing the key back to Lucky. "Uhh... here. I'm sure you can find some use out of this." He said.

"Alright, enough dilly dallying! There's been a message received from Agent Tex, and she's located O'Malley's base!" Sarge shouted as he climbed into the driver's seat of the Warthog, and Simmons climbed into the passenger's seat. Grif, however, merely stood to the side and watched.

"You mean that mean chick from the Blue Team? Why the hell do we need to help her?" He complained.

"Because, numbnuts, there's a possibility that after the explosion, Lopez was blown over to their base, and now O'Malley could very well be holding him hostage!" Sarge shouted. Not wanting to argue with his commander (or get stranded in the post-apocalyptic wasteland by himself), Grif agreed and hopped into the back of the Warthog.

"I call shotgun's lap!" Donut suddenly cheered eagerly as he ran on over to the passenger seat, climbing up into Simmons' lap without a second thought.

"Ugh... Donut, please get off of me!" Simmons whined.

"Nope! Finder's keepers, loser's weepers!" Donut replied as he wiggled his hips sensually.


By the time the two teams reconverged, the Blue Team had already gathered up some extra materials thanks to Tucker, though it wasn't much. It was mostly old, probably expired canned food, and some stray bullets that at least appeared to be in tact. Church informed the Red Team that they were tracking Tex's location from the radio, and after a bit of their trademark arguing over who gets to ride in the Warthog, it was eventually settled that there was only room for the core Red Team, meaning that the rest of you (as well as the core Blue Team members) had to walk. Because of this, the Warthog had to drive at a considerably slower pace than it would have otherwise, but you all managed to reach the base regardless.


You all arrived on what looked like a beach, which was a breath of fresh air compared to the hellish landscapes you had been in hours prior. You were met by Tex, who had been standing there since before your arrival.

"The hell took you guys so long?" She asked, annoyed.

"Well, there's like thirty of us, and it's a six-seater jeep. And Donut had to sit in my lap the whole time." Simmons explained.

"Oh, it was a great bonding experience! My favorite part was when Simmons tried to change gears and he accidentally--" His tangent was cut off by Simmons.

"Donut, don't remind me. Or anyone." He said sternly. Clearly he was already repressing the memory of whatever had happened on the way here between him and Donut.

"What did ya find, Tex?" Sarge asked, hoping to get things moving as well as change the conversation topic.

"Well, O'Malley's been hold up in this fortress behind us," She said as she gestured to the massive building that stood behind all of you. "He's been fortifying his defenses for a few days now."

"Alright... well, what's the plan?" Sarge asked.

"Well, first we have to breach an outer wall--"

"Oh! Oh! I love breaching!"

"Then, we have to get past another wall--"

"Two walls? Some people are so materialistic..."

"The second wall has a guard tower, and an enormous razor-sharp spinning blade--"


"What, that thing?" Simmons asked as he gestured to the massive blade in question, which you could see slowly spinning from over the rocky hills. "It's spinning at like two miles an hour!"

"I didn't say that it would be hard to get past. After that, we have to sneak past the gun turrets, and then that's when we break into the building."

"And then we attack O'Malley!"

"No, that's when we plant this," Tex said as she gestured to a small, ball-shaped object, which was laying on the shore.


"We're planting a volleyball!" Caboose interjected.

"It's not a ball, it's a bomb!"

"...we're planting a volleybomb?"

"It's got a location inside the base where we can place it and blow the whole place apart! I marked the spot with a big 'X'."

" scouted it?" Tucker suddenly asked from the side.


"So... you got past the two walls, the huge spinning blade, and the gun turrets, and then you made it ALL the way into the fortress.... why didn't you just plant the bomb then instead of putting an 'X' on the floor?"

"....I can't carry it..." Tex quietly admit as she slumped over, embarrassed.


"What was that?"

"It's too heavy, okay! Happy? I needed one of you idiots to carry it! I don't have the upper body strength to plant it on my own!"

"See? Girls act like they're so tough, but the first time they need someone to move a couch, who do they call?" Grif asked, which caused Tex to fall silent and slowly turn to face the soldier. "...please don't kill me!"

"Bah, go ahead and kill 'em! We can use his armor for spare parts!" Sarge said as he slowly approached the bomb. Once he was close to it, he looked down and kneeled. "This thing don't look so heav--" He said, before reaching out and attempting to lift it up. After a mere second of trying, Sarge grunted and let go before standing back up. "Eeeyup! That thing ain't movin'!"

"Oh! Oh! I can carry it!" Caboose shouted as he ran over to the bomb.

"Okay... but I still think that you'll at least need two people..." Tex said as she watched Caboose.

"Nah, it's true. Caboose has crazy strength. Church and I think that it's God's way of compensating." Tucker explained to Tex. And, sure enough, Caboose soon lifted the bomb up without much issue at all.

"See...?" Caboose asked weakly as even he struggled to hold up the bomb after a matter of seconds.

"Great jumping jellybeans! He's like an ox!" Sarge shouted in astonishment and awe.

"But I have no horns... or lumberjack friends..."

"Oh, come on! It can't be that heavy!"
Grif said as he too approached the bomb and attempted to hold it, taking it from Caboose. He was soon proven wrong, however, as he dropped the bomb onto the ground right as Caboose had let go. Breathing heavily, he said, "Okay.... you can carry it..."

"Alright! Then we'll storm in there, rescue Lopez, blow up O'Malley, and leave Grif for dead!"

"Sounds good to me. You guys?"


"Uh huh."

"Sounds great!"

"Let's kick some ass!"


"Yeah! Let's get em!"

"Alright, well, now that we have a basic outline of the plan, we need to go over specifics!" Sarge exclaimed as he stood up on a rock so everyone could hear him. "I myself have two plans! First plan: We charge at the base in a single file line, screaming at the top of our lungs! The enemy will be so flabbergasted that by the time they have a chance to regroup, we'll already be inside!"

"Yeah, right! They're not gonna get surprised, they're just gonna start mowing us down!" Tucker interjected.

"That's the inherent beauty of the single file line! They can only kill the person in front! So, if we order from least important to most important, with Tucker being in the front and me being in the back, then we just might make it through!"

"Sir, don't you think Caboose should be in the back since he's the one carrying the bomb?" Simmons asked.

"No, Caboose is in front of me. We need someone in the back who can objectively evaluate if the plan is working!"

"How are you gonna know if it's not working?"

"If Caboose dies, I'll know we're in trouble! Immediately abort!"

"I think that's a good plan." Caboose said, still holding the bomb in his hands.

"Sarge, while that's the most retarded idea I've ever heard, I just wanted to thank you for not putting me in the front of the line." Grif said.

"Don't get misty-eyed, Francine. By now, we would have already killed you and used your corpse to jam up the windmill! I think that we can all agree that, given our current situation, it's the perfect plan!" Sarge said, only for a long, drawn out moment of silence to follow. Breaking the silence, Sarge said, "Okay, well lemme tell ya about my other plan. Using parts from the Warthog, we make what I like to call: The Grif Cannon." Sarge said, which in turn caused Grif to sigh loudly and begin walking in the other direction, only for Sarge to continue anyways. "Utilizing the power of The Grif Cannon, we make a Grif-sized hole in the outer wall! Or we just... paint it a very disgusting color. And THEN we--"

"Alright, stop!" Church shouted as he stepped forward, climbing up onto the rock next to Sarge. "Jesus Christ, if we keep sitting here with our thumbs up are asses all day, then we'll never get anything done!" Church shouted. Sarge merely went quiet after this and slowly backed off the rock. "Thank you. Jesus..." He said, before addressing the matter at hand. "Blue Team, you guys are with me, Tucker, Tex and Caboose. There are some stairs on the left side that we'll take. We can sneak past O'Malley's defenses easier that way, and keep Caboose cover at the same time." Church said, before turning to face Red Team. "Red Team, you and the Solo guys create a distraction, and draw the fire away from us while we plant the bomb. I don't care what you do, or how you do it, just make sure that the aren't shooting at us. Got it?" Church asked, though the question was clearly rhetorical, as the Blue Team leader soon stepped off the rock and back into the sand below.

"I still think we should'a gone with the Grif Ccannon..." Sarge muttered, though it clearly didn't matter, as Tex soon cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Alright, I think that settles it! We don't have much time to waste, so let's get into positions now, people!" She shouted, before her, Caboose, Tucker, and Church began to head up the stairs alongside the rest of Blue Team. Meanwhile, the core Red Team members went and hopped into the Warthog, with Sarge in the front, Simmons in the passenger seat, and Grif on the turret. Donut merely stood off to the side this time.

"Rest of you, follow our lead!" Sarge shouted to those of you on the Red and Solo Teams as he, Grif and Simmons sped off towards the entrance.


And with that, the plan was finally set into motion, and the point of no return had been reached. You could feel the endgame just beyond the horizon.

Time to finish this.

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) [Blue Team]
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Vitan (OC) [Blue Team] and Slamacow (Minecraft) [Blue Team]
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Gripen (Girly Air Force) [Blue Team] and Shalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord) [Red Team]
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC) [Solo Team]
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch (Classified) [Blue Team]
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Karma Darkon (OC) [Blue Team] and Odessa (OC) [Red Team]
Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 as Goro Majima (Yakuza) [Red Team]
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Kohirumaki Karen (Gun Gale Online) [Red Team]
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as Heavy (Team Fortress 2) [Red Team]
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) [Red Team] and Sora (Kingdom Hearts) [Red Team]
Topless Topless as Baby Bonnie Hood (Darkstalkers) [Solo Team]
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Saburo Kusanagi (OC) [Blue Team] and Dalek Scout 7570 Gamma (Doctor Who) [Red Team]
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Achilles (SMITE) [Solo Team]
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) [Blue Team] and Maya "Echo" Visari (Killzone Shadowfall) [Solo Team]
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) [Blue Team]
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) [Solo Team] and Rachel Roth (Teen Titans) [Blue Team]
SheaFlower SheaFlower as Akechi Touma and Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Superwholock Superwholock as Nero (Devil May Cry) [Red Team] and Salem Jay Nilson (Devil May Cry OC) [Red Team]
SheepKing SheepKing as Narancia Ghirga (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) [Red Team]
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as Fernando "Slayer" Duran (Rise of Incarnates) [Solo Team]
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!) [Solo Team]
animegirl20 animegirl20 as Amy Rose (Sonic X) [Red Team]
Riven Riven as Umbra (Warframe) [Blue Team]
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as Logan (X-Men Origins) [Red Team]
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana the Braixen (Pokemon OC) [Red Team]
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Red Riding Hood (Mary Skelter Nightmares) [Red Team]
Veradana Veradana as Myrtle Ryder (OC) [Blue Team]
Marksman Marksman as Actus-199 (Warhammer 40k OC) [Red Team]
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia as Jun Hyuga (Fate OC) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
The Explorer The Explorer as Seiryo Teshigahara (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) and Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) [Solo Team]
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Lobo (DC Comics) [Solo Team]
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak as Biggie Cheese (Barnyard) [Red Team]
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Double Trouble (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) [Solo Team]
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind as Pearl Pygmy (Splatoon 2) [Blue Team]
QizPizza QizPizza as Gabrielle Akimoto (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) [Blue Team]
P PopcornPie as Lucky (Whacked!) [Solo Team]
RedLight RedLight as Marcus Silver Pete Amsterdam Indigo Nautilus Tesla (OC) [Blue Team] and Kylo Ren (Star Wars) [Red Team]
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey) [Blue Team]
The Shadow The Shadow Mercenary as Snake (Metal Gear Solid/Crysis OC) [Solo Team]
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Corvo Attano (Dishonored) [Blue Team] and Megumin (Konosuba) [Red Team]
Maxiliase Maxiliase as Tony Montana (Scarface) [Red Team]
Birb Birb as Delta (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Senki Senki as Synder Dre (OC) [Blue Team]
Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) [Red Team]
Raynar Saassin Raynar Saassin as Doom Slayer (DOOM) [Red Team]
Rodan The Asexual Kaiju Rodan The Asexual Kaiju as Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) [Blue Team]
shio shio as Shio (OC) [Blue Team]
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as The Guards Rifleman (Company of Heroes 2) [Blue Team]
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia) [Blue Team]
Tibb-E Tibb-E as Tiberius Asletro (OC) [Red Team]
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Eric Fiamatta (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OC)
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Before Lana could answer him, the entire group was pulled away as the Warthog was finally working. He didn't know. He didn't really care. Well, there was a little care when Simmons returned to him with something in his hands, but it was just the key. "Shit..thanks..." He muttered.

So, they'd found O'Malley's base. Cool. Good location, protected by a lot of things, and just had a cool design overall. Lucky kept listening for a mention of his name, but it was just stuff about storming stairs or something or other. The Blues wanted him to help with a distraction. But of what kind? He wasn't very cute at all, not enough to turn heads...

Wait a minute! He could get O'Malley distracted and get his demise over with at the same time!

"Laddies? Lassies? All of this? Me fault. I exposed us all to Toffee. Go ahead. Rip me to pieces." Not like he had anything left to live for anymore.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan hands the batteries with nary a complaint. The journey to the beach passing easily. Once everyone begins to talk about planning she sighs and walks to the closest area of the beach with water, and begins to run her hands through it, cleaning the trash gunk off of it. When she hears of them dividing for distractions, she sighs. "With the Reds again? I was promised Varitey on this hunt." She trudges deeper into the water and rinses her hair. Once she's cleaner and cooled off properly, she's ready to help with whatever distraction she's supposed to do.
She hears Lucky admiting to something she wasn't paying attention to."Sssssilly Rabbit, sssssshush. No one cares." She kneels down and pats him on the head. "If you really wanna die, I'll eat you later." She offers this with a smile on her face.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
“Just like the good old days.” Snake had a smile on his face as he pulled out an AR and followed the lead of the reds. Another fight, but one with meaning. Liberation. That was what he fought for, what he originally built his nation for.

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