Left or Right, silent placing a bomb or a rescue. Hmm.. "We've done both actually before Umbra..", the Operator thinks, "Perhaps we should definitely see to rescue their friend, I'm sure at least one person knows how to plant the bomb."

The warframe nods to himself as he looks over to Tex. With his free hand, he points to himself with a thumb before giving a waving motion with his pointer and middle finger to the right side direction.

With that said, he shoulders his rifle, giving the last of Blue Team a look, before hopping and sprinting off in that direction, the last seen behind him being his long and trailing scarf, and the barely audible signs of pitter patter from his feet. Umbra, was excited.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Jesus, good thing Lucky and his little group had fallen behind. Those fucking idiots drove right into danger! "Are you FUCKING SERIOUS?!" He shouted at them as he ducked for cover. "At LEAST gimme a firearm before you piss off the entire fucking base!" Shiiiit, he couldn't move any faster while he crawled underneath the turrets. The fuck could he possibly do?! No way could one bunny disable all these turrets in time!

Luckily, Donut, too, had strayed away from the line of fire. "Laddie? Any ideas?" Lucky desperately asked him. "I gotta get over there, but I'm defenseless. We could all be blasted to bits by the time I came up with something by meself! All because I tried to end this fucking war early!" Now he was just shouting at himself. "Ergh! Way to go, Lucky, you fucking RETARD!...So, anyway, got anything?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After a little walking with their friends Sarge, Sora and Rex would follow suit. “Ready to end this?” “You know it.” After going up hill with them, they manage to make a giant hole in the wall, completely throwing stealth out the window. I hate these guys! Whoa!” “Yikes!” The boys yelled as they were under fire due to the ignorance of the red team. “Shoot! How the heck are we gonna turn off those turrets? Wait is that Lucky?” “Yeah... look Sora. We may not make it out alive, so I’m telling you this now, I told Lucky I would find him a new home at The Cape, you need to get him there when all of this is over if I don’t come back.” “Rex, what’s going on, why are you telling me this?” “Because I’m gonna district the turrets so you can get Lucky out of here. Get him to safety then come back.” “Wait! Rex!” Rex ran in the middle of gun fire so Sora would have a chance to save his friend. “Hey, look over here rust buckets.” “Okay! Now where was he again..? Got him.” Sora runs over to Lucky and gets him out of harms way. “Don’t worry Lucky, I got you.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Stealth they say. HA! They dont know, I was best friends with of thr greatest stealth experts in history! The man U knew lived and breathed that mess like green in a bong. Imma find this O'Malley and he better tell me what I wanna know about the Irish, Irish or not. Anyone else coming with, follow my lead." Falcon gets on his stomach and begins to stealth crawl in the direction of O'Malley's offfice
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Destruction Session

"Huh? Oh, I just found these batteries, but I don't know if they are the kind we need."
She shows the batteries she swiped to Red Riding Hood.
Red Riding Hood listened and watched, as Lealan shortly presented the batteries she took. "How convenient!" She merely commented, before her attention would turn to Church, who would have taken the batteries from her. Red Riding Hood didn't say anything, but instead flashed a thumbs up - 'that' job was done, but now it's time to find out - what happens as a result, and what's next?
"Well, it won't hurt to try 'em," Church said as he reached out and took the pair of batteries from Lealen. He proceeded to open up the compartment in the back of the radio. And, luckily for everyone present, they popped into place without much hesitation.

"Ah, sweet! Looks like I just saved everyone!" Tucker exclaimed proudly as static could be heard emitting from the tiny radio. Church slowly began to turn up the volume via the knob, before switching focus to the other and tuning the frequency. After a good few moments, a familiar voice began to play through the speakers.

"This is Freelancer Agent Tex, broadcasting to the Reds and Blues of Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. I have located O'Malley's base. I repeat, I have located O'Malley's base." Her voice sounded stoic and serious as ever as she spoke.

"So uhh... should we go help her?" Tucker asked.

"Of course we should help her, Shit-for-Brains!" Church replied angrily. "Sarge, do you think you can get that... cat looking car of your's working within the next thirty minutes?"

"You mean the Warthog?" Sarge asked, though no response was given from the Blue Team leader. "Well, assuming that those two idiots have the parts I need, then I can finish it in twenty!" He exclaimed.

"Sounds good. Take your team to the Warthog and we'll meet you back here in twenty," Church said, and with a nod, him, Donut, and those of you who came with them on Red Team began to roll their wheels back toward where Grif and Simmons were.
Red Riding Hood would follow on with the Red Team, of course. Not mustering a word, just calmly carrying on with what had to be done. They 'had' at least located the base of O'Malley - you know, the guy they're supposed to be after? They know where to chase them, which is great! They just need to figure out 'how' to go about it! As they wandered, Red Riding Hood looked over to what she had on hand - nothing more than two pistols, half loaded, and then a total of ten throwing knives - one of which, partially used. 'Alright, I highly doubt I'm personally prepared, but I will never know if I am or not until I try!' She thought to herself as, eventually, everyone would group up to where, supposedly, O'Malley's base was.
It was then that Sarge and Donut appeared with their respective wheels. "Sir! You're back!" Simmons said excitedly.

"Hey, I'm back too!" Donut pouted.

"...oh. Hey, Donut."

"Hi there!"

"Simmons! Help me reapply these here wheels to the side of the Warthog!" Sarge shouted as he and Donut continued pushing them over to the vehicle in question.

"On it, Sir!" Simmons said as he jogged on over to the Warthog and grabbed hold of Donut's wheel, helping the pink-armored man push it over to the side. A bit of work and some use of makeshift tools later, and the wheels were successfully reapplied. With that out of the way, Simmons stood back up and listened to Sarge's coming words, though not before handing the key back to Lucky. "Uhh... here. I'm sure you can find some use out of this." He said.

"Alright, enough dilly dallying! There's been a message received from Agent Tex, and she's located O'Malley's base!" Sarge shouted as he climbed into the driver's seat of the Warthog, and Simmons climbed into the passenger's seat. Grif, however, merely stood to the side and watched.

"You mean that mean chick from the Blue Team? Why the hell do we need to help her?" He complained.

"Because, numbnuts, there's a possibility that after the explosion, Lopez was blown over to their base, and now O'Malley could very well be holding him hostage!" Sarge shouted. Not wanting to argue with his commander (or get stranded in the post-apocalyptic wasteland by himself), Grif agreed and hopped into the back of the Warthog.

"I call shotgun's lap!" Donut suddenly cheered eagerly as he ran on over to the passenger seat, climbing up into Simmons' lap without a second thought.

"Ugh... Donut, please get off of me!" Simmons whined.

"Nope! Finder's keepers, loser's weepers!" Donut replied as he wiggled his hips sensually.

By the time the two teams reconverged, the Blue Team had already gathered up some extra materials thanks to Tucker, though it wasn't much. It was mostly old, probably expired canned food, and some stray bullets that at least appeared to be in tact. Church informed the Red Team that they were tracking Tex's location from the radio, and after a bit of their trademark arguing over who gets to ride in the Warthog, it was eventually settled that there was only room for the core Red Team, meaning that the rest of you (as well as the core Blue Team members) had to walk. Because of this, the Warthog had to drive at a considerably slower pace than it would have otherwise, but you all managed to reach the base regardless.


You all arrived on what looked like a beach, which was a breath of fresh air compared to the hellish landscapes you had been in hours prior. You were met by Tex, who had been standing there since before your arrival.

"The hell took you guys so long?" She asked, annoyed.
Red Riding Hood only laughed first and foremost, before comically speaking up. "Well, where do I start? If you didn't know, a majority of these guys," she says while glancing to both original members of Blue 'and' Red Teams, "are kinda dense as a majority. I can see now why you probably being away from them - if I had the choice, I would too." She added modestly.
"What did ya find, Tex?" Sarge asked, hoping to get things moving as well as change the conversation topic.

"Well, O'Malley's been hold up in this fortress behind us," She said as she gestured to the massive building that stood behind all of you. "He's been fortifying his defenses for a few days now."

"Alright... well, what's the plan?" Sarge asked.

"Well, first we have to breach an outer wall--"

"Oh! Oh! I love breaching!"

"Then, we have to get past another wall--"

"Two walls? Some people are so materialistic..."

"The second wall has a guard tower, and an enormous razor-sharp spinning blade--"


"What, that thing?" Simmons asked as he gestured to the massive blade in question, which you could see slowly spinning from over the rocky hills. "It's spinning at like two miles an hour!"

"I didn't say that it would be hard to get past. After that, we have to sneak past the gun turrets, and then that's when we break into the building."

"And then we attack O'Malley!"

"No, that's when we plant this," Tex said as she gestured to a small, ball-shaped object, which was laying on the shore.


"We're planting a volleyball!" Caboose interjected.

"It's not a ball, it's a bomb!"

"...we're planting a volleybomb?"

"It's got a location inside the base where we can place it and blow the whole place apart! I marked the spot with a big 'X'."

"...you scouted it?" Tucker suddenly asked from the side.


"So... you got past the two walls, the huge spinning blade, and the gun turrets, and then you made it ALL the way into the fortress.... why didn't you just plant the bomb then instead of putting an 'X' on the floor?"

"....I can't carry it..." Tex quietly admit as she slumped over, embarrassed.
Crush two walls, past the gun turrets, and... plant a bomb! Simple plan - it's been marked with an 'X' as to where it should go. The problem is, Tex can't carry it? They'd need to keep the bomb carrier safe, which seemed to be Caboose - of the Blue Team. While he seemed to struggle, he seemed to be able to do it! Red Riding Hood let it all sink in and habitually nodded as if she understood. To an extent, no she didn't.
"Alright! Then we'll storm in there, rescue Lopez, blow up O'Malley, and leave Grif for dead!"

"Sounds good to me. You guys?"


"Uh huh."

"Sounds great!"

"Let's kick some ass!"


"Yeah! Let's get em!"

"Alright, well, now that we have a basic outline of the plan, we need to go over specifics!" Sarge exclaimed as he stood up on a rock so everyone could hear him. "I myself have two plans! First plan: We charge at the base in a single file line, screaming at the top of our lungs! The enemy will be so flabbergasted that by the time they have a chance to regroup, we'll already be inside!"

"Yeah, right! They're not gonna get surprised, they're just gonna start mowing us down!" Tucker interjected.

"That's the inherent beauty of the single file line! They can only kill the person in front! So, if we order from least important to most important, with Tucker being in the front and me being in the back, then we just might make it through!"

"Sir, don't you think Caboose should be in the back since he's the one carrying the bomb?" Simmons asked.

"No, Caboose is in front of me. We need someone in the back who can objectively evaluate if the plan is working!"

"How are you gonna know if it's not working?"

"If Caboose dies, I'll know we're in trouble! Immediately abort!"

"I think that's a good plan." Caboose said, still holding the bomb in his hands.

"Sarge, while that's the most retarded idea I've ever heard, I just wanted to thank you for not putting me in the front of the line." Grif said.

"Don't get misty-eyed, Francine. By now, we would have already killed you and used your corpse to jam up the windmill! I think that we can all agree that, given our current situation, it's the perfect plan!" Sarge said, only for a long, drawn out moment of silence to follow. Breaking the silence, Sarge said, "Okay, well lemme tell ya about my other plan. Using parts from the Warthog, we make what I like to call: The Grif Cannon." Sarge said, which in turn caused Grif to sigh loudly and begin walking in the other direction, only for Sarge to continue anyways. "Utilizing the power of The Grif Cannon, we make a Grif-sized hole in the outer wall! Or we just... paint it a very disgusting color. And THEN we--"

"Alright, stop!" Church shouted as he stepped forward, climbing up onto the rock next to Sarge. "Jesus Christ, if we keep sitting here with our thumbs up are asses all day, then we'll never get anything done!" Church shouted. Sarge merely went quiet after this and slowly backed off the rock. "Thank you. Jesus..." He said, before addressing the matter at hand. "Blue Team, you guys are with me, Tucker, Tex and Caboose. There are some stairs on the left side that we'll take. We can sneak past O'Malley's defenses easier that way, and keep Caboose cover at the same time." Church said, before turning to face Red Team. "Red Team, you and the Solo guys create a distraction, and draw the fire away from us while we plant the bomb. I don't care what you do, or how you do it, just make sure that the aren't shooting at us. Got it?" Church asked, though the question was clearly rhetorical, as the Blue Team leader soon stepped off the rock and back into the sand below.

"I still think we should'a gone with the Grif Ccannon..." Sarge muttered, though it clearly didn't matter, as Tex soon cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Alright, I think that settles it! We don't have much time to waste, so let's get into positions now, people!" She shouted, before her, Caboose, Tucker, and Church began to head up the stairs alongside the rest of Blue Team. Meanwhile, the core Red Team members went and hopped into the Warthog, with Sarge in the front, Simmons in the passenger seat, and Grif on the turret. Donut merely stood off to the side this time.

"Rest of you, follow our lead!" Sarge shouted to those of you on the Red and Solo Teams as he, Grif and Simmons sped off towards the entrance.


And with that, the plan was finally set into motion, and the point of no return had been reached. You could feel the endgame just beyond the horizon.

Time to finish this.
Red Riding Hood prepared her pistols as she would follow along with everyone in the Warthog and/or near it - though struggling to, as they had gotten a little head start in front of her, and when she caught up, she aptly smiled and laughed. "Let's do this, boys and girls!" She called out to everyone as she caught up, staring head-on as she ran with the Warthog and the others as best she could. "This is likely the final time we're fighting on the same side - don't hold anything back!" She shouted so everyone could hear, as she would then be 'met' with familiar music from the Warthog. Upon hearing it, that smile of hers grew wider, and her laughter continued. "LET'S DO THIS!" She roared as it began, very obviously in 'battle mode' - just as she was earlier. If one had seen her previous 'work', this could either end very well, or very badly.
"Boys... brace for impact!!" Sarge suddenly shouted as the Warthog entered its maximum speed while driving up the hill. As he sped up the hill, the Red Team commander flicked up a nearby switch on the dashboard, and suddenly, a piece of music that some of you might find familiar began to play...

As the music began blaring from the Warthog's speakers, Sarge, Grif, and Simmons all began to scream at the top of their lungs. The Warthog outright crashed through the nearby wall, leaving a gigantic hole in it, as well as another hole in the NEXT wall, before speeding past the fan. It screeched to a halt in the epicenter of the turrets, as all of them soon trained their guns on them.

"Men... and women... it's been an honor fighting alongside all of you. Except you, Grif." Sarge said as he pumped his shotgun in his hands. Mere seconds later, all the turrets began firing strings of endless bullets towards all of you. Sarge, Grif, and Simmons began to scream at the top of their lungs as they fired at the turrets like a trio of angry monkeys, practically telling you all to do the same.

Oh and Donut was there too, but he was too busy gazing at the clouds to even notice the sounds of screams and gunfire right behind him.
Red Riding Hood, noticing the turrets firing at her and the others, began firing at one turret with both of her pistols at once, hoping she would at least do some form of damage to possibly wear it down - break it, at least. Although difficult mid-run, she kept mobile and tried to throw off the turrets, going up front and it seemed like she wouldn't be stopping her movements any time soon. "Catch me if you can, technology!" She challenged egotistically as she kept firing, her eyes wide with indulgence. This may possibly be 'her' last battle as well, she may as well enjoy it...

'This world is on the line, as is everyone's futures in it at this very moment. Mercy is not an option.' She thought to herself.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Battle mode
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors, water bottle (2/4 uses left), pistol (X2), throwing knife (X10)
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Stop a turret or two from firing and/or distract the turrets
RP Information
Location: I actually don't know(?)
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Mentions: None
Nearby/In Group: @RedNSolo
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"Hey! Laddie!" Lucky protested as Sora scooped him up. "Okay, what do you suggest I do?! I don't have anything to defend meself! And-"

His jaw dropped.

Rex had gone in there. Straight into the line of fire. The culmination of everything Lucky fucked up had arrived. Rex was gonna kill himself, and then he would have to live with that forever.

Shock turned to panic.

Panic turned to frustration.

Frustration lit a new spark in the base of his burned-out heart.

"REX, NO! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DIE!" He wiggled and kicked out of Sora's arms, charging into the base as fast as his bunny nubs could carry him. "I DO!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Benedict looked up from his laptop,
AH! Stop rushing me....I’m trying to....file my taxes...people these days are so impatient, come along Josh, we shall just go to the office and shoot O’Malley in the head....ah, I knew Irishmen were evil, after that one time a Leprechaun are my pop tart....he’s resting now, forever....“ with that, Benedict and Josh would sneak to O’Malleys office, ready to end this so Benedict can file his sweet taxes.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Blue Team.

Karma was heading with blue team and decided to end this quickly by going to O'Malley's office; just like she does in most of her assaination missions, quick, precise, accurate, no room for mercy or indecison. If oh-Malley isn't there then she could use the time to investiagate the office.

"Here goes nothing..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Sora was carrying Lucky to safety, he saw Rex making a distraction for the two. Lucky was pissed and escaped Sora’s arms to save Rex. “LUCKY WAIT! IT’S TOO DANGEROUS!” Shouted Sora as he went after Lucky. “STOP. Rex wants to keep you safe, Whoa!” As Sora went to reach Lucky, he found himself being targeted by a stray turret. “That’s it. Running won’t do anymore, I have to take these things out!”

Meanwhile, Rex was doing fine enough to distract the turrets until Lucky came to him, wanted to sacrifice himself. “LUCKY? What the H are you doing?! Get out of here! HEY. LISTEN TO ME, NO! I’M NOT LETTING YOU DIE THIS EASILY!” Rex caught Lucky in his arms before he could do something rash. “Great now I have to save us both, I told you I’m not abandoning our promise like that, you still need a home!” Rex shouted, not sure if Lucky could hear him at all. “Why are you such a stubborn rabbit?” Rex growled he then sees Sora in the background looking for a way to help everyone disable the turrets but almost gets Lucky and himself shot. “DAMN IT! Sora, hurry up and take out the turrets!”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky paid Sora little heed. "Stay back!" Was all he shouted back, in between wincing in pain when bullets gazed him. "Rex has things to go back to. His sacrifice would cause more damage than mine!"

He thought Rex would have been happy to see him, but the boy was instead enraged. Lucky, once again, was grabbed and held tight. "All I've done is dwell in me own failure! So, suddenly, when I want to help, I can't!? You're the one with all the friends who would be miserable if you were killed in the line of duty. Nobody would miss me!" The furious rabbit believed this to be obvious. This was a matter of life and death. Was it really that unclear who deserved what? "One broken promise is outweighed by a lost life!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Luffy is having a difficult time thinking as of what his first move will be so he asked Lucky and Rex for some ideas. "Hmm... What do you guys think that we should do first?" He asked.

"Nevermind..." Raven feels like that it wasn't the right time to talk to Captain Price right now as they have proceeded to the next area as the means to come up with a strategy to outdo O'Malley.

She returned to her friends to ask them if they have discovered anything so far. "Are there some goods news that you would like to tell me? If not then we can postpone it if you are okay with it... We need to come up with a plan..." She said to Vitan and Lilith.
Rex, still dodging bullets, continues his argument with his furry friend, angry at the fact he would still die then see what another day has to offer. “That’s why I wanted to help. To make you feel like you belonged somewhere, to help you realize none of this is your fault!” Rex slammed Lucky’s head down, not only as a means to make him understand his life’s still worth something (and the fact Rex has had enough of Lucky’s negativity) but to follow up with a backflip to catch a short breather before the turrets would return fire.

“Yeah my friends would be upset, but I had a chance to leave this life behind after I took out the EVO’S, but I kept going, they and I both understand the risk. And y’know I could say the same about you and YOUR friends, what about me, huh? or Megumin, Lealan, Luffy, WHAT ABOUT LANA!?”
Rex then proceeded to run in circles for a few. “Think about them, think about me. Stop living on failure or think that you’re the cause of everything. You are not some worthless trash and if you would just stop and let us help you, you would see that! I’m not giving up on you, or the promise! Just shut up so-” The two then see Luffy just standing there, asking them what they thought about something they probably don’t care about at the moment. “WILL YOU STOP GOOFING AROUND AND HELP US!?!?”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
"I never belonged, don't you get it? You're everything I'm not!" Lucky shouted, as he kept himself low to the ground. "You have people to fall back on. You have optimism. You have the ability to put others before yourself! Meanwhile, I stabbed each and every one of them in the back." Speaking of backs, he recieved a big scratch across the spine, making him yelp, and motivating him to seek a weak point. "You just said yourself that you have friends! Megumin can find a Chomisuke III. Lealan has her crew, so does Luffy. And Lana has Eric! I'm replaceable to everyone! Even if I make it through, we'll just split apart and forget about each other anyway! We're only friends because we were forced together!" He got sand all over himself as he fled, struggling to get between turrets.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Sora’s side: 95107205-3282-4136-8E7C-66A9C1946C46.jpeg

Sora was dodging left and right, up and down but still saw nothing that could help save his friends. “Crap. What does a guy have to do around here to get some-“ Sora saw Donut standing in the background doing nothing to help. “I got an Idea..” Sora makes a U-turn for Donut to see if he can help out. “Hey, Donut, we could use your help you know, don’t you have anything that could take out the guns?” Sora stares at the warthog and a bunch of lightbulbs just appear in his thoughts. “Better Idea! Let’s see, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” Sora would try to see if he could find some guns for all to help with the turrets. “They gotta be somewhere.”

Rex’s side: FAD3E58C-DD61-4AA6-8231-6F9C97BC9090.jpeg

Rex continues to try and get through to Lucky.
“Just because people have other friends, doesn’t mean they can’t squeeze you in. And while we have been forced to be together, that doesn’t mean the friendship you and others have made was too. What. About. The Cape? Agh!” Lucky with the help of sand, struggled with all his strength to escape Rex’s grasp. “OH COME ON! (Wish I had my gun, but I’m out of ammo.) Get back here!” He yelled to Lucky.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"How do I know that?" Lucky snorted. "All anyone wants is to leave this place. You and I both know that! As soon as we're done here, we'll probably just be pitted against each other again at best." He made a mad dash for safety. "I do want to go to the Cape, but if one of us needs to die, it's gonna have to be me!"

He made it outside the turret circle, only to stumble on a rock. "Ow, shit! Stupid fucking..." As he rubbed his ankle while staring at the rock, an idea hatched. Lucky picked it up, along with a few more, and carried them back to the turrets. One by one, he hurled a rock at each of them.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Rex’s side: 6BE25E30-7154-4684-97F3-A9966BED5F5E.jpeg

“Well, how do you know we’ll be against each other when we didn’t even have to fight the whole time? We don’t even have to fight!” Lucky was successful at leaving the circle at an attempt for a safe distraction. “I’m not gonna let your death happen on my hands!”

Meanwhile with Sora: “Finally! I found something that’ll help.” Sora runs over to Rex and Lucky with some needed firepower. “Aim for the holes when they’re not firing!” Sora screamed at the two whilst throwing them towards Rex and Lucky. “About time.” Rex grabs his share of grenades. “Thanks!” Yelled Rex. Sora and Rex began to throw a couple at the turrets and actually destroyed a couple. “Way to go.” “Not too bad yourself.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"They could make us switch teams." Lucky shouted back. "Or maybe the others will lock you up so you don't interfere with them gangin' up on me!" He tried and failed at keeping his rage from screwing up his aim; Some rocks landed on the turrets, others just hit the sand between them. "So you're saying that you would rather die for the loner rabbit, who you only know because we were both kidnapped, and has stepped on everyone else without a second thought, than let him die and go home a free man?" Well, as free as he could be, with Toffee looming over them.

Fortunately, Sora came to distract them both with grenades. "Great, laddie! I was almost out of rocks." Lucky immediately went to do as suggested, frantically snaking left and right, slamming into the bases of the turrets. When the time was right, he would pull out a pin with his teeth and plug the hole with a grenade.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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After Lilith gathered some information she wondered off to a nearby area to sit in, she pulled out her diary and wrote a short paragraph about how she's feeling about the current events and how she is feeling in general. Once she was done she left, forgetting that she left her dairy.
She returned to talk to Raven about what she found out.

"Well nothing crazy but I saw a small rabbit that retrieved a knife and a key, and I think they had a few batteries. They might use those for something but I don't know what. Did you have any luck Vitan?"

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja (Raven)
Chungchangching Chungchangching (Vitan)
Lealan was caught off guard by the charge from the Reds. She was hoping for a bit more of a warning. When the turrets began to fire upon the group, she would deploy the stolen Hard Light Shield to protect herself and whoever was lucky enough to be behind her.
"SSSSSSTUPID INCAPABLE MEATSACK JUST KILLED US!" she roars in rage. Keeping the shield between herself and the turrets she looks at the others. "I'm going to charge the wall, either Ill find a limit to their aiming field, or maybe draw enough of their fire, find Cover!" Her plan laid out, she would begin her charge to the wall, hoping to get to a safe point before the shield broke.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake Ineptitude Ineptitude Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Uh, I have this rock shaped like a star. Does that help?" I told Lilith showing them my find, It's pretty much useless in the grand scheme of things but I thought it was pretty cool. I'm keeping it with me as a way to remember this event. I always take stuff from other dimensions to keep them fresh in my memory. The things I grab are pretty much just for eye candy with no use other than to look pretty in my collection. Anyway, we don't need a plan other than to plant a bomb or to grab that Italian robot without being caught but what if we get caught and the plan fails? That's the problem.

"I'll think of something if anything goes wrong but right now we just have to trust the armored girl."

I don't remember their names because their armor is practically identical. Just different colors.​


After what felt like an eternity of shit he didn't give one fraggin' ounce of care about, they had finally left the dump. He felt like if he'd stayed there any longer he'd have become one with the trash out of boredom. The Main Man lived for the thrill and kill. So he was eager as hell to go along with Sarge's suicidal plan if it meant he'd get another shot at O'Malley, now Doctor O'Malley. His foot needed a new home in someone's ass after all.
Caboose had the strength and brain of an ox so bomb delivery shouldn't be any problem. Delivering a distraction would be easy enough for the oversized biker.
"If I die before I get to punch Doc in the face I'm pummelin' my way outta the afterlife."
He said as Sarge crashed the Warthog into the wall in a blaze of glory drawing the turret fire towards the Reds and Solos, no doubt the Blues had the easy sneaking job.
"Eat grenade chumps!"
The Czarnian shouted as he pulled out a grenade from who knows where and lobbed it at one of the many turrets before pulling out both his sub-machine guns and standing on the highest point he could. Spraying his own blast of bullets while screaming and laughing savagely.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As the turrets began firing in their direction, Celty quickly ducked behind a chunk of rubble that had been blown off from their initial... entrance. Peering over the edge, she picked out one of the many turrets to target. They were stationary, so it should be easy to take them out. She aimed the missile launcher with a deadly precision. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the trigger and fired.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Red_Solo_Team
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Rex had stopped pestering him, for now. Lucky could work at full speed, doing whatever he could to break these fuckin' turrets. Simultaneously, he had to dodge the oncoming fire from both Lobo and Celty, and that wasn't very fun. In his panic, he ended up spilling over the top.

He landed headfirst on the ground, realizing where he was with a grin. "Hahaha, sweet spot!" But what else could he do back here?

Some investigating led him to a panel, which he hastily tore open with his teeth. It tasted terrible, but whatever. He would show Toffee how competent he really was! "You like this, O'Malley?!" He cackled as he chewed wires apart, trying to ignore the electrocution. Hahaha, this was fun! "How about you, Toffee?! You enjoy playin' me like a fiddle?! Huh? Well, as soon as we're done here, I'm coming for you!" He felt like a little kid trashing a classroom, and he almost felt content to be trapped doing this forever.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
captain price.jpg
Blue Team
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @BlueManGroup​

Raven forwent asking Price a question, so he nodded and walked off. A bit odd, but not John's concern at the moment. He makes his way over to Church, but before he could speak, the radio sounds, having been given batteries. Tex's voice is heard from the speakers, informing the Blood Gulch soldiers that she found O'Malley and requests backup. They started tracing the signal from the radio as the Reds gathered some car parts to fix up a vehicle they had found. In the meantime, he gave his arm a little more attention, letting it rest for the twenty minutes of downtime they were given. By the time they began moving out, his arm was good enough to remove his makeshift cast. It was still sore, and a little swollen, but nothing he couldn't handle.

He was given even more time to rest his arm as everyone walked alongside the jeep the Reds fixed up. Although it could only fit a few people, it could be useful in an assault on the base. Price didn't wanna walk the entire way, but he doesn't have much choice.

They eventually happened upon a beach sporting barricades and a large wall, O'Malley's base. John couldn't tell if this was the sight of a landing or O'Malley just prepared for one, but it is odd either way. Especially the spinning blade. What is that even for? The group met up with Tex, who was waiting here on the beach for days. Donut and Simmons apparently shared an intimate moment on the way, but thankfully Simmons prevented any further information from being told to the others. They can keep that between them.

O'Malley has been beefing up his defenses the whole time, which means they are going to have a difficult time getting to him. The questions now become, how do they get to him; and when they do, how do they destroy him? Well, Tex planned all that out. She infiltrated the base to scout it out. There are two walls to get past, one of them having that really weird spinning blade. Then, they have to make their way further into the base and plant a bomb that will destroy it. Tex couldn't carry the bomb inside, and it seems like Caboose is the only one who can. Well, it is a bomb that's supposed to destroy this entire base, it better be heavy and packed full of enough explosives to blow this place kingdom come. Church then made the game plan after Sarge's horrendous idea, "Sounds good to me," and they all moved out.

Kassandra started climbing the rocks to support them from above, "Try not to take our heads off," he joked, walking with Church. The Reds moved out to make their distraction shouting about the American south. Blue Team snuck their way up the wall and into the base, the Red distraction working like a charm. However, once O'Malley sees that only the Reds and random guys are there, he'll know the Blues are sneaking about. Hell, he might even know it already, which means they'll have to act quick. Tex explained that the left path was towards the X where they will plant the bomb and the right is where they need to retrieve the Red guy. A few of the Blue team members already started towards O'Malley's office, so Price continued on with Caboose towards the X. He kept his rifle raised, looking around for O'Malley or any other threat as they walked.
Megumin | Red Team | CS | Previous Post

When the warthog plowed through two walls at max speed and into hailing gunfire, Megumin froze up for about half the ride. Grenades rolled out of hidden compartments in her clothes, and when one rolled into her face, it bumped her out of her frozen state. Megumin held on for dear life, slowly peeking out of the warthog at the gun towers. A scowl burning into her face, the witch grabbed one of the loose grenades and shouted "Explosion!" as she threw it at one of the towers... except the grenade fell short of the target by a long way. As the warthog sped away, the grenade kicked up the dirt and rubble nearby and the gunfire continued.

Suddenly, one of the many towers exploded. The brave scowl was replaced by an awestruck countenance. She followed the trail of smoke back to its launcher: Celty. She crawled over to her, tapping the helmet girl's shoulder. "Can I try?" she meekly asked, a sparkle of fascination in her eyes.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ineptitude Ineptitude @Reds_and_Solos​

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