[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

xarvh said:
My fireball had 11L plus extra suxx in it, far more than what burns some clothes.
The expected lethal levels of damage that it should finally deal on an unarmored target is 4, which means that Pearl would be at -2 penalty, but still alive.

Since this is the most powerful attack of my character and deals more damage than a sword, it cheapens my character and weakens the suspension of belief to see that it does no damage worth of note.

In short, the ST intervention to save two main characters feels too strong, as rules are applied in an obviously different way, killing any drama the situation may have.
No, I just made a simple misunderstanding. You had like 2-3 posts where damage was concerned. I thought you had done the math for me. No, she has no soak to give, and she stayed in the way taking it all. She's going to look like like steak. I fixed / fixing my posts.
What is Cindy's DV and defense? I haven't posted my damage from my shot to her yet because I've been waiting for that.
Dodge DV 11

L Soak 2

But with anima on she's immune to fire, so you have to use Essence Arrow Attack or something else to load the fire with Essence.
Xarvh, we're not shuffling anything. Honest to goodness, I made an error with the damage and corrected it. I was confused. I read three posts each with a different damage rating, and thought the 4 was the one I was supposed to apply for damage. You corrected me, i double checked, and slapped myself in the forehead for it. And then I changed the posts accordingly, and did my best to be upfront about it.

As for Xandra, we agreed on a do over.
Well, Xandra got toasted. Any suggestions on what I should pull out to replace her? I was thinking perhaps a Sidereal.
A quick question about Sorcery. When picking up the Charm, do you get a spell to go with it? That is a houserule that I've alwalys played with.
Sidereals are cool, and I like them, but they aren't my best. Now, what is this about sorcery. The way you have it written, it looks like for every charm you have you get one spell? Can you clarify?

I think having the counter spell is appropriate, because if you can weave a spell you should be able to untie it.

Pish! I misread that! Sure. One starter spell is fine and the counter spell.

And how(where) would you like me to post your XP awards?
Cool. I have a Siddie that I had written up for a different game that never took off. I just need to do some polishing and I can have it posted for your approval.
Sherwood said:
Cool. I have a Siddie that I had written up for a different game that never took off. I just need to do some polishing and I can have it posted for your approval.
Sure thing!
Should I post a beginning story thread for O-Ren or wait for you?
Gah, I come back and a PC is dead?! So much for having Rei try to jump in and stop things when I got back. :(

I'll try to figure out what's going on and post tomorrow.
Eheeeeem, guys....

I really hate the time difference, I really do (and it's going to get worse, I am about to move...)

The 17L is Raw Damage.

Once I roll the dice, it's 7HL total that Xandra took.

She's Unconscious.

Pearl is also burned very badly, but still alive.

I think all this mess so far arised because of Exalted is very ambiguous on the terms of the damage before and after it is rolled.

Against Pearl, it was 11L BEFORE rolling, with a statistical outcome of 4HL AFTER rolling. I never rolled this.

Against Xandra, it was 17L BEFORE rolling, and 7HL after the roll.

This is something about Exalted that really sucks.

Xandra and Pearl are both alive, and Cindy is NOT going to kill them.

Now, Sher has just rolled another character, which he probably would like to play.

I actually liked Xandra, but otherwise for me he can go with what he finds most fun.

The drama between Xandra and Pearl was very nice and Cindy almost killing them may be a further way to build on it.

For my part, I'll do my best to roll with whatever makes you guys enjoy the game best.
How do you think I feel? I'm the crispy critter here! :cry: Ah, well. This is not the first character I've lost, and won't be the last.

I have a starting post up for O-Ren getting to Port Royale.
From the way you posted, I was under the impression that it was 17L was what Xandra took after soak was applied, putting me negative by 10L. If Xandra is not dead, that would be great, but if she is, I had it coming to me and I won't cry about it. I'm cool with xarvh; no grudge on my part. He did everything by the book and played his character well.

I almost think that things would be easier for us to integrate the party if I play the Siddie instead of a Solar mutant/former demon worshiper. I just didn't expect to be coming to blows between players.
Bear in mind that we still have to integrate a Lunar who hangs out with mermen in their undersea city. Trust me, Xandra would not be the odd one out. :wink:

Oh, and I just feel like it's kind of a bad sign when you have to roll up a new character before the story has actually started... :|
Well, the 17L comes after a long calculation, so I thought it was obvious that it was not a rolled value.

Nono, no grudge whatsoever, I built Cindy before even noticing that we had a Lintha friend...

I think it would be nice to play a way our characters can get together without killing themselves anymore...

Cindy may have to atone for what she did and conquer the trust of Xandra and Pearl.

From now, I don't think it would be hard to integrate the party, especially because Rei is going to be very angry or so at Cindy...

But ultimately the choice is yours.
Plus, EVERYONE hates Siddies.

You are attempting to get a PC killed by me and one killed by Dorissa. :mrgreen:
Its not entirely my choice. My actions affect the rest of the party, too. What say all of you? Which character would be better for the game? I can delete O-Ren if the decision is made to let Xandra live.

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