[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

Also, a second-tier charm that halves the target DV for 2 motes?

Goes hand-in-hand with Heart-Stopping Mien.
Uh, I feel so out of place in this game with 2 really twinked out people always jumping at throats.

Also, what is our total xp? Because apparently I'm behind on my accounting?
Twinked out? O.o T.T

If folks have that much issue with my character, I can withdraw from the game. Didn't mean to be a hinderance or hassle.
I don't have an issue with it since there are still things for my character to do, but yeah, you are really powerful compared to my character and basically forcing us to fight within the PC group.

I more question the ST thinking 17 pts of flaws is a good idea, but just realize what you made and try to figure out a way to work in a group.
@Fea: yeah, Cindy is kinda stuck up, and when she finds other stuck up people they end up in a pissing contest.

Plus, I fear that the squabble is chocking space for the others.

My count on Cindy's XP expenditure and on cap's thread is for a total of 46 XPs.

@Thief: No hassle, but we're clogging the IC with spoilers.

In theory, I'd expect people to just ignore Cindy's antics, but it's clear that with a Valor of 6 Hunger really can't.

I don't see a solution that would grant their stupid pride to both chars.

I don't mind too much if she's killed for her bad temper, but we are in fact clogging the game.
And if you notice, Xarvh, Hunger isn't killing Cindy. She grappled her and knocked her to the deck. All she's gonna do is keep grappling until Cinder cries Uncle. That's it. If Cinder dies, it's cause she kept attacking Hunger and got hit by HSM. >.>

Hunger just wants an apology. That's it. xD

-Anyway, Cinder's prone and grappled. Your next post, Xarvh.
Feantari said:
I don't have an issue with it since there are still things for my character to do, but yeah, you are really powerful compared to my character and basically forcing us to fight within the PC group.
I more question the ST thinking 17 pts of flaws is a good idea, but just realize what you made and try to figure out a way to work in a group.
I don't think 17pts in flaws is acceptable at all when 10 is the limit. My problem is that I am trusting and lazy and I don't think anyone here is a cheater or means to cheat.

Rei, I know you feel underpowered but I really do think that your concept and direction can make you the most powerful member in the group. Not because of dot allocation but the potential of gathering intelligence.

and, I really hate suddenly having a lack of computers in the house. My desktop's wireless internet card went kaput. I really hate that, because that leaves me with only this silly tiny netbook for internet access. Gah! Whoever decided that a small computer with a small keyboard was intelligent needs to be chased by bees.
@Theft: did you read my post?

You got 4L of damage from Cinder's Aspect Anima.

Continue to pin her down you like.
Yeah, what Feantari said. I didn't want to say it, but it seems like this game is going to be nonstop fighting. That when we're not fighting the Lintha or whoever we're going to be fighting each other. And frankly, that's boring.
If that's the consensus, and I'm the problem, then I'd rather step down than poison the game or kill a fellow PC. Hunger has more dimensions to her than just rawr-fighty...but clearly there's never going to be any opportunity for that to show. I'm sorry things didn't work out. Just ignore that Hunger was ever there to whatever degree is most convenient.
Hey, Cindy has Perception high and Investigation Favored!

@Thief: May I suggest you to ramp down Valor?

Most people here would hesitate before cranking any Virtue at 5, you put it at 6.

I would suggest you to keep it at 4 and retain your Merit, so that you can raise it back to 6 after you are more accustomed with your character.
Was a key bit of the character. She's Siakal's daughter and as fearless as her mother... But I suppose I could. Though that'd do nothing at all for our current circumstances.
So.... Suggestion, since you are currently trying to pin down a bonfire, and since said bonfire probably isn't going to appologize, work out some way the two of you can make it into something like more of an ongoing tension rather than hey one of us is going to die now? There have been a few hints IC and for Cinder's part this thing that is attacking you keeps talking about liking killing Lintha, maybe it's time for a redirect? As to your supposed need for an appology you didn't get nothing out of Cinder, she basically admitted fear (which if you knew Cinder is a pretty damn huge deal). You can take that as having proved your point.
Thank you Xarvh for letting Cinder back down.

Oh! And I need some held. Would any of you be a computer whiz? When I hit shift + 2, I should get the @ symbol, but I don't. I get the full quotations (") instead. And, visa versa. Know how that can be fixed?
You have an Italian/Spanish/France keyboard active.

Check that your Keyboard is set as EN.
xarvh said:
You have an Italian/Spanish/France keyboard active.
Check that your Keyboard is set as EN.
Any idea how?

Oh, and this came across one of the artists I follow on Deviantart.

Search "How to change keyboard layout" followed by the version of your operative system.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]So...who'd like to make the new thread or open the post-skip conversation?

That's traditionally the ST's duty...
So, I think I'm going to build towards Dance of Flashing Swords... it seems like it would be incredibly useful at times to be able to hide all your fighting from a general populace. For some reason I had missed the changes to it last time I looked at it.

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