[Blood-Dimmed Tides] Non-PC OOC Thread

Feantari said:
So, I think I'm going to build towards Dance of Flashing Swords... it seems like it would be incredibly useful at times to be able to hide all your fighting from a general populace. For some reason I had missed the changes to it last time I looked at it.
I like the sound of that. Tell me more so I may consider it for some of my characters. :)

Cost: 2m, 1wp + 1m per extra foe; Mins: Performance 4, Essence

2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Talented Improvisation

From time to time, an Exalted warrior ï¬nds herself in the difficult position of being forced to ï¬ght when it is undesirable to be seen ï¬ghting. Sometimes, the Dragon-Blood is forced to ï¬ght an ally under some kind of mind control and she does not wish to let enemies know of her circle’s internal strife. Other times, the Dragon-Blood might be undercover in an enemy city and need to subdue her opponents in a public place without bystanders calling out the city guards. With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can place anyone observing her combat under the illusion that the combat itself is not a serious ï¬ght. Depending on the circumstances and how the Dragon-Blood chooses to manipulate the Charm, observers might believe that the ï¬ght is simply some kind of street theater or that an implacable enemy assassin is simply a “drunken friend who has had too much ale.†Regardless of the context, affected observers believe that the ï¬ght is entertaining and nonthreatening, and they will generally refrain from attempting to intervene or from calling for the guards.

The Dragon-Blood can disguise a conflict between herself and a single person plus one additional extra per extra mote spent. She cannot disguise a conflict if her enemies include more than one character who is not an extra. The other combatants in the ï¬ght are not affected by this illusion, and nothing prevents one of them breaking off the ï¬ght to summon help while the others continue to ï¬ght. Anyone who knows for certain that the ï¬ght is real before the Charm is activated (such as allies of the other combatants who were not close enough to Join Battle at the time) is unaffected. Likewise, anyone who arrives on the scene later during the ï¬ght with reason to believe the ï¬ght is real (such as allies who were summoned by a combatant who ran off to get help) is unaffected. If someone does arrive after the Charm’s activation, however, the Dragon-Blooded can add him to the “mock ï¬ght†with the reflexive expenditure of a single mote of Essence, so that the arrival of new combatants will not break the Charm’s hold on bystanders. This Charm does not fool characters with an Essence rating higher than the character using the Charm, nor does it affect any character whose Dodge MDV is higher than the Dragon-Blood’s (Performance + Essence).

This Charm is a reflexive one that can be used freely without the need for a Combo. It can be used on any tick.

Dance of Flashing Swords

(p. 177)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Leader 5

Resisting the unnatural influence imposed by all activations of this Charm for a scene costs 3wp. It is possible to hide a fight in which the Exalt is merely an observer to two heroic combatants. With Essence 3+, the Charm can hide any number of heroic characters. The Leader effect allows the character to hide his unit’s involvement in mass combat, paying as if cloaking a number of individuals equal to the total dots of Magnitude among all hidden units; a war can rage through the streets with the citizens none the wiser.
Feantari said:

Cost: 2m, 1wp + 1m per extra foe; Mins: Performance 4, Essence

2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Talented Improvisation

From time to time, an Exalted warrior ï¬nds herself in the difficult position of being forced to ï¬ght when it is undesirable to be seen ï¬ghting. Sometimes, the Dragon-Blood is forced to ï¬ght an ally under some kind of mind control and she does not wish to let enemies know of her circle’s internal strife. Other times, the Dragon-Blood might be undercover in an enemy city and need to subdue her opponents in a public place without bystanders calling out the city guards. With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can place anyone observing her combat under the illusion that the combat itself is not a serious ï¬ght. Depending on the circumstances and how the Dragon-Blood chooses to manipulate the Charm, observers might believe that the ï¬ght is simply some kind of street theater or that an implacable enemy assassin is simply a “drunken friend who has had too much ale.†Regardless of the context, affected observers believe that the ï¬ght is entertaining and nonthreatening, and they will generally refrain from attempting to intervene or from calling for the guards.

The Dragon-Blood can disguise a conflict between herself and a single person plus one additional extra per extra mote spent. She cannot disguise a conflict if her enemies include more than one character who is not an extra. The other combatants in the ï¬ght are not affected by this illusion, and nothing prevents one of them breaking off the ï¬ght to summon help while the others continue to ï¬ght. Anyone who knows for certain that the ï¬ght is real before the Charm is activated (such as allies of the other combatants who were not close enough to Join Battle at the time) is unaffected. Likewise, anyone who arrives on the scene later during the ï¬ght with reason to believe the ï¬ght is real (such as allies who were summoned by a combatant who ran off to get help) is unaffected. If someone does arrive after the Charm’s activation, however, the Dragon-Blooded can add him to the “mock ï¬ght†with the reflexive expenditure of a single mote of Essence, so that the arrival of new combatants will not break the Charm’s hold on bystanders. This Charm does not fool characters with an Essence rating higher than the character using the Charm, nor does it affect any character whose Dodge MDV is higher than the Dragon-Blood’s (Performance + Essence).

This Charm is a reflexive one that can be used freely without the need for a Combo. It can be used on any tick.

Dance of Flashing Swords

(p. 177)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Leader 5

Resisting the unnatural influence imposed by all activations of this Charm for a scene costs 3wp. It is possible to hide a fight in which the Exalt is merely an observer to two heroic combatants. With Essence 3+, the Charm can hide any number of heroic characters. The Leader effect allows the character to hide his unit’s involvement in mass combat, paying as if cloaking a number of individuals equal to the total dots of Magnitude among all hidden units; a war can rage through the streets with the citizens none the wiser.

It's a charm that cloaks, am I reading that right?
If I understand correctly, more than cloaking it will make witnesses mistake it for something else, such a performance or a training.
yep yep :) So I'll just innocently narrate your fights in song as though they were some sort of performance art or epic puppet theater
K. Is anyone else planning on taking Sail charms? (I ask because I'd rather see if anyone is actually interested in that as a character direction before I offer to jump on that xp-sink grenade.)
I think you would be the only one going for actual charms, but others can correct me if I'm wrong. At most Rei would pick up the DB penalty remover charm.
Xandra has a couple of dots in Sail, but I wasn't planning on getting any Charms in it.
*nod* The sad part is, it'd probably be easiest if Xandra or Hunger grabbed them, but I'm really not keen on adding another xp-sink to sit with Hunger's MAs and Necromancy.
I have plenty of points banked up, and with us spending time on the water, it makes sense to pick up the Sail charm set. I'll start getting them, and raising up my Sail while I'm at it.
Well, if you do, My suggestion'd be to grab the 1st Excellency, then...I forget the Solar version but whatever the Solar equivalent to Dark Water Odyssey is, then grab Immortal Captain's Advantages. I'd do it with Hunger, but I honestly just don't have the points ._.
Are there any bodies left? I had thought that they had disintegrated, but I could be wrong.
Yeah, there should be plenty of bodies.

BTW, we still don't know that I AM was in the machine, and still have no idea whether it's stil inside the head?

Did we search the head throughly?

I just rolled a poor Int+Lore on that thing.
Unless an Int+Occult roll would be permitted, Hunger wouldn't have the faintest clue what she was looking at. History and legend never much interested her, since she never really saw any visceral, practical application. Magic and the occult, however...well, that's nothing more than her birthright.
xarvh said:
Yeah, there should be plenty of bodies.
BTW, we still don't know that I AM was in the machine, and still have no idea whether it's stil inside the head?

Did we search the head throughly?

I just rolled a poor Int+Lore on that thing.
IAM was ooc information, and you likely do not have the equipment to check for first age software with you.

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