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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Xerxes Turan

Airship chair to..Ow

Xerxes was closer to the back one of the first champions to had of made his way onto the ship for the reason that he'd be closer to an escape hatch if something did go awry. In his hand was the large knife-like claw of the Scarla he managed to kill in this seasons first hunt and it was a trophy he was proud of as he overcame it without making use of his line. His index finger traced over the smoothness of its claw before it was lightly tugged by the sharp tip of the claw and then there was a sudden bolt causing his finger to almost be stabbed by the claw if it wasn't saved by his armoured gloves. His eyes danced across the aisles of the airship looking towards the other champions and taking of note of who did what, that was when a black haired scrawny guy stood up and started rushing towards the back of the ship. Xerxes lost view of him after he rounded the corner but he knew what the initial plan probably was..Taking a one way ticket on the ohshitnope train to fuckthatville and Xerxes wasn't about to miss this departure only moments after the man had dipped out Xerxes was up and had his hand on the emergency door's handle before opening letting a massive gust of wind from the sudden pressure. He didn't even need to jump because which-ever of the overgrown pigeons had destroyed one of the engines causing the ship to convulse and when it heaved Xerxes was what it heaved out. Xerxes face had changed from determined to just a blank gaze, well a smeared blank gaze because the wind just wanted to put his face on the underside of the airship.

He started to try and look around for how he'd get down not truly realizing he jumped without any sort of parachute or means of a 'soft' landing but one thing he did know, he was going to be falling for awhile. Twisting his hips he managed to turn his body to see the ship make a straight for the building before he was met with a sudden impact in his side followed by a mental screech as his left side went into pain. He was trying to recollect himself and figure out what the fuck happened and then he felt as if he was just thrown into one of those stereotypical teenage girl pillow fights because feathers were tickling his neck. He was woken up from this dream however by a deafening screech only a few meters away from his own head, not to mention the wind wasn't making the most pleasant sound either. To make things all the worse the large thunderbird craned its heat towards where the sudden pressure was felt and saw what the grimace of Xerxes' face stuck on its wing. Xerxes was beginning to hate this trip already, he already claimed a prize from the Scarla he had no real motives for fighting it now. Well until his suit began warming up and bruising could be felt over his body, the bird had covered itself in lightning to try and remove it of it's unwanted guest. That just made Xerxes angry his already glowing eyes were set aflame with vexation and so he began reaching back for his tomahawks his left one he began charging with heat while the left he pointed at the beasts neck and head, he pulled the trigger of the right tomahawk and fires off two shots into its neck while three towards the lower parts of its head. A bullet went wry and instead make its way to its eye partially blinding the beast sending it into a barreling fury. To prevent himself of being sent off into the fucking shadow realm by the creature he planted his left tomahawk in its left wing causing a serious amount of damage thanks to him being a rag-doll in a sort of sense as it spun around. He was now on the back of the beast as the twisting and turning caused him to float a bit in the air as if he was going to fall away but he replaced his weapon in another spot in the same wing to reassure his ground, while his right one took its home near the large muscle a few feet right of its spinal cord.

The Scarla took a deep swoop in the direction to where the other champions were but when it did the sound increased as the distance closed and it veered to turn away. Xerxes however was trying to position himself and with the sudden halt then turn and himself going upside down with an encouraging bolt of lightning helped eject him from the Scarlas back and so he began to fall..He was falling hard and fast towards where the champions were. He tried moving his body around mid-descent and he could make out the smoke from where the ship crashed and tried angling himself towards them making his body as aerodynamic as possible in his descent towards them. He was closing in on their position rather quickly but there was no way he was going to make it onto the roof at best he could try crashing through a window and trying his luck there. It'd be better than if he would of stayed on the beast and ended up in nowhere. The window was getting closer and closer but it didn't look as friendly as he previously imagined..but what other choice would he have? Bringing both arms up he fired from both his tomahawks to crack the class in two spots weakening it for his fall. The shots rang out and was followed by the almost silent in comparison glass breaking as Xerxes flew through the glass with his knees raised to his chest and his arms crossed over his face coming into a rapid roll in the room. Once he finally came to a landing he tried standing up and had to lean on the wall to catch himself. Now that he was cooling down mentally from everything that happened he felt a ridiculous amount of pain in his left side and right leg. Broken, they had to be broken. There was a faint feeling of relief as his power had already started the healing process it wasn't much but it was something. However now he had no idea what else could be INSIDE the building, all he knew is his only help was on top of the building. Xerxes slid down the wall sitting down with his right leg out and left knee raised letting out a long drawn out sigh as he began banging the back of his head against the wall in a fit of frustration.




Mood: Aggravated

Location: Sixth story--->Ground

@'s: @las0r0o7

Other: If we're outside on the ground then where dafuqs everyone else?

"Fuckin' ship. Fuckin' Scarla. Fuckin' crash landing. Fuckin' city." Lyon growled as he walked through the sixth floor searching for the stairway down. So far he'd had little to no luck and it was wearing down his patience greatly.

"Fucking stupid city and your fucking buildings! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck!" Lyon shouted, highlighting each word with a gun shot towards the floor. "FUCK!" He added one last time with one last shot before he froze.


The only warning he had before the floor beneath him literally collapsed in a hole. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" He started before the chunk he was on hit the ground and knocked him from his feet. For a moment he laid their, groaning.


Lyon didn't even get a chance to shout out as the next section beneath him collapsed as well, followed by the next with a heavy jolt, and then one last crack and fall before he slammed into the ground atop a pile of rubble, little chunks falling around him from above.

"...ck..." He finally finished before coughing. Lyon didn't move from that spot for the next few long minutes, catching his breath and waiting for the pain to dull.

Carefully he climbed off the pile of rubble with a groan, hunched over and sore. With a deep breath he yanked himself upright, another loud crack emitting from his back this time as he popped it.

"I'm gonna feel that shit in the morning..." He groaned before shuffling his way out of the front entrance ahead of him, looking around before he spotted the dude who jumped first chilling on the ground. With another crack of a settling bone Lyon started heading his way.

Outside resting

Ash had been taking a half ass nap while everyone else had been trying to get out of the crashed ship and getting fixed up, that is all except for Lyon. He sat up and looked around while the building started to collapse he only spotted one person who happened to be walking his way.

Ash stood up and grabbed his scythe then tossed it over his shoulder smacking against the oversized shield on his back while he made his way over to Lyon "Well, glad to see someone else made it out before it crashed, but it looks like you didn't make it out as easy as I did."

He scratched the base of his pony tail knocking the debris out of his hair, which was quite a bit. After getting everything out he looked back at the guy seeing the random bits of damage done to him "Looks like you could use a bit of first aid, I have some stuff that isn't damaged and I can work with what I have, but if you want to tough it out fine by me."

With everything that Ash had been through, the building, window, multiple walls, and a quick run through the forest, he seemed to be practically unscathed. However internally he had a broken rib and a shattered shoulder, plus the fact was he couldn't feel it because his adrenaline was still going but it was wearing off and starting to hurt a bit. With his adrenaline still going his eyes were still mostly black and his horns still growing but slower than earlier.

(Sorry if its short, I'm on my phone and at work)
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Jekyll Wilson

On top of the building

Jekyll rubbed his hands softly of the jagged edge of the metal sheets that had once been used to make up the airship. The airship he had been riding in before the crash was on its back, completely useless. In his hands, he carried his bag of goodies and other things he had brought along for the trip, but his bag lacked some very crucial things. Walking up to the scrap he made sure that he didn't get cut by any stray shrapnel, and danced along the glass coated path towards the back, where they kept a lot of the weapons. He had left the others back around the medical spot, realizing that while he was injured, it was really on superficial damage and would give him some pain when moving at worst. There wasn't much a nurse could do for bruises, of course, so unless he got a few nasty cuts from this glass, than he was pretty much in the clear. Going to where they had all put most of their combat stuff, Jekyll went to his own personal area and patted down his pockets.

He smiled as he found the small key and after taking it out, the metal a little dented after the crash, but as he inserted it into the box that had fallen to the ground with the grace of a chicken, Jekyll was pleased as it turned easily and gave him no real harm. The box was made out of very refined metal, and for good reason, for as he opened up the case, the array of grenades within the box were revealed. Along with these small weapons of mass destruction, he also had a small slingbag packed inside it, which he grabbed and began to fill with the grenades that would certainly become useful early on. Sure, they were in a "Safe" zone, but that kind of stuff was subjective and unstable when the safe zone was surrounded by rule-breaking monsters that would eat you without hesitation, even in the face of ignoring their manners.

Packing all of them up, Jekyll realized how bad it would have been if the Scarla's electricity had reached the box. Maybe the box had been outfitted with insulated material for that reason? He didn't know, but he was sure that if they had been reached, this ship would be looking much worse than it was now. He wondered what would kill them first. Suffocating from the liquid cement or the mass explosion of thrid degree burns and mass electrocution?

(Id like to thank RPN for not giving alerts *claps*)

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

"Everybody brace for impaaaccct!" --> Aftermath/"We need a medic!"

The flight seemed to be running smoothly. Kat would occassionaly glance over at her neighbor, known as Death, to see how he was doing. Still clearly nervous, but he was okay. She sat back in her seat and layed her head back,"See? Not so bad," she said to him, not really caring if he was listening or not. The distinct roar of Scarla made her jump in her seat,"Maybe i spoke too soon? Heh heh." she hated saying that, specifically to Death since he was already nervous enough. She was just being honest. She knew how dangerous they could be, especially in flocks. Suddenly her seat transmitted a light vibration that Katherine could easily sense. The feeling made her uneasy. Along with the sensation, was a rapid gunfire sound, the chain gun could be felt even from inside of the cabin. Then...silence... "A-all under control," she reassured herself more than Death. She was nervous now too, not because of the ship but of the Scarla and the vibrations. Katherine's power worked on a molecular level, one of her weaknesses were vibrations, as vibrations are known to break up molecules and atoms. In her normal, solid state, she couldnt be effected. But, if she passed through a vibrating object while in her intangible form, it could literally break her apart. Which is why she was granted with the secondary power of being able to feel even the smallest vibration at will. It was a defense mechanism.

The Ghost girl sighed,"Everything's under control, no more Scarla..." she turned her head to look out the window beside death. There was a "click" before Katherine stood up,"Ill be right back," she turned and walked down the aisle. Passing the others as she headed to the back where the bathroom was. She opened the door and went in. The door behind her was closed but wasnt locked. And that neglegence came to bite her in the butt. As she splashed some cold water on her face from the small sink in the ship's bathroom, a very heavy THUD jerked the whole ship. She lost her footing from the motion and stumbled back, hitting the door and making it fly open behind her. She fell back and fell on her butt,"Ow!" she quickly brought herself up,"What was that..."

Then there was that sudden shift in gravity, that stomach twisting, zero gravity feeling. At first it wasnt too bad, she could still stand on her feet, but when the ship tilted nose down, she couldnt anymore. The force slowly picker her up and pushed her back against the wall behind her. Her eyes shut as she scrambled blindly for something to hold onto. The voices of others in panic stirred her, and she assumed the worst. Atleast they were seated, strapped down with belts. Kathering was basically free-falling in a metal container. She soon joined in the chorus of screams.

The force was too much. She opened her eyes and everything was blurry. Sounds were muffled and silenced. She could still somewhat hear the repetative beeping of the alarms through out the ship and she fought to keep her consiousness. But there isnt much a human can go against the force of gravity, eventually she couldnt put up the fight anymore. Her eyes close and the last thing she heard was the muffled pop and shatter of the windows marking the moment they slammed into a building.

In her unconsciousness, The Shadowcat lay limp pressed against the back wall until the momentum was stopped by the large object the ship hit. With the laws of motion, and inertia, and velocity, and all that, Katherine continued to move even though the ship came to a halt. She was thrown to the side, to the bathroom door that was now closed. Now the ship was falling, and once again her body was lifted, and against the ceiling of the hull. The aircraft continued to freefall until punching a hole through the tree line, and thats where the fun began.

Ahh, but gravity is a bitch. Once again there was a turn of events, and as the ship hit the ground, Katherine's body smacked onto the floor. Oh ho ho, but it didnt stop there. The whole metal box was tumbling, turning and bouncing. Kat's seemingly lifeless body seemed to be copying the ship's motions as she did the same, First the floor, then the door, the ceiling, then to the opposite wall, back down to the floor, the door, etc. it was a never ending cycle while the ship rolled. Shards of glass, belongings of others, and other debris were being thrown around as well. If Katherine was awake, shed laugh at the view from back there, because from there it looked like everything was in the tumbling cycle of the dryer when washing your clothes.

The revolutions of the spins began to slow and after what seemed like forever, it stopped. The whole ship was upside down, and Katherine's body layed , stomach down, on the ceiling. The cabin was silent for a moment, everyone was still trying to take everything in I suppose. But it wasnt long when chatter arose, along with panic and even anger. A certain champion, Connor, was thrashing about, yelling and cursing into the wind. His yelling poked and prodded at Katherine. "Ughh..." She groaned as she stirred in her "sleep". She moved and stretched out her hand, making the pieces and shards of glassing clink and scrape against her hand. There were a few cuts on her cheek, one on her lip, several cutting into her clothes on her arms, legs and chest. There were a few bruises on her legs and some unseen under the jacket she wore, and one on her forehead. The small champion managed to flop herself over onto her back. She moaned and groaned, still awaking. She lay with one hand on her stomach and the other outstretched and limp to the side. There was a strange feeling on the hand that rested in her belly. It was warm to the touch and slick. Suddenly she remembered what had happened and her eyes shot open. The upper part of her torso sat up, and that outstretched arm? Yea, it didnt move. Her green eyes looked at the hanging arm. "Oh no..." she tried moving her fingers, but they could barely move. The constant tumble and slam in her ragdoll state cased her arm to dislocate. Luckily she learned some basic first aid.

"Okay okay, just like you learned, a simple one, two, three will do the trick. Ready Kat?" She talked to herself, her voice shaky. "One," she placed her working hand on the dislocated shoulder. Her head turned away from the sight and her breathing became choppy,"Two." Green eyes shut tight,"Three!" Snap. Pop. "Gahhhh!!!! That hurt, okay that hurt. Really really bad." Her eyes teared up from the feeling.

She stretched her arm carefully and slowly. Of course with the massive amount of adreniline surging theough her body, the pain seemed to disappear quickly. But we all know, she'll definately feel it in the morning. Her eyes moved down to her hands which her shaking uncontrolably. She figured her body was going into a state of shock but her mind seems to be okay. That is, until she noticed blood dripping onto her legs. She looked down while still sitting in the same spot she woke up in. There was blood on her legs and as she searched for the source, she lifted and pushed her chest back abit, to get a clear view of her stomach. And there it was. There, sitting in her flesh, poking through her belly, clear and sharp was a large shard that had impaled her. That nasty, warm, and slick feeling she felt earlier? Yea, it was that. She couldnt believe it. All this time she didnt notice, and so she never felt any pain, but now she did. She certainly did. Katherine gasped and let out one, loud, distressed scream,"AHHHHH!!!" her eyes were fixed on the wound. She cupped her hands around it and her hands shook even more. All these incoherent, panic sounds escaped her lips. She hyperventalated with her chest moving up and down quickly with every breath. Her eyes teared again and she scuffled on her palms and butt, backwards and to the wall. As if she can run away from the wound and blood. Katherine wasnt a huge fan of her own blood. At least not in this amount. She could handle cuts and scrapes, she could even stay calm with the big wounds of others, but when it came to herself, she just flipped out. "F-F-F-FUCK!" her f's were choppy and stuttery. Blood spread on her shirt, and smeared on her legs and hands. The pain seemed to be getting worse, or was it in her head? Her temperature rose from the pain, and she felt almost feverish. Hands still twitchy and convulsing, while she bit her lip and rolling down her cheeks. One hand attempted to pull it out, but she let out another scream of pain when just one finger touched it. In proportion to her small body, the shard was pretty large. Luckily it didnt poke all the way trough, and shes even luckier she survived a crash like that after being tossed around.

But this shard... She could always become intangible and make the shard phase through her body, but that would make it worse. The only thing stopping even more blood from gushing out was that stupid piece of glass. After a few minutes of panic, she forced herself up and staggered through the debris of the ship. It was strange walking through an upside down ship. Looked like a scene of the twilight zone with all the upside down seats. There was one opening, the entrance they first came through. Slowly and every so carefully she came out, holding both hands to her side on the wound. Everyone else was out, and clearly getting themselves together. There was a tent, and inside she could see where other injured Champions and crew members. She wobbly walked again. She was just about ready to give out, and give in to the pain. Her body still shook, but she walked as fast as her in-shock body could let her.

@Der Kojote (just mentioned)



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Only a few seconds out of the ship and Iris was already being seen too by one of the medics. The cut on the side of her head wasn't anything too serious. Nothing gauze and some bandages couldn't help overall. Most of the worry was infection, especially because it was on the side of her head. The girl hissed under her breath as a cloth with antiseptic was pressed against the wound. It burned for a few minutes but eventually eased. her ears perked up the a pained cry which came from the airship and she began realized not everyone had made it out with only minor injuries. She should be happy she made it out with a few scrapes, bruises and a cut. A few seconds later and the wounds was bandaged to keep it from getting infected or being injured any further.

She glanced over to where Roy was being patched up and was grateful to see him doing better now that there wasn't blood all over his face. She was starting to wonder where Heinrich was in all this. There was still no sign of him anywhere. Given his powers he probably wouldn't be too bad off but still it was worrisome that he hadn't appeared anywhere. Shaking off the thought Iris focused on her surrounding. The reason why she was on the plane in the first place. The exploration may be pushed back a bit to deal with the injured but that didn't mean the perimeter couldn't be checked and made safe. She saw a few other champions already on that mind set ready to start checking things out and she looked over to Roy. "Maybe we should help scout things out." She spoke up before moving away from the clinic area so others could be tended to.

For the most part the area was clear. The sound from the bots had faded leaving only the sounds of the recovering crew and the soft hum of the machine which made the forcefield The strange ethereal wall swirled with colors of green and blue as it reached up into the sky and meet as some sort of dome It was a wall of defences against everything they had chased away from the area. It was only a matter of time before the monsters would try to return. That was a worry for later though. There was still the issue of possible Monsters beneath their feet! Iris glanced back to the shop to see if there were any other Champions well enough to start scouting.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Mad Prince of Sanity
Lucille R. Chromatia


Dr. Chromatia was quick to determine Iris would be fine enough on her own – the only cause of worry was a slight possibility of an infection. However, with the champion on her feet and many others in the need of Lucille’s assistance, the antiseptic and bandages would have to come later. Hopefully the other aircrafts had noticed them crash (which they should have) and were setting up the medical tents as she worked.

"I could use some assistance, please..."

Lucy made her way over to the older man without a second thought, the recognition coming later that it was Charles Fisher. With her mind set in gear, it was too easy for her to ignore her brush with fame, instead looking at the arm he cradled. β€œMove your hand” she instructed, placing a hand on his collarbones as her eyes once again adjusted to x-ray. β€œHold still” she gingerly placed her other hand on his shoulder, only to slam her wrist forward into it, a loud crack as the bone underneath shifted. Then she traveled her fingers down his inner arm checking the reflex of his elbow, β€œYou’ll need a sling” she informs him.

By then, their seat companion and Iris’ teammate, Roy had dropped from the ceiling, momentarily stumbling on his feet before falling back. In the corner of her eye she had seen him resting on the floor, blood dripping down from a head wound she would need to examine next. Before she could get there, the man struggled to his feet, keeping his balance by the chairs next to him. The laughter made her rather tense, but she took a moment to grab a wet cloth from her bag and some gloves.

β€œJust a moment, now” she hooked her finger under his chin, grabbing it to guide him around slightly before wiping up the spilled blood. Turning the cloth over, she put it to his head wound – applying pressure before finding his own hand and guiding it there. Iris was saying something about them both being banged up, but Roy probably had it worse off. β€œYou’ll need stitches, and you probably have a concussion” she wasn’t sure how deep the wound was, but Roy seemed loopy to her.

As if on cue, Connor approached her with a wave, wondering who was cleared for activity because he wanted to check the rest of the building. β€œIt’s a bad idea” her immediate response is to take him up on the offer to drop. So far none of the champions she had seen were cleared for combat except maybe Iris, once she got her head bandaged. At least by now she was receiving some help, as other doctors filtered into the compartment. Lucille wasted no time relaying her current information, allowing one of them to help Roy to the Medical tents.

β€œWait by the medical tents for clearance; I haven’t seen anyone combat ready…” Lucy had momentarily forgotten that these were champions. There was a choice to use the line supply safely stored in her duffel, but it was hard to remember how it affected who. It wasn’t great to dwell on the effects of the addictive drug, so she turned her focus to another emergency correspondent. β€œIf anyone is uninjured, could you please direct them to Mr. Friesland for a pre-emptive exploratory search of the building?” with a nod, she looks at Connor about to shrug until the sound of a crash, and glass shattering meets her ears.

Lucille turned to the entrance, seeing a few of the medics run off to the noise and allowed herself to indulge in her curiosity. One of the champions had crashed in through the window and judging from his struggle to stand up, had broken both his legs. Lucille saw the first potential for line use, but upon seeing who it is – her own powers would do just as good. As she was about to go help the other medics that had come to Xerxes aid, a scream sounded from the back of the airship.

There isn’t a moment of contemplation as Lucille turns on her heal to head towards the scream, her eyes immediately catching on blood. Unlike any other injury she had seen, the younger female had a shard impaled right through her stomach. Kat was understandably panicked, labored breathing and darting eyes. Lucille assessed the damage as much as she could, applying pressure to surrounding area, but not having much luck in the area of the body. Except her hands were already hot from the amount of light she was discharging and she saw that she was cauterizing the wound without meaning to.

Cursing to herself she dragged her duffel bag over and popped a cap on a needle, instructing one of the medics that appeared beside her to keep the pressure ample. With some finagling, she stuck a needle in Kat’s arm, allowing anesthetic as well as morphine, to course through her veins. Lucille could tell that the shard had hit some vital organs and the girl would need surgery- probably the worse of cases. Made even worse by the fact that line could do nothing to help heal the damage for Katherine. It was lucky that there were other mutations that existed in the civilian population though, Lucille quickly page Dr. Yorke to help her with Kat. The man made his way over all too quickly, pulling the shard out on her go.

With that, the two set to work healing and patching her up.

@Everybodywhopagedthemedic #inorder @HoneyBear\-Kat


The medic had seen him? At first, Roy remembered sitting down and looking at Iris, who mentioned something about scouting ahead. Roy was sure that he was fit; though, of course, Lucille was quick to reach the very opposite conclusion when she announced his possible concussion. Getting back up to his feet with a bit of help, Roy would be escorted to the medical tents so he could be evaluated. His body would take residence in one of the cots that had awaited him, and Roy obliged without a fight. Half-opened eyes watched as nurses took immediate action with the beginning processes of their various tests. Roy hoped to be cleared quickly, so he could get out with Iris and be of some use. Lying around was not going to do anyone any good, his own mind included.

His attention moved to the ceiling of the tent. There were a couple of different champions and people alike being hauled in as a result of the landing, which ultimately could have been much worse. However, even as well-off as the group happened to be, some couldn't help but get more banged up than others. This was apparent to Roy, because he was included. Lucky him. Super-what? Durability? My butt. A champion beside Roy had lit up a cigarette - he was not being attended to. The smoke danced around the champion's nostrils as though it was the aroma of a juicy steak. It was enough to catch Roy's eye, as he turned his head to the source. When he asked the champion for a spare, Roy was happy to see he was able to get one. Extending his open palm, the man would place one of his cigarettes into Roy's clutches. The champion immediately put the smoke to his lips and lit up, much to the chagrin of any surrounding nurses. What were they going to do? Say no? Roy always got what he wanted.

Exhaling the smoke from his nostrils, Roy rested his head on the pillow behind him. A nurse walked up to him and claimed that he did not have a concussion, but was shaken up a bit so it was still best to relax. No concussion was enough for Roy, though. Removing his feet from the cot and standing up, Roy fixed the collar of his jacket. He nodded to the nurse in thanks, though he did not audibly give her the pleasure. Instead, he turned and removed himself from the tent. If getting banged up some more wouldn't put a stress on his mental capacity, then Roy was going to be in the front lines, no questions asked. Taking a large drag of the cigarette, he walked back to Iris. It seemed as though she was still trying to gather up a posse of champions to begin surveying the area.

"We don't need too many bodies. Anyone who wants to catch up with us will have enough time to do so if they're in the right state of mind, you know? The faster we get moving, the better off we are."

Roy didn't care about the number of people who would join them. He was just merely pointing out the obvious. A scout job required those who had the least amount of issues being stealthy, and limited numbers who did the job of scoping out for the rest of the group. While less men meant less power, it meant more possibilities to keep quiet about their existence in general. Why did Roy think that he was suitable for such a position? His team name said it all. Stealth Strike.

@Kagura @Shura @Darksoul90 @Der Kojote
Charles A. Fisher

Rooftop, medical tents.

"I've been through worse, so I'm all right..." Charles responded to Iris as he flinched a little after gripping his wounded arm slightly. He began to wonder what his definition of worse was, for surely he has never been in a situation like this one before. This will definitely steer his view of air travel into never wanting to do this ever again. He chuckled softly at the thought.

Quickly after asking for the doctor's assistance, she walked over to him and examined his injuries. Before long, she had instructed for him to move his hand away from his injured arm, to which he complied. As he did so, the woman moved a hand over to his collarbones to examine him further. The next thing he knew? She had been able to completely shift back his shoulder into place, and boy, did that hurt. Not long before that was when she told him that he needed a
sling. You know, the shit they give you when you break the bones in your arm.

Charles softly nodded, but cursed under his breath. At least he has his right arm still intact, though he needs the other one for hand to hand combat, if the need arises. At the very least, he has a reason to stay back from killing any monsters. Though, he sure was craving to kill something ever since...

Pull your shit together.

Charles just shook off his train of thought as he headed on over to the medical tents, and proceeded to rest on the many medical beds that were placed there. As he got comfortable, he was later given a sling for his left arm. Overhearing some of the champions wanting to do a perimeter check on the building they were on top of, Charles got up from his bed and walked over to where they had all their equipment. He found his very easily.

Before equipping his weapons, though, he slipped his helmet on and checked his sonar goggle, which was currently equipped with being able to see through building structures. Due to the fall and the crash, the goggle's left side is badly ruined. The sonar goggle itself can only sense objects on the roof; or on the same level of the building Charles is in. As he looked under him, his sonar goggle could not pick up anything on the floor below them, further proving how banged up it was.

It could be useful for spotting any monsters nearby, say four to five feet away from Charles, but that's really it. And he only has enough power for three usages. The remaining power would just be used for his night vision/infrared vision, which is also distorted.

What a load of crap.

After checking on his sonar goggle, he quickly grabbed his silenced pistol, a few grenades, four small disposable cameras, his right blaze gauntlet, and his knife. When he was done, he then walked over to Iris and Royce's general direction.

"I'm going to tag along, my left arm may be messed up, but if I can still use my right arm then I might as well help out in any way I can."

@Kagura @Shura @Tree

The A tech staff working the expedition tried to recover and regroup from the crash. There was a hand full of staff working to unload important equipment from the air ship. Large cases of equipment were pulled out and checked over before being placed into two piles. Safe and Damaged. Next to the damaged pile were 2-3 techs working on fixing what they could to get things up and running sooner rather than later. They used anything available to them to macgyver the equipment back into working order. Thankfully they were having a high success rate so far. The surviving pilot of the ship was radioing the other three ships. One of the other ships had already called back to Arcadia to report on what happened. It was still unclear if anyone received said message though.

Three tents were set up in a quick manner which acted as a makeshift clinic area where Champions and staff alike were being checked out and patched up by the medic team. Most of the survivors made it out with simple scrapes and bruises. Worst were deep cuts from glass shards and the occasional fracture. The clock was ticking though and time was not necessarily on their side. The sun was already high in the sky showing that it was around noon. Only five hours before the sun started to set and thing just got more difficult. The leader of the excursion had been on another ship but two of his assistance had been assigned to the ship. Dr. Chromatia and Professor Kenan Miles. The dark haired professor was one of the lucky one to only gain a few cuts from the crash but his natural ability had most of the deep gashes already healed to scratches. He was trying to coordinate everyone into making same kind of base camp, even if it was just temporary.

The assistant noticed a small group of champions gathering to try scout out the ruins and grabbed a few of the headsets and offered it to the group. "We're not sure how many creatures are left. Preliminary scans show some movement down there on the lower levels though." He advised trying to give them some information to go off of instead of letting them explore blindly.

@Der Kojote @Tree @Darksoul90 @Kagura @Rifleman
Jekyll Wilson

Building with an fabulous headset

Jekyll sat on the edge of the building as he watched everyone scurry about, his fingers wrapping around the fabric of his slingbag. He looked on as the tech crew worked togetherwith the problems that had arose after the flight. A lot of the supplies had been damaged, and so they were now huddled around the pile of broken utility collaborating to find some sort of solution with the obvious problem this all created. He had heard the whispers of the group of champions wanting to go scouting, the news having spread from ear to ear very rapidly among the frenzied individuals. He had even been asked by a passing worker if he was taking part in it, but he had decided long ago that he was going to stay on top of the building. He had nothing against exploring, and it was what he had come there to do really, but if everyone was going to go down there, that meant less people up here. Less people up here, meant more chances for him to get lucky. More chances for him to get lucky equaled profit!

Looking towards the small huddle of champions making their way towards the exit, Jekyll saw one of the less frazzled officials break off from their tasks and went to the small pile of working tech. He picked up what looked to be headgear, and Jekyll felt a bit of jealousy as they were handed out to the group of traveling Champions. Walking over to the tech, his eyes were lazily perceptive as he watched everyone run around. With his actions not displaying any of the doubt that would certainly reveal his identity as a thief, Jekyll played the crowd with his confidence and picked up one of the stray headgears, putting it snugly on his head and hooking the small beads into his ear. Squinting his eyes, Jekyll made sure the gear was on alright, before heading towards where he had orriginally been. He began to flip around the different, each channel having static, but continued to look, wanting to find the right one to hear what went down there. He now had an awesome headset of his own! One that might actually help others!

Besides, he was a much better combatient in open space than a small one, especially without Nectar. All he could do right now was throw grenades and his lethal ones would destory the building if he wasn't careful. He could shock or stop a monster, but that wasn't lethal on his own. They had enough Champions, and from what he knew about each one of them, they wouldn't need his help. Someone had to stay up here with all the mundanes. They may have had abilities of their own, but most of them hadn't been trained as a Champion. Sitting back down on the edge of the building, dusting off the stray glass that had been poking into his rear, Jekyll began to pick at the slightly freyed thread of his slingbags handle and looked at the sky, daring something to attack. He would be ready.

Connor Friesland

Roof of the Building

Connor looked on as a group slowly coming together. He was quite happy that Iris was alright. Roy However, as always looked like he'd either stubbed his toe, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or generally was pissed at the world. However not only was this normal, considering the situation that they were all in not 30 minutes ago. There was plenty of reason for that perspective of the world. Connor Also noticed an older champion volunteering He remembered him being the one that had sat next to Iris and Roy when they were on the plane. He walked over too them. Best to make sure everyone really was alright.

He waved as he approached. He could hear the soft whine of the force-field. S
hould keep immediate area safe. He thought to himself. Hopefully keep most people safe. Hope others ok...some wounds looked bad. Very bad. Much pain. However now not time must focus on situation and people right now. He wearily smiled at Iris, "Nice to see you up and about. Is very good. yes." He pointed at her head with the bandage and said with a bit of audible concern. "Is alright? no pain? or at least not too much? Would be bad, don't want. Err sorry am Worrywort, but was bad Crash. Am just happy no one killed...at anyrate. Seeing most about is nice to see."

He turned to the older man, "Must apologize in advance. Line do this to me. Speak fast, think fast. Is annoying. Is more annoying to listen to. If gets really annoying, don't hesitate. Say something. Will try and focus, stop ranting. Maybe." He gave a polite nodd to roy instead of a long winded message. He figured Roy probably wanted to just get on with this patrol. "Alright," Connor spoke up, "All shaken up, on roof, no idea what is on floors below. Could be monsters. Could be tech. Would be nice if later. probably former. Maybe both. Listen, my thoughts, take floor by floor. Loot only if weapons...if not, leave till we clear out this place. Then come back. Me? I want grab computers on return trip. Would be nice. Could find nice data. Chad taught me how to. Many Many ways around old systems with new tech. Would be good if could find blueprints...or data. Hell, old movie would be cool. Anyway enough of me talking, we all good to go?"

He also noticed two other champions near the stairs heading down, he gave a wave, and called out. "Hey! you guys also ready? Come over here, talk strategy. Me not so good with the strategy, terrible leader. maybe you some of you?




Jesus Christ t..th...the PLANEEE! / Landed better than I expected...huh where did this gash come from?

Cecil was in the back of the air craft, her feet dug into the seat and her arms wrapped around her legs. Oddly enough the suit was uncomfortable, so she had put a foot down, to give the suit some space to move. Sighing a little she watched the others interact, each having their own conversation while Cecil talked with the small specs of dust that floated from the top of the craft down to her face. Grunting she looked toward the glass to see her mess green hair pressed down by the helment she was given before boarding. "This looks stupid." She thought as she unlatched the small belt before taking it off. Holding it she looked into the foggy lens before she moved it up and down, her mouth positioning itself to the side in an awkward position. "Your friends are up there." Cecil pouted as she lowered her eyes to appear drunk. "Yea yea, but I like it back here." Cecil's eyes lifted again as she moved the helment to the side. "Won't do you any good." Cecil darted eyes at the lens. "How da-"

Instantly Cecil was thrown forward, her helment flying out of her hands and into that of someone in front of her. Wincing in pain her nose slammed right into the top of the seat in front of her. Holding in her screams she covered her mouth as she stomped on the metallic flooring of the craft. A big angry ,Cecil looked out the window to see what was happening. To her surprise Cecil saw the clouds twirling, but why would they be twirling. Cecil pressed her face against the glass before she was thrown forward into the seat in front of her, her legs up while her head laid between two other seats. Cecil quickly had gotten up, her neck popping when she had tilt it a little ways to the left.

The plan began to shake more, and the others began to scream. Cecil had strapped herself in while holding on to the sides of the seat, the other sides cushioning her hands , but the metal underneath was pressed against her fingers. Closing her eyes shut she could feel the impact coming, so she counted down from five. "Five....four ....three...two...on-" Cecil let out a gust of wind as she was roughly knocked forward, her had banging against the seat while her legs tensed up. By the time she had lost some wind, and her legs started tensing, the metal underneath the seat was knocked out of place and had slit Cecil's four fingers. Cringing from the hit to the back, the aircraft had landed.


A little out of it, Cecil opened her eyes to figures of three, each all holding out their hand for three other people. Cecil's head wobbled as she staggered from her seat, the buckle already unlatched from the previous hit. Coughing, she placed her hand on her head, only to feel something wet. Pulling her hand away she began to break out into a soft laugh as she saw the blood pour from her fingers. Deep down Cecil began to panic, but doing that out in the open wouldn't be Champion worthy. Holding it in she had walked off the aircraft to see Iris and Roy up ahead. Still staggering she had held out her hand to alert them of her presence, but by then a medic had grabbed hold of her to patch her up. "Y...you can see me?" Cecile looked at the male whose veins were lighting up. Cecil had rolled her eyes. "Never mind." The medic looked up toward her before giving her a smile. "All done." Cecil gave a polite bow of her head before rushing off to join the others.

Cecil knew that no one could really see her, her presence was that of air. You knew it was there you just couldn't see it. Frantically Cecil waved her hands in the air as she ran over. "Iris! IRIS!" Cecil yelled out as she grabbed air exactly at the same time she released it. It took her no time to get over, to bend over and breathe in and out at least three times.





Iris "Scarlet"

Scouting Group

(Sorry if there are more errors than usual. Written with a time limit)

Thing were still fairly chaotic but in a slightly more organized than before. Thankfully it didn't look like anyone was seriously injured, and those who were hurt worse than other were patched up by the medic team. She was really grateful there had been on on the air ship. Iris glanced out at the rest of the ruin wondering how the other Airship groups were doing. Apparently they had the worst of the crashes but their group was mostly champions. Other champions were starting to gather around their small group to help scout around. She quirked a small smiled as Charles approached with his arm in a sling but for the most part unscathed. "It's just to scout around... hopefully most of the monsters have run off..." She muttered softly. One of the scientist approach them with headsets and she accepted one but left it around her neck. Normal headset's didn't quite work well for her given she had different ears than everyone else.

The news that there were still monsters made her slightly worried but more so about hunting in unfamiliar territory. She had 2 years to learn the area around Arcadia. The ruins were much different and could be just as dangerous as the monsters if the supports gave in. Still they had a sizable group, most worked alone in the hunts but hopefully working together would make things easier. She looked over to Connor as he started to ramble and nodded slightly able to understand him well enough even with his quicker then normal speech. The champions eyes drifted towards the gaping hole in the roof which opened up into the lower levels of the building the area was dimply lit by the natural light flowing through the broken windows. There was no real stair case leading down but a make shift one could be taken via the ruble around.

"We could scout out each level and try to block off or make a separation from the rest of the building so we have a somewhat secure area. No point in clearing an area out if more are just going to crawl in." She suggested before looking back to the rest of the group, more so Roy than anyone else. Leading wasn't exactly her strength, She could make suggestions and be observant but her attention span left much to be desired. Especially with so much going on.

Her ears perked up as she heard her name called and glanced over her shoulder to see a mop of green hair. "Cecy!" She grinned to the fellow surviving champion. She had spotted her among the crowd but lost her soon after. Much like Roy and her the green haired champion replied on stealth and tactics to get through hunts. They weren't the closest but Iris considered her a friend. "Glad you made it out alright."

@Der Kojote @Rifleman @Tree @Goddess @Darksoul90
Kyle Chandlers

As the soft breeze hit his skin as Glory descended slowly and circled Kyle as the bird landed on his shoulder, glancing at Sabrina with a look saying, "Who the fuck are you? " Sabrina slowly looked at the bird and knew it was obviously Glory from what she had seen from his battles. Kyle slowly took a breath of fresh air as he slowly moved his hand to his face and rubbed his nose before yawning jokingly, but became startled as someone tried to grab their attention, it was another champion, he was about to get a recon group up. He spoke quickly to Sabrina without hesitation as they were going to make a move. " Hey, lets go. " He straightened his back out and motioned his head to her. He slowly began to whistle a tune as the two walked over to the group of champions.

Kyle made his way into the group, somewhat, he could see Iris, Connor and the others. He slowly heard Iris's proposal as he made his way in from behind her saying, with Sabrina at his side. " Either way we need to work our way from the top floor, who knows what's crawling in the building.... We need to move soon those bots won't last much longer. We'll meet outside the building." Kyle felt the sense of urgency as his face turned rather serious with half a smirk.

Kyle slowly motioned his head towards the stairs and just decided to really just say to himself. " Fuck it. " He turned his back and began to walk towards the stairs. Kyle glanced at Sabrina with a slight gasp of fresh air and spoke softly saying. " Either way, we will catch up with them. " Kyle slowly began to make his descent down the steps, as he pulled out and extended his quarter staff, in his left hand. Glory began to panic as his head motioned back and forth in the darkness. The two came upon a flat part upon the stairs and a door ahead of them. Kyle slowly pushed the door open as an array of sunlight was glimmering in the distance, along with debris everywhere from the Airship landing.


James Belmonte - Scouting Group​

Headaches...the damn annoyances were starting to itch at him. James had very little care for the symptom but it was natural after a crash like that. Luckily, his bone structure had saved him from the brunt of the not so subtle impact but colliding head first into the side of the craft left much to be desired. Regardless, a hand rose up to silently rub at his eye. The ache slowly beginning to subside as he calmed himself, a light pressure still felt against his temple. Monsters? They were the least of his worries compared to flying in these parts! The thought would illicit a small chuckle from James' parted lips. Luckily however, no one had died or at least he didn't think that was the case. If he knew anything it was that Champions weren't quick to die off.

Finally making his way along the stairs, he finally caught sight of a small group of champions. Well, relatively small. It seemed the longer he watched the more came by. Not all of them joined the gathered party but he himself was more than eager to get a plan of some kind. At least...he hoped that was what they were doing over there. Regardless, he stepped forward before walking his way over to the small crowd. He recognized most of them, he took the opportunity whenever he could to get familiar with whatever Champion he'd seen at that moment. It built a firm bond in his opinion and that was something he wanted among compatriots.

It seemed they were talking strategy after all and James was obviously excited about it. It was always nice to see some kind of teamwork, even when other champions just went out of their way for the kill. However for now he'd keep quiet, he wouldn't disrupt the flow of the conversation until he was thoroughly in the loop. It was better that he knew what he was talking about before he actually got talking. Hands crossed over his chest, arms twitching slightly before settling in their new position. His gloves hanging idly from his left side, rocking with the subtle sway of James' body. Amber eyes scanning the surrounding with subtle interest as one ear stayed tuned in to the conversation. Though it seemed they were more than safe in the current spot, James couldn't help but make sure. A small sniff escaping him before his eyes turned back to the group, focusing on the few that spoke. There was Cecil, Roy, Iris, and Connor. All easily recognizable from either their appearance or the fact that he'd spoken to them before.

All of which seemed nice enough though. James' ears twitched once more, noting small sounds nearby. Almost enthralled by them before returning back to the conversation. He had half a mind to throw in his input but he knew they'd probably figure out. He was just fine with taking the reins but sitting back was also an option, as long as he was with competent company of course. Surely these people were far more than competent in their own regards. So James went back to silent observation.



@Der Kojote

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(No alerts again Dx)

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Recieving Much Appreciated Help

It really wasnt long until the Doctor showed up. It was hard not to struggle. Instinct, much like in animals as well as human, didnt want to let her touch the wound. But Kat chained that instinct to a wall, no matter how painful, she had to get the thing out and let the doctor do her job. Deep down, she was so grateful she had showed up in the first place, normally Katherine would feel terrible, adding onto the doctor's work, but this couldnt go unnoticed.

Katherine was shivering uncontrollably, like a scared puppy. She hadnt even noticed the needle that Dr.Chromatia had injected into her vein. Panic made Katherine's body immediately boost up the blood flow, as it tried to get to her wound. The body knows where blood is needed but in this case all its gonna do is just flow right out. This quickened pace carried the anesthetic much quicker in her blood stream, putting her out much faster. It didnt feel too great how ever. As much as she tried to fight it she couldnt. She didnt know if she'd wake up again, not in this state of mind. First her voice went silent, incoherent mumbles and noises was all that came. Then her vision was blurred, she didnt feel sleepy but they were closing on their own. Her hearing was the last to go out before she was completely numb and fell limp, vulnerable to anything (for anyone who has never been under anesthesia for emergency purposes...its not fun..).

Katherine was a fighter. But when it came to chemical changes in the body, she didnt stand a chance. I suppose thats why its a little more fearful than keeping your consciousness. Because youre involuntarily slipping into a temporary coma. You have no idea what things will be like when you wake up, that is, if you wake up. In this "sleep" you have control over nothing in your body. Cant just wake up when you want to. Its dark, quiet, no dreams, no thoughts. Just. Blank. A deathless death, it feels like.

Until you wake up....in which it feels as though you've been through a time warp. One minute youre struggling, the next, youre waking up. No panic, nothing. Hell, some people dont even know they were asleep in the first place....

Charles A. Fisher

Scouting the ruins with the other Champions.

"No need for apologies, Connor, you're all right as you are." Charles said with a soft smile as he listened to Connor, who spoke openly about his thoughts on their scouting trip down to the lower levels of the building. To which, Charles agreed. Killing monsters should come first, picking up tech would come afterwards. Weapons kind of stand in between, though, as Connor had pointed out. When he asked for some other champions to come in and join the group to do some tactical thinking, Charles couldn't help but to feel anxious with wanting to scout already.

Doesn't hurt to be prepared for the worst, though.

Soon after, Iris spoke up about her idea with blocking off some of the lower levels so that the monsters won't have a shot at coming in. Charles nodded.
"I've got four disposable cameras that I can place around if we find any blind spots that need to be monitored. Though, I say we should do that, along with making up some blockades after we clear the area out. I wouldn't want to have to deal with a horde of Gauderes while we're putting up some defenses in place. As for a return trip, we might get lucky to find something useful. Again, though, clearing the lower levels is top priority. Picking up tech comes after. While we're down there, stick together at all times. Better to deal with whatever the hell is down there in a group rather than going at it alone. And most importantly, stay quiet as much as possible, wouldn't want to alarm any monsters."

After he voiced his own opinions, Charles took one last glimpse at everyone in the group, and nodded once more.
"Okay, we seem ready enough. Let's go." Charles said as he placed his head gear on, the one that was given to the group by Kenan Miles, and proceeded to make it down to the first level below them, as the rest followed.

Thankfully, the first level looked rather empty. The various rooms were trashed and plant-life seemed to have taken over the area, but no signs of any monsters yet, aside from claw marks on the walls, which could very well indicate that there are some downstairs. Looking around, with his pistol at the ready, it was clear to him that there were large piles of junk lying around. Some destroyed monitors, a couple of televisions lying down on the ground upside-down, some vases and tables completely destroyed, all of that sweet jazz. The team would have to be careful to not make too much noise while they look around before proceeding to the next level below them. As Charles moved closer to the door that leads downstairs; which was wide open, he could hear faint snarling. Cursing under his breath very quietly, Charles moved away from the entry point and slowly made his way to the others, and then whispered,
"Sounds like something's downstairs... After we check things out on this level, we'll go to the one below us, with the chance of encountering some Centurious'... could be Iseags, too, I couldn't really tell to be honest."

@Shura @Tree @Der Kojote @Goddess @DamagedGlasses @Rifleman
Iris Scarlet

Scouting Ruins

A side from the noises from the crew above the ruins were eerily silent, at least for the fist few floors. The building had held up surprisingly well for being left to the elements for over a century. Plant life had grown over most of the outer walls and crawled it way in through what was left of the windows before spidering its ways along the walls. Support pillars were cracked and crumbled but a few still stood. Any equipment they came across was far too gone to be repaired. Exposure to the wrath of nature and monsters had made them rusted and falling apart to say the least.

Iris silently made her way through the ruins numbly weaving through the narrower areas to make sure they were clear of any surprise dangers. There was a lot to examine once the halls were clear. The top floor looked to be the remains of lab areas. The tools and instrumentation rusted and broken but still identifiable. Iris made sure not to touch anything that might have been used in the past, there was no telling what they could have been used for. There was on vault like door that looked like it had remained shut for years but there seemed to be some kind of strange growth escaping from the seals around the door. The door its self was marked with a large red triangle an marked as a Bi-hazard. Lord only knew what was in there! As curious as the red head was she left the door alone not wanting to unleash some kind of unknown bacteria upon the world.

The next floor down was more lab though they looked to be testing areas of some sort. Possibly for weapons with the numerous ranges on the floor. There were several more sealed vaults which were clear of growth So there was no telling what was inside. That was to be left for a later time though. As they progressed lower things seemed to degrade further. Evidence of monster life was more frequent. The walls showed more strain with cracks and chunks missing. It was a wonder how the place remained standing after the crash! Iris's ears remained perked up and on high alert as they moved through the ruins. She picked up on the sounds below before Charles did and tried to decipher how many were left. She silently made her way over to one of the gaps in the ground and listened in hearing the growling and scratching from down below with more further down possibly on the first floor.

"They sound like a few Lurchbilge..." She explained quietly before looking over to the rest of the group.

@Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @Rifleman @Tree @Goddess @HelixCube
Cecil smiled sheepishly as she nodded her head, her fingers rubbing a small piece of blade that stood out from her hair. "Glad to see you safe to Iris." Cecil had looked over toward Rose with a small grin. "You too..Roy." Her grin raised a little, but it was to awkward to be counted as welcoming, warming maybe with a twinge of psycho , or maybe he would just pass it off as her being weird again. Sighing she stood near a few tall people , but made sure to Have Iris in her sights. Cecil looked frantically between the talkers as they discusses a plan to scout the area and to move forward. Cecil had her own thoughts, but of course voicing them now would be futile. Everyone was already on the move, so like a pup she followed. Entering the dark area, Cecil's eyes glowed, but it wasn't anything special, her eyes were made to be a different color, so seeing in the dark for her was no problem. The mini me in her head had branched out like a phantom giving her a thumbs up, while Cecil did the same , but turned around so no one would find her weird or unstable.

Slowly as they continued on their march, Cecil had gotten more serious. The noises she heard from far off, seemed to be getting louder now, so Cecil had closed off her ears for a little to numb the noise. The equipment around her was identified as lab equipment and should not be touched. Cecil frowned at all the shattered pieces of work, the red symbols and a teddy bear that had caught her eye, from behind. Frowning images began to appear just like that. Gritting her teeth she wished them away, and to her surprise they vanished. Cecil felt happy for a moment ,but knew they weren't going to be gone for long. Finally their walk had slowed down, and the noises were much louder, but Cecil was able to identify them. Walking over toward Iris, she gazed at her with a more stern look, that only those that watch her hunt knows, is when she is serious.

"Lurchbilge...the number though, sounds like three or five. I'll go down before everyone to count how many. It is the better option of us all going down there and running into an ambush, or not knowing their exact location. Lucky me I have the darkness on my side. They can't see me, unless I use my nectar, which I won't not yet. They won't smell me either, since I have no scent. " Cecil had put on the leather body suit good to cover her green hair. "Whether you say nay or yay, I'll see you down below." Cecil took the edge of the gap in the hole, before swinging herself to the lower part of the room. Cecil smiled a little as she landed on a table, her hand touching first so she would be able to ease her body down. Her eyes adjusted for two seconds before she could see everything. Down below was a mess hall, probably one out of ten. Her eyes darted around before locating five. Two by what seemed to be the servicing station, though they were behind it and not in front. Two was by three round tables that were a little ways from her, but exactly where the stairs where that the team would be walking down. The last one was laying over another part of the mess hall on the edge, an explosion must have happened to create a cliff there.

Cecil nodded her head before jumping focusing all her power to her hands and her knee. Breathing in she leaned down then jumped up with all her might. With success she created no noise and was able to grab hold of the edge of the gaping hole. Swinging herself backwards, she jumped back on to the same flooring as the team, her hands out as she smiled. "Stuck it!" Cecil gave Iris a thumbs up.

"There are a total of five. Two by the stairs that we would walk down, two behind the service counter, and one by a cliff that was made probably from an explosion. The layout of the lower floor is a mess hall, so there is enough room, but the problem are the tables and the broken chairs. All of us going down there will be a cluster so only three needs to go. The best direction of going would be down the gaping hole , but only one at a time. There is a table when you swing yourself, land on it gently though, their ears perked up the moment I lifted my head. As for the people that should go...I would issue the task to me, you and Roy. Its dark down there, and any noise could trigger others to come. Using stealth as our main fighting point, we can take them out with out making a noise, or them. Agree?"



@Der Kojote




James Belmonte - Scouting

James followed along with equal silence, something he'd grown quite good at when around trouble. No telling what they'd find out around this neck of the woods and more likely than not something was still here. As he walked, James quietly assessed the ruins. The building's condition was far from perfect, so much so he even began to question its stability. It definitely wouldn't fair well with a few of the champion's powers, especially on nectar. His hand slid into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the small syringe that rustled slightly with the movement. Thankfully he had little need for the dosage yet but the fact that it was in reach was a bit tempting. Not to say that he hadn't tempered his thirst for it, as much as was needed and nothing more. That was what he'd learned, looking back on both old and new champions.

Only a few seconds more and James had confirmed his belief. The noises making it more than apparent they weren't alone in the large building complex. Without little more than a debate Cecil had already jumped down into the hole, simply notifying them before going ahead. Of course, James had little protest to the action but even a little planning would have went a lot farther than just going for it. Either way, he let the thought pass. Silently awaiting her return before she came back up, giving an overview of what was to be expected downstairs. James allowed himself a quiet nod before his eyes gazed over and down into the hole. What he could see was rather clear and his ears perked once more, a shrill bark piercing his mind. No...that wasn't real.... Not in the slightest, as he looked about he could tell. No one had so much as reacted to the noise...clearly it was just him.

James shook his head, shirking the thought from his mind. The side effects were never fun to go into and recently...the noises had gotten much more prevalent. Most were easy to pick out...but were nonetheless distracting. However he had to get focused, this environment was no place to get preoccupied with trivial things like that. Simply trying to further himself from his thoughts, his lips parted slightly as to speak. "The idea is fair but perhaps it would also be smart to have someone stationed by the stairs and another by the hole? Just in case things get out of hand. Such as more showing themselves?" He let the proposal hang in the air, looking between the group before going back to idled examination. It wasn't unlikely that something could be found up here as well but his ears hadn't beared him yet. They were either extremely quiet or his senses were blocked out by the creatures down stairs. He'd probably be able to smell the nasty things anyhow, so he just let it pass for the time being.



@Der Kojote



The Gunman

With the Scouting party

Micah had been following them for a decent period of time now. He had tried to stay back and be quiet, he was only there in case they stumbled upon tech he might be able to study, and potentially use. He stayed a bit behind, his hands always resting on his guns, ready to draw at any point in time. They had no idea might be lurking, waiting to attack them, and well, eat them if they were being one hundred percent honest.

When they came to the stairs, Micah was extremely guarded regarding the dark hole in the ground. It was a clear point of ambush, whether it be by monsters or people. Dark, obscured past a certain point. Definitely a bad idea to just leave it alone. And clearly someone else had had the same idea as himself, mentioning that someone should stay behind the watch the stairs. He stepped forward.

"I'll watch the stairs. If something comes up, I can pick them off from the higher ground while you get down here." He drew his guns and checked them, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can handle holding the stairs." He loaded incendiaries into one gun and his newer piercing rounds into the other. You never knew what would come, and those incendiaries would also provide light when they catch.

@Shura @Darksoul90 @Der Kojote @Rifleman @Tree @Goddess

Connor Freisland


Connor was happy to be moving and scouting. After the failure of the ship, any sort of progress forward was alright with him. The wide array of champions offered a lot of options. The group wasn't just limited to melee range. However he was very much looking to be the scouting groups tank and muscle. It really suited him just fine. Ok lets see. Iris, Roy, Fire guy, and oh, few others. not talked to them. Hmm... He was unfamiliar with the one girl that really seemed to know Iris, what was her name from the broadcasts? Cecil? Something like that?

Next there was the guy with the robot eagle, and his companion a woman in armor...finally there were two other new additions. Some Champion from outside Arcadia...he couldn't put a name to the face, but the guns really gave it away. And finally someone who looked like he'd gotten a bit of Canine Mutations thrown in. Is motley group. Hope everything goes ok. Will go ok. Probably... Might be bad. Ehh who knows. Will be interesting either way.

The group stopped through in the midst of exploration. the cause? Multiple people were now saying that they were hearing Lurchbilges. People began offering their opinions. Connor also spoke up when someone mentioned a "Back up team sort of scenario" Connor tapped his armor. "Graphine composite. So long as as no joints pierced... is fine. Can take on one of those as back up. Am good with ax. take out a lurchbilge in a few swings...at least distract if not kill. Would be good idea to wait in reserve. Stealth group takes out some. Gunman picks off one. I take one, work on chopping off tail. Ambush should result in dead monsters, and Alive us. Is good plan. I think. Maybe...no yes is good plan."




@King Of Imagination


Heinrich Glishten

Past to present

Never before has a human being been so very thankful to be in the presence of someone as intimidating as the Redd Shotokahn. Even with Heinrich's current condition, following the large, red man onto the plane was child's play and he sits beside him in relative silence. Choosing to simply let his question from the Auditorium slide until his eyesight came back, then show him he was, in fact, fine. Things like this usually heralded nasty implications if hey became too widely-known so Heinrich reclines his seat a bit and closes his eyes. Deciding if nothing else, to get some sleep en-route to their destination. Perhaps... perhaps it was for the best, in hindsight, as what he could dream was nothing compared to the nightmare the flight had become.

Heinrich's eyes snap open and he is immediately grateful for the fact that he can evens ee to begin with. However his brow furrows as a frown mars his features.... for one main reason composed of many multiple smaller pieces. The plane was in utter tatters and he was currently upside down. Apparently not only had he been asleep but at some time during the flight he had been knocked unconscious... wonderful. He takes a moment to check himself, blinking at how relatively unharmed he seemed. Save some small shards of glass embedded into his skin and a few minor bruises. However for himself, they were, quite literally, nothing. He sighs and undoes his belt, turning in the air so as to land in a crouched position. He gives a quick look around, noting the distinct cacophony of noise outside that signaled life and work being done, assuming at once that some sort of camp had been established.

Heinrich steps out of a rather jagged hole in the plane and nods at a few passing scientists. The boy giving a jump as his Father joins him at his side, the man restlessly toying with the receptors of his goggled helmet that he carried under one arm, with a clipboard and notes in the other. Heinrich blinks at his Father, expecting him to speak, which he does, motioning towards a tent and informing the boy to wait there. Heinrich pauses, before giving a nod and walking into the tent. Noting how very busy everything around him seemed, he did not expect to be noticed all too much. Still, he could not help but notice that this tent seemed to largely be reserved for the injured, wounded, or even critically injured. in fact, as he sits down on the ground well out of the way of anyone's passing, he wonders if that was the reason his father had sent him here. He sighs, fidgeting his hands restlessly as he notices another Champion around his age, Katherine he believed, seems very much in pain with another woman tending to her attentively. He hoped she would be okay, though to be honest Heinrich did not feel like using his abilities in such an extreme manner right now.

Mentioned: @HoneyBear\-Kat

Roy was not happy to have someone he did not know tell him his initiation plan. Well, it was fair to say that Roy was unfamiliar with most who had decided to join in on the excursion. When push came to shove, Roy could not be sure to trust anyone - aside from Iris, of course, and perhaps Connor, who had been proven as far as Roy was concerned. The others would not receive the same respect. Nonetheless, it was safe to say that Roy was going to have to rely on his exoskeleton to do most of his bidding. Line was out of the question, even though Roy was far more banged up than he intended to be upon arrival. Light hues scanned the faces of those who surrounded him, before his hand reached to his wristband. This allowed the exoskeleton to assemble itself from the bag on the young man's back, taking a hold of his limbs and fastening them into place.

Without a word, Roy ripped his sword from it's sheath. The sword, after a slight roll of the wrist, would come back down to his side along with his arm as he peered at the hole before him.
"Keep talking strategy while I go take care of business." Bending his knees slightly, he would hop up into the air and perform a graceful dive into the hole, allowing his limbs to tuck in as he free-fell head first toward the Lurchbilge closest. There were a number of reasons for this behavior, but at the helm was the fact that Roy was the leader of his own team. It would be a cold day in hell if he was going to be ordered on a strategical basis by people he considered 'randies'. Another reason why Roy dove head first was due to the fact that he simply did not understand the logic of the stealth-route. No matter what, taking out one Lurchbilge would alert the others. What, was it going to make no noise while it was slaughtered? How about its body, after it hits the ground? The smell of blood would not alert the others by themselves?

Before his feet landed on the shoulders of the Lurchbilge, Roy span once in the air and swung his Katana down with the same momentum. The blade pierced through the monster's skull partially, but did not result in a killing blow. Roy expected nothing less, considering the fact that the monster was well-known to him. He had fought numerous Lurchbilge on regular hunts. As the Lurchbilge let out a roar, it immediately alerted the others. Meanwhile, it rampaged about; stomping and thrashing. Roy was hanging onto the hilt of his weapon, proving to be rather unshakeable. This sense of stability was mostly attributed to the existence of Roy's exoskeleton.

At this point, both hands were wrapped around the hilt of his sword. Using his legs and the strength from his core, Roy was able to pull the sword out of the head of the Lurchbilge. As the blade left the cavernous wound it generated, it brought bits of broken bone, blood, muscle and tissue up into the air with it. Within the same instance that Roy had pulled it out, he brought the Katana down onto the monster's head once more. This same action would be repeated ravenously, as the young man waited for the rest of the group to come down and join him. If they did not want to, Roy had absolutely no qualms about fleeing if the need be, despite the fact that he knew at least two out of the however-many-sea-of-randoms would jump to back him up immediately. Iris included, after she cursed him off under her breath.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @Rifleman @Goddess @HelixCube
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