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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Time Check: End Game

Time passed from start: 1 hr 30 minutes

Time left for hunt: 30 minutes

If this is confusing for some people sorry,

I'm gauging the time passage now on the fights and how beat down the champions are​


Southwest Forest

"First of all, if I wanted to steal your kill, I would have done so instead of just injuring it." That was the first statement made. Roy moved so that he was standing in front of Iris, staring the man down. "Believe me, no one is trying to kill your first steal. We've been gathering bodies. I was just trying to protect my partner." The champion's eyes slightly began to bulge given the intensity he was widening them at. "Lastly, you better back the fuck up before I lay your corpse down next to that Lummox."

Roy was not kidding. He was fully prepared to murder this man if the need be. The surge of electricity which had been directed toward him previously had bounced off - hell, the young man did not even notice he was attacked in the first place. His feet left the ground, so that he was floating at the same height. The yellow aura surrounding his body was turning a vibrant orange. His nose began twitching. Despite this, the hand which Roy had been using to hold his sword was steady. He was completely amped up to the point where he was preparing for a full onslaught.

This man had it coming. From the bull shit that Roy had to deal from him at the get go up until the current point, he was absolutely ready to go. Realistically speaking, Roy had been running strategy from the moment he opened his mouth. The man was larger than he was, by a long shot. It meant he was also slower. If his power had been limited to lightning or electricity alone, Roy would have him beat. If anything, in Kundalini, Jason's power would be rendered completely useless. Then again, there weren't many powers who could compete at such a level. Luckily enough for Roy, this was not battle-tested. If it had been done so, his life span would have been considerably shorter as a result.

As far as the amount of line in his vile went, Roy was unsure if he would be able to access the ability without bodily harm. It would be done to protect Iris, or himself. The thought of such an attempt on the two had his blood boiling to a point where he was finding it hard to control himself. Roy had all ready been jacked up and angry beforehand, at merely the sight of the idiot. He had debated on letting him live, but now Roy had it settled for himself. The uncomfortable soreness in his limbs had become numb.

If any further steps were to be taken, he was going to have to kill this man.

@Alex Phalin @Shura
((I'm sorry, this post is going to be not very long, but my original post was long and I'm not recreating it.))

Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Hive, North of Arcadia

Madison didn't initially react to the man's offer of an alliance, not knowing what to think. He was tough, that much was certain, and he had a beautiful body, but would an alliance be good for them? "I accept." Madison said, unsure of her choice.

To help shove away the feeling of unease about her choice, Madison ran in the direction of the approaching Lumbari, wanting to make sure she hadn't truly lost her abilities during her years of retirement. Luckily for her it was one of the smaller ones, probably one of the newest protectors of the nest. Unfortunately for it, this meant that her abilities would easily ignore any armor the best had, and it wouldn't live for more than a few moments.

She stopped only a few meters away from it, waiting for the creature to charge. Once it did, she rolled out of the way, completely dodging the poor thing's attempt at harming her. While it was recovering from its first attack, she held her hand against its shell, freezing part of it entirely. It roared in pain, saliva flying everywhere from its mouth.

Slowly it turned to face her once more, but Madison was well prepared for a second bout. As it lunged toward her, Madison slid herself under the airborne creature, touching its belly with her hand as she slid. With no shell to protect it, the creature wailed in pain and fair far more than anger. She didn't waste another second, holding her hand against its forhead and rapidly decreasing its body temperature, killing it.

"Well, come on then." Madison said to her new companion, more than ready for another round.

Redd Shotokhan

Outside of Arcadia's walls, Far Side of the Planes (Opposite of the lake), Surrounded by Forests, Shadow of the Mountains - Standing upon the back of the Mantis

The fire rolled over both him and the giant creature in which he stood upon. The billowing smoke concealed both of their forms. the scythes of the creature slashed at the smoke before falling forwards in what seemed to be a lifeless, charred, and bloodied heap. The little flying drone that had followed Redd since the start was buzzing around the black column that was left over from the explosion. The wind blew through the field, sweeping the smoke back to reveal Redd Shotokhan walking.... WALKING with a sneer on his face up the length of the seemingly defeated creature's back. The crowd cheered in testosterone-driven comradery at the red-skinned (or what was left of his skin) man walking with purpose slowly and steadily out of the smoke and fire along the gigantic creature's body. His muscles were clearly visible on his shoulders, chest, and abs. His gauntlets were gripped tightly as he kept his fists clenched. The clothes on his lower half of his body had burnt holes in them from where the drips of acid splattered down him. His 'traditional' eastern cone-hat made out of straw had horrendous burn-marks seered through over a wide area. And yet it still stood atop of the man's head, mirroring the act of the man still standing atop this once great beast.

The mantis, however, seemed to also defy all logic as its head rose upwards, letting out a gurgled, clicking, and otherwise unearthly shriek. Its right 'scythe' lifted and pointed itself at the man known as 'Boris'. The red figure stood atop its head with its fist raised, glinting in the light of the sun as if the energy itself was being drawn too it. The camera focused in on him, catching glare from the sun around his fist and by some weird coincidence, the image it caught was a dark silhouette with red eyes and a cone hat open its mouth and let out a deep and proud "Kongo-" The same fist that he had used to spiral-punch through its abdomen came crashing down and striking its skull. His already fractured forearm, heavily sprained wrist, and mangled hand inside of the gauntlets crushed the top of the mantis's skull. Spider-web like cracks spread out from the initial point of impact, covering the whole creature's head.

Immediately after contact was made, his body lurched forwards as both of the bones in his forearms split through the skin, causing a 'Y' shape to alter itself into view using his now broken arm. "Kakuretsu ZAAAN!" His eyes clamped shut just as a fountain of the creature's blood erupted out of it, forming a very tall fountain of green blood. He stepped through the spray of green blood and let out a growl of pain, leaping down and landed just as the creature's head slammed into the ground beside him. "My name... Is Redd Shotokhan... Of the Mu-No-Ken school... In Growar." His right arm hung limp at his side as his fingers twitched and his muscles spasmed on his whole right side of his body. In defiance, he ignored the intense pain, trying to put on a good show for the audience. He had felt a lot of pain before, but having his forearm bones split like a banana and ripped part-way out of his skin was quite the new experience. One that would have had him in tears had he not been placed in front of over 10 million people's eyes.

His teeth grit as he spoke the words, looking down and doing quite honestly one of the most stupid things he could do. He cried out and squeezed his right fist, pulling on it and forcing the bones back inside of his body. Several crunching noises echoed out as his wrist popped, bone grinds against bone, and his muscles making an audible *SCHLORCH* sound. He held it like this for a few moments, never shutting his eyes even once as his muscle and skin scabbed over, meshing with his bones to try and keep them in place. A façade to hide the fact that he was still crippled, and no doubt still in a lot of pain; Immense, really. And so he stood there, beside the NOW dead creature, skin melted off of most of his top-half, a broken and useless right arm, and burnt Gi-Pants. "Burger?" He asked, motioning over to the other log in which a large stack of Uaccam burgers were. The entire field now being filled with the acid that his bloodstream had just learned to cope with.

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Iris "Scarlet"

South Forest.

Iris scurried behind Roy as the Lemmox tried to attack her through its sap covered gaze. While she wanted to kill something she knew her limitations. Unfortunately for here there were a lot of them when it comes to the higher tier monsters. She watched as Roy made easy work of knocking the forest golem aside and Mr. sparks amp up his charge to do away with the last of the living tree. The hair along Iris's neck was standing on end from the amount of static building up in clearing. The aura around Roy was able to protect her from harm of his static thankfully. Iris hissed over at the other man ears folded back in anger.

While the two bickered and squared off to fight the hum of droid cameras could be heard in the air, but something else was there. A frightening hiss of one of the more feared creatures which lived around Arcadia. Crimson ears perked up alert as she looked up, the fight forgotten. Her eyes widen to the size of saucers as she spotted a fast approaching silhouette and she quickly pressed above her bracer for an another half dose of Nectar pushed much quicker than before. She winced slightly feeling the heat of the drug scorching with in her, recovery after this hunt was going to hell and back but it would be worth it if they make it back in one piece.

"Roy! Incoming!" She called over the other two just as a defining screech was released from the flying monster. Iris tugged Roy to duck down just as a large flying death monster swooped down nearly taking out the trio of champions along the way. The monster swooped back up arching around to attack once more. It turned out to be exactly what she feared, a Bezin.

Party Crasher



South forest

Jason growled under his breath at the man's threats, yanking his sword from the ground. It was still glowing red, heat radiating off of it in waves.

"Don't think I won't drop you without even breaking a sweat. I've killed greater men than you." he hissed, his hands tightening around the hilt. His eye suddenly rolled back in his head, flashing a bright red as he turned to see the Bezin swooping down at them. He ducked in time to avoid it, growling under his breath as he dumped the rest of his nectar into his veins.

"I'll kill you later. I have a Bezin to claim." he said with a smirk, suddenly vanishing. He shot up into the trees with unbelievable speed, using each branch as a stepping stone to launch himself higher and higher. Dark clouds began to form overhead, brimming and crackling with static.

Lightning began to arc from the sky to him, his blade once again glowing white. He launched himself into the air just as the Bezin flew overhead, narrowly avoiding the creature's jaws as he buried the hook of his blade deep into its neck. What he wasn't expecting was to suddenly be taken on a ride as his sword got stuck.

"Shit. This isn't good."

Jekyll Wilson & Mrs.Whickerbottom

Eximius Hospital Ward

Mrs.Whickerbottom grumbled to herself as she looked outside the window of the room Jekyll had been placed in. Her eyes were furrowed into dangerous slits as she glared at the crowd outside, her false teeth grinding together as she quickly became irritated with just how many people were calling for Jekyll and surrounding the few places they could catch a view of the Hospital place. Obviously, the crowd of uproarious fans had no idea which window lead into his room for the time, but because Jekyll had been one of the first major champions to get out of the arena, the Wilson fans had no problem with taking the best spots in an attempt to catch a glance of their idol.

The little lickspittles were just waiting for their little chance to attach themselves to some sort of source of fame, and give purpose to their insignificant lives. Opening the window with a mischievous grin, Mrs.Whickerbottom made sure she was not seen by the crowds, but felt her throat salivate as she felt herself gather salive up.

Rearing her head back, Mrs.Whickerbottom let the spit fly from her mouth and out the window, where it headed straight towards the crowd. Turning around, Mrs. Whickerbottom waited until she heard the disgusted cries of the people on the ground, one female voice ringing louder than others around it, before moving on and resuming her earlier spot beside Jekyll, sitting down in a chair.

Sighing, feeling her now dry mouth rattle from the deep and heavy gasps she naturally did, Mrs. Whickerbottom laid her head down on her her hand, her arm resting on the arm of the chair. Looking around disinterestedly, Mrs.Whickerbottom's eyes focused in on the little brown headed girl that had recently joined Jekyll's team of medics. Silently taking interest in what she did, her eyes hidden by the multiple folds of her wrinkled skin, Mrs.Whickerbottom watched on as Lil' Brown started to unwrap Jekyll's wound bandages, the gauze having already been bloodied by the more serious of injuries, and tried not to blush as her cheeks seemed to flicker from slight pink to bright red.

Mrs.Whickerbottom tried to hold back a snicker as she tried to hold back a snicker as she watched the young newbie become grossly infatuated with what she would be seeing far more times then she could ever want in an actual life time. Sighing, Mrs.Whickerbottom stood up from her death like state, her entire body having slowed down as she watched the fair maiden go about her tasks, and asked in humor,
"Already checking out the merchandise, huh?"

Lil' Brown jumped from her spot and nervously stuttered out a reply, but was unable to finish as Mrs.Whickerbottom let out a sharp laugh filled with razor sharp humor, "Kids these days, going after anything with a heartbeat, even if its slowly losing blood." Lil' Brown was snapped out of the trace she had been put in by hearing Mrs.Whickerbottom speak, and hurriedly tried to bandage the wound.

Something must have failed, however, as it was not long, before a loud groan could be heard from the "unconscious" body of Jekyll. Raising an eyebrow, Mrs.Whickerbottom walked over to the bed, and looked down at the her Champion, a rare occurrence that she would take full advantage of, and cocked her head,
"You awake, sweetie?"

Her question was rewarded with a groan and the eyelids of her champion peeling back to reveal the slightly dazed pupils under them. However, in his daze, Jekyll was still able to utter,
"When did you get this tall, you old bat?"

Mrs.Whickerbottom's face twisted into a sour expression, but her lips lifted into a smile, her voice annoyed,
"Really sweetie? Is that really going to be the first thing you say to me, every single time?"

@Jekyll Wilson @Mrs.Whickerbottom @Lil' Brown
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Southwest Forest

There were no time for games. This person believed that Roy was a push over, something that would cost him his life in the long run. Of course, the original plan went along as such - until they were interrupted by a rather lovely Bezin. Jason seemed rather cocky when it came to taking it out, but Roy was on a mission to steal this kill from him. It was more the principal of the fact, than anything else. Aside from this, the generous amount of nectar which was pumping through his system had provided quite the boost to his abilities. Sure, when he stopped injecting in half an hour he was going to feel practically dead. This was what it took on occasion. Roy would have to be sure to be better rested for the next hunt if he wanted to avoid using line at all.

Roy took the sniper off of his back, pulled the lever and aimed for the flying Bezin. It had scooped up Jason and began flying off. The champion contemplated letting the other champion be carried off, but he just did not have it in him. Chances were, Jason was just going to take the kill after he was flown to the other side of the forest. Roy began pumping various shots out of his sniper, in quick succession. A couple flew past; one hit the Bezin in one of its numerous legs. Another hit the blade of Jason' sword. A third bullet pierced its wing, causing the Bezin to stop flying immediately.

Honestly, Roy probably could have gotten two for the price of one given the circumstances. Jason would surely injure himself upon landing given such a height, but the champion found that he could do something to stop that. Despite the fact that he was just yelling at the man moments before, he was another human being. Roy needed to help if he could. Even if the man wanted to turn around and slash their throats afterwards. The champion allowed his right hand to drop to his side, still holding the long-ranged firearm. His left hand extended to the falling Bezin. A large beam made of energy was generated from his palm and eventually extended up to engulf the monster.

This would hold it in place and allow Jason a chance to remove himself from the equation, given that he had not all ready done so. As the beam held the struggling Bezin in place. Roy placed the sniper back onto his exoskeleton.

@Alex Phalin @Shura
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Marcus Winters

Northwest Forest

Eyes darting from one patch of brush to the next, Marcus could feel the entirety of his body being weighed down by his anxiety. The weapons he kept on his person and the material that made up the armor beneath his casual clothing paled in comparison to the emotional burden he was currently carrying. Unlike the others that had rushed out, not an ounce of fear restricting their movements, the newest Champion was quaking in his boots.

If not for the situation he was currently in, he might've been able to muster a nervous laugh. It was ironic that he of all people was shaking, his entire being based around the rapid movement of his body. However, no matter how accustomed he was to the vibrations that flowed through his body, his mind had not yet reached the preparation it so desperately needed.

Every leaf and snap of twig would cause him to take a sharp turn, fearing that his life would end in a second. This was not out of character for the young man, for as long as he could remember, he had been afraid of even his own shadow. However, the current setting made the sinking feeling in his stomach increase by tenfold.

He couldn't grasp just why the sounds of the forest and the combined colors of green and brown made him feel uneasy. At times, he thought he could hear the gruff whispers of an older gentleman, but he simply passed it off as his mind playing tricks on him in order to distract from the ever-present worry that he would suffer an ill fate.

It was hard to believe, but this blond was a Champion, a rather good one at that. However, his less than desirable personality had taken hold of his body and refused to let go like the grip of a constrictor. Well, if there was any silver lining to this, it would be the money that would change hands through the people watching from the safety of Arcadia's walls.

He wasn't deaf, able to clearly hear the bets being made over hushed whispers, the boy's name clearly distinguishable.

However, unlike those that comprised of how many kills a Champion would make or how long it would take before their first, nothing was particularly positive about those that involved him. "How long do ya' think it will take before he dies?"

Death. The very thought of it caused him to tremble even further, as if the ground was moving beneath his feet. This wouldn't be much of a stretch, as he had subconsciously began to vibrate out of paranoia. In an unfortunate turn of events, this would lead to what he had been trying to avoid.

After being exposed to high frequencies for his entire life, Marcus' hearing had surprisingly improved, contrasting from the usual side effects. With this keen sense of his, he could clearly hear the approaching figure from behind. The chill running down his spine reaffirming the presence of danger, he would dart to the side, right hand falling down to the sheathed blade that remained covered by the dark coat.

While he was prepared to give it his best attempt, having brought down a good number of enemies in the past, the creature before him caused his skin to go even paler than it already was. With his already horrid skin complexion, such a thing seemed impossible, but what he saw managed to make it so. Precisely sixteen feet tall and protected by a impenetrable-looking barrier of an exoskeleton, it was clear what he was dealing with.

This was not only a rare target, but also one that was considerably dangerous. The vibrations that he released must've caught its attention. Now he had more of a reason to shake uncontrollably.

Marcus wasn't stupid, so he did the only thing he could at the time. He turned and pushed his frail body with all that it could muster in order to escape. It was suicidal to attack it alone and with his current state of mind, it was impossible to deal with something that was even of a lower level. All he could do was avoid it to the best of his ability. However, the creature gave chase, determined to not let its prey escape.

Attempting to view the world from the bangs that blocked his vision, patches of gray coming into contact with the noticeable dark lines beneath his eyes, he maneuvered trough the trees to put some distance between them. This would prove useful only for a time, the Mantis begging to cut down everything in its path. If something as simple as trees could stop it, then it wouldn't be considered highly dangerous.

Marcus continued to run, eyes now closed and unable to open once again with fear in his mind. The next time that he would lift his lids to meet the flowing leaves above, it would be after successfully ramming his face into a rather tough line of bark. The trees seemed to be able to stop him, at least.

Dazed from the sudden impact, Marcus could only see the dull, murky colors he had seen nonstop since his departure from the arena. However, a new part of the spectrum came into view. An elegant flow of blonde filled the pair of steel orbs, but this particular shade was vastly different from his. Rather than the dark and bleak platinum that was filled with the gloomy gray, this was a radiant gold that managed to fill his eyes with light.

It was a girl? Around his age? As his vision began to stabilize, these questions would be confirmed. However, before he could utter a single word, the previous gold became stained by crimson, her entire being flooded by the sticky red of blood.

There were many ways people reacted to the sight of blood, but Marcus did not handle it very well, to say the least. Releasing a rather effeminate shriek, he backed away in fear, an emotion that had plagued him since the beginning. However, his problems were only just beginning, his previous companion having managed to discover his location once more.

In all its glory, the Mantis approached the pair, looking as deadly as ever. Marcus could only manage a cluster of mumbles, the creature and scent of blood clouding his brain. This hadn't been the best start of his Champion career.

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Currently attached to a pissed off Bezin

Jason growled, the blade still stuck but slowly tearing through the Bezin's carapace. He didn't have the chance to sharpen the blade before it attacked, which explained why he was suddenly several stories above the ground. When the bullet ricocheted off his sword he cursed loudly, noticing it had put a small dent in the metal. "Fucking bastard... He's trying to hit me." he groaned when the Bezin suddenly stopped in mid-air. He used the opportunity to yank his blade free, using a nearby tree to stop his fall.

He perched on the branch, lightning snapping and arcing around him as he gathered up as much energy he could, launching a huge lightning bolt at the suspended creature. He knew it wasn't enough to kill it, but it would be more than enough to stun it and bring it to the ground when Roy released it from the suspension.

Xerxes & Max

Southwest Forest

Xerxes and Max would both turn their heads simultaneously towards the location of roars of pain, the Champions were making easy work of the monsters it'd seem, from the sound of it at least. A hand would travel to rest on Max's head moments before a bone chilling shriek filled the air, and it belonged to only one creature Xerxes has encountered only once. It was a Bezin, and he saw the swiftly shadow of it pass by heading in the direction himself and Max were now facing. A Bezin was a child of death himself, as it is all that it ever brought, with its multiple appendages and poisonous barbs it fires. The image of a Bezin itself was enough to discourage most champions to run away in fear and just hope it didn't set its eyes on them.

However this mind-set was the exact opposite of Xerxes, oh he does not wish to turn tail in run. However he wishes to hunt one down and slaughter it collecting several trophies from it overall maybe even claim its head to keep as a memento of the dangerous situation. With this in mind a grin touched his face as he looked down towards his centurious companion and took off with a powerful step and picked up speed making his way towards where he figured the Bezin to be. He just hoped it wasn't too far and the creature would still be ripe for the taking, maybe even satisfied with killing a few champions.

The sounds of lightning cracking in the air were obvious and it could mean two things at this moment, it could be another lightning based creature; or it could be one of the champions who possess the ability to generate or even use electricity. But Xerxes derived one thing from it all in total, lightning is hot therefore there will be thermal radiation upon it being used and hopefully flames could be kept up from the use. More radiation for him to feed off of, and he was sure he'd have to use his line to defeat the creature if he was to take it on alone but he was unsure. He turned his head for a moment to see if Max was still nearby and to his amusement it was..until it heard the lightning at least, it appears the creature has a fear of lightning maybe a bad past experience? On that note however Max disappeared as he halted to climb up a tree and view from a safe distance it'd seem. Xerxes felt around his form until he found his recently acquired trophy and slid it into a net-like pouch on the side of his camelbak as he continued his pursuit of the Bezin.

Finally he heard another crack of lightning it was far closer than before this time and he was sure it wasn't a lightning based creature as he saw three champions, and a Bezin as he halted at the clearing. He swiftly made himself void of the situation and retreated high up into a tree to where as any of his moments at this height could be passed off as the wind causing the tree to sway. He waited crouched just gazing the Bezin was currently on its descent after what appeared to be a type of aura glowing around it and struck down by lightning, making him almost certain it'd be ground bound now just like the Scarla was. However this creature doesn't rely so much on the air as the Scarla did, it was as dangerous on the ground as it was in the air. His focus would then change from the Bezin to the trio of champions, two of them he had already spotted before; the ones he was stalking earlier during the hunt. It seems things have gotten quite rough for them. As for the third champion it was hard to spot him given the situation and distance but he just followed the bright display of electricity that danced around the champions form.

The question was now how would he approach the situation, should he sit and wait to see if the Bezin claims all three of their lives? Or should he launch himself into the midst of the battle and steal the kill all together, with this in mind he brought a hand towards his forearm looking down and flipping upwards a piece of armour revealing a small notch that was pointed towards zero. His eyes danced back up to the group and he waited now if he needed to intervene he'd need his line he was almost sure, the highest notch being ten. That was for all or nothing but it wasn't even able to be turned to, he must turn to nine then back to zero and press down within an amount of one-point-five seconds. It was a form of a safety measure so it wouldn't happen by incident or if he was unsure he'd actually need a full dosage.




@Braxnond @Alex Phalin
Iris "Scarlet"

South Forest

Iris growled under her breath watching as Roy and cyclops attack the beast. It was times like this that made her wish she had some kind of ranged ability however those thoughts were overshadowed by the urge to kill the flying insect. The bolt of lightning struck the monster as the beam of light faded. The creature screeched as it fluttered gracelessly to the ground on the other side of the clearing. She growled softly watching as the creature was submerged into the trees but far from dead. It burst from the brushes flapping is large wings getting some lift but with one of its wings injured it wasn't getting very far.

Iris eyed the redish membrane along the inner wings, the thick armored scaling along the monsters body made it impossible to pierce however the inner wing was a different story. Growling softly she dug her claws and feet into the ground for traction. If she couldn't kill it should would at least make it easier for the others to do it. In the back of her mind were echos of her idea going horridly wrong but with so much line and adrenaline pumping, reasoning wasn't something she was open to at the moment.

Acting on instinct and impulse alone she sprinted into the trees getting up into the higher branches with ease as she followed her default pattern of attack. As the creature drew closer to the two that had attacked it preoccupied with its pray Iris stalked her own target and sprung out of the tree line behind the creature, claws catching the thick membrane of the wing what was intact. Her weight alone caused the sharpened metal of her gauntlets to tear and slice into the flesh causing long slits to bleed.

The screech which followed nearly defended her as it started to trash about swinging its wing wildly. Iris held on as best she could causing more tears and rips into the wings. Letting go was not something that crossed her mind as she continued to claw at the wings. Unfortunately her grip was only as strong as the material she was grasping onto which was quickly being reduced to a bloody mess. The Bezin grew more frantic in is thrashing and to try and attack what was on its wing.

As stubborn as the Champion was she didn't stand much of a chance against of the the creatures large insect like legs as it swiped at her. Like a human flick off a flee the creature's legs crashed into Iris sending her crashing back into the trees she had lept from. There was no skidding or ground to slow her impact so her body hit the tree full force, there was an audible crack before falling the 4 or so feet to the ground limp and unmoving.

@Braxnond @Alex Phalin @Phantom King

Southwest Forest

When Jason hit the Bezin, Roy thought the three would have no problem taking out the beast. He watched as Iris hopped on top of it, obviously something that the champion would not have advised. It was too late, now. After a small struggle, the monster eventually launched Iris off. She disappeared back into the tree where she came from. After smashing into the trunk, Roy watched as the unconscious body of his partner hit the ground with a motionless thud. Blood began running from Roy's right palm, after his nails dug into the skin and caused lesions. Making a fist too hard was possible, after all. Eyes widened once more as he stared at the woman, his body visibly shaking after the young man was overtaken with the intertwining emotions of extreme anger and fear for his partner's condition.

Acting on impulse, Roy injected the remainder of the nectar he had left. As the rest of the drug began flowing through his veins, they bulged. The man's teeth cringed before he opened his mouth and began yelling. Hunched over and looking slightly animalistic, the champion continued screaming at the top of his lungs as the orange and yellow aura around him grew immensely. That once-black hair which had been white for some time due to the initial use of the drug began flowing wildly. The colors of the aura began flashing, from the bottom to the top: first, it was yellow and orange. Then the rest of the colors followed; blue, green, so on and so forth.

Within an instant, Roy had been rocketing up toward the Bezin, flying at full speed. The amount of distance covered between his standing spot and the Bezin had been a decent amount, but quickly traversed with use of his abilities. Appearing before the Bezin, the monster attempted to swipe one of it's arms at Roy. Instead of being able to follow through with its attack, it would be greeted by a hammer-fist punch. After both hands intertwined to one fist, he pounded down on the monster's body and caused it to fly back into the ground once more. Roy immediately followed, his feet smashing into the stomach of the thrashing monster. It bent its body inward slightly, surely crushing some of the contents belonging to the inside of the Bezin.

The first thing that Roy did, was drop his sword and drop to his knees over the Bezin. As the Bezin's legs moved to wipe him off of its body, the champion ripped them off with ravenous force. Once the front couple of legs were detached, both hands found itself on the monster's face. Ignoring the teeth of the beast, fingers began puncturing the skin of the Bezin's face, causing massive bleeding. Roy sat there for five minutes straight, ripping bits and pieces of flesh out of its face, throwing them over his shoulder and into the air. The dying monster was still squirming and screaming, not able to get out. Roy eventually stood up over the beast, before slamming his boot repetitively into its face. Throughout the duration, Roy continued screaming - up until the last stomp of his foot dug into nothing but a mush of brain matter, tissue, teeth, blood and muscle. The life of the monster ceased at the same time as his yelling spell.

When he grasped the sword from the ground, Roy was sure to return it to it's sheath. He was not thinking of the other champions. Running over to Iris' body, shaking once more, Roy bent over to assess the damage. Hands ran over her body, his face cringing up into an ugly mess as tears began streaming down his face wildly. He began whispering words like 'no', or 'come on', and 'you have to wake up!' but none of these statements were to any avail. Gathering his partner up in his arms while attempting to do his best to keep her stabilized, Roy began running. He ran away from the other two champions and the dead Bezin, toward the same gate which the two had started with. Multiple drones followed Roy as he hopped through the multiple trees. It took a solid ten to fifteen minutes between hopping and flying before he finally reached the out-skirts of the forest once more, on the East side where they started. All the monsters which Roy happened to see were avoided like the plague.

Tears had not stopped streaming down his face. When he reached the gate, he set Iris' body on the ground and kneeled next to it. She was not dead, but it was obvious that she was severely injured. Roy had not been used to seeing his partner in such a position, so naturally it worried him. Placing one hand on the woman's cheek, and the other on her left oblique, Roy went through a dialogue with himself. It consisted of bashing himself for letting such an event take place to begin with alongside conflicting thoughts of why he should take it easy on himself. The aura around him was green. It grew to accompany his partner as well. The healing energies should do fine of solving larger problems, but there was a price Roy would have to pay. One he was fine with given the fact that he was going to go through hell anyway.

The poisonous barbs were first to fall out. Healing of bodily damage was followed. Roy's eyes turned white as he had done so, lips eventually parting until his mouth was open. The champion had no idea how much he had healed, or if he had done any healing at all, but it wouldn't matter. Roy slowly tipped to the side, before falling over completely. Laying on his side next to Iris, he stared into the woman's face - which was a couple of inches away. Blood began dripping out of his mouth as his vision cut out, along with his consciousness.

@Shura @Alex Phalin @Phantom King
Post Hunt

The hunt is nearly wrapping up and a lot of champions are hurt and what not so I figured I'd inform what normal stuff happens after the hunt.

Unconscious and severely injured Champions are most times recovered via-air rescue. [As noted on Damageglasses post on page 10.] Normally its a team of 4-5 emergency respondents on board along side any trainers/ support staff who company them.

Champions who have only minor injuries or have the luck of having regeneration powers usually make their way back to the gates with in Arcadias wall to much fan fair and excitement from media and fans. Its up to you whether you want your character to participate in any post hunt interviews or events.

It is advised to visit the Eximius hospital after a hunt regardless of injury. This is to detox and get check out even if a Champion wasn't injured. There are still after effects of using Nectar, dehydration, exhaustion, etc. to take into account. Not to mention any weapons of equipment that could have been damaged during the event are usually taken care of by A champions team.

Eximius Hospital

For those who never check out the locations tab or forgot Eximius is the small island in the northern part of Arcadia dedicated to the living and care of Champions. The hospital is state of the art and has all manner of tool and equipment needed to treat hunt related injuries. From stitches to poisonings, acid burns and emergency surgery for more serious cases.

More details about the hospital will be updated later today.

SE forest

Jason cursed under his breath when he saw Iris get launched, and decided to stay out of the way as Roy went into full rage mode. While he was pummeling on the creature Hulk-style, Jason quickly moved to where Iris was laying, his eye scanning her for vitals and injury assessment. He growled a little under his breath, opening up a comm channel. "This is Jason, send a Medevac to my position immediately! We have a downed girl, she was attacked by a Bezin. Poison barbs in her side, minor fractures to the skull, broken ribs... You need to hurry the fu-" he said, cut off when he had to jump out of the way because of Roy.

He watched them speed off, sighing under his breath. "Track Roy's position, the stupid bastard carried her off. Check for worse injuries due to sudden movement." he advised, clicking the channel off. He stood, watching where they had sped off with a small shake of his head.

Sure, they were competition, but they were still Champions. Seeing her lay there like that reminded him of his sisters, which caused a small knot to form in his stomach.

He composed himself and glanced at his sword, sheathing it on his back as he headed back towards the city.

Xerxes & Max

Southwest Forest

Xerxes started to go to move the dial when he hard an audible snap and a shriek of satisfaction, gazing upwards he'd see the feline like female get sent flying out of few into what he would guess a tree. Both of the champions fighting reacted however the one who's combat skill he applauded would be the first to react accordingly. The aura around him grew and shifted in colours and intensity and in an instant the male was before the Bezin and first contact was made. The Bezin attempted to swat him away with an arm but he was met by the hammer-fist of the champion and a swift brutal and savage display of combat ability resulting in the death of the Bezin. Xerxes wasn't too displeased even though he missed the chance to get the head of the creature as it was so surely smashed in, but he had no intention of doing so as it'd be improper to try and claim a trophy from a beast he hadn't slain.

Positioning himself to get a better few on the female it'd appear as if she was unconscious as she came into his view, but this was blocked by the now white haired and aura coated champion and it wasn't long until she was in his arms and they took off back towards the city, this was when Xerxes looked up to find the sun and realized how much time had finally passed. With this in mind he'd look around for Max letting out a snuffle type of sound to attract the beast, and a few moments later the Centurious found its way back to Xerxes. They'd both start making their way to the gates now.

Xerxes dashed through the clearing with admirable speed the Centurious a few yards behind, but as he raced through he'd turn to look directly at Jason with an expression that'd either threaten or intimidate someone, maybe even both. But it held long enough for him to send him a sly grin before disappearing into the tree's with his Centurious companion Max. If Jason would think if the man was being chased by the creature or not is unknown but Xerxes knew if he went to harm Max it'd be a very bad ordeal for the other champion, as it was time to turn Max away for now until he can find a way to actually claim the creature. With this he'd come to a halt gesturing to his left and patting the beasts head muttering 'go' to the Centurious who'd take off after a few moments of reluctance. After watching Max depart he'd take a powerful bounding step launching himself into a full sprint pace until he caught sight of the two champions. He'd approach slowly now standing over them before looking at their current states, both looked beat up and there was obvious nectar use as for what they had just encountered and not to mention their injuries. With this in mind Xerxes would come to his knees at the head of both champions leaning back so his bum was placed firmly on his own heels.

Xerxes checked over his shoulder half-expecting Jason the other champion to be close behind but he wasn't entirely sure. His gaze coming back upon the two champions he'd remove his camelbak and unscrew the top of the plastic container inside the bag that held the rest of his water and began to drizzle it lightly over their faces avoiding the nose and mouth so he would not drown them in the process of trying to refresh them as cold water was always nice after such strenuous activities. After doing so he'd screw the cap back on and lay it in between the two champion's bodies before leaning back resting his but on his heels again. Xerxes closed his eyes now and just listened to all around him alert for danger his other senses more focused as another was removed from it all. Xerxes sat and planned to wait until the medical team arrived but
until then he'd sit vigilant frozen appearing as if he was in a type of stasis, but with close observation his breathing was obvious.

@Braxnond @Alex Phalin

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Iris "Scarlet"

Forest -> Hospital

Pain pulsated through her body worse than she had felt in a long time. Part of her new it was because of the hit she had already taken finally catching up. The hunt had been one of the more brutal ones, more difficult than even the previous year during peak season. Her mind swam as she tried to grasp her baring and pull her self to consciousness. As much as she willed it to happen her body wouldn't move, she was done.


The sound of screeching and Roy's yells reached her ear making her worried and try to push her self up but still no response from her body.


"... send a Medevac to my position immediately! We have a downed..." the voice sounded distant but familiar. It was the cyclops only this time his tone sounded more worried than cocky or arrogant. Was he trying to help her? Her thoughts were interrupted as something stopped next to her.


"Come on, wake up..." It was Roy this time. He was safe. The will to stay conscious was starting to fade knowing that he was safe and okay. Guilt stirred in her gut hearing to worry and pain in his voice though. She tried to open her eyes, give some signal that she was okay but it was immediately wiped from her mind as she was moved. White hot pain shot though her body causing a weak barely audible whimper. Then she was gone again, giving into the numbness of sleep.



Wet and cold. The sudden shock of cool water against her heated skin shocked Iris awake but just barely. Her mind still swam in and out of consciousness the pain had dulled a great deal bit she still couldn't move. The scream of ambulance and dull roar of distant fans could be heard. She managed to force her eyes open a bit, enough to see a blur of tan skin and red hair before falling shut. The last bit of Nectar that was in her system started to fade, reaching the last stage and entering the cool down period. Muscles in her body started to twitch mildly sending small shock waves of pain up and down her spine. Iris was partly grateful she would be unconscious for the cool down and the worst of the side effect. Nausea started to twist in her stomach and her head throb worse than before.

The sound of running reached her ear a group of people weighed down with gear. The next thing she knew something soft but firm was placed around her neck and her body moved much more carefully than it had been before. The familiar scent of alcohol and medicine helped put the pieces together. One of the recovery crews. But where was Roy? She remembered him beside her before but couldn't hear him. Faint mutterings and medical jargon buzzed around her.

"Yes, both Champions are set for transport and on their way..."

Both? That meant there were two being moved the other one had to be Roy unless it was the strange blur of red she saw before. She felt a sharp prick on the inside of her right arms no doubt and I.V. as more commotion went on around her. Before she could make sure the other person was Roy she could feel herself being pulled back into the darkness and couldn't fight it anymore.

The team for the ambulance braced and secured both members of Stealth Strike onto stretchers and started pushing a mix of IV fluids to hydrate, neutralize Nectar and any other toxin that they may have encountered. Media drones record the whole ordeal even as the two champions were loaded into the ambulances and rushed off to the hospital, a large crowd of fans lined the streets in wait to see if their favored champion would make it back as well. Another two medic teams stayed at the gate awaiting the arrival of other champions. There were several team stationed at each gate waiting to see if they would be needed as well.

@Braxnond @Phantom King
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LotusSan said:
((I'm sorry, this post is going to be not very long, but my original post was long and I'm not recreating it.))
Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Hive, North of Arcadia

Madison didn't initially react to the man's offer of an alliance, not knowing what to think. He was tough, that much was certain, and he had a beautiful body, but would an alliance be good for them? "I accept." Madison said, unsure of her choice.

To help shove away the feeling of unease about her choice, Madison ran in the direction of the approaching Lumbari, wanting to make sure she hadn't truly lost her abilities during her years of retirement. Luckily for her it was one of the smaller ones, probably one of the newest protectors of the nest. Unfortunately for it, this meant that her abilities would easily ignore any armor the best had, and it wouldn't live for more than a few moments.

She stopped only a few meters away from it, waiting for the creature to charge. Once it did, she rolled out of the way, completely dodging the poor thing's attempt at harming her. While it was recovering from its first attack, she held her hand against its shell, freezing part of it entirely. It roared in pain, saliva flying everywhere from its mouth.

Slowly it turned to face her once more, but Madison was well prepared for a second bout. As it lunged toward her, Madison slid herself under the airborne creature, touching its belly with her hand as she slid. With no shell to protect it, the creature wailed in pain and fair far more than anger. She didn't waste another second, holding her hand against its forhead and rapidly decreasing its body temperature, killing it.

"Well, come on then." Madison said to her new companion, more than ready for another round.

@LotusSan [/size]
Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Hive, North of Arcadia

Madison didn't know how to react, at first. What was going on in this man's head to make him react so oddly? Why was he kneeling down right in front of her as more Lumbari swarmed them? How sane was he?

After a moment, Madison began speaking, tiptoeing herself around him so she wouldn't risk setting him off. "Sir, I swear to you, you have done nothing to offend me. The very presence of you inspires me to fight my absolute hardest, no matter how difficult things can get." Upon finishing her statement, Madison offered him her hand, like she saw royal people do in movies and on TV. Maybe that could calm him down, she really didn't know.

Jameson Armstrong

Down in the Lumbri Sink Hole

As Jameson looked up to see the offered hand, his madness embraced him even further. He reached out swiftly, taking Madison's hand up in his own, he would firmly, but gently, pull her towards himself, sweeping her nearly off her feet, he would spin her around in a circle and hold her close to him in a closed position, as seen in waltz, and he would turn them towards the oncoming Lumbri. His Kinetic barrier would slowly wrap around her, and to her, would feel like a vibrating sensation, giving her the full advantage of his barrier, which would protect her from any blow so long as they held contact with one another.

"Oh Mi'lady! You Honor me so with your admittance! Now let us move together in Glorious battle that we might increase our honor together as a companion team!!! Onward Ho!!!" He would shout as he would rocket them forward towards the Lumbri, using not only the blinding effect of his sparkles as it increased around himself, as well as Madison, but also the kinetic barrier wrapped around her would allow him to channel his kinetic force,which would be much greater then her own, through her to reinforce her attacks.

Madison would feel a vibrating sensation with each attack dealt using her body, but to Jameson, it would be nothing but another form in the full contact death dance he had begun. He would spin her through the hive, using collisions to set off the Lumbri like vibration grenades, using the tempo of the Waltz music playing in his head as his psychotic break reached full crescendo. Jameson Armstrong was quite a good dancer, but not by his own merit alone.

"Behold! The grace of the Armstrong Family! Passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations! I give you Armstrong Duet Technique Titans Waltz!" Jameson shouted out as they mowed a path through the hissing Lumbri that tried to attack them.

The Lumbri they came in contact with would burst, their bodies would scatter in all directions. If Madison used her powers during the motions, it would only heighten the attacks, as a frozen target would shatter, rather then burst, not only reducing the mess, but also finishing the attack much more rapidly, allowing Jameson to increase their tempo.

Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Sink Hole

At first, Madison had no idea what was going on. She almost froze her companion to death when he grabbed her, but let up when she realized that he was doing... Something. She was still confused as he began filling her with a vibrating sensation, and became immediately terrified when he ran them into the mass of Lumbari. By the time he explained that what they were doing was dancing, she had nearly pissed herself.

She didn't say anything as he moved them both around, throwing them through the herd of monsters, watching blood and guts splatter all over. The sight and smell of their blood and bodies were nearly enough to make Madison vomit, but she kept herself steady despite it. After a few moments, Madison managed to catch up with what exactly Armstrong was doing, and began to match his steps.

Eventually, however, the gore and smell became too much for her, and Madison was forced to slow down so she could add her own powers to the mix. She touched everything she could, allowing the mixture of kinetic energy and ice to freeze and crack any creature they came across, making the entire situation far and away more tolerable.

The dance, a waltz as Jameson called it, soon became natural to Madison, and she felt nigh immortal in their barrier. Blindly she went along with Jameson, step by step, enjoying the ride he created.

Jameson Armstrong

Deeper in the Lumbri Nest

Having counted each of the kills, Jameson realized there were only the twelve larger class creatures remaining within another chamber of the hive. He brought the waltz to a stopping point, and slamming their fists into the last of the medium lumbri, killing it instantly. He released his grip on Madison, and the vibration would leave with his grip. He took a step back from her and bowed lightly, his features still the same as they had been earlier. Filled with madness, but also calm and collected.

"That's fifty five kills, twenty-seven or so for each of us if we split it. I would suggest freezing the eggs, we destroyed five of them in our movements, but the other forty-five can be used for various things by Arcadia. If you would be so kind as to use your abilities to turn this nest chamber into a freezer, we can signal for pick up after we handle the other four larger class Lumbri in the chamber ahead." Jameson said as he glanced around the chamber, looking at the eggs.

He glanced at the eggs that were destroyed, and judged the progression of the maturation of the Lumbri Larvae, they were still in their very early stages, still in a yolk like form, which would allow the Arcadian recovery teams to gain a great deal of delicacy foods from this harvest. All in all, it would be very profitable, for both Jameson and Madison, depending on the harvest itself.

Jameson moved to the edge of the chamber, and tapped his foot against the floor. "They're waiting for us... Take your time in freezing those eggs and preparing. The beasts know were coming for them, and seem to want to wait and fight us further." Jameson said calmly, his deep voice echoing slightly in the cavern.

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(Well we moved on to another thread so im gonna finish up with the hunt)

@PixelScoreMC[/URL] )
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Northern Part of the Forest (w/ Sun)

The small girl could feel every atom in her body bouncing off the walls, just itching to release energy. Now was her chance, the large bear was coming straight for her. "Heh heh!" a devilish smile stretched her lips and a sadistic grin grew right after. Her piercing green eyes stared into the soul of this acid bear. She shot several times at the bear, but his quick speed managed to evade them. At this point, bullets wouldnt work at this distance. The bear was already close enough. As he came up to her he slid and stopped to a halt, sending some acid flying off his fur and into the ground. He huffed and puffed as he attempted to stare her down. When that didnt work, he reared to stand on his hind legs.

Kat stared upward with the towering eight foot tall bear. She was 4'11" and looked incredibly tiny next to the bear. She took a lunging stance, and used her intangibility to sprint and jump through the beast. With line, going through electrical systems (including bio electrical systems) can stun and even have the potential to shock an enemy. With a foe this big she could only stun him. Before she came out of the other end, she bacme tangible again. The Ghost purposefully left her hand still inside the beast as she became tangible, tearing her way free with the weapon in hand. She left a large whole in its back. "Ha!" Kat laughed, enjoying the feeling of cutting through flesh, even the flesh of a decaying animal. The bear fell back on all fours once more, roaring in agony. She landed and cartwheeled away to gain distance between her and the bear. A few strands of green hair dangled in her face, tickling her cheeks and eye lashes. She wobbled and stumbled while standing still,"Oh no its wearing off she muttered," she looked down at the had that was in the bear and noticed a few burn marks. The acid from the bear managed to land on her skin for a few moments. She shook it off and looked back at the quickly recovering opponent. He charged again.

Thanks to the Nectar, her mind calculated and thought thoroughly much quicker, and quickly came up woth a plan. She waites a few seconds the bear charging and coming fast at her. She crouched and leaped into the air in one swift motion. She looked down, the bear looking up at her. Her gloved and burned hand plopped ontop on the animal's head, between the ears. She used this for leverage and to direct her motion. Almost in a handstand, she quickly fell back onto the back of the bear and mounted it facing backwards. The sizzling acid had a few seconds before seeping through her suit. She wasted no time. With the other hand, free from burns, she used the blade from her pistol and stabbed the bear on the side of its spine. Gripping the pistol to hang on, she lifted her legs into a squatting position on the bear. Quickly, she adjusted the blade to go under the bear's spine, and using all her strength and the strength lended from Line, she used her legs to lift the blade upward and sever the spinal cord. The bear immediately dropped to the ground. She hopped off and walked around and to the front of its face. It was clearly still alive and breathing, just immobile. She squatted down to look at it in the eyes,"Boy you gave me a run for my money...." That sadistic grin still plastered on her face and gave a weak chuckle.

She wiped her fore with her forearm. Standing up she looked back at Sun,"I think i deserve a prize." She looked back to the bear and walked over to its side. Lazily, she straddle and stood over the back of its neck. She bent forward and reached down for its snout. She lifted the head back and stabbed the top of if. Chills ran down her spine with the feeling of her blade cracking and piercing through its skull. She liked it. Leaving it embedded in the beast's head, she used both hands and what was left of her strength and stamina to stretch and pull its jaw from the rest of the bear's head. Chills ran through her body once again, with the feel and sound of the jaws popping and cracking.

She held up its head with one hand and winced as the acid started to seep in. Kat used the other hand to pull out the lodged blade and stick it into the bears mouth, digging out one of its large canines. Once retrieving her trophy she let the head fall limp. Katherine tucked tooth in the waist band of her belt. She walked toward Sun and could feel the energy leaking out of her. Her steps felt heavy, her body felt light, her head was spinning and her muscles gave out. The pistol fell out of her hand, and her legs wobbled and exerted all they had left before she fell to the floor. The Nectar had sucked her dry of energy and strength.....

(Moving to the other thread for recovery! :D )
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