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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Ground, Outside Building

Alistair would nod at her response "I gathered as much" Watching her demonstration, His eye brow raised. "Better than Nothing I suppose" His voice would show obvious attempts at hiding his bewilderment. "And as to what I want" He would stroke his chin and ponder his next choice of words. "Well does saying I want you count as an answer?" He would let out a small laugh "But seriously, I dont want anything really. Just checking in on a fellow champion and seeing if they want someone to tag along for abit" He would give her a warm smile.

After awhile the pain killers from earlier would kick in, he would let out a small sigh of relief as the pain died down. Lifting his computer up he would punch in a few button combinations, getting a read out of what was left in his stocks. "
1 nectar shot, 4 pain killers, 2 bandage rolls, 4 magazines. Sword hilt.. Oh joy" he would sigh at the final item on the list. "I knew she would pull a stunt like this.." reaching into his side pouch, Alistair would produce a pair of women's underwear with a small not attached to it. "Nice one Akira.. just classy" he would take the not and stuff the pair of underwear into his pocket. Reading it, he would sigh louder than previously. "Dear Alistair, here take a pair of my panties for good luck, these are my favourite ones, so bring them back okay." Reading the note would cause Alistair's head to drop in disbelief

Screwing up the note he would put it into his pocket. "
Well that is something I should have expected, Sooooo..... Uh yeah, what shall we do now?" turning his attention back to the girl before him, slightly embarrassed "what is your name by the way?" he would attempt to divert the situation down a different path, hoping that it would be looked over and never spoken of again in this lifetime or the next

Time Skip

[3 Hour Later]

Ruined city - 3 pm

Mission Base Camp, Ground floor

With the immediate threat taken care of the ship safely off loaded, the injured treated and re-injured treated again. A reliable line of communication was established with the other teams allowing for information to be exchanged. Fortunately the other teams had survived well enough and were starting their survey of the area. Everyone regrouped and the civilian teams got to work in setting up a base camp. The whole ground floor had been cleaned up for the most part with the clean up team was slowly going through the rest of the building cleaning and reinforcing unstable structures where they could. Generators were revved up giving the team access to power and lights were strung up to better light the interior. While the interior was being worked on another team worked to reinforced and barricade broken chunks of wall and blown out windows making the place much more secure.

The med team set up a more permanents clinic area, using special chemical foams to disinfect decent sized area. Getting rid of layers of dust, dirt and contaminants. The old worn and damaged concrete could actually be seen after their task was completed. Stretchers, cots and more advanced equipment was set up to help accelerated the healing of more serious wounds and allowed Champions to recover quicker.

The tech team had a similar set up only their area included small vacuum sealed chambers where more delicate work could be done. Most of the equipment that could be salvaged had been fixed and the broken parts broken down to use to fix other items. A living area was also set up with cots and make shift beds for those who needed a rest. After all the activity from the rough landing it was understandable if some just needed a moment of quiet. While all this was being set up food was also prepped and served to those who were hungry.

With in a few hours the broken down ruins of the military base had been given purpose once more with the crews from Arcadia working to make a livable and functioning base camp.

The champions had been given the time to relax and recover though most were welcomed to help if they wanted. @HoneyBear-Kat @Phantom King @Kagura @Goddess @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Tree @las0r0o7 @Wilcox @Darksoul90 @Rifleman @King Of Imagination @GeneralZod @HelixCube @Absurdisan @AlexNos

Connor Friesland

Most people assumed Connor would be doing heavy lifting around the new base camp, moving generators, opening and closing stuck mechanical doors. However something else was on Connor's mind. Something much more important to him and possibly to arcadia. In front of him was a generator, a computer screen, a computer salvager's kit, and plenty of adapters for old to new tech. Connor had gone through 15 different cable combinations before he found something that worked, even then that was just getting a connection with the old box. Meanwhile the old computer's innards lay exposed. Whatever he could find that wasn't functional was laying aside, carefully placed as to be picked up and checked later with better Arcadian technology. Maybe they could tease a little bit more information from the pieces that he could.

He looked at the screen wearily. His adhd was desperately trying to get the best of him, his leg bouncing up and down like a jackhammer. Still he persisted, trying to get the information out of the wreckage of pre-cataclysm tech. His whole attention was focused on a loading bar. there were three steps to any data recovery, establishing a connection, Downloading the data chache whole sale, as to make sure that no matter what, you would be able analyze all this later, then came the longest part of the whole experience...password breaking. Even with Arcadian tech, this still took a long time. Techavia had some kits that could crack a pass in a few minutes, Arcadia however had to deal with ones that could crack it in a few hours, and in some cases days. Connor hopped however that little box would be the former case rather than the latter.

He was about to walk away for a moment when there was a slight *beep* from the computer. Conor looked at the screen again, it was done, it cracked the password. A smile crossed his face. "Is Glorious! is Wonderful! Is functional! well kinda... should work a little...come on little data, what secrets do you have. Want your secrets. Very good...verrry good!" If Chad was here then he was pretty sure that he'd get a slap on the back and some suffer lingo that said how tubular this was. Connor looked around, he didn't want to bring this to the main groups attention he wanted to make sure what he had found was worthwhile first. He spotted Iris off to the side and waved at her to get her attention, meanwhile pointing at his screen. She had found the computer, he thought it only fair that she get to see the contents.

Sica Pera

Base camp

Sica still had yet to enter combat, instead she had stayed and quietly observed the ruins looking for anything related to Tecavah, lucky for these people there wasn't. The fact that there was another city at the ruins digging through it probably wasn't going to make Tecavah happy at all but honestly, Sica didn't care she was here to kill things and that is what she would do. The base camp was incredibly low tech and under equipped for what they could encounter proving Techavah's reliance on the champions was a bit too drastic. If there were something the champions couldn't stop then the entire city was at risk of being overrun and destroyed. At least Tecavah had mobile turrets and trained squads of soldiers to go in and neutralize the monsters, rather than barely trained angsty people chock full of drugs with no strategic mind whatsoever. Sica took notice of one of the other champions spouting off something and staring at a computer screen. Her interest peaked she snuck over quietly so the excited champion wouldn't see her.

When she finally got close enough she leaned over his shoulder, still in her suit.
"Watcha lookin' at?" She said glancing from him to the computer screen and back to him. Lucifer imitated Sica and also looked directly at the champion. Sica honestly didn't care what he thought and wasn't going to care if he had a problem, she wanted to find out what the big deal was about and she would without a doubt but it was a matter of how she would find out. "Does that stuff have anything to do with these ruins?" Sica backed off a bit and gave him his personal space, unlike Lucifer who decided that trying to snake his way around the champion was a good idea, while it probably wasn't Sica wasn't going to hold Lucifer back. Though when Lucifer did snake his way around someone he was a bit heavy and the metal was usually cold but it wasn't incredibly uncomfortable.

@Der Kojote


New Base... by the gods

Alistair would be sat in the new med area, getting his wounds from earlier better treated, as he sat there, his eyes would scan the champions, noting the features and diverse range of people. As he looked out at the groups of champions, a certain figure would catch his attention.. "By the gods.. do my eyes deceive me" his sights focusing on this Cat person, whom was in amongst the Champions. "my gods... its real..." As the med staff finished their duties with him, he would shoot out the door of the med centre. his pace quickened as he appeared behind the cat person. looking at the ears with extreme scrutiny, looking for any sign that they might be fake. but seeing that nothing gave the impression of the ears being fake. his excitement would build as he came to realise they may be real

Reaching out he would then gently touch the ears of the cat girl. "My god.." he would stand there, touching this poor cat persons ears. his mind completely blank and just turned to jelly. His eyes would sparkle with child like joy as he continued his touching of the Ears of the cat person. "Cannot resist... gods forgive me..." he would be lost in his thought process of touching their Ears. "so soft.... like silk..." eventually the stimulation would be too much, Alistair would fall unconscious.

With a loud thud and clang Alistair would impact into the floor, having passed out from over excitement. laying on the floor, his wrist computer would send out small emergency pings, to anyone on the same wavelength as the signal. which might cause a few uproars from anyone who picks up the signal and investigate the signal. only to find some idiot passed out on floor.

Charles A. Fisher

Taking a short break on the roof.

After making it to the roof, Charles took the time to examine the area; it was quite obvious that Scarlas had attacked, but the Champions stationed at the roof were able to handle things quite nicely. Smirking, Charles took note of the new faces at the roof. Some he had already known about, others were completely new to him. The girl from the bar, Sica, was present, though. Now that things were starting to settle down as both the med team and tech team set up their camps, Charles made his way to the med tents and lied down. Doctors came passing by every now and then; giving him medications for the pain on his arm, and a bunch of other tricks to get him to heal quicker. He figured that taking a nap would help with the healing process. And, after getting comfortable on the medical bed, his eyes slowly closed shut for the next three hours.


It was dark.

No light entered the room, but a dim light coming from the swaying lamp above the ceiling, and the glimmering moonlight coming from the window. It was a bedroom, though all of the furnishing had been taken out. The room's walls were painted in blood red, whether on purpose or not is beyond the beholder. The floor was made of wood; you could tell as the door opened, and allowed two individuals to walk in, to which the floor creeked. There was shuffling. The individuals; two men whom were recognizable, no doubt, dragged another man from the ground and onto a chair under the lamp. The captee was bald, he wore a tank top and black jeans, and had blue eyes. He had a bag over his face, though his lips were not tapped, nor were his eyes covered. They then strapped his arms behind his back, and tied up with legs. Both with rope. The men then closed the door behind them, and pulled the bag off of his face.

They then proceeded to beat the poor, innocent man.

The men took turns to swing their fists back and forth at the man's now bloodied face; who whimpered and begged for mercy.

The door then swung open, and loud footsteps slowly made it's way to the captee. It was a much younger version of a now seasoned, blood-thirsty drug lord. He gripped the captee's face, and leaned forward.

"Say my name." The man's deep, menacing voice breached into the captee's eardrums, sending the man into shock for a moment. The captee struggled as he examined the man's face, and nearly turned white as snow in skin color when he realized who had captured him.

"Charles Fisher..." The captee responded. It was Charles, in his earlier years at least, side by side with Daniel and Kenneth. Charles slipped his fingers into a set of brass knuckles, and glared down at the man.

"She was just a little girl." Charles muttered before viciously colliding his fist with the captee's cheek, one after the other, literally shattering a few of the man's teeth and his nose, possibly even giving him a black eye. Quickly walking behind the man, Charles grabbed the captee's chair and faced him towards the wall. He then placed his hand onto the back of the captee's head, and slammed the man's face onto the wall repeatedly.

"YOU PEOPLE KILLED MY LITTLE GIRL, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Charles yelled out furiously, slamming the man's face onto the wall with every word. With every slam, blood practically painted the wall. Upon finishing, Charles gripped the captee's hair and flung him and his chair down to the ground. Charles continued his horrific beating with his brass knuckles again.

"I will find who you work for, and I will BURN his entire organization to THE FUCKING GROUND. And when I am done, I will DRAG HIS HEAD UP THE GOD DAMN WALL FOR KILLING MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER!"

At this point, Daniel and Kenneth began their way out of the room; not only was the scene beginning to get too gory for their liking, but they did not want to get in the way of Charles' wrath.

For what felt like the longest hour of their whole life, they would have to listen to what was going on inside...


Charles jolted up as he awoke; he was breathing quite heavily and quickly. A nurse came by to see what was going on with him, to which he simply warded her off.
"It was just a bad dream," Charles said as he rubbed his forehead. His arm was feeling much better, to his surprise. "Excuse me, what time is it?" He asked the nurse, who responded with "3 o'clock pm." Nodding slightly and thanking her, Charles got up from his bed and stretched. Noticing that Connor was able to get the computer to sort work, he decided to walk towards his general direction. Sica also seemed to be interested with what was in it.

Three hours of sleep, not bad.

As he got closer, he noticed that someone had just
fondled Iris' ears. That just means two things for that guy: 1) Royce is going to seriously kick his ass, or 2) Iris is going to destroy him. Well, least he passed out?

"What a weirdo..."

@Shura @Der Kojote @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @GeneralZod
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