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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Kagura said:
Lucille R. Chromatia

“Hang a unit of blood and monitor her vitals, you have my page if anything goes wrong”
Lucille ripped the bloodied gloves off her hand, carefully watching Katherine for the moment. To the best of her ability to predict so, the doctor felt she would recover. The removal of the glass had been predictably messy, but Dr. Yorke had certainly helped with the healing process with his natural abilities. Even Katherine’s movement to the medical tents had gone well, but the unit of blood would be necessary to her recovery.

Regardless, she was at least stable and on the mend, making it easier for Lucy to leave her with one of the interns. Luckily Professor Miles had taken over in her absence, understanding of the emergency situation she had in her hands. It had traveled word of mouth to her that he had allowed a group of champions to explore the surrounding areas. Only through her final rounds through the medical tent did she realize the champions missing.

A nurse had informed her that Roy had escaped concussion, but Charles had left with a displaced shoulder – as if he was intending to fight. The rest of the champion who had suffered grave enough injuries were recuperating, so after making sure her pager was on, she left the medical tent. For the first time since they had landed, Lucille took a good look at the ruins around her from the roof they had landed on. With gloves disposed, she quickly sanitized her hands, eyes searching for the ever familiar professor.

Kenan Miles was in the communications tent, boxed sound systems just set up on the table as the turned knobs and adjusted dials. The man he was standing behind was idly listening through one earphone as he made his adjustments. There was a woman in the tent running the cables while another was setting up the computer and screens aspect. Professor Miles was already wearing a headset, and handed her another when she walked in, allowing her to secured it on her frame.

“They’ve found five Lurchbilge” he updates her as she slides the headset on, hearing the tail-end of a plan in motion. “You have a cut” he points to his face in an effort to make her follow suit, she find the cut right away, blood caked and sticky, almost scabbed.

“You're staying here?” she wonders with a sigh, he nods, allowing her to leave the tent with medical wipe in hand, removing the bloodied scab from her cheek and applying a bandage immediately after.The headset she was wearing now broadcasted in Roy’s familiar voice, trying to be the hero yet again.

Lucille took a moment to look around again, finding the same figure perched on the guardrail on the side of the building. It was a champion, and upon getting closer she noticed he was also wearing a headset. “Excuse me? You’re wearing a headset but you don't seem to be on the mission?” she eyes him carefully, trying to place his name.

@HoneyBear-Kat @NPC @DamagedGlasses (mentioned #Tree and #Goddess)
Katherine "Kat" Ariat


Dr. Chromatia definately had some skills. She managed to remove the shard in good time. Not unbelivably quick but not slow either. And her colleague's ability in healing, patched up the wound in minutes. If she did it naturally it would take weeks! How ever, the amount of blood lossed was quite worrysome. No doubt she'd be fine, and recover normally, but now she had to wait for the blood transfusion, that couldnt be rushed, it was all up to her body at this point.

As the foreign blood made its way into her body, to heart, and to be sent through the network of her veins and arteries, she remained unconscious. Surely shed wake up (when her body has enough blood to function) but for now, she rested. She had no choice.

If she was awake, shed be ever so grateful to the doctors that came to her aid. She'd regret ever getting up from her seat before the plane crash. And she would definately be happy to be alive! By now, the scouting champions have been out for quite sometime. Kat should be awakening soon....

@Kagura (mentioned)

Jekyll Wilson

Third floor

Jekyll was curious as to why Iris, the cat girl champion, was so important to the girl, but it was probably because they were friends. It was kind of hard to see Iris hanging around any other champion than Ray, but he was sure that it wasn't anything to really become fixated become. He quirked his eyes at the request, but shrugged, letting her take his sleeve as he agreed, "Sure, I'm not sure what you m-Oh, nevermind."

He could now see what she had meant, her mving body blending into the background, becoming nothing more than an almost unnoticeable existance in his sight. Tilting his head, Jekyll hummed as he continued to follow along, making sure that kept up as to not lessen their progress any more than he already had. He had asked to help and making her move slower than normal was not the way to help. Hearing her comment on the being alone, he agreed, "Yeah, while I'm willing to fight back, I'm less willing to blowing up this entire building to keep a few vermin off of me. Reason why I'm so in favor going along with you."

Jekyll peered at the downed bodies, their figures lying on the ground in a display of death that he was rather comfortable with. More dead on the ground meant less that could become a danger to any of those doctors when they come down here. Jekyll nodded to the girl in agreement, "Sure, I'll make sure to keep mind of that." With a mental groan, Jekyll realized that he had joined the Cleanup Crew. An interesting job for a toxin user, so she was probably one of the stronger ones, but that did little to help appease his growing boredom.

He was sure the show of seeing it happen would be exciting for only the first few times, but it wasn't like he had much of a choice. Though, he absently played with his thoughts as the girl seemed to to quiet in thought, it would give him the peace and quiet to look around, finding all the shinies that were laying around. His eyes sharpening, Jekyll could imagine the number of things he would find if he stuck with this girl. He smiled shortly, but was struk from his thoughts when the girl began to speak.

Listening to what she was said, Jekyll considered it. He had already thought of himself helping by being there in case of back up being needed, but this sounded rather interesting. Also, there was that mention of Iris again. Looks like Iris held more than just friendship with this girl, although Iris could just be one of the leaders of the mission. Nodding absently, Jekyll said, "I might just have the thing to carry them in." He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was better than holding really sharp syringes in his bag unprotected. Bending down, Jekyll slipped off his bag and zipped it open, reaching in and taking the ornate vase that he had picked up earlier, out.

Putting it down, he looked to her and said, "Would this wo-?" Jekyll jumped mid sentence as he heard his sister scream in joy, "My vase! Look how pretty it is!" He glanced towards her, the little hellion of his imagination sitting down crosslegged on the floor as she cooed over the vase. He turned away from sight, repeating, "Would this work?" Jekyll took the vase from the ground and showed it to the girl, ignoring the pleas of "My vase!" of his sister. Continuing he asked, "Also, if we're going to do this, I need to know your name. If we need to call in help, I can't be calling you, 'Girl with green hair'."


Roys snap was a bit jolting but Iris tried not to let it affect her, he had been more irritable as of late and she wasn't 100% sure why. Perhaps it was because they were working with a much larger team than he was used to? She wasn't sure. but she couldn't let it get to her either.

Crimson ears twitched slightly picking up the conversations of others as they contemplated what to do with the corpses. In all honestly the suggested plan was probably the best idea. Get the bodies as far away as possible there were a few worries though. She shifted slightly to the small group discussing the issue. "There may be more monsters lingering around the ruins. If you stray too far out the smell of blood may draw them out. If we do go with the plan its better if a group of us go." She glanced over to one of the large sealed doors. "I'm not sure what's behind those doors but we could put the corpses in there until we know just how many monsters are around." She suggested motioning to the door. "Just.. gotta be careful about whats in there I guess..." she muttered.

More arrived to see what she had found. In all honesty she had an idea of what it was but not how to get it working. Conor stunned silence was a bit surprising to say the least. She had rarely ever seen him completely silence before. Her ears perked slightly when he mentioned it was a computer and she smirked slightly, her guess had been right. "Cool." She grinned there was a small thrill of happiness at the small bit of praise for the good find. It showed a bit in the sway of her tails and tilt of her ears. It was a minor positive thing but she had also been proud of her self for getting through the first wave without having to use a drop of line. She noticed a few others had followed the same route which was possibly for the best.

"Do you think it still works?" She questioned looking over the large device. It had seen better days that was for sure. The case was partly rusted, scratched and dented. There was a crack on one of the sides which showed the inner workings. A vine of some sort had coiled its way around the box and slipped into said crack. There was no telling how badly the components inside were or if anything was salvageable. However it was a step in the right direction. "We should probably get this up top with the tech team. They might have something to help resort it." She suggested softly.

Meanwhile on the roof....

Teams had finally gotten everything and everyone off the ship and the once barren roof was starting to look more like a makeshift camp. For the rough start they had been given things were starting to turn around, thankfully. However a few buildings away there were still a few straggling Scarla who had suffered a tumble from colliding with the air ship. Where its flock had flown off to escape the obnoxious sound the two remaining were trapped in the bubble that had been formed around the area. The two birds attempted to get past it going as far as to zap the translucent wall however there as no give.

The sound of movement and fighting echoed through the air reaching the static birds. They turned towards the source seeing one of the large flying contraptions crashed upon one of the roof tops. Spotting several invaders on the roof top the started their approach for some easy picking. The screeched loudly electricity sparking off of their bodies as they dove for the tent with claws extended. One of them had been particularly fixated on the large red mass while the other dived in for the blue tent.

@HoneyBear-Kat ~ Anyone else on the roof

@Tree @Der Kojote @HelixCube @Goddess @Darksoul90 @King Of Imagination @Rifleman @DamagedGlasses
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Attack On Tents

More time passed. And as the time passed, so did the blood flow from the tranfusion bag, through the tube and into Kat's left arm. It was her only source of revival, and it was working. Slowly but surely her body was regaining strength.

In the dark, emptyness of her mind, she realized she was just asleep. It was no longer the timeless space in her head. She actually began to think again. Which meant she was waking up. Being able to think again was the first sign. It was no longer a mindless world, numb, immobile, blank. The gears in her brain started going, her mind's system rebooted. Things were checked and reconfigured, the start-up program automatically took action. It urged her to wake up. It wasnt an easy thing though. Even though her mind was ready to awoken, her body wasnt, especially after being drugged. The synapses that connected nerves to the brain always took the longest to begun working. Its like...waiting for a very long update and installmeant. It took forever, but you know its necessary.

Wake up.

This connection would be vital. You see, if the connection wasnt there, her mind would be talking to her body but...it wouldnt recieve anything. Theres a huge chance it wouldnt comply or take the correct action. She be telling herself to get off the cot and walk but her body could get the wrong message and she could end up pissing on herself. A slow awakening process indeed but, being unaware of whats going on in the world outside of her body...

She really needs to wake up...

No...really...WAKE UP.

Kat's eyes struggled to open. System rebooted, activating start-up. Her vision was blurry and highly unreliable. Voices and sounds were muffled. But even as she couldnt see straight, she witnessed the blurry outline of a Scarla tearing through the tent's roof of where she layed. Kat took a deep breath,'I can breathe,' she was asleep for what internally felt like forever. This is where that post-anesthetic time lapse takes place. Floating around in a blank space really throws you off. Unable to tell which way is up or down, unable to even know if your dead or asleep. Kat couldnt even be too sure it was still the same day. Her blinks were slow and as her hearing was still not all there, it was quite apparent that what she was hearing where the screeches and screams of both Scarla and people a like. Though, it didnt quite get through Katherine's drugged head, that they were being attacked at this moment.


Katherine slowly sat up, she tried to atleast, her body felt heavy...slow... Her head turned to her left side and she could barely make out the tubes conencted to her veins or arteries. With her other hand she reached to feel for it. It was a strange sensation, some fingers sent a message to her brain they were touching something while other fingers didnt. She shook her head, disbelieving that what ever it was going on, wasnt going on. Whooshes and flaps could be heard from the large terrorizing creatures. Still, The sounds were hushed, sounding as if she was underwater.


Through the gash on the roof's tent, emerald green eyes could see dots circling in the sky above. The dots being scarla that is...


Katherine threw her legs over the edge of the cot. She attempted to stand but was pulled back from the restraining blood tubes,"Ughh..." she grunted with frustration. Her right hand yanked forcefully on the tube, breaking herself free. At first, with the pressure of her hand squeezing it, blood spurted from the end, but when she let go, it fell onto the cot and dripped steadily. Standing was no easy task. When she mentally instructed herself to move...she didnt.


She tried again, and this time took a very small, unbalanced step and just as she did, one of the birds flew into the tent, knocking her off her feet.


It sparkled and flashed with electricity. Katherine raised her forearm over her eyes, instinctively shielding herself. Her vision, still impaired, could still managed to see the animal had tangled itself. Flapping its tent wrapped wings desperately.


Katherine went wide-eyed. A small burst of information surged into her brain. She needed to get out of the tent quick. Her mind was racing, it knew what had to be done, but those connections to her body werent completely finished. She felt she was running, but in reality, she was stumbling and staggering her way out from the collapsing tent.


Still drugged, she had forgotten what she had to do. She can see the shapes and twisting figures of people around her scrambling. Her right hand held her head, she knew she couldnt see straight. She felt cross-eyed. The world was spinning and turning. She blinked several times but it didnt fix anything. When she opened her eyes, she spotted the crashed plane. Immediately, with out hesitation, she walked drunkedly, zigging and zagging over. Her things. Her bags, they were still inside, everything still in them.

Everything in the plane was tossed around. As if they rode the i side of a tumbling dryer instead of the plane. Tripping over debris and rumble she waltzed her way to the seat she sat in, searching of her bag, it had got caught on the seat and luckily stood where she had left it, even after the tumbling. She reached in for one of her guns then slipped on the pack onto her back.


Making her way back out, her vision was a little clearer than when she first woke up. Things were still turning and spining but atleast the blurriness had dissipated. She stood in place and aimed for the diving birds, but in her uncoordinated state of mind she missed every shot, except for one....no...no wait she missed that one aswell. There was a familiar and dredded click, click, click that came from the gun after it shot the last bullet in its magazine. This was a disaster....


@everyone on the rooftop too
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Elrene Geffenia

Medical Tent / Roof

"Ow!" A doctor plucked a rather large shard of glass from the side of Elrene's neck. He took out a pair of tweezers to get the smaller fragments. "Can't you leave me alone? I told you, I'm fine." The red haired woman nudged the doctor away from her, obviously irritated.

The doctor looked up with a quizzical expression, "Miss, you have multiple severe puncture wounds and a fractured humorous. You have to be treated." The doctor resumed his work on the injured portion of Elrene's neck, finding that a black film had sealed the injury from the larger glass chunk. "Guess you won't need stitches..."

Elrene rolled her eyes. "I could've told you as much. I do much worse to myself on a regular basis. Now if you don't mind, I'll be heading out, I'm bored here." She grabbed her gear and marched out of the tent, despite the doctor's protests, hanging her bladed tonfas on the sides of her waist and holstering her revolver under her right arm. She looked nonchalantly but then grew anxious as the enormous winged creatures came into view. They crackled brightly with energy.

"Is that lightning?" Not only were the birds overly large with formidable close range weaponry, but they were also vibrantly brimming with electrical current. She figured it'd be best to fight the Scarla while grounded as little as possible, lest she run the risk of being electrocuted. If she had some wings maybe... "Shit, it's going to take too long!" Without even taking a moment for considerations, Elrene retrieved a vial of Line from her vest and injected it straight into the nape of her neck. She always found that Line worked best when used on or near the area that she wanted to use her power from, in this case, in was her upper back. Waiting for a brief moment for the stuff to kick in, she drew her .44 magnum and loaded six heavy rounds before closing her eyes. Prior experiences had taught her to always start with armor piercing.

15 minutes was a long wait, especially when your camp was being attacked by giant deranged birds. Black colored tears mixed with blood streaked down Elrene's cheeks. She opened her now bright yellow eyes. Her now enhanced eyes zoomed in on the Scarla that was diving for the tent, the cross-heirs of her Magnum trained just a tad high and in front of the bird creature to compensate for movement and bullet drop. Elrene squeezed the trigger three times consecutively, aiming for the Scarla's broad wings in order to clip them with explosive rounds.




Elrene watched as the Scarla tumbled and lost balance, falling into the very tent she had just walked out of prior. Damaging its wings was a good call it seemed, the monster had lost control and was now temporarily stuck. Great... now what? She popped the three used shells out of the Magnum's cylinder and loaded it with three more heavy rounds. Just before she recklessly charged into the tent, several more gunshots. Another girl had a firearm, but didn't seem capable of shooting worth a damn.

She took a once over glance at the other girl. Short, thin, green eyes, and was in terrible condition. While having an ally was always beneficial, this girl was a bit worse for wear at the moment. Still, help is help. Though it would probably take more than two people to slay one of these beasts. Elrene approached the girl and waved her empty right hand at her, "You, kid. Are you alright? Can you fight?"

Elrene didn't find it likely that the girl would be able to fight effectively at the moment but it asking didn't hurt. Judging by the feel of it, she needed about eight more minutes or so until her dose of Line fully kicked in. For once, it was time to play things safe. "We need to stall them for a bit, keep them busy until civilians clear out and help gets here!" Although it sounded like a plan set around making sure everyone got out safely, what she really meant was 'help me stall the Scarla for a few minutes so my line can kick in'.

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Roy didn't even know that there was a tech team. When Iris had mentioned getting the computer to them, Roy figured that perhaps staying back at the medical tents wasn't such a bad idea. With the amount of champions about, the excursion had proven to be much more team-oriented. The reason Roy had came along in the first place was to make sure Iris would be well off, but it was obviously apparent that those surrounding him were doing a fine enough job all the same. Of course, the group had increased in numbers way after they had set off on their way.

Best to get on with it, though. The more time they spent hanging about where they didn't belong, the more they risked getting bombarded by other groups that might be unbeknownst to them; be it monsters or whatever else lurks about. No one had made a decisive plan, so Roy decided to state what his next plan of action would be. "Let's get up to the tech team, then. No use standing around, right?" A shrug of the shoulders followed Roy's attention turning from Iris to the broken staircase. "Whatever we decide to do, we have to do it together. If any of us break up we run the risk of getting ambushed."

Honestly, the indecisiveness of the group was something that was getting on Roy's nerves. No one had stood up to speak what they thought, otherwise. That level had been cleared, and whatever treasure they could take were fastened. So what was next? Roy was all down for descending further if that was the plan, because he was rather confident that the group would be able to take care of any threat so long as they continued working as a tightly-knitted unit.
Redd Shotokhan

Rooftop Tent

The large red man groaned in aggravation at one of the people on the medical team forcing him to go into the tent. He knew they were only doing their job, but he was also fairly concerned that he would not be able to do much in the way of fighting while stuck in the 'med-tent' they had constructed. And so he had resolved himself to letting the doctor run her tests as quickly as she could so that he could be on his way and out to help the others. He had to make a name for himself, after all. He had to do the impossible. He had to show the pathetic viewers at home that their previous views on those from Growar were misplaced.

In the mix of thoughts running through his mind, Redd looked skywards, sighing as his mind was about to sink into a daydreaming like state of how the future battles would be decided. His vision would not fill full of fantasies of standing toe to toe with mountain-sized beasts. Instead, it would be filled with the screech of a thunderous bird above them. His eyes snapped fully onto the figure as it started its dive down towards them. He shoved the medical personnel aside away from him and let out a growl. "No..." He slammed his right foot into the ground in front of himself and leaped upwards towards the massive beast's claws.

His body skyrocketed upwards at great speed, arching his back and holding his left foot as far back as possible. But as soon as his speed started to plateau, he whipped his left leg forwards, crunching his abs, and caused himself to snap backwards. The ball of his foot collided with the creature's foot, crumpling it and smashing it inwards past its hip. "KAH-TAAAH!!!" He roared out, flipping back with his head turned to his right. One of the talons of the creature had become stuck in his right leg, was twisted, and had then snapped off due to Redd's backward twisting motion of his back-flip kick.

Blood poured from the wound on his leg as he tensed it up, causing the blood pressure to shoot out the talon and free up his woun. His gauntletted hands immediately sprung upwards, grasping a hold of both the top and the bottom of the beak and held them apart. The bird had tried to bite him only to get stopped mid-chomp. If it were not for the fact that Redd looked in that direction, he probably would have been devoured immediately.

Redd Shotokhan was now staring down the gullet of a gigantic bird-like creature with a busted foot and was now willingly sweeping his legs forwards to place them within the maw of the creature. The shock of its injured foot caused the bird to halt, flapping its wings and shake its head to get rid of him or shake him loose. But unfortunately for the creature, its electricity would not course through the gauntlets. And due to being airborne, he was not grounded to recieve the accumulated shock of making the quickest of contact with the bird's talon-sprawled foot. "If all of you... Are able to fight... DO SO!!!"

He said this as he kicked his feet back, not yet having made contact with the creature's tongue, and smashed a hole through the side of the creature's beak. His right hand let loose of the bottom jaw and made a fist as he smashed it under the jaw of the creature, puncturing the gauntlet inside and let out a sick gurgled roar as the wound on his right leg opened up, pouring out a fountain of blood and sprayed it over the rooftop below. The sunction of his own blood loss caused the creature's blood to course through his own veins. His body immediately processing it into a usable, sustainable, state as he used his body to pump out copious ammounts of its blood. He was literally raining blood around the electrified bird that had been downed by the gun-shots from earlier, using the bird he was fighting as the source.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Mad Prince of Sanity
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Rooftop Invasion

Spinning.... Everything was spinning... Kat sort of mindless froze in place after her gun ran put of bullets. She didnt think to reload it, and so she didnt. Gunfire shot one after another beside her. Then it stopped...


She was almost fully stable but not quite.

Elerene waved her hand Katherine, which immediately caught her attention. Her half-open green eyes glanced at the girl, and after she spoke, Kat returned some...slurred words,"Oh, yea yea im fine, just gotta kill these sons o' bitches.... what about you?" I guess...Elrene's 'are you okay to fight' question translated in the small champion's mind as 'how are you?' However, Elrene continued. She suggested stalling the Scarla until civilians and others could get to a safe place. Katherine's body swayed,"Stall? Oh sure~!" she winked and pointed to herself,"I got this!" that devilish grin twisted onto her face, that same face she had when basically wrestling the acid bear in her first hunt. That 'im going to enjoy killing things very much,' face.


Katherine was more coordinated now. The minimal movent shes done so far managed to circulate her blood and get some of the anesthetic out of her system. But she wasnt completely out of the woods yet. That didnt stop her.

Kathrine, with her unloaded gun, galloped her way to the center of the commotion. "Hey! You...birds?" she waved her arms around. Another Scarla in one of the tents next to her had bursted through and destroyed what was in it. She raised an arm and turned away from some flying debris that followed the crash landing. On the floor slid, what looked like, a long wooden table leg. Mustve been a table in one of the tents. She picked it up and looked at it,'Wood isnt a conductor of electricity....' Her eyes quickly snapped to one of the birds that had landed infront of her. It approached slowly, gurgling and hissing, electric cloud buzzing all over its body. Katherine twirled the wood in her hands, she watched the creature with undivided attention. That wooden debris, was going to serve as a staff, weapon thing. It had a new purpose now. The scarla was impatient and quickly lashed at her, beak open. "Whoa!" She diverted the attack with a swift, and hard swing of the staff to the head. While that one was regathering its marbles from the blow, the screech of another came from directly above her. Sneaky bastards.... The airborne Scarla was coming straight for her, but Katherine quickly did a tumble roll off to the side,"Thats cheating," she pouted. She stood up on her feet, but that roll made the world spin again. The scarla took the chance to come at her again while she was off guard. They flapped and charged with open wings like a pair of angry geese. She had to think quick. With a good amount of speed her charged back at them, but changed her direction left. The scarla on her left was her first target. Its mouth was wide open and she took the chance the stuff the wooden pole into its throat with forced. Carefully being sure not to touch the electric bird, she pushed it with all the strength she could give in a small moment and continued going left. The scarla on the right was keeping its eye on her but blindingly bumped and stumbled over its choking brethren. Katherine ran back to the pile of rubble where the tents once stood and picked up the next best weapon....a metal pole that supported the structure of the tent...metal...,"Oh fuck m--" the remaining foe roared loudly right behind her. She turned and it was already too close. Her head turned away from the beak, with eyes shut, and she raised the pole horizontally infront of her face. The bird grabbed a hold and its weight pushed her down off her feet. Its feet were on either side of her body while it towered over her.


She lay on her back, pushing against the creature's open mouth,"HAVE I STALLED ENOUGH?!" She yelled above the snarls and growls erupting from the Scarla. Its wings flapped violently, blowing strong wind. Each flap grew closer and closer to te pole it seemed. If any part other than the beak touched the pole, Katherine was going to be electrocuted, and it wouldnt be nice. "No no, birdy? Stop flapping please....heh heh please im serious." It continued and each moment she grew nervous. She swallowed her dry throat. The bird learned quickly, while struggle with the pole, when he could just let it go, and go straight for her face. His beak let go of the pole between them, he raised his head ready to launch it forward,"Crap..." Katherine closed her eyes and allowed herself to become weightless, activating her ability and became intangible. Her body disappeared and phased right through the rooftop floor, just before the bird could attack again. She had no choice, she couldnt wait on others when her life was on the line. However, what she did was very risky, she had no idea where she fell too. Sure it was just one floor under the roof, but there couldve been a sharp object under her. Katherine returned her body to its solid self and it the floor with a hard thud,"OW! Mmm!!!" she groaned and curled into the fetal position with her hands behind her head. it was a hard fall. But...where was she?

Her eyes opened when the pain slipped away. The only light in the room was from a few broken windows around it. This was the abandoned building they crashed ontop of...wait...'The crash....' It all came back now!


Katherine lifted her shirt just below her chest, and there were the bandages used to wrap around her torso, covering the wound she had gotten. Now she remembered. She gasped at the sight, and tears formed from remembering the traumatic incident. Screams of the remaining Scarla were let out and heard even from the floor below. It distracted her. Good. Katherine looked at the ceiling hoping Elrene managed to be okay. "I have to get back up there..."

@Wilcox @Mad Prince of Sanity @Morridan

(Sorry fpr the crappy writing, getting tired :P )

Rooftop / Top Floor

A brief migraine swept over Elrene, momentarily breaking her train of thought. Her heart started to race and her muscles reverberated. It was almost ready. The dose of nectar was just a moments from settling in completely. "Almost there..." she grunted roughly. It was time to start the change. She took a few stumbled steps away from the green eyed kid, "Stay calm and don't let that creature gain an inch of ground!"

Elrene grunted and her body seized up with an unbearable pain, dropping her to both knees. She dropped her gun and hugged herself around the belly, doubling over, the pain overwhelming the medical nanites. Around her bare upper back, the skin peeled apart just at the shoulder blades, causing blood to leak. The crimson fluid quickly flooded into a tar black and began to solidify, taking on a form of black flesh. The nectar finally kicked in and two black appendages sprung forth from the open wounds, taking on a flat, ragged shape to form wings.

She collapsed onto her elbows, finding it hard to move through the pain, as she waited for the pain killer to settle. "Okay," she gasped, out of breath, grabbing her Magnum and holstering it. "Let's go..." She sat up and looked around. 'Where'd she go?' The girl she was with a moment ago was absent from view, 'Doesn't matter'.

Standing up, Elrene's new wings extended, the sharp, round edges protruded small spines. As long as she didn't touch the bird while grounded, she'd avoid electrocution. Electricity required a complete circuit in order to work. She leaned forward, the muscles in her legs swelling in size, and charged forward in a high speed sprint. With a wing assisted leap, Elrene dove for the Scarla as it scratched at the concrete, looking for Kat. The spines extended into long, tendril like spikes and hit the bird, knocking and pinning it to its side. Despite the sheer strength of the impact, the tendrils from Elrene's wings failed to penetrate the Scarla's armored hide.

The second scarla that had attacked Kat, tackled Elrene from behind, colliding with her mutated wings. That black wings broke and loss shape, turning into an amorphous bio mass. The bio mass entangled the monster while Elrene tumbled to the ground. Reacting on instinct, she rolled over with all of her strength and slammed the scarla, using its own momentum to smash it through the rooftop. The two descended to the next floor down. Elrene landing hard on her fraction right arm, the scarla landing several feet away from her, still wrapped and violently fighting against the shapeless mass that trapped it with its beak and talons. Elrene's mutated bio mass was an excellent electric resistor, who knew? Despite making technically making direct contact, she could barely feel even a tingle.

She glanced around quickly, getting a feel of the new location. It was obviously a hallway that branched into several rooms. Her attention refocused to her opponent, which was slowly breaking free. "Damn monsters never give up... Speaking for myself I guess." Elrene straightened out her other, still intact wing and lashed it into the scarla's head, dealing little actual damage but managing to further entangle the creature. "Damn it! I can't get a shot in!"

She pulled out her magnum and pointed it at the scarla but didn't fire as aiming was virtually impossible while being jerked about at the back.

Xerxes Turan


The echoing sounds of gunshots rang through his ears the source coming from a large caliber machine gun mounted on top of a van. Xerxes looked to see who the shooter was and saw a demon of black and white with two massive horns and blood red hair. He was reigning havoc down upon the men in the specific area ripping them to shreds with the bullets with a certain lack of emotion he knew all to well. The only thing seeming to disturb the demon was the vibrations being given off by the machine guns spinning barrels. The sound of the gun itself was drowning out the screams of pain but Xerxes saw them so evidently on their faces, as he was walking among them yet untouched by the bullets himself. As he approached the last remaining man who was hiding behind the wall with fear burnt into the essence of his facial structure. Before all of that was blown away as a .50 caliber bullet blew the head into chunks of different sizes, as the body stood still as if it was in shock in what just happened before falling down limp and dead.

There was a EXTREMELY annoying pinching feeling in the side of Xerxes' neck resulting in him waking up with a jolt as his nerves reacted through his body. First rage hormones filled out his body, second resulted in his eyes coming open wide as ever a flame in those yellow-green eyes seeing a short man on his right and an even shorter female on his left. Identifying them as unknown people beside him he sat up and shot his arms outwards gripping for their necks clawed nails ready to sink into the soft flesh that was their necks. However before anything too serious occurred the scared yelp of the female sent something through his mind that caused him to release both of them and instead make him look off into space confused. Then the man began to speak gently at first hoping to not spark another..whatever the fuck it was just happened again. "Mr. Turan we injected you with line to improve the rate of your healing, you broke both of your legs and a few ribs the best we could do was this.." The two doctors had taken a few steps back as the male one had been describing what had happened. Xerxes internally was furious he hated how line had effected him and at all times needed and outlet to release all of it.

"I suggest you two leave." Xerxes stated quietly, with an aura of blood-lust beginning to emanate around him. Not visually or anything but just the feeling could easily be felt. The doctors on the other note would listen without any complaints wanting to get as far away from the man as they could at the moment. Upon their departure Xerxes leaned over the side of the cot and saw his mechanical bag Jack had given him before his departure. Lifting the back and placing the bag on his lap he looked over the top finding a place and pressing a button so that it revealed his twin tomahawks with something new to them, there was a thin line across the middle and the bottom they appeared to be magnetic locks. Xerxes pulled his camelbak out from the back and began gulping down large amounts of water. He could feel his body swell up and his mind began racing with slight flashbacks to previous bloody encounters. His adrenaline started to flow consistently numbing the pain of his legs stitching themselves back together on a cellular level. Then came the thunderous crack of lightning followed by a Scarla's screech causing Xerxes to leap from the cot onto the floor his gaze going downwards catching the sight of the previous Scarla's claw. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath preparing for what was to come, he was getting tired of the overgrown super-charged aviasses.

Heinrich Glishten

Knight in Shining Anger

Location: Scarla-Nest Rooftop​

Heinrich was sitting silently, having watched Doctor Chromatia work with practiced refinement had been.... interesting to say the least. He had been glad Kat was alright, but now... well... as could be expected everything went to hell rather quickly. In truth, fighting Scarla, or any other beast or person with any sort of electrical ability was.... awkward for Heinrich. Given his gauntlets being metal it hurt like hell for the second or two he usually felt it. Naturally he could not loop the actual electricity back to the damned beast but the actual disruption of the heart's rhythm he could. Often leaving his body with an odd tingling sensation that made even taking a step make a hot spike of numbness rocket up his leg and make his knees shake like a newborn calf. Also, generally speaking the beast was usually dead at that point, thus leaving Heinrich with that oh so PLEASANT after-effect feeling that usually left him simply standing in one spot and waiting it out for a good minute or so.

So now, he stands there, having just watched Kat stumble like a life-long alcoholic to the plane, grab a gun, miss every single shot, then proceed to phase through the floor and leave another girl... whom he did not recognize... to handle them both. Heinrich tenses his hand together, also noting Redd doing a rather... impressive job of fighting one of the things in the air. Heinrich blinks, before turning his attention to one of the Scarla the girl from before had had.... restrained with whatever that odd mass from her shoulder-blades had been. It looked rather angry, and for good reason. Heinrich sighs and runs a hand through his hair, unsheathing the talons of his gauntlets as the pissed-off Scarla lets out it's own version of a yell and Heinrich simply stares at the beast before looking up and then back at the beast "Wonderful.... " he looks around, glancing about as the Scarla stalks towards him. Pondering to himself "Have to get you off the ground somehow...."

Finally, his eyes fall upon the very ledge and he glances back at the Scarla, smiling a bit. He turns, and strides toward the ledge, simply allowing the creature to follow him, keeping a close eye on it the entire time before he stops at the edge of the building. Nodding as he glances over it and turns, taking a breathe and simply staring at the creature, waiting. As the creature tenses and readies itself, it leaps at him, using it wings to speed it's attack along. Heinrich dives off to the side, parallel to the ledge as the creature lands where he had been standing, it claws scraping as it naturally attempts to avoid falling despite it's wings. However it's own momentum carried it over the edge and Heinrich readies himself, waiting until the flapping of wings could be heard and it appears over the edge again. At which point Heinrich jumps off the ledge, aiming for more of a forward-focused jump than attaining much height, launching his talon-ed gauntlet out at a rapid acceleration, watching the blades rather easily sink into the neck of the beast. Clamping down with a simply flick of the appropriate mechanism from Heinrich.

Tensing his abdominal muscles Heinrich swings himself up and around in what could be called a back-flip, landing on the creature's back at the base of it's neck above it's wings. Grunting as he retracts the cord attached to the gauntlet currently in the creature's jugular, the strength of the mechanism and line, along with the pain causing the creature to bend it's neck and fly higher an an attempt to get closer to Heinrich and alleviate the pain. Heinrich kneels, lowering his center of gravity as the creature bucks and rocks, making it very difficult for him to stay atop the creature.... that is until he sinks the entirety of his other gauntlet's talons into the Scarla's neck and latches on. Taking a few steadying breathes before jerking the extremely durable cord holding the claw in the Scarla's neck, tearing part of the beast's jugular free and causing blood to fountain from the afflicted area. While Redd may have made it rain blood, Heinrich made it waterfall.

Unfortunately for Heinrich, in it's death throes, now free of his hold on it, the beast opted to move AWAY from the rooftop in question. Heinrich retracts his talon-ed gauntlet before shooting it into the Scarla's neck once again, jerking it aggressively back towards the rooftop. Though after a few precious seconds it was obvious it would be just short of reaching the roof. Heinrich releases his grip on the creature, noting the only "hole" in the side of the building were broken windows, no doubt from the years of neglect, and... in a feat he is sure he could never again duplicate in his life.... runs down the Scarla's back and leaps through one of the windows, landing with a roll on the floor beneath the roof. Blinking as, of all things and people, he stops only a foot or so from Kat in a crouch, blinking as she was holding her shirt up and looking at the wound on her stomach. Heinrich meanwhile getting the urge to blush, face-palm and say something much like a barked order before he simply sighs "Please put your shirt down.... That said, Heinrich looks around, dusting himself off before checking his gauntlets, noting how bloody they were and he shrugs. Flicking them clean enough to check the thermal scanner in his gauntlet, blinking when he sees one is rather close though and emits it's warning that one of the subjects was one Line... when last he'd seen Redd was still up in the air battling his so.... must be that other girl. Heinrich turns to Kat "It seems your friend has her own problems... we should probably help..." without another word Heinrich takes to running through the building.

(Aaaaaand.... Cue the music!
xD )


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Katherine "Kat" Ariat

A floor below the rooftop

"Please put your shirt down..."

"GAH!" Katherine yanked her shirt back to where it should be, maybe even a little lower for extra precautions. She looked around for the source of the voice in the room. By looking around, she wouldnt see him, but by looking down...well. Her eyes moved their way down to see a particular set of green eyes and a head of dirty blonde hair. "Sorry..." she apologized for what he saw. She turned away from him avoiding a burning face. She could hear him stand up and dust himself off behind her. He referred to Elrene as her friend and Katherine raised an eyebrow,"Oh no no i dont...heh i dont really know her." Heinrich broke into a run,"Oh, guess we're running," she followed behind him, ocassionally tripping and stumbling over the remains of the building and the things that rusted and rotted in it. She was already pretty clumbsy, but when drugged it was worse. When he stopped, she slowed to a walk. A finger extended and shook "I just realized i couldve just phased through the...wall...So anyway!--oof!" Amidst her babbling, she bumped into his back from her attention turned soley to her thoughts. "Sorry, heh heh. Ahem, well, how can I help you, get out of here," she grinned and put her hands on her hips. He was kinda tall, at least for her, so when she spoke she looked upward, she had no choice. Katherine used to be intimidated by taller people, but now shes total different. Shes firey and isnt afraid to challenge someone bigger than her. Not that she wanted to challenge him! Katherine shook her head,"How did you get down here anyway?" Her big eyes blinked while she looked around at the room they were in. It felt like they stepped right into a history book. The building was old, and Katherine would occasionally spot something she wanted to inspect, or potentially steal. But now wasnt the time for her sticky fingers to act on impulse. Kat rubbed her arms, "Kinda creepy down here huh?" it was silent, except for the muffled Scarla screams above them.

@Mad Prince of Sanity
Cecil had kept quiet as she finished her little ramble to what she named Jack O Lantern. Since she was close enough she could hear the soft echoes of those who were crowded around a computer. Cecil's ears twitched when she heard about a team upstairs. Last time she check, everyone had came down, or at least was supposed to, or was it the other way around. Frowning she moved her head to the side a little, so her left ear could pick up on the small screeches the bastards had let out, from up above. Cecil felt a twist in her insides, a small bit of worry for the group on the roof. Were the capable enough, did they have enough experience.

This whole scouting thing, getting all the champions together , was nothing but a sloppy hunt that was pressed to leave as early as possible. None of them considered those who could go, and who couldn't. What their abilities were and if they were sane enough to come along. No teams were made, and going off by the team you already had was a mess. People were scattered, and the voices of others were being voiced enough. It seemed like a big group that follows the leader. It was a good thing, but it could be their downfall as well. If it wasn't Iris taking the lead, then it was Roy. Roy did things quick, to quick to where others couldn't keep up, Cecil probably being the only exception, that was like a ally to them.

Sighing Cecil rubbed her brow, when a petite voice had came into her ear. Turning around she saw what seemed to be the little girl again, sister , or lover. Cecil looked up toward the male as he began to speak again. All she could make out was blowing up entire building, standing back, and support. Cecil thought it would be best to knock herself out of her trans, to at least attempt to hear the mans words.

"A vase? I guess. I just need it to hold things, so beggers cant be choosers right?" Cecil flicked the vase a little as she looked inside. "My name is Cecil, Roy and Iris know be that name. Any other will probably know me as Phantom..that is if they even care to watch me. You can call me either or." Cecil looked up with a smile. "Your going to be Jack O Lantern, ok. "

Lucille R. Chromatia


It was a nice try on the champion's part - playing the part of the emergency respondent in case things went awry here or downstairs. Except he was covering all his bases, explaining away the headset Lucille was almost sure he stole now that she recognized him. Jekyll Wilson, his medical files and champion roster and powers all came to her, along with a reminder of his kleptomania. There was no doubt about it that the headset was stolen.

Before Lucille could say anything about the stolen property, Jekyll jumped from his spot and followed the rest of the champions downstairs, receiving the all -clear from Charles Fisher. It seemed now that he was caught he was willing to help, which suited the doctor just fine. At least, until it came time to get the headset back from the champion...

With the minor problem taken care of for now, Lucille would head towards the medical quarters to shuffle through the notes left by other doctors of the passengers of the planes. The tech and equipment removal was complete by then, and she needed to keep updated on what the other doctors had seen through the tents.

The loud screech and crackle of a Scarla cut off her trek, stopping the doctor in her tracts as she turned towards the sky. As if on cue with Jekyll's predictions, Scarla were trapped between the barrier and themselves in the sky. Having enough with slamming against the barrier that was meant to trap them outside and not inside, they made a swoop for the medical tents.

Lucille's heart immediately jumps into her chest, realizing that the monsters headed directly for the tents with the Intensive care patients. Wasting no time, she ducked inside, instructing the doctors to get to safety. Just as she finished, the monsters claws ripped open the tent's ceiling, it's screech and charge of electricity descending on them. Kat was the closest, and although groggy, she was managing. Lucy was completely out of her element, stuck in the spectator ship position.

She was very lucky that the champions around her didn't have time to be shell-shocked, they couldn't be. Almost all of them we're already on their feet and attacking the Scarla despite the injuries she had just treated. Lucy was almost sure she had even seen Kat use her powers right after the surgery she had gone through. Meanwhile, here she was, temporarily stunned in the entrance to the tent as the bullets rained upon the monster.

It took a long moment for her to even notice that her skin was tingling, flashing bright colors under the stress as her powers were uninhibited. If anything it provided a nice distraction for what she could assume was a kind of bird-monster. Even her hair was covered in a rainbow iridescent, which was a reminder of the powers her spectrum could provide to another champion. Lucille would look for Xerves.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Wilcox @Mad Prince of Sanity @Phantom King I think that's everyone

Medical Camp Building, top floor

Frustrated, the Scarla began to violently thrash about in the narrow hallway rather than claw and bite its way out like before, knocking itself into the walls, floor, and ceiling in a chaotic attempt to get free. The sudden flailing movements took Elrene by surprise, shaking the entire floor and slamming her into the wall multiple times. She was strong and durable, but this kind of abuse could severely damage her skeletal frame if let to continue for too long.

The muscles in her right arm swelled in a wave like effect and she elbowed the wall, breaking it down. Now she had breathing room, black fluid quickly sealing over the now injured elbow. "Come on now..." Several spiny tendrils sprouted from the bio mass and wrapping around the scarla's neck. They tightened with great strength, making a sound similar to a rope being stretched as Elrene attempted to choke the life from the creature. As she slid across the room, her wing constantly flapped and straightened to create wind resistance and maintain enough balance to keep her on her feet.

The bones in her right arm broke and repositioned as she forced an extra limb to emerge from her wounded elbow. Unlike the fleshy wings, this appendage had a solid form, stretching beyond the length of her normal arm and growing two pointed fingers and a thumb.

Now with a new weapon in tow, she blindly rushed into the fray. Her sense of rationality quickly slipping, her already poor sense of well-being was now gone. She reached for the bird creature's face with the mutant secondary arm. The scarla flung its head around and latched its beak onto the first thing within its reach, Elrene's fractured left arm. The muscles tearing, she was forced to drop her firearm to the floor. More black fluid quickly leaked from the injury and clung to the birds maw like glue, her arm falling to the ground, no longer attached to the body.

Using her large, mutated, secondary right arm, Elrene mashed the scarla's head into the floor multiple times before wildly swinging the clawed armed at the monster's neck. She screamed in a mad frenzy, "Die! Die! RAAAAAGHHHH!"

@Mad Prince of Sanity


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Charles A. Fisher

Charles moved about the room, pacing back and forth with thinking about how to deal with the bodies. Going out there in a group, like what Iris had suggested, sounded all the better. But what if they get lost? What if other monsters force them to retreat to a different location? Anything can happen while they are running around out there, really. Whatever they decided to do, they better do it quickly. Charles' stomach was starting to curl up on itself just by the sight of the bodies.

Almost like shooting Kazuko in the head...

Charles softly shook his head, and took a deep breath. He had to relax. Freaking out now will not benefit the team's safety at all. Or his own safety, even.

When Iris had pointed out that they could hide the bodies in the sealed door until they figure out what to do with them. Staring at the door, Charles slowly walked towards it. "It could work..." He muttered as he placed his hand on the door. "Yes, this could work. We'll leave them in there, for how long, I'm not really sure. But it's better than going out there and risking our lives." Charles said as he turned back to the rest.

"Come over here and help me with this door, I can't open this tin can with just one arm; the rest of you, prepare for whatever the hell is inside..." Charles said as he motioned Royce to come and help. If there were monsters behind this door, everyone here are more than capable with handling them. Hopefully Charles could find something useful in there. To keep for himself, of course.

@King Of Imagination
Jekyll Wilson

With Cecil on the third floor, holding a vase.

With the way the woma-Cecil's eyes seemed to have been foggy for most of his little speech, very little of it probably got through to her, but it didn't matter. It was pointless filler thrown in an attempt to lessen the silence that he had suddenly become quite aware of. Not the he minded silence, and in a way, he welcomed it on a mission that relied on listening to the surroundings and where being less than sharp could result in being ambushed and losing much more than just a vase.

However, with the arrival and continued existence that was his Hellucinations, he really was kind of desperate to get his mind off her. He had never once paid his 'sister' attention, except for the most recent hunt due to his lack of lucidity, and with this solace, he had been able to keep her at bay. It was probably the events at the hospital that had welcomed the apparition to run wild in his head and he could only hope that this continued ignorant stance he was taking would drive the illusion out of his head and back into whatever hole it had crawled out of.

Jekyll was glad that his vase would be useful in carrying the syringes. He might be able to knick a few as well, which would be an awesome prize to take out from all of this. It just depended on what they found scrounging around this cesspool of death and monstrosities. Looking around, Jekyll almost got lost in the little pits of darkness that grew from the lack of light in the corridors they had not explored for decaying corpses yet, and turned back to Cecil, or Phantom. The name phantom did ring a small bell in his head, flicking the ole' light bulb on as the thought came to mind. He could vaguely remember hearing about a Phantom in one of the rants that Whickerbottom had, but he wasn't sure. Not that he was in the wrong for being unsure, for it had been said that even the most knowledgable had few facts about the Phantom, making her just one of the Champions that withdrew from the public interest.

J-Jack-o-Lantern? Really? That was the best thing she could come up with? Jekyll sighed under his breath, trying not to let his disappointment show. It seemed nicknames were not something Cecil was great at. As his 'sister' had a field day with the new name, filing it under as just another name she could call her 'big brother', Jekyll swore that by the end of this he would come up with a nickname for Cecil that would outshine her own for him by far. If he was gonna be completely honest, it was sweet, though. The only nickname he had had before this was "Rotten boy" or something else his handler threw out at him.

Nevertheless, hthe vase in one hand, Jekyll called coloquially, "Can I have the syringes now? We should really be getting a move on and if there is something out there dead, we should get to it. I won't presume to be a major in 'The-crap-these-things-eat-ology', but I bet any kind of rotten meat will make them curious."


Ground floor

The red head chewed on her bottom lip lightly glancing over to Connor. "Roy's right we should probably get this up to the tech team and let them figure it out. Or at least get it out of here and some place less covered in mold and plants..." she shrugged slightly before looking over to the door Charles pointed out. It was a risk opening it but they needed to do something with the bodies. It was odd having to give the remains any thought after spending years of just leaving them to rot. Letting Connor take over with the computer Iris made her way over to the vault like door. "What do you think is inside....?" She glanced over to the older male.

As anxious as she was about what could be inside there weren't many options. Her ears perked forward listening for any movement inside. That was when the loud screech of a Sclara echoed through the building. Iris clamped her hands over her ears at the piercing sound cringing slightly in pain. It seemed not all of the monsters had fled. Hissing softly under her breath Iris moved to a near by opening to see where the thunder birds were. Thankfully there seemed to be a group of Champions still on the roof. She blinked a few times as she spotted Redd full on charging one of the birds in mid flight dealing a massive blow. "uh... well... okay then..." she muttered before spotting Heinrich, Phoenix, and two others jumping into the fray.

The group were more than capable of taking care of a few scarla, however that did mean more bodies to dispose of. Her scattered mind was brought back to the door she agreed to help open. "Oh! right." She made her way over. The door was made of some sort of mettle which had decayed slowly over time. The metallic sheen had faded long ago and spots of brown and red rust ate away at the metal showing its age further. Overall it was impressive the door had managed to last so long with out any care. However there was no handle, it seemed to have fallen off long ago. "Alright lets see if we can get this open... be ready in case anything jumps out."

Finding an edge on the door that was sturdy enough "One... two..." She pulled dug her boots into the cracked and broken earth pulling on the door. It didn't budge at all. "Oh come on..." She growled. A few second of pulling and there was finally some give. There was a sharp grinding and screeching sound of metal scraping against metal. The door scraped against the ground as it started to open the rusted seal of the door broke allowing the door some movement. They got it an inch or two open before a fowl smell escaped into the room A rancid odor which assaulted Iris's sense of smell. She gagged and let go of the door to cover her nose instead, eyes already watering. "The hell is that?!"

@HoneyBear-Kat @Wilcox

Listening to Charles speak, Roy kept silent. When asked to help, he showed that he was capable and willing by making his way over to Charles' side. As his hands found themselves placed onto the door, Iris began speaking once more. Halting his action to hear what she had to say, Roy waited for his teammate to take his side. Then, together, all three would find themselves pushing the door out of the way. It took Roy absolutely no strength at all to do so with the help of his exoskeleton, though it was apparent that Iris was having a bit more of an issue. Had it not been for his tech, there was a significant chance that Roy would have felt her plight the same.

Taking a deep breath, of course, the champion would find himself rather overwhelmed with the scent of.. Well, shit. Shit covered in garbage that was thrown up, to be precise. As the pungent smell tingled at his nostrils, Roy found himself immediately moving from the hole in disgust. Roy had it on good authority that Iris should have been bothered way more by the unfortunate turn of events, but that must not have been the case. Either that, or she had a much stronger stomach than he had. Crippled by the assault on his senses, Roy moved but a few feet from the door before he bent over and purged the contents of his belly.

Of course, there was nothing to give but water, which found itself splattering onto the ground as a result. Roy then moved to an upright position, turning the sword in his hand so that it was in reverse-blade grasp. Following this, the young man put both his hands to his stomach and looked up to the ceiling - taking deep breaths as best he could to rid himself of nausea.


@Shura @Darksoul90 @all
The Gunman

In the building

Micah stood up from his position on the ground, looking over to the other champion by the vault. He checked his guns, making sure everything moved smoothly, so as not to jam, and then loaded them with his remaining HEHI rounds. He should have brough more from the camp, he hadn't expected to face as many Lurchbilge as they had, so he was low on his other rounds. His HEHI were usually carried in larger amounts, due to the fact that they were much easier to make and effective on a much more general basis.

As the others made their way to the door to open it, Micah took aim at the location where it would open, in case anything decided to spill out. And spill out it did. A horrid, mind numbing, eye burning, soul crushing odor escaped the small crack in the door. Micah found his vision blurred, and immediately took his fingers off the trigger with his aim now compromised by the tears that were flowing down his face from the scent. He pulled the portion of the cloak that covered his neck up over his nose and wiped his eyes. He noted Roy vomitting, he had clearly taken the brunt of the smell, which Micah had happily avoided.

He unloaded one of his guns and reloaded it with a single incendiary round, making his way over to the crack in the door. He looked to Roy. "If this is what I believe it is, it's methane. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty damn sure it's methane. Methane is highly combustable, so no electricity, no fire. We have two options I can think of. Open the vault completely and let it disperse, or let me burn it off, but that would require closing the door very fast. So, should we vote?"


"The phantom"

Cecil gathered the syringes from before, dumping them into the vase. Clapping her hands she gave him a thumbs up. "Getting a move is the best choice. I hate being this far away from Iris." Cecil grabbed Jekyll's arm before tugging him along. "It must suck to have a female drag you around, sorry about this. If I let go at least for a few seconds, you'll miss me, and I won't be here anymore. " Smoke began to generate from the bottom of her foot gear as she tapped a little. Smiling with a grin, she pushed down the googles to cover her face as she rocked back. "Whether you have a good grip or not, I'll be going fast, so make sure to keep a good grip on the vase, and me." As Cecil finished , she rocked forward almost falling as she sped for the second set of stairs. There she would find four of the dead monsters that they earlier party had already finished. Cecil happily would clean up the mess, while gathering beautiful toxins for other doses that could pose lethal to anyone and anything.

Cecil had done several jumps over large metal tabled that had been flipped over from the fights, and forceful movements. The smoke from her mask and gear began to create clouds behind her as she kept a good grip on Jekyll. With narrowed eyes, a glimpse appeared in the corner of her eye. Wanting to stop she continued to move forward, the glimpse slowly coming closer. "Not now." She mumbled as she looked over toward a few bodies near the stairs. Creeping her father appeared with a displeased look as he shook his head toward her. In his eyes she was a failure, one who protected others, gained allies, and shared the hunt. The sight of her holding onto another, let alone a man triggered her hallucinations, which made her heart rate pick up as she had neared the end of the long stretch filled with obstacles. As soon as they reached the bodies, Cecil snatched her hand away as she looked up toward nothing. Smiling slightly as the mask lifted she bowed her head in apology, but to what. Her father grimaced as he moved around her, Cecil's head going from one corner to the next as she began to fidget. Sweat slowly rolled down as her father began to speak ill of her actions. Cecil didn't have time for this, and she knew if this continued only more would come. Her mother, siblings, the people she allowed to die, those who were caught in her twisted way.

Cecil quickly bit down on her thumb as she knelt down by the beast. Hissing out she held out her hand for Jekyll, to stay a few feet away while she worked. Slowly the smoke from her gear began to gather around her as it slowly branched out covering the entire floor. Needled were stabbed into the beast hide, one by one as its metal exterior echoed with ever pierce. Putting her hands out, Cecil's hair began to lift a little as green smoke began to erupt from the decaying bodies. Around her where empty syringes that stuck into the ground. The tubes that housed the toxins would slide open as the gas slowly made its way inside. As soon as it was in, the lid closed and the gas dropped into a liquid. The dead bodies before her were nothing but bones and bloody fur that was matted with burnt paper, and ripped open trash bags. Cecil had taken a deep breath before releasing out the toxic air that she had inhaled. All the while her body would fade in and out, her appearance fading as the syringes were gathered carefully. Thanks to the smoke, the toxins parted way without breaching out toward Jekyll. As she walked over, she held out her palms to show the syringes.

"All done."

@DamagedGlasses @Shura @Tree @Anyoneelse

Connor Friesland

In the Building

Connor looked over the computer lifting the top, The insides were not in the best shape to say the least. "Gah! such mold, much dirt, few vines, no no, many vines mannnnny vines. don't like this. will need to fix. Will need to fix everything. case is gone. other things might be salvagable. lota work, not right now. will need to put everything in new tower unit. Could have anything inside. Many things. Yes, data. much data. Would love weapon schematic. would also love wiki database. OH or google database would love that. would be find of decade!" He quelled his excitement noticing that people were beginning to move on. He picked up box fairly easily and followed the group.

The door that had been pointed out looked promising enough. He watched Iris try and open it at first. It was kind of amusing to see. Though by the time that he had gotten there, she had managed to get it open. though honestly he really wished she hadn't because by the time she had managed to open it, the most rancid smell of his life assailed his nasal passages. His olfactory glands immediately screamed a message that was akin to "AWH HELL NAWH!" Connor winced but he couldn't cover his nose with his hands because they were holding the computer. he muttered out.

After a few seconds though, the smell stopped. Though Connor surmised the fact this was not to it either a. fading, or b. developing a resistance to it, it was more of the fact that his nose had basically quit the day. He heard the guy with the guns talk about what to do with the giant collection of what he guessed was methane. Connor shrugged, "No opinion, just want to get this too roof. Smell not so bad when nose decides to die/give up. Very nice aroma. is nothing. Hope is temporary."






Alistair Lysaght

medical tent

During the crash Alistair was knocked unconscious by the hard impact of the downed Airship, after falling unconscious he was later moved into a hurried med tent, where he was just sort of set on the ground to sleep out his unconscious state. His body had no visible sign of injury. so after awhile Alistair began to awaken slowly, to the sounds of panic and the fading of battle. there was a slight static feeling to the air, but it soon died down, with whatever was causing it, his hand would slowly be lifted to his head, his forehead resting into the palm, as a small wave of pain went through his skull. "
Fucking birds.. Fucking Electricity, Fucking Headache..." He would groan as he slowly open his eyes, he then moved into a seated position, looking to his left he noticed the open flap of the tent, turning his head to the right he would see his helmet sat beside him. "at least this wasnt lost. I fucking need it..." he would mumble as he reached over and pulled the helmet onto his lap, before lifting it up and placing it on his head. as the helmet was placed onto his head, the DNA register would kick in, recognizing him as its owner the visor would whir slowly into life, the display flickering as it booted up, his eyes would lower to the lower left corner of the helmets HUD, his vitals seemed stable, his eyes would then slowly shift to look at the system readout, everything seemed relatively undamaged fortunately. "Alright, everything is good to go, time to see what the fuck going on outside." He would slowly lift himself to a standing position, walking out of the tent his eyes would be assaulted by the light of the sun "Fucking Sun, go be bright somewhere else you fucking asshole" He would curse quite loudly in the suns general direction, as if it would somehow make the sun less bright.

Looking around the makeshift camp of the survivors of the downed Airship, he would look at the civilians who looked like they were just stuck in a bad dream, his hands lowering down to where his SMGs would be "
Still there.. good, any fucking bird that wants to fuck with me, will get a lead dinner" he would mumble, lifting his right arm up he would look at the small wrist mounted computer, the GPS on it would whir into life, pinging all friendly Champions on the map. With a few clicks on the buttons of the wrist computer, a small map would be displayed into the lower right of the Helms HUD. "Lets see what we can do. Maybe I should preload a dose of Nectar.." He would stand and contemplate, before dismissing that notion, "I should be fine for now" he would stretch his arms above his head as he walked towards the door leading to the stairwell. "Fucking stairs... just Fucking stairs..." He would grumble angrily as he looked down the flights of stairs.

Alistair would turn his gaze to the wreck that was the Airship, letting out a sigh of displeasure and of content. "
Fucking Airships..." he would mutter as he took in the damaged wreck and the situation fully, "Every fucking time, just Fucking plans.." He would pace around the site before making his mind up to descend the stairwell, as he wandered over he would think back to what he was told when someone recommended this "Fucking Asshole..." was all that would escape his mouth as he entered into the stairwell
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Nadia Rader - Mute

Rooftop - The Most In-Tact Remains of the Medical Tent

Nadia woke up. This was immediately concerning because the last thing she remembered was hearing some strange noises on the plane and definitely not trying to get to sleep. Also concerning was the ceiling she was looking at - it looked like some kind of canvas, definitely not the inside of a sturdy aircraft. It was torn and flapping slightly in the breeze, and she could see the sky through some of the holes. The sky seemed to shimmer, for some reason.

Before she could register much else a younger medic was looking down at her with worry in his face. He was saying and asking too many things at once - you’re awake, are you dizzy, we had to move you, don’t sit up, what do you remember, do you know who you are, this place is stupid - all way too quick and far too much for her to take in, her head being as groggy as it was. She had to tell him she was ok, if only to get him to leave her alone for a bit.

I’m ok, I just need a minute to get myself together.

The young man looked concerned. “I don’t…what are you doing? Are you ok, are you twitching? Are you doing this? Miss, do you understand me?”

What? Nadia fell under another barrage of questions and concern from the doctor and she tried to block him out as best she could. What was he going on about? She was just saying she was alright, but that only made things worse. Why couldn’t he understand her? What had she done-

Oh. She had been using sign language. Of course the poor guy didn’t know what she was saying - in her addled state she just signed her response without thinking about it, and it was probably sloppy as all hell with her head so foggy. She needed her digipad, that way she could actually talk to this overly-concerned man. She reached to her belt and grabbed… nothing. Nadia’s eyes widened as she felt around her belt. There was nothing there. The entire belt was gone. Without her pad she couldn’t properly talk to people, couldn't interact meaningfully. She started to panic and tried to lift her head to look down but was met with a wave of nausea, so she fell back to the pillow.

The doctor was suddenly reaching to his left just beside her head. “Oh, are you looking for this? We took everything unnecessary off so you would be more comfortable.” Gingerly tilting her head to the side she smiled widely and let out a sigh of relief. All of her equipment was neatly laid out on a table beside her - her body armour, her belt, her guns, her swords, and her backpack, all accounted for. That was at least something to be happy about. Even better, the doctor was holding out her pad to her, and she slowly reached up and took it before methodically typing her response.

“I’m ok. Head is foggy. Need a second. What happened to the plane? Where are we?”

The pad sounded out her questions in the generic, computerised female voice she had chosen, and the doctor looked quizzically at her, the pad, and her again. After a short moment of nervous silence he turned and called out nervously, “Are there any senior medical personnel who can help me here? I’ve got a champion who can’t speak! Not really sure what to do here, I'm a bit out of my depth…”


@Kagura @Morridan @Phantom King @Mad Prince of Sanity @Shura @anyone else on the roof

Alistair Lysaght - The Angel of death



Alistair would be unaware of the Scarla, till he heard it fly overhead of him "Looks like someone missed one, well.. guess its time. fuck me" Raising his arm in front of him he would input the dosage command for the auto injector in wrist computer. "I hate this shit." He would let out a sigh as the auto injector began to administrate the Nectar into his body "Got a good 15 minutes to wait.. oh joy" He would step out from the door way and look up at the Scarla as it flew about "just you fucking wait till im up there!" keeping an eye on the Scarla as he moved about, waiting on his Nectar to kick in fully. "C'mon this ground is too constricting.." he would grab one of the SMG's from his holster and aim it slightly ahead of the creature and squeeze off a couple shots to draw its attention.

having kept the distraction fire at the Scarla for roughly 14 minutes and 20 seconds, Alistair would make a dash towards the edge of the building. deploying the wings from his exo, they would slightly resemble bird wings with small thrusters on them to help with stability. as he neared the edge of the building "55.. 56.." before he reached 57 he had launched himself off the side of the building "59... 15 minutes, times up beasty, And Taking this thing on alone is risking a lot. but cant just leave the fucker up here" As the nectar fully kicked in, having fallen past 4 floors, he would then rocket upward at 100 meters a second. pulling the second SMG into his off hand, using both his Aerokinesis and flight exo he would hover before the Scarla, his weapons outstretched infront of him, he would smirk behind the visor of his helm "Lets see what you got beasty"

Firing a quick burst of 3 rounds from each SMG, 2 of the rounds would graze across the underbelly of the Scarla, 2 more embedding just next to its neck, the last two skimming over top of the head of the scarla. With a screech it would rush at speed at Alistair "Oh fuck me sideways" He would exclaim loudly as he rocketed off in the opposite direction, before looping around and roaring over head of the rooftop, flicking onto his back as he passed over head, he would let another burst erupt from his weapons, a few of the rounds impacting on the underbelly of the Scarla. seeming only to enrage it more with each attack. In flight Alistair would feel the air become more static filled. "Fuck me..." he would drop speed and let the scarla rocket past him, just narrowly missing its electric discharge, but copping a gash along his upper thigh as it passed him from its talon "Ow fuck.. you fucking asshole, Im mad now!" As the sound of his weapons filled the sky as he held down the triggers, "SPRAY AND FUCKING PRAY MOTHER FUCKER" he would yell as he unloaded everything left in the weapons, until he heard a click. his guns having run dry, he would dump the mags and holster them. reaching behind him as he hovered.

Drawing his longsword from a special sheath in the back of the flight exo, a long metalic screeching sound would be heard as the blade is drawn. "Time to take this up a level" Alistair would hold the blade infront of him, as the Scarla would turn to face him, the two staring at each other. watching and waiting. the scarla would have taken more rounds from Alistairs spray and pray. it wouldnt be enough damage to down it, but it would be even more angry. "These things are a bitch to kill" he would mumble as he slowly began to climb in height. looking at the timer counting down. "2 hours eh gotta make this count" the Scarla would track his movements as he rose, staying in place and watching. "good.. good sit there you fuck" reaching just below his max flight height. the Thrusters sputtering trying to keep air flowing into them. lowering himself and diving like a bullet. reaching his 300 meters a second. His body screaming in agony as he rocketed down from the air towards the Scarla. his blade held beside him, as he rocketed past the Scarla he would let a single slash out. hitting the beast in the head. the blade shatter as it rammed through its skull. slamming through its skull as he struck, it released a discharge of electricity and striking him with its tail and getting one more slash off on his left upper arm, the electricity would arc into his Exo flight suit, causing some light burns to his back. having bled enough speed off, he would attempt to land. but would more land before screeching slightly across the roof top. some smoke rising from where the burns happened. "Did I kill it?..." he would mumble before blacking out

(<.< one does hope this is a good fight, I will probably edit it more, time for end of battle results

Damage taken:

1 broken arm, moderate fracture

2 Gashes: 1 along his upper left arm (Moderate) 1 along his thigh (Moderate - severe)

Electrical burns: Light

Damage Given:

30 Bullet wounds (Light - Moderate Damage)

1 Slash

And thats basically that mhm)
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