Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Tabitha nodded. She knew the gun saftey rules, but she just went along with what he said anyways.

She quietly followed Frank, listening to then crunching of sticks and leaves under their feet. She looked around, seeing if their was anything important to point out or be aware of.

"This forest is definitely quite..."she thought to herself as they walked.

((I have to go guys. See you in the morning!))

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Frank walked deeper into the forest, stopping to check his compass to make sure they were on course every few minutes. He could feel a familiar presence, Sebastian was out here, somewhere. Frank was a few kilometers in when he spotted something off to his left," just a deer" He realised after a little. Frank figured that Tabitha wasn't exactly the athlete he was, he found a couple of large rocks on the ground,

"Lets take a break,"He said,"don't want to get all petered out." Frank sat and pulled out a canteen full of water, he took a small drink, then offered it to Tabitha, "Don't want to get dehydrated either." He didn't need the water, this walk was nothing for him, but for a high-school girl, he doubted it was the same.
"Good idea." Tabitha agreed as she sat on one of the rocks. She could feel her ankles slightly hurting from walking. She noticed Frank offering her water.

"Thanks." She smiled sweetly and took the cantine and sipped some water out of it. Tabitha handed him back the cantine.

She pulled out a hair tie and tied all of her hair back into a pony tail, her bangs were slightly annoying for the walk, so she decided to just tie it all back, revealing her full face. It was nice to get all of that hair out of her face once in a while.

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Frank took the canteen sealed it and returned it to the bag. He then let out a long whistle,

"Wow,"Frank was looking at Tabitha"That isn't fair you know, hiding a face that pretty."Frank smiled" Da Vinci can have the Mona Lisa, I like this face much better." Frank couldn't help but look at her now fully revealed face. He noticed some primroses growing not to far from him,"Although"He said," maybe,"He ran and picked one of the primroses, and gently put it in her hair, he looked at her, It looked nice," Nope, I guess you really can't improve on perfection."He shot her a smile.
Tabitha giggled. "Well, maybe once and a while I'll show my face more, we'll see." She said. She blushed a little bit when he put the primrose in her hair. Tabitha giggled on his comment. "I'm not sure what to say to that." Tabitha responded. She stood up, her ankles were feeling much better. "Shall we get going?" She asked, smiling kindly.
"I suppose so." Frank slung the bag across his chest, he took a knee," Would you like a ride?"He asked, he could run with her on his back, or at least jog."Don't worry, I've had to carry guys twice your size, it won't be bothersome at all."
Tabitha was about to refuse, saying it might be bothersome, but the answer to that was already said.

"Well, since you're already down to the ground, sure." Tabitha responded as she climbed onto his back, putting her arms around his neck, but not all the way so she would not choke him.

"Thanks a lot." She said as she gave him a kiss on his head, a bit behind his ear.
"Anything for you." Frank stood and began to run, they'd cover ground at about three times the speed now. He smiled all the time, twenty minutes later, they were at their destination. Frank set Tabitha down and took out his map, where to search first? They were almost exactly on the East-West line on the map, so that put the well almost exactly to the East or West of them.

"Hmm," Frank thought aloud," East or west? What do you think Tabitha?" He looked to her for the answer.
Tabitha thought about a direction.

"I could say split up and go both ways and come back here, but I know you might say no to that." She said with a little smile.

"Hmm...let's try East." Tabitha said, looking to Frank.
Frank chuckled

"You know me so well, East it is." Frank checked his compass, found East, then twirled the knife in his hand so that the tip pointed to the East. " Let's go about two Kilometers in that direction, if we don' find it, we can double-back." Frank's eyebrows knitted slightly, Sebastian was still out here somewhere. He relaxed his face and turned back to Tabitha," Shall we depart?"
Tabitha smiled. "Sounds good!" She said as the two began to walk east.

((i g2g, thanksgiving party. I should be home around 6 o'clock. I'll occasionally check up and respond :> ))
((Have fun with that)) 
Just as they were about to leave the area, Frank craved a large X into the side of a tree to mark the spot. He looked about, but couldn't see anything, he hoped they would find it today, the sooner the better.

"So..."Frank said,"You like music, I play a mean axe."Frank was trying to keep himself entertained, and talking to Tabitha always did the trick." Mostly rock and roll stuff, but I can play any kind of music on guitar." He kept walking.
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((I will get home later than I thought. .we haven't even eaten yet Dx))

Tabitha smiled brightly. "Really?!" She asked, impressed. She had tried playing an instrument, bit she is not musically talented in that field, so she stopped.

"You're going to have to play something for me sometimes, so I can see how much of a boss you are." Tabitha said smiling to Frank.

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((Better to be with family than bored out of your mind like I am, and *Uses stern voice* no posting at the dinner table young lady! Run off to your room first)) 
"I'd love to, and coming from you I assume 'boss' is an excellent thing to be." Frank smiled back, he'd have to grab his Gibson when he got home. He looked around when he spotted something to his right, a shaft of light? A clearing it seemed, Frank got very exited, he grabbed Tabitha's hand and said,

"Come on!" as he pulled her towards it. This could be it!
((Lol xD we ate now...a little too much food omfg @-@))

Tabitha smiled. "Boss is above excellent." She said happily. Then she realized she was being pulled towards a direction.

"Oh! Hopefully!" She said happily as she was pulled. She could see them get closer. She could see the shape of the well.

"I can see it! That's it!" Tabitha said excitedly.


Ciel looked around, still no sign of the well.

"How hard is it supposed to be to find some stupid well?" He asked himself.

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Frank made it to the clearing, Tabitha in tow, He pull a length of rope from his bag, and tied it around a tree,

"In the event we descend into the well, we may need this." He said. Frank looked over the edge, dark as always. His hand felt an irregularity on the lip of the well, he looked at it, words, but he couldn't quite make them out,

"Hey Tabitha,"He called," What do ya make of this?" What the hell was written on this thing?
Tabitha looked over at the well, and studied the words.

"This had to be carved...years ago maybe a hundred or so, it's hard to make out." She said as she looked closey. She blowed on it and wiped any dust off, to try and see if it makes it readable.

"Um...The future...meets the past. Those with abilities no human posses shall ... what the hell is that next word, i cant read it....oh! pass through. These people, along with those of this time, shall work together and save the world from the....relic?" Tabitha read. "What relic?" She asked aloud, looking to Frank, as if he knew, but she knew he didn't.

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Frank was livid,

"ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!"Frank was yelling,"WE'RE STUCK HERE?! AND WHAT, I HAVE TO WORK WITH THAT PHANTOMHIVE KID AND SEBASTIAN JACKASS?!" Frank punched a nearby tree, it splintered and fell," AND..." Frank realised that he was yelling a Tabitha, she was just as in the dark as he was, he couldn't believe himself."I-I'm sorry, I lost my temper."He apologised," I didn't mean to scream at you. It's just this whole thing has had me baffled from day one, and now this, this BULLSHIT!"Frank calmed himself once more,"Perhaps I am not normal, but you are, abilities wise that is. And saving the world? It's just, just..." Frank's body tensed"GAAAAH!!" Frank struck a rock with his fist, it shattered."Please, I-I need a minute to soak this all in." Frank sat at the stump of a tree and massaged his temples, what in god's name was happening? He just wanted to go home with Tabitha, and then this bullshit gets in the way. If he wasn't careful, he could really lose it.
Tabitha just stared at Frank, but smiled a bit and waved his rage off with her hand. "Go calm down." She said with a nice smile.

She began thinking about herself.

"Abilities...I don't have I?" She thought to herself. Tabitha couldnt remember doing anything strange, other than having the greatest luck with things rolling around or falling.

Tabitha was slightly upset about not being able to go home.

She was slightly stressing.

"I'm going to miss school and get held back and I won't graduate and if my parents come home I won't be there...they'll make a police report and...."

Tabitha couldn't stop stressing about it.

"Well this is the best f-en luck yet." She said to herself, sarcastically.

Tabitha knew she should stop the stress or it would also turn into anger. She stood there with her eyes closed, trying to clear her mind.

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Frank thought long and hard, with little to show for it,

"Tabitha," He said at last," You know English history, what kind of world ending relics do they have in this part of the country?" had the matter not been so serious, he might have laughed."And for f*ck's sake, stop worrying about school, we have bigger things to deal with, think about those." Frank pulled out the canteen, drank a little than poured some over his head. He still needed to cool down. He was too angry to properly think,"I need to relax a little." He told her. He then proceeded to box the biggest tree he could find, it was one way to blow off steam.
Tabitha thought long and hard. "There is a necklace that has a gem that is believed to look like a doesn't really have a name, but it is believed a person with this could use it to destroy or make the world better. It was made of a quest to find and destroy it, but no one succeeded." Tabitha said as she stared at the words on the well. "But how in the world would we find something like that?" Tabitha asked herself.

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Frank thought about it as he fought the tree,

"Think maybe we're the ones who tried and failed?" He asked, he was being negative,"Regardless, how much of the story do you know, we could trace their steps, follow any clues they found. It says we get help from people from this time, maybe we can use the considerable resources of the Phantomhives to help us."Frank thought," In the end we have to succeed to go home, and I made you a promise, I'm damn well gonna keep it." 

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