Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((And Frank is like,

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/okay-okay-clean.png.1a58bd53f94c8c37957badb7e201bf83.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/okay-okay-clean.png.1a58bd53f94c8c37957badb7e201bf83.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )) 
((We get off topic so easily))



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((pffft xD well, i guess I'll make the first post to get things going.))

Tabitha had woken up a bit early. She decided she would go and explore the mansion. She only knew of barley a third of the place. She figured they would be there a while, so she should know her way around.

She walked the long hallways and peeked into rooms. She loved the way the place looked. The wallpaper was lovely and the decorations were nice. She wished her home was like this. She walked alone, so she could hear her thoughts. Although, if she meets up with anyone, she would be open to chat. She occasionally stopped to look at the paintings. Muttering things such as, "Such lovely brush work," or "What great color choices!"
Sebastian saw Tabitha admiring a painting and went up behind her, quietly. He looked up at the painting himself. It was one of his favorites. "Are you enjoying the decor?" He asked, looking down at her.
Tabitha looked behind her to see Sebastian looking down at her. She smiled friendly.

"Yes, it's very beautiful. Very great choices!" She said looking back to the painting. She then realiseed now that she has Sebastian here, she could talk with him a little, more like apologize.

"Mr.Michaelis, I would like to apologize if we seem...overstaying." She said as she turned to face him. "I sort of feel bad that we came uninvited and seem to just be staying here with out permission." She added in.
((Do you know how much self-restraint it takes to not just totally feminize Sebastian and make him a hairdresser after all those comments about it? a lot! lol))

"It's alright, Ms. Tabitha. It seems you can't go back through that well anyways. Otherwise..." Sebastian smiled politely,"You'd be back home by now." What he really meant was, 'You'd be back home because I'd shove both of you back down that damned well.' He didn't really have a grudge against the girl. He just hated her because she was Frank's... what'd they call it? Girlfriend? Well whatever the hell that meant, they were dating and ever since Frank challenged him, he hated Frank. He was polite to both of them. Only because he was ordered to and he was a butler so he would remain calm and cool-headed. Plus he was a demon so being calm and cool-headed was just part of his nature. He was the perfect butler and would remain so. "I hope you are enjoying your stay."
Tabitha nodded. "Well, if there is anything I could do around the manor to...'pay', i guess you can call it, for our stay, let me know." Tabitha said with a smile. She felt bad that she wasn't doing anything to help around the place. She always seemed to do that, even when she was staying at a friend's house for one night. She would always request doing the dishes or do some sort of chore.

She could sense that Sebastian was not exactly fond with her, but she knew she couldn't really do much about it. She could apologize for Frank's actions, but she knew that wouldn't be much either, knowing they might get into a fight again. 
((omfg xDDDDDD I need to make some sort of comic about that)) 
(( I'm just going to put this here

((Sorry I took so long, some asshole slashed the tires on my mountain bike and I had to walk it to the bike shop))
((omfg..everyone is getting ripped off. My mom's purse got stolen today and we had to cancel all her cards and it was just a mess. wow today is a sucky day for a lot of people))
wow i'm dumb it is wednesday wtf why did i think it was thursday wow im dumb

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