Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((I'm about to do something totally crazy, make a story post, watch out! Madman on the loose!))
Frank woke up, it was morning, he got up and started to get ready, but something felt off. He bathed and shave, still he couldn't shake the feeling. He was getting dressed when it finally hit him, he hadn't had a nightmare. A pleasant surprise. Frank went next door and knocked on Tabitha's door, she didn't respond, he knocked louder, still no answer, he opened the door, the room was empty, she was already out and about. Frank decided to walk around and learn the layout of the mansion. Then he saw Tabitha and Sebastian standing in the hallway, he walked up to them,

Frank smiled and said, "Hey baby, how's it goin'." He turned to Sebastian," Good morning."He said coolly. Frank hated this man, but he had to share a house with him, so he said,

"Sebastian," He stared, using a very formal tone," seeing as we now live under the same roof now, what say we let bygones be bygones? Perhaps even become friends somewhere down the road." Frank said it for Tabitha and for appearances, his eyes conveyed his real message, 'Hurt her, I kill you, touch her, I kill you, hurt her feelings, I kill you. She is the only reason you are alive. Don't make me change that.' Frank smiled to Tabitha. 

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/annoyed-im-watching-u.png.259f45c781afdd621efa49795d1378b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/annoyed-im-watching-u.png.259f45c781afdd621efa49795d1378b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>))



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Tabitha smiled to Frank when he approached them. "Good!" She replied sweetly and simply.

When she heard what Frank had said to Sebastian, she was a bit happier. At least he was trying to patch things up, at least a little bit. She could tell by his expression that he still really hated them, and that he was being protective of her. She smiled innocently to the two of them.
Sebastian's face remained stoic. "I agree. Although to be friends? I am a butler, sir, and it is rare to have a friend. But we can put our differences behind us." He bowed and walked off. This man was going to drive him crazy. The bitterness was still their, no matter what happens. It would always be there. They were made to hate each other.
"So," Frank turned to Tabitha," Breakfast or work? I have some maps and notes, you might be able to help me better locate the well. I Could even just order some snacks and tea. Eat right in my room." Frank really just wanted to spend time with her.

((Wonder how lil' Ciel is doing this fine morning))
((lol I'll make ciel get up since our sebby is free))

Ciel had awoken to a slight sun ray going through the curtains. He squinted slight from the light and sat up in his bed. He thought me might as well start looking into the well today. He got up and got dressed and tied his eye patch on. He sort of disliked always putting an eye patch on every day, it was somewhat annoying, but he knew he had to anyways. When he was done, he left his bedroom. It didn't take long for him to spot Sebastian.

"Sebastian, we need to go down to the well today." He said...more like ordered.


Tabitha thought a moment.

"Well, I'm not majorly hungry, so we could just get right to work. I actually had a dream about the well last night that might help what you have. It's was more of a memory-dream so it's a bit blurry, but what I have might help." She said to Frank.
Sebastian smiled when he heard Ciel. He turned around and bowed. "Of course, my lord. Shall we walk or would you rather get there by some other form of transportation?"
"I'd rather walk, see if there are any clues in the surrounding area." Ciel responded as he began to walk ahead of Sebastian. Even though this took time out of his busy schedule, he was slightly interested in this mystery. Besides, their "guests" were dressed much differently than himself and others, and he suspected and slightly already knew that they had come out of that well, and wished to study it.

(sorry if I butcher ciel @_@)
(( My post will take a little, I'm literally drawing a map of their route from memory))
"Perfect!" Frank said with a smile," Anything will help" He led her back to his room, when he was inside, he rung the small service bell, then proceeded to pull out the map and his notes,

"We,"he started," are here, at Phantomhive manor, we came from about a half a kilometer to the West and then about two KM to the south,"He looked at her with a smile" That is where we met. Now, when I ran to you, I had been heading West, and I ran about three hundred meters North to you," He drew a line on the map the entire time," That puts my last confirmable location here,"He circled a point on the map," That's where the problems start, I walked West for hours, I don't know how far I went, It could be five KM it could be ten, I figured about seven and made a three mile radius in all directions from there." Frank pointed to the large circle just shy of ten KM in diameter." If you can remember anything, maybe we can narrow the search area down a little."Frank looked at Tabitha.
Tabitha studied the map.

"I started at the well and I ran to about" she started, tracing the are with her finger, trying to remember. "I kept going straight. When I figured I wasn't going anywhere, so a circled back around. That's when I yelled and heard you and I ran towards your direction. I generally only covered what you have." She added in. Tabitha tried to remember her paths. "The most I can really remember is the writing and the environment. I can't really say much for directions...since what you have is what I think I covered." She said looking to Frank.

"We might have to back in and try to retrace our paths the best we can." Tabitha suggested.

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"Perhaps that is the best plan of action,"Frank said," But with just you, me and Sebastian, it could literally take weeks to find the well,"Frank thought for a moment,"What we really need is more men, or aerial reconnaissance, but we don't have the money to hire, or the technology to take those photos. You wouldn't happen to be an engineer would you?" He gave a slight smile.
Tabitha giggled nervously. "Not the best. It may be possible for me to design some type of machine or whatever and see if I could make it reality...maybe might be able to change something to be better, but I cannot promise you." Tabitha said seriously. "I didn't really take drafting or engeneering class, I just use what I learned through video tutorials." She giggled slightly.

"As for pictures...I could just sketch whatever really fast. Wont be the most detailed looking thing ever,but it'll give us an idea." Tabitha added in, trying to think of more solutions to their problems.

She somewhat could remember the location of the well,not exact, but it's general area.

"The well was in a field...large...lots of bushes and trees...a couple of flowers...." she muttered quietly to herself, trying to see if there is any distinct detail in the map that would match her memory, such as if there was a body of water.

"Was there any water...river....lake?" She muttered again, trying to see if she had seen or heard a body of water.

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Sebastian followed ciel. "Do you believe there could be a link between the future and the present?"he asked curiously.

((I'm sorry for my short posts! I'm replying in between cleaning things))
"I don't recall any water, but if memory serves, the clearing was somewhere between about a hundred and a hundred and fifty feet in diameter," Frank glanced over the map," It isn't marked on this map. If my assumptions are correct, the center of the area is about seven KM South-East of the manor. Ideally the well is within one KM of that point." Frank thought of search methods he'd been taught," If we set up camp at that point, we can designate search zones,"He divided the circle into three slices," You and I could take the North third of the area, it's essentially a cone to mark and search, Sebastian and Ciel could take the South-West third, and two of the servants could take the South-East third, if we do it properly, it will take about a day and a half to cover the first KM out, four the second, and it grows rather exponentially from there." Frank looked to Tabitha,"What do you think?"
"It's very possible." Ciel responded. "And I'm pretty sure our guests came out of there." He added in.

Soon, Ciel had reached the forest.

"Well, I guess its time to look for this well. Or any clues of it." Ciel said as he walked inside.

"Sebastian, I want you to go aheaf and find this well, I'll call you if I need you." He said

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"Sounds like a plan." Tabitha said with a smile. "Lets just hope the Earl and the butler didn't go on a head and try to find this well." She said slightly stretching her neck to each side to crack it.

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Frank grabbed his belt that held his weapons,

"Yes, I'd hate to mistake Sebastian for a wild animal and shoot him."He smiled to himself, He wouldn't, "And the forest is no place for that young boy." He grabbed a pre-loaded duffel, it contained water, food, and some tools, all compliments of the Phantomhive household. "Let's get moving, it would be a shame if they beat us to it." As he walked out the door he checked his pistol, still loaded, he clicked off the safety. "By the way, you may need this out there,"He held out the gun," I can handle my self with this." He pointed to the large knife sheath." You're more important anyway."
Tabitha began to follow him out, and then looked at the gun hebwas giving her.

"Oh, alright!" She said, taking the gun. She hoped she wouldn't have to use it.

She smiled to Frank. "You're pretty important too, ya know." Tabitha said, poking him on the arm.

She followed Frank out to head out and find the well.

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Sebastian bowed and then ran off. He could run pretty fast and found the well in a short amount of time. He looked inside. "Hello?" He called into it. With a shrug, he retraced his steps. It was the wrong well. He just had a feeling it was the wrong one.
Ciel watched Sebastian run off. He continued to walk, paying attention to detail. There wasn't any signs of anything suspicious so far. He hoped he could find it soon.

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"Don't worry, I'll try to take of myself too,"He pointed to the gun," Be careful with that, it's loaded and the safety is off, it is not a toy, all you have to do is pull the trigger, and you've only got seven shots before its just a hunk of metal, so don't just shoot at anything." He pulled out his knife and flicked open the lid at the base of the grip, revealing a small container and a compass. Frank pointed in the right direction," That way." He stated, he re-sheathed the knife and began to walk, they'd soon be in the forest proper.

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