Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

She was shocked. Her body went numb and white. "I don't want to go back to that place, Matthew. I want to go where people want me." She tried pulling and yanking and peeling, but nothing worked. "I'm not going back there, Matthew. I'd rather die!" She kept squirming until she was exhausted. William was searching everywhere for Grell."Matthew, have you seen Grell, he ha-..." he had noticed Anastasia.
"I'm not letting you leave my sight, we don't have to go back there." He noticed William and stopped, "No, I have not seen Grell since hours ago.."
"Ah, I see." He said as he landed in front of Anastasia, flipping through a small book. "Anastasia Meadows, six, orphaned only a few hours ago." The girl nodded. "Grell killed my Mommy." Holding onto Matt, she dared Will to take her away. "Oh, don't worry. I am not on duty at the moment. I am simply looking for that idiot." He patted her head and she sighed. "I don't care!"
He sighed out, relieved William had not cared. "Knowing Grell he could be anywhere. Have you checked Sebastian's room yet?"
William adjusted his glasses. "Very well, Matthew. I will check there." He disappeared. Annie hugged him still. "I want a contract." She said at last. "Please?"
He grew wide eyed and couldn't manage to speak. . he finally got down on his knees and placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "You're so young... I don't want you ruining your life this early... You mean too much to me, I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you hating me..."
She sighed, knowing that the demon was correct in his belief that she.was too young to register what she had just asked him to do. "Okay, Matthew." She was getting cold, so she squeezed herself against his warm body. "I wanna go home."
He gently whispered out, "When you sign a contract with a demon... You must make a wish type goal... When you think of an impossible personal goal that could not be fulfilled for a long time... Then I will make a contract with you if you wish."
She smiled, thinking of everyone she wanted revenge on. There was Grell, her father, anyone she had been given to. "I do know, but they are all long gone." She sighed. "I understand if you don't want a contract."
She bit her thumbnail, as though thinking very hard about this. "Alright, after a good night's rest and a full belly, I shall tell you." She hugged his arm.
He smiled. He never wanted to bring the girl into this life but knew if she made a contract she would be happier. "Make sure whatever you choose is what you want." He stood up, yawning and stretching. "We can stay at a motel in town if you don't want to return to the manor."
"Okay, let's go, Matthew." She led him toward a motel that she knew all too well, but would never mention that to him. "I've got some money in my pocket." She went inside and asked the woman for one room. "Oh, you can't get a room here, dear. You are too young." The lady said without noticing Matt. "You need a parent or guardian."
Annie smiled up at him, then the lady, who was blushing due to the man's sheer beauty. "Oh, I s-see." She took a key from a drawer and handed it to him. "Two twenty-four is the room number." She held out a hand for her money.
He accepted the key and handed her the right amount of money. Anastasia had been too young to worry about paying for things. He grabbed her hand and searched the doors throughout the building for their room number.
Annie squeezed his gloved hand as she skipped along side him. "You're my guardian?" She asked as she kept skipping. "I thought you were just a butler." She winked at him. "Thank you anyway, Matthew."
"I would like that very much." She walked into the room and all horrific memories came flooding back to her. She saw herself on a similar bed to this one, engaging in unspeakable actions under the.watchful eyes of her father and another man in bed with her. She screamed for it to stop. "STOP IT!" She screamed at Matthew.
He grew wide-eyed and shocked, "W-Wha?!" He sighed, his abilities making it obvious she had been badly hurt in a motel room similar to this. He gently whispered, "I'm sorry they hurt you Anastasia, but I promise you I will never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you ever again."
She came to not long after. "I-I'm sorry. I st-still have visions." She whimpered as she looked around the room to Matthew. "I am so sorry." She held onto him with all the strength that she could muster to make sure that he was real and the memories were just those...memories
He held her close and whispered, "it's alright." He reached into his bag and pulled out a few pastries. He handed them to the girl with a smile, !You're probably starving, please do eat."
She got up on the single bed and took the offered goods from Matthew. "Yummy!" She exclaimed as she chewed on her first one. "So, how about that mansion and bunnies, huh?" She asked as she finished it.
He chuckled and sighed, "Well, if you think of a contract that would be all included, dear." He looked up with a smile .
She put the rest in her pocket for later and licked her hands clean. "Well, I think it would be nice to wake up each and every day with you beside me, Matthew." She actually wanted to add that she would be in his arms, but left that out. "I-I want to take revenge on that demon that hurt Mommy."

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