Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

She was used to pangs of hunger from time and again, but she always ignored it. "Ciel wants me gone. I have no where else to go." She didn't want to leave or be thrown out, but she may have to. " I am very hungry, Matt." She added at last. "What's gonna happen to me if I can't stay here?"
He let out a loud sigh and spoke, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Ciel should understand he would be out on the streets by now if it weren't for Sebastian." He smiled and whispered, "What would you like to eat?"
"I don't know. What do you think would be good?" She started playing nervously with her hair. "Ya know, some day I'll have a huge mansion like this of my own. There's gonna be a garden and bunnies in it too."
He smiled, "That sounds like a nice place to live." He carefully thought about what young kids ate, "Um, how about some pastries?"
She stopped messing with her hair. He had read her mind! "How did you do that?" She asked as she looked at the man nervously. "I saw Sebastian do it too." She remembered the look Ciel gave him. "How did you know about the pastries?"
He stood shocked and wide-eyed. He slapped his head feeling like an idiot. He never wanted to scare the girl. He finally choked out, "J-Just luck I guess..."
"I've heard of beings like you. They stalk helpless humans until they strike, then, they make contracts with these humans. A soul for service, normally." She took a deep breath. "I'm not afraid of you, demon."
He stomach felt as it was being ripped out from the way she called him a demon. He wasn't like the others. He actually cared about others. "You shouldn't be afraid of me... I'm not like other demons. Unlike them, I actually still have a heart. I'm not a careless monster..."
"I said I wasn't afraid of you. You are not scaring or fooling me at all. In fact, I like you for the kind of person you are." She smiled at him. "I know you're hungry."
He smiled, quite glad she hadn't been scared of him. "Well, demons don't exactly eat much. I'm a new demon, I could go on for years without eating. But I know you must be starving, how about we head downstairs and get you some pastries?"
On the contrary, she craved him. She desired his company above all else. "Yes, please." She pointed her finger at him then her. She wanted him to bend down.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and then her legs under his arms and kissed his cheek. "I never said thank you for saving me."
He was shocked by the closeness. He hadn't really felt an attachment to a human being since he had been a human himself. He smiled bright and whispered, "You shouldn't apologize , I only did what was right."
"I'm saying thank you because, out of everyone outside, no one would help but you, Matthew. You saved me and I am forever grateful." She sighed. "Are you sure that you want nothing in return?" She raised a brow.
"Yes, I'm sure! " he began to walk down the hallway and down the stairwell, "Come on, you should really get something in your stomach."
He doesn't want my soul. She thought. Part of her was disappointed, because she liked him a lot and wanted to repay him. "Alright, Matthew, I gave you time. I want her out, now." Ciel ordered him. "Or, I will throw her out myself!"
"Ciel, you know for fact you were in a position quite similar to hers not long ago and you would still be in that position if Sebastian didn't make a contract with you."
"Why do you care? You don't even know her. All you are doing is keeping her as a pet! You don't need her! You don't even do anything around here. If it weren't for Sebastian, you'd be nothing!" Ciel spat back.
He hissed at Ciel, "I'm not keeping her as a pet! I just care about you. Unlike you I have a heart. Of course I'm grateful towards Sebastian. I owe him my life. " 
// *care about her
Anastasia covered her ears and ran screaming from the manor. All of this chaos was because.of her. She knew that much. She was alone now and no one wanted anything to do with her. "I-I'm scared...." she whispered as she.curled up in a box a mile away to protect herself.from the rain.
He chased after her. His newfound demon abilities made the long run easier. He eventually caught up to her and carefully sat on the ground beside her, "I'm sorry... Ciel is an --" he cut himself off not wanting to swear in front of such a young girl. "I promise you will never be alone, I won't let that happen."
Looking up at her friend, she crawled out of the box and crawled, instead, onto his lap. "I am sorry, but I don't want you to lose your home because of me. I should go." She kissed him quickly and stood up. "I'll see you sometime."
He grabbed her hand, "I'm not leaving you out on the streets by yourself. I don't know why but I feel a strong attatchment to you. I care about you and refuse to leave you alone!" He sighed and looked down. He knew deep down the contract would solve all of her problems. Though he didn't want to leave her such a responsibility of thinking of such an important goal to bind the contract by and personally had no desire to eventually take her soul.

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