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Fandom Black Butler: Blood,Roses,and War (characters/sign up)


Four Thousand Club
main rp:






full name:
canon or oc?:

availble canon characters:
(btw note ciel,lizzy,and alois will be teenagers 16-17 in the rp)
< I will rp most canon characters until someone claims them
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive <claimed
Finnian <claimed

Soma Asman Kadar
Elizabeth Midford < claimed
cluade fuastus
alois trancy
Grell Sutcliff <taken
William T. Spears
Ronald Knox

exc....(any i dont mention just ask)
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full name: nemo von-cipher
nicknames: mo-mo, neko, kitty, bad luck,exc..
gender: male
species: hell cat-incubus hybrid
age: unknown
canon or oc?: oc
likes: clothing,uniforms, dresses, fish, sweets, ,music, the arts, feeding on men,the colors red,pink,purple,and black, certain people,being petted,and compliments.
dislikes: dogs to the upmost, bitter or flavorless food, cat nip, being annoyed, being ignored,not getting to feed,high pitches, and having things ruined.
weapons: his claws and fangs, sewing needles,a pair of scissors, and threads.
history: not much is known about nemo's past for most of it remains a mystery and that he has some strange ties.
it wasn't long before he was taken in by the phantomhive manor brought back when sebastian found him as a dirty injured stray and cleaned him up. turned out there was more to this stray cat than what meets the eye. he recollects no memory of where is is from or whom he belonged to despite the mark on him. he is often treated as a pet of sorts but he also worked helping out around the manor and such. being the type of hybrid he was of course though made others act strange around or do weird things sometimes to poor nemo.

demonic cat form:
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Full name:

Clarice Rose Avangeline


Clara, Rose, Clar, Midnight Runner, Silent Death, The Stalker





576 Years Old

Canon or Oc?

+Assassinating those who need it
+Delicious food
+Carrying out most Orders
+Being stealthy


-Being snuck up on
-Looking weak
-Being Stalked
-Unexpecting guests
-Burned food
-Showing weakness
-1 vs group fights, but does them anyway.


Throwing Stars (Shurikens)
Throwing Daggers


During her human years, she had been a trained assassin, trained to kill those who needed it. Though, sometimes she did get bloodthirsty and would kill those targets for fun, with torture or anything else she had been trained to do. Clar had no remourse and do what she had to, or what she felt like doing when she knew how to be sneaky and kill without being tracked. She was killed with a gunshot to the gut, where she eventually bled out and died. Only to become a demon and now usually ventures out on her own, or until she finds someone she can make a contract with. She's sought out the Phantomhive Manor and had known Sebastian had been stationed there to the young boy who survived the tragic event. Though she continues her assassinations and no one can even seem to figure out who it is and why the person had been attacked. Being in a family of assassins, it's hard to forget, and thus, keeps on the legacy of killing.

The assassin keeps her eyes on Sebastian, just watching every move he makes and knows damn well that he knows she's around every so often. Though, she isnt there to kill the meal that she seeks and he craves.


Has a weakness to anything of baby nature. A human baby, animal baby, pup, kitten, etc. Similar to Sebastian, except her's is all babies. Baby animals/humans

(I do plan on making another character too some other time. Also, Im posting this so you see the basics. im still working on this)​
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View attachment 283449

Full name:

Clarice Rose Avangeline


Clara, Rose, Clar, Midnight Runner, Silent Death, The Stalker





576 Years Old

Canon or Oc?

+Assassinating those who need it
+Delicious food
+Carrying out most Orders
+Being stealthy


-Being snuck up on
-Looking weak
-Being Stalked
-Unexpecting guests
-Burned food
-Showing weakness
-1 vs group fights, but does them anyway.


Throwing Stars (Shurikens)
Throwing Daggers


During her human years, she had been a trained assassin, trained to kill those who needed it. Though, sometimes she did get bloodthirsty and would kill those targets for fun, with torture or anything else she had been trained to do. Clar had no remourse and do what she had to, or what she felt like doing when she knew how to be sneaky and kill without being tracked. She was killed with a gunshot to the gut, where she eventually bled out and died. Only to become a demon and now usually ventures out on her own, or until she finds someone she can make a contract with. She's sought out the Phantomhive Manor and had known Sebastian had been stationed there to the young boy who survived the tragic event. Though she continues her assassinations and no one can even seem to figure out who it is and why the person had been attacked. Being in a family of assassins, it's hard to forget, and thus, keeps on the legacy of killing.

The assassin keeps her eyes on Sebastian, just watching every move he makes and knows damn well that he knows she's around every so often. Though, she isnt there to kill the meal that she seeks and he craves.


Has a weakness to anything of baby nature. A human baby, animal baby, pup, kitten, etc. Similar to Sebastian, except her's is all babies. Baby animals/humans

(I do plan on making another character too some other time. Also, Im posting this so you see the basics. im still working on this)​
accepted :)

full name: Angela Meyers
nicknames: Angela
gender: True self has no gender, but her vessel is female
species: Angel
age: Thousands of years old, but much younger than most of her kind
canon or OC
likes: Enjoying the earthly beauty that is nature and the sky, the arts, and helping humans in her own, pacifist way
dislikes: What her siblings have done in the past to the Earth's creatures, bad things like murder and theft and whatnot, pollution
weapons: Doesn't ever use it, but she has the ability to break things with her true angel voice and the ability to attack with her feathers
history: Up in Heaven, she saw what her siblings had done to London and how terrible it was, and instantly wanted to help and stop the horrid flames that took many of the Earthly creatures' lives. But, God did not agree with her plans to help the humans, and with her history of trying to go against her Lord and Father in the past when similar things happened, she left Heaven and became a fallen angel. This, however, made her lose her ability to go back to heaven, which she didn't mind one bit. She now lives in London and acts as a normal human; helping the people of the large city as much as she could with the little jobs and pay she had.
* Is finding a better place to live, and a better job as to help both herself and others more, which has led her to going to the Phantomhive manor after talking to a very kind boy named Finnian who works at the manor
*Here's her dress, since the picture above doesn't have an outfit appropriate to the time-
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full name: Angela Meyers
nicknames: Angela
gender: True self has no gender, but her vessel is female
species: Angel
age: Thousands of years old, but much younger than most of her kind
canon or OC
likes: Enjoying the earthly beauty that is nature and the sky, the arts, and helping humans in her own, pacifist way
dislikes: What her siblings have done in the past to the Earth's creatures, bad things like murder and theft and whatnot, pollution
weapons: Doesn't ever use it, but she has the ability to break things with her true angel voice and the ability to attack with her feathers
history: Up in Heaven, she saw what her siblings had done to London and how terrible it was, and instantly wanted to help and stop the horrid flames that took many of the Earthly creatures' lives. But, God did not agree with her plans to help the humans, and with her history of trying to go against her Lord and Father in the past when similar things happened, she left Heaven and became a fallen angel. This, however, made her lose her ability to go back to heaven, which she didn't mind one bit. She now lives in London and acts as a normal human; helping the people of the large city as much as she could with the little jobs and pay she had.
* Is finding a better place to live, and a better job as to help both herself and others more
*Here's her dress, since the picture above doesn't have an outfit appropriate to the time-

Hope you don't mind her not being into fighting much. If you don't think that she'll fit into the RP, let me know and I'll change her to better fit the RP :)
N Nonexisting

full name: Angela Meyers
nicknames: Angela
gender: True self has no gender, but her vessel is female
species: Angel
age: Thousands of years old, but much younger than most of her kind
canon or OC
likes: Enjoying the earthly beauty that is nature and the sky, the arts, and helping humans in her own, pacifist way
dislikes: What her siblings have done in the past to the Earth's creatures, bad things like murder and theft and whatnot, pollution
weapons: Doesn't ever use it, but she has the ability to break things with her true angel voice and the ability to attack with her feathers
history: Up in Heaven, she saw what her siblings had done to London and how terrible it was, and instantly wanted to help and stop the horrid flames that took many of the Earthly creatures' lives. But, God did not agree with her plans to help the humans, and with her history of trying to go against her Lord and Father in the past when similar things happened, she left Heaven and became a fallen angel. This, however, made her lose her ability to go back to heaven, which she didn't mind one bit. She now lives in London and acts as a normal human; helping the people of the large city as much as she could with the little jobs and pay she had.
* Is finding a better place to live, and a better job as to help both herself and others more
*Here's her dress, since the picture above doesn't have an outfit appropriate to the time-
just saying this she might have some issues staying safe unless she gets some connections. other than that accepted.
just saying this she might have some issues staying safe unless she gets some connections. other than that accepted.

Yeah, I was gonna have her connect with some of the characters as soon as people take those characters :) unless I can have her be connected with Ciel and/or other characters now?
Yeah, I was gonna have her connect with some of the characters as soon as people take those characters :) unless I can have her be connected with Ciel and/or other characters now?
well my character is connected to the phamtomhive manor as a servant/pet since it made since that sebastian would take him in...


Violetta Kaylock Orlov


Miss. Orlov







*《 Canon or OC?》*



• Blood orange Popsicle
• Cakes or just sweets in general
• Solitude
• Flowers, specifically the red rose with yellow stamens
• Winning
• Candy Red
• Being busy
• Surprising people
• Fire
• Challenges


∅ Her orders not being followed
∅ The fact that her relatives will just pop up
∅ Being ignored
∅ People who talk too much
∅ Disorder
∅ Falling asleep
∅ Being interrupted
∅ Being in debt to others
∅ Being underestimated

*« Clothes »*


*《 Weapons》*

Her father, without her mothers knowledge, taught her quite a bit about guns and how to hunt with them. She has a flintlock muzzeloader, and multiple other guns that her father used to hunt with.


Violetta Kaylock Orlov was born happily between the married lovers Oliver and Pauline, two high ranking pure blooded nobles in the Queen court who successfully established a fashion empire. The name of this empire was Orlov Apparel known famously for it's bold and beautiful colors and designs to the public it was genius but to the already made companies it was trouble. When Violetta was born however the business was at it's peak, it had been expanding across the European market Pauline felt blessed that she had such a beautiful girl to give the inheritance to.

As Violetta grew she was never one to socialize, it was as if she couldn't social at all there was no anxiety or something like that it was simply that she wished not to meet others but that would not do. As the future head of such a beloved business she had to have social skills be kind and outgoing but still still and shy like a lady. At the age of four she was taken to a study basically forced to learn to socialize and that took lots of time till one doctor told her a "secret" that all she had to do was lie to her guest, make them believe that she was another being of playfulness. That stuck with her the idea of manipulating and lying to others for her own benefit, no the benefit of her future company made her small lips happily form a smile to strangers. Her parents we're thrilled at the improvement and at the age of six she was acting as a proper child would, smiling and giggling at her friends and wishing them farewell at their departing moments.

When Violetta turned ten she was to have a, as her mother called it a "Mingling Party" where she would meet her competition and her companions, she was to be on her best behavior the whole day as well, a lady makes great impressions after all. As the guest piled in the party was a mingling fest, her father Oliver smiled at his little girl kissing the tip of her head before walking out to mingle as well. Violetta stayed with her mother who sat in front of her mirror carefully applying lipstick to herself, glancing back slightly Pauline brought Violetta to her lap so she could look in the mirror as well. " You're beautiful darling" her mother cooed into her ear Violetta smiled and looked up at her mother before asking a simple question. " How do you know if you're beautiful?" Pauline smiled at her daughter's works reaching for some red lipstick and rubbing it on her daughter's lips. " The mirror my baby never lies, whatever you see is real and you know what I see? A beautiful young lady"

Both Pauline and Violetta stared at themselves in the mirror for a moment simply staring at themselves. Slowly Pauline leaned toward the mirror kissing herself for a few seconds before she leaned away and fixed her make up, Violetta looked at herself and the lipstick mark her mother left in the mirror. Taking a moment Violetta leaned forward and kissed the mirror as well leaning away and staring at the mark she left. With a smile Pauline wiped the marks of the mirror and fixed her daughters make up quickly before taking Violetta's hand and walking out of the room to the party.

The night went slowly with lots of firm handshakes and cute gowns, Violetta was called more than once a beautiful doll and she loved that, when she walked past a shining object she fought the urge to kiss herself again. When the party was about to end her mother and father introduced her to their top competition his name was Mr. Lichè his green eyes looked greedy and Violetta found him not handsome at all, he shouldn't kiss himself. However he was a gentlemen smiling at Violetta he pulled out a false rose, a false rose being one made of what looked like hand sculpted wood Violetta smiled happily at him like she'd learned so many times to do, saying thank you. As the party came to an end and everyone left Violetta was put to bed by her servants, she fell asleep quickly.

The sound of a clicking door woke Violetta up she'd gotten somehow tied to a chair in front of a mirror, her eyes scanned the room and tears started to run down her face before her parents were dragged in handcuffed and tied back to back. The people behind them wore all black a simple symbol of a leaf to be seen on them but they weren't slow to move to where the patch could not be seen, Violetta screamed to her parents who panicking as well. One of the intruders came towards Violetta and wrapped a cloth around her eyes so she couldn't see then they placed another cloth on her mouth and slowly she feel back asleep.

Later Violetta woke up, her eyes puffy from crying but as she opened them the cloth was gone and she could see, the sight before her made her wish she was blind. From the sight of the mirror Violetta could see her parents hanging from the chandelier swinging slightly together, the sight caused Violetta to scream before the smell of smoke appeared. Fire, there was a fire downstairs Violetta cried loudly for some house servants to hear for someone to hear her her bright eyes scanned the room and as she looked in the mirror she saw a message she didn't see before it was written in lipstick. " The mirror never lies, it's real" the handwriting was ladylike and quick the message reminded her of her mother. Still crying Violetta heard a pounding noise and soon the bedroom door was cracked open the firemen had arrived and Violetta just stared in the mirror.

It's been three years since the accident, Aunt Sophia had suggested multiple times that she live with her till she was older but Violetta refused this business was her's as well as the estate. She wasn't homeless far from it she was extremely well off being a countess, she could take care of herself she'd have to weeks after the fire she'd gotten rid of all of the servants. Now she was truly alone, the estate had never been so quiet and as she focused on her work it drove her insane, mirrors and shining objects allowed her to keep her composer.

Another day passed of edged silence and she couldn't take it not to mention she was terrible at making her own meals, suicide passed through her mind daily but her job kept her busy, she didn't have time to kill herself. As she rested in her library one day Violetta looked at a book she'd never seen before it was titled Witch Craft and Devil tools being she'd never seen it it caught her eye. Reading through it the book mentioned the art of demonic summoning, saying that for the price of one's soul a demon would become a sort of companion and servant. The most popular was a butler and that seemed alright to her but to have such a being at your beck and call you must have a wish Violetta knew what she wanted instantly. It was something the idiots at the police station and Scotland yard were incapable of, revenge , she wanted to see the ones who did this to her begging for mercy till their voices were raw from screaming like hers was. If the demon could do that along with serving her side till the end they could have have her soul.

" I'll gladly sell my soul to the devil if I can hold the culprits heart in my hand and wear their crimson blood as lipstick on my deathbed."
*View attachment 283586


Violetta Kaylock Orlov


Miss. Orlov







*《 Canon or OC?》*



• Blood orange Popsicle
• Cakes or just sweets in general
• Solitude
• Flowers, specifically the red rose with yellow stamens
• Winning
• Candy Red
• Being busy
• Surprising people
• Fire
• Challenges


∅ Her orders not being followed
∅ The fact that her relatives will just pop up
∅ Being ignored
∅ People who talk too much
∅ Disorder
∅ Falling asleep
∅ Being interrupted
∅ Being in debt to others
∅ Being underestimated

*« Clothes »*

View attachment 283588

*《 Weapons》*

Her father, without her mothers knowledge, taught her quite a bit about guns and how to hunt with them. She has a flintlock muzzeloader, and multiple other guns that her father used to hunt with.


Violetta Kaylock Orlov was born happily between the married lovers Oliver and Pauline, two high ranking pure blooded nobles in the Queen court who successfully established a fashion empire. The name of this empire was Orlov Apparel known famously for it's bold and beautiful colors and designs to the public it was genius but to the already made companies it was trouble. When Violetta was born however the business was at it's peak, it had been expanding across the European market Pauline felt blessed that she had such a beautiful girl to give the inheritance to.

As Violetta grew she was never one to socialize, it was as if she couldn't social at all there was no anxiety or something like that it was simply that she wished not to meet others but that would not do. As the future head of such a beloved business she had to have social skills be kind and outgoing but still still and shy like a lady. At the age of four she was taken to a study basically forced to learn to socialize and that took lots of time till one doctor told her a "secret" that all she had to do was lie to her guest, make them believe that she was another being of playfulness. That stuck with her the idea of manipulating and lying to others for her own benefit, no the benefit of her future company made her small lips happily form a smile to strangers. Her parents we're thrilled at the improvement and at the age of six she was acting as a proper child would, smiling and giggling at her friends and wishing them farewell at their departing moments.

When Violetta turned ten she was to have a, as her mother called it a "Mingling Party" where she would meet her competition and her companions, she was to be on her best behavior the whole day as well, a lady makes great impressions after all. As the guest piled in the party was a mingling fest, her father Oliver smiled at his little girl kissing the tip of her head before walking out to mingle as well. Violetta stayed with her mother who sat in front of her mirror carefully applying lipstick to herself, glancing back slightly Pauline brought Violetta to her lap so she could look in the mirror as well. " You're beautiful darling" her mother cooed into her ear Violetta smiled and looked up at her mother before asking a simple question. " How do you know if you're beautiful?" Pauline smiled at her daughter's works reaching for some red lipstick and rubbing it on her daughter's lips. " The mirror my baby never lies, whatever you see is real and you know what I see? A beautiful young lady"

Both Pauline and Violetta stared at themselves in the mirror for a moment simply staring at themselves. Slowly Pauline leaned toward the mirror kissing herself for a few seconds before she leaned away and fixed her make up, Violetta looked at herself and the lipstick mark her mother left in the mirror. Taking a moment Violetta leaned forward and kissed the mirror as well leaning away and staring at the mark she left. With a smile Pauline wiped the marks of the mirror and fixed her daughters make up quickly before taking Violetta's hand and walking out of the room to the party.

The night went slowly with lots of firm handshakes and cute gowns, Violetta was called more than once a beautiful doll and she loved that, when she walked past a shining object she fought the urge to kiss herself again. When the party was about to end her mother and father introduced her to their top competition his name was Mr. Lichè his green eyes looked greedy and Violetta found him not handsome at all, he shouldn't kiss himself. However he was a gentlemen smiling at Violetta he pulled out a false rose, a false rose being one made of what looked like hand sculpted wood Violetta smiled happily at him like she'd learned so many times to do, saying thank you. As the party came to an end and everyone left Violetta was put to bed by her servants, she fell asleep quickly.

The sound of a clicking door woke Violetta up she'd gotten somehow tied to a chair in front of a mirror, her eyes scanned the room and tears started to run down her face before her parents were dragged in handcuffed and tied back to back. The people behind them wore all black a simple symbol of a leaf to be seen on them but they weren't slow to move to where the patch could not be seen, Violetta screamed to her parents who panicking as well. One of the intruders came towards Violetta and wrapped a cloth around her eyes so she couldn't see then they placed another cloth on her mouth and slowly she feel back asleep.

Later Violetta woke up, her eyes puffy from crying but as she opened them the cloth was gone and she could see, the sight before her made her wish she was blind. From the sight of the mirror Violetta could see her parents hanging from the chandelier swinging slightly together, the sight caused Violetta to scream before the smell of smoke appeared. Fire, there was a fire downstairs Violetta cried loudly for some house servants to hear for someone to hear her her bright eyes scanned the room and as she looked in the mirror she saw a message she didn't see before it was written in lipstick. " The mirror never lies, it's real" the handwriting was ladylike and quick the message reminded her of her mother. Still crying Violetta heard a pounding noise and soon the bedroom door was cracked open the firemen had arrived and Violetta just stared in the mirror.

It's been three years since the accident, Aunt Sophia had suggested multiple times that she live with her till she was older but Violetta refused this business was her's as well as the estate. She wasn't homeless far from it she was extremely well off being a countess, she could take care of herself she'd have to weeks after the fire she'd gotten rid of all of the servants. Now she was truly alone, the estate had never been so quiet and as she focused on her work it drove her insane, mirrors and shining objects allowed her to keep her composer.

Another day passed of edged silence and she couldn't take it not to mention she was terrible at making her own meals, suicide passed through her mind daily but her job kept her busy, she didn't have time to kill herself. As she rested in her library one day Violetta looked at a book she'd never seen before it was titled Witch Craft and Devil tools being she'd never seen it it caught her eye. Reading through it the book mentioned the art of demonic summoning, saying that for the price of one's soul a demon would become a sort of companion and servant. The most popular was a butler and that seemed alright to her but to have such a being at your beck and call you must have a wish Violetta knew what she wanted instantly. It was something the idiots at the police station and Scotland yard were incapable of, revenge , she wanted to see the ones who did this to her begging for mercy till their voices were raw from screaming like hers was. If the demon could do that along with serving her side till the end they could have have her soul.

" I'll gladly sell my soul to the devil if I can hold the culprits heart in my hand and wear their crimson blood as lipstick on my deathbed."

ok accepted :3 very nicely done btw

Full name:
Lucilla Rose Grimm

Lucy, Rosey, Little Rose




Canon or oc?:

-The rain, particularly the scent of it
-The colors blue and purple

-People who don't take responsiblities for their actions
-Waking up earlier than needed
-Feeling useless
-Fraudulent things or people
-Being taken advantage of
-Being judged solely on looks

She typically uses a bow with a set of arrows as well as a gun originally kept by her father and a knife she keeps with her at all times. A lady has to protect herself after all.

Lucilla is the only child of Frederic Heath Grimm and Alice Monet Grimm, two of London's most successful archers. Her parents are well know for their archery skills and their successful line of archery shops. Lucilla was only 6 when she learned how to shoot her first bow. Her parents couldn't have been more proud.

Lucilla was a mostly quiet child. While she was blessed with the Grimm archery skill, she prefered to spend her time reading and playing her favorite instrument: a harp. Her parents didn't seem to mind. Her room was full of books after all. And she helped out with the family business, teaching others who signed up for lessons that were around her age how to shoot. Although she didn't have many friends, she was content.

A few months after her 14th birthday, Lucilla started to feel like she was being watched and followed. She swore she saw someone watching her from the shadows while she was giving one of her regular students a lesson. Of course she told her parents this but they dismissed this quickly. Perhaps she hadn't seen anything. Maybe she needed to take a break from giving lessons. She reluctantly agreed with them.

One night, she woke up to the sound of shouting. It seemed like her parents were shouting at something. She couldn't exactly tell what they were fighting about. Something was definitely off. Her parents never argued. Suddenly, she couldn't hear her father's voice, only footsteps approaching her room. Her door opened, revealing her mother. "M-Mother? What is going on? Where is Father?" "Lucilla, listen to me. You need to get out of here, quickly alright?" "But why?" "Just please listen to me. No questions. Get whatever you need. Go out the window. You're not that high up so you'll be fine." "But..." "Just hurry before they get here." She reluctantly listened to her mother, grabbing important items before going to the window. "Mother..." "Go, Lucilla. And remember that your father and I love you no matter what." "I love you too, mother." She jumped out the window, landing in the garden her family planted outside her room. Soon, she heard more shouting. But she didn't stick around to listen. The moment she looked back, all she saw was a flash.

She doesn't remember much after that, only being found by Scotland Yard a day later. Her Aunt Marylyn explained the situation to her. Her parents and a few servants were found murdered in the house. No one knew what happened. But Aunt Marylyn promised they would get answers. She even offered to let Lucilla stay with her. But Lucilla declined. She had a business to take over and new servants to hire.

2 years passed with no answers or justice. Lucilla was getting desperate. She would do anything to get answers. And according to a few associates, Ciel Phantomhive might just be the one to provide it. The Grimm family had ties with the Phantomhives once upon a time. Perhaps now was the time to renew those ties.


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Full name:
Lucilla Rose Grimm

Lucy, Rosey, Little Rose




Canon or oc?:

-The rain, particulary the scent of it
-The colors blue and purple

-People who don't take responsiblities for their actions
-Waking up earlier than needed
-Feeling useless
-Fraudulent things or people
-Being taken advantage of
-Being judged solely on looks

She carries a bow with a set of arrows as well as a gun originally kept by her father and a knife she keeps with her at all times. A lady has to protect herself after all.

Lucilla is the only child of Frederic Heath Grimm and Alice Monet Grimm, two of London's most successful archers. Her parents are well know for their archery skills and their successful line of archery shops. Lucilla was only 6 when she learned how to shoot her first bow. Her parents couldn't have been more proud.

Lucilla was a mostly quiet child. While she was blessed with the Grimm archery skill, she prefered to spend her time reading and playing her favorite instrument: a harp. Her parents didn't seem to mind. Her room was full of books after all. And she helped out with the family business, teaching others who signed up for lessons that were around her age how to shoot. Although she didn't have many friends, she was content.


Sorry it's not done yet! And sorry it's kinda late! I wanted to get it partially finished before I fell asleep. I'll finish it as soon as I can.
ok just message me when it's done

Full name:
Lucilla Rose Grimm

Lucy, Rosey, Little Rose




Canon or oc?:

-The rain, particularly the scent of it
-The colors blue and purple

-People who don't take responsiblities for their actions
-Waking up earlier than needed
-Feeling useless
-Fraudulent things or people
-Being taken advantage of
-Being judged solely on looks

She typically uses a bow with a set of arrows as well as a gun originally kept by her father and a knife she keeps with her at all times. A lady has to protect herself after all.

Lucilla is the only child of Frederic Heath Grimm and Alice Monet Grimm, two of London's most successful archers. Her parents are well know for their archery skills and their successful line of archery shops. Lucilla was only 6 when she learned how to shoot her first bow. Her parents couldn't have been more proud.

Lucilla was a mostly quiet child. While she was blessed with the Grimm archery skill, she prefered to spend her time reading and playing her favorite instrument: a harp. Her parents didn't seem to mind. Her room was full of books after all. And she helped out with the family business, teaching others who signed up for lessons that were around her age how to shoot. Although she didn't have many friends, she was content.

A few months after her 14th birthday, Lucilla started to feel like she was being watched and followed. She swore she saw someone watching her from the shadows while she was giving one of her regular students a lesson. Of course she told her parents this but they dismissed this quickly. Perhaps she hadn't seen anything. Maybe she needed to take a break from giving lessons. She reluctantly agreed with them.

One night, she woke up to the sound of shouting. It seemed like her parents were shouting at something. She couldn't exactly tell what they were fighting about. Something was definitely off. Her parents never argued. Suddenly, she couldn't hear her father's voice, only footsteps approaching her room. Her door opened, revealing her mother. "M-Mother? What is going on? Where is Father?" "Lucilla, listen to me. You need to get out of here, quickly alright?" "But why?" "Just please listen to me. No questions. Get whatever you need. Go out the window. You're not that high up so you'll be fine." "But..." "Just hurry before they get here." She reluctantly listened to her mother, grabbing important items before going to the window. "Mother..." "Go, Lucilla. And remember that your father and I love you no matter what." "I love you too, mother." She jumped out the window, landing in the garden her family planted outside her room. Soon, she heard more shouting. But she didn't stick around to listen. The moment she looked back, all she saw was a flash.

She doesn't remember much after that, only being found by Scotland Yard a day later. Her Aunt Marylyn explained the situation to her. Her parents and a few servants were found murdered in the house. No one knew what happened. But Aunt Marylyn promised they would get answers. She even offered to let Lucilla stay with her. But Lucilla declined. She had a business to take over and new servants to hire.

2 years passed with no answers or justice. Lucilla was getting desperate. She would do anything to get answers. And according to a few associates, Ciel Phantomhive might just be the one to provide it. The Grimm family had ties with the Phantomhives once upon a time. Perhaps now was the time to renew those ties.




full name: Elizabeth Milford

nicknames: Lizzie

gender: Female

species: Human

age: 17

canon or oc?: Canon

likes: Cute things, balls, dancing, dresses, looking good for Ciel, feeling helpful, being with Ciel

dislikes: Showing off her "not cute" side, which includes her part of sports and sword fighting that her parents taught her, Ciel yelling at her, her not being able to plan balls and other parties

weapons: Rarely ever uses her swords

history: Born into nobility, she is the betrothed of Ciel Phantomhive and the next Lady Phantomhive to come into play. Was raised as a pretty spoiled child, but secretly learned how to fight and hunt from her parents. But, with Ciel, even back then, she wore her cutest outfits and did everything to look as adorable as she could; trying to get away from her tough and weapon-filled life. Today, she lives a quaint life with her maid Paula, always on the alert in case Ciel ever needed protecting, as she told herself that, when Ciel came back after his disappearance, she'd protect him from anything and everything, as to become a deserving wife.

other: Is a little bit taller than Ciel. Loves bunnies, ribbons, and shortcake with strawberries and cherries. Is scared of ghosts and anyone hurting Ciel.
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full name: Elizabeth Milford

nicknames: Lizzie

gender: Female

species: Human

age: 14

canon or oc?: Canon

likes: Cute things, balls, dancing, dresses, looking good for Ciel, feeling helpful, being with Ciel

dislikes: Showing off her "not cute" side, which includes her part of sports and sword fighting that her parents taught her, Ciel yelling at her, her not being able to plan balls and other parties

weapons: Rarely ever uses her swords

history: Born into nobility, she is the betrothed of Ciel Phantomhive and the next Lady Phantomhive to come into play. Was raised as a pretty spoiled child, but secretly learned how to fight and hunt from her parents. But, with Ciel, even back then, she wore her cutest outfits and did everything to look as adorable as she could; trying to get away from her tough and weapon-filled life. Today, she lives a quaint life with her maid Paula, always on the alert in case Ciel ever needed protecting, as she told herself that, when Ciel came back after his disappearance, she'd protect him from anything and everything, as to become a deserving wife.

other: Is a little bit taller than Ciel. Loves bunnies, ribbons, and shortcake with strawberries and cherries. Is scared of ghosts and anyone hurting Ciel.

Sorry about the short character descriptions :P I'm terrible at these, but I'm much better at writing replies in the role play, so don't worry :)

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