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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

Bruno ran after Cally and pulled the guy out of harms way. They were about to sprint off when Bruno was suddenly grabbed by her head and pulled back. She managed to get out of the grasp, but her hat didn't. Bruno snarled and felt a forest fire in her eyes. "Give it back!" She shouted and swung her bar at the creature. She beat it's scull over and over again until the metal bar went through its head. "New plan!" She shouted at Cally as she pulled her hat out of the giant hand. "Retreat! Retreat! Hide!"
Elene scavenged for supplies from within an abandoned home, careful to keep a careful lookout for Compromised and wild animals. Her right hand remained firmly placed on the throwing knife in the pocket of the oversized black coat tied around her waist—it had a number of pockets and was more easily accessible than her backpack. If she had to fight, she wouldn't be able to use her gun, since it would just attract more enemies. Luckily, though, no threats appeared as she scanned the pantry for food, and with a satisfied smirk, she pulled out two cans of peaches and one of tomato soup. As quietly as possible, she opened and ate one can of the canned peaches before putting the other two in her backpack.

She darted outside the house quickly, scanning the streets for danger and spotting a wildcat, but she was able to dispatch it with a surprisingly accurate throw of the knife she'd been holding. Glancing around nervously and not spotting any other threats, she reclaimed her knife and continued running silently, hoping to escape the city, which she knew was quite dangerous.
Suddenly Ruka heard another voice, she took the pocket knife out and placed it on the ground next to her "Over here!" she responded hoping that he could follow her voice. She knew that he wouldn't be a threat. so she did not hesitate to speak up. Her voice was still very unfamiliar, to her. She hadn't spoken in a long time, and her voice had changed since then. I'm sure I'll get used to speaking again soon. she told herself
Hit, Hit, Hit! The compromised didn't stop, Timmy's face held five large cuts, deep enough to have to stitch, his breath was shallow and barley catching. It wasn't until Timmy heard gunshots that the creature left timmys chest, running towards its new targets. Rolling from his back and onto his knees, Timmy quickly stood, two women to be his saver. One was grabbed, but managed to leave the creatures grasp. but losing her hat. The women screamed, swung her bar and repeatedly beat the creatures skull till it went through.

"Lady's! Inside, we must get the building!"

Timmy's hand turned the unlocked gate, and shoved it inwards.

"We have to go!"

And with those words, Timmy ran, his feet charring him to the large building.
Cally had several cuts, but they weren't bothering her. Instead, her mind was on Bruno, who was frantically trying to keep up. Eventually, the small group reached the House again, but they were all sleep deprived, hungry, and tired. Opening the gate, Cally's head was pulsing. Grabbing the man's hand, as well as Bruno's she made an effort to get into the Atrium. "Help- somebody.. help.." She weakly shouted, to whoever would listen. Finally, using the last bit of her energy, she made it to her medical supplies, taking out the rubbing alcohol, needle and stitching equipment. "You.. poor thing.." Cally managed to gasp out, taking his face in her hand. "Do you want something to bite down on before I start cleaning them? The cuts will need stitches, and I have no numbing agent."
Michael heard the nearby screams and commotion, only to hear another voice call out to him as he replied, "H-Hello? My name's, uh, Michael." He began to follow where the voice's source was, assuming it was obviously not a Compromised, and a raider or serial killer wouldn't just give away his or her position like that.
"Are you okay?" Bruno asked slightly out of breath after all the running. "Cally, is he going to be okay? What if he's infected? He looks a little pale? Michael, right? Mike how many fingers am I holding up?" She stuck three fingers in his face. "Don't die!" To say that Bruno was having a minor heart attack would be correct.
Bruno was clearly worrying too much about the man. "He will be all right, once I stitch him up, feed him, and get him to sleep," Cally said, taking her hair out of the half-ruined bun, and letting it loose to her hips. "Bruno, are you okay? Any injuries, anything to be worried about?" She asked, looking back down at the man that sat near her, and smiled warmly.
After a short while, Elene came across a large building that seemed to have been a boarding school or something of the sort in the past. Wondering if there was anyone inside, she entered, keeping a hand on the knife, and spotted a group of people; they obviously weren't Compromised, and it seemed like the two females were trying to help a slightly older male. There was also a teenaged girl and a small boy in the room. "Hi? I'm Elene," she said quietly, hoping they weren't going to attack her.

[OOC: She's talking to Bruno, Cally, Ruka, and Noctis :) ]
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Ruka saw Cally was back, this time with two victims. Her eye grew wider and she looked at them with her jaw slightly dropped. "what on earth happened out there?" Her voice was shook as she jumped up to make room for the newcomers
Noctis felt a bit awkward "I..uh like your eyes, so I decided to draw them." Noctis said to Ruka, blushing a bit. Fuck, I am making the conversation more awkward. He thought to himself.
"Just my head a little, but nothing to worry about." Bruno smiled a little and sat down. "I'm more worried about my hat." She mumbled and took the hat from her head, trying to get it back in its original shape and dusting it off.
Cally shifted her warm gaze from the man, to the woman who now approached her. Too tired to put up a fight, she drowsily said, "Hey, can you give me a hand here? I need ice-cold, or close to that, water, and a sterile rag. Try your best to find it, ok?" Cally said, rubbing her eyes to make sure she was awake. When she looked down, she saw that her scarlet locks were on top of the man's face. "Oh goodness, I'm sorry." Ruka entered the scene, and Cally sat up, looking over to her. "Vicious Compromised attack, and we have injuries. Can you help? Check Bruno to see if she's alright, please." Cally turned back toward Timmy, and stroked his face to calm him down. "Now, it's going to hurt like hell, but I promise I'll be gentle and quick."
Once back in the warmth of the atrium, Indigo turned down some soup. Instead, she laid out her armour and weapons neatly beside her and laid her head against the wall. She took out her sketch book - flicking through it aimlessly. When she came to a picture of a boy, however, she felt herself choke up. She felt hot salty tears fall from her eyes, dropping the book. Around her people, asked if she was ok, but Indigo hated attention. Instead she fled from the hall into the night air, grabbing her knives just in case.

Isis stood up from her perch on the second floor of a rundown building. She had seen a flare shoot off from a nearby building a few hours ago and had been having a war within her mind about what to do about it ever since. Bandits... That's what they are. They're trying to lure in unsuspecting people in order to kill them and loot their corpses. She thought. But what if they're not? What if they're genuinely trying to do good? Like that would ever happen, people's soul's have been polluted just as much as the air. Her mind had continued to hold its back and forth debate while she had slowly watched people gather at the building. At first there hadn't been many, but as she had sat there many more had showed up.

She was currently watching a small group of people fighting off some infected and then retreating. She had seen the whole thing and had felt a twinge of guilt at not helping them before she brushed it off, saying to herself that they were all still liars in her book.

She took in a large breath and gagged at the taste that filled her mouth. The air was thick and smelled of something that she now associated with death. She grabbed her backpack and looked through the contents. She had a few books that had been in there when she had grabbed it while making her escape from her house, a couple of lollipops, an extra jacket, and some food she had scavenged on her way to this city. Making sure she had everything she would need for the night she jumped down a small hole in the floor to get to the ground level. She would need to find a safer place to sleep for the night. Her mind was once again drawn to the building that she knew had people in it, but her introverted side had won the war going on in her head and she had chosen to stay away from them. Isis did however realize the prospect of getting attack so she had decided to move closer to the people in case she needed them.

She started walking to a building she had seen pretty close to the group of survivors. She tried to stay hidden as she walked closer and closer. She walked by a small pool of blood and almost threw up at the sight of it. She then caught sight of her reflection and she sneered at herself. Disgusted that she would let herself get to that state of repulsion. She was obviously not in the worst of shape but comparing herself to how she used to look she was disgruntled. Her face was caked in mud, and her clothes were many different shades of brown, and a few greens from grass stains. She then pulled her hood over her head and walked into the building across the street from the one the survivors were staying in. She was pretty sure she had made it without being spotted, but she had been too caught up in her thoughts to know for sure.
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Cally placed a small log in Timmy's mouth, then picked up the stitching equipment. "I'm really sorry about the pain. There's nothing I can do." She winced, then cleaned the cuts on his face, and gently stitched two open wounds together. When everything was done, she handed Timmy a bowl of soup, set him up in her medic corner to sleep, and turned around to the door, to get more kindling for the fire. Instead, she almost ran into a tall woman, caked in dirt.. "Hello." Cally whispered, and made way for her to come in, too tired to put up a fight. She came back in 6 minutes later, arms filled to the brim with dried grass and branches. She fed the fire, then sat up, watching the world go by, feeling strangely awake now that she fed herself. She looks over at Timmy, and smiles, hoping to start up a conversation.
Ruka smiled at Noctis "Thats really sweet" she blushed lightly. How was this the same person that got into a fight with Cally over a can of food just an hour ago? as much as she liked talking to him, she had to help tend to the others. "I'll be back." She patted his head before walking towards the rest of the group and introducing herself. there were two men and now two girls she had not known the name of "I'm Ruka" she spoke softly and looked over to Cally as her throat tightened "is there anything I can do to help?"
Elene nodded at Cally's request and went to find some water and a sterile rag. It took a while, but she found the cold water in a nearby lake, and she found a package of wipes in the safe house, returning and handing the supplies to Cally. "Here you go," she murmured. She guessed that her chances of survival were much higher here, so she had to do something to help them as well, after all.

[i'm assuming Cally was talking to her?]
Without realising, Skye had let herself doze off inside the House. Propped against the wall, curled up with her head resting against it, she developed the sounds around her into her dreams. They were hardly dreams though, more nightmares. It was a common thing though, many survivors complained of nightmares and trauma. No, but her nightmare was accompanied by something else. Her head was hot, she trembled, her hands and feet were cold...She knew she was going to get sick, and not a soul was not familiar with what happened to sick people. Luckily, it seemed to be only a cold, but if she were not careful, it could become worse. Whimpering slightly, she curled up tighter.
Cally looked up at Elene and smiled, accepting the water and wipes. "Thank you so much! Do you want some soup? It may not be hot, but it's warm." She said, handing her a bowl. Setting the medical stuff away, she poured a few cups of cold water and laid them on the windowsill. She gently wet the wipes, and scooted a little closer to Timmy, cleaning dried blood off of his face and smiling. "You should be all done by now. Again, sorry for hitting you with my hair. It always gets everywhere." She smiled, then set the wipes away for another time. Feeling surprisingly rested, Cally went up for a walk, exploring the halls in pure darkness. Out of the blue, she heard a whimper. "Hello?" Cally said, hoping to find the source.
Her eyebrows twitched in response, but still, she didn't wake. She did groan though, much like she would when she was a kid, and she was sick. It was as if her nightmare would not let her go, she felt herself falling deeper..and deeper.. Before suddenly she woke up, panting harshly. She clenched her fist and held it to her chest, trying to calm down, but because she was becoming sick, she found it hard to.
Timmy's mind drifted, his body being guided by the strange women. '...That really hurt.....i never been that close to one before....How....How did i let it get so close?'

Timmy's mind didn't snap back till the small piece of wood was in his mouth, and the pain popped from his cuts as the women cleaned them, Timmy's raged teeth tore into the wood, almost snapping it in half.

"Mam, Have you had medical patrice?"

Timmy's question went unanswered, the women only beginning the stitching. The pain was bearable, Timmy's mind only drifted. Eventually Timmy was given a boul of soup, his mind still holding a gasps of him. After he finished Timmy had a bed made in the medical corner. Timmy's cuts still hurt, but he couldn't sleep, not with the thoughts and images. The women left, but came back a short six minutes later. The women fouled the fire, then quickly fell asleep next to it.
Bruno felt a headache coming up and rubbed her head, only to get more pain. Groaning, she got up and walked up to the others. "I'm going to sleep, I don't feel so well after all." She mumbled and wobbled her way up the stairs, when she was half way up she lost her balance and almost fell down the stairs if it hadn't been for the wall.
Cally turned the corner, and her eyes took in Skye, laying against the wall, making groaning noises. For a full minute, Cally fell into her dream. It was the night Tito died, when she was allowed to come into the ICU, to look at her dead brother. He was being pumped with all sorts of tubes, his skin a bright red and veins were visible, his tiny chest not moving at all.

Cally snapped back into reality, and took attention to Skye. "Skye, Skye?" she said, gently shaking her shoulders. Callassandra felt Skye's forehead, burning hot. "Oh, no." Cally said, picking Skye up, and running as fast as she could towards the corner where Timmy sat. "Timmy, move, please." Cally said, laying Skye down on the floor, wetting one of her rags with the ice cold water, placing it on her forehead. That was all she could do right now, unless she started showing symptoms to T-103. "Night, Bruno." Cally said.

Next, she sat next to Timmy, and nudged his shoulder. "To answer your question, yes. Before the outbreak I worked in a clinic as an Operator's Apprentice." She smiled. "And what do you do? What are you good at? Do you have any talents, special abilities?"
The rushing of the air as Cally ran with her was magnificent, it felt so good against her warm, pale skin. As the rag was placed on her forehead, she jumped slightly but soon relaxed as it began to help calm her fever. Her eyes were only open slightly, but it wouldn't have mattered, she was barely there. Sleeping in the shop for those days, plus the ache in her side from the attack the week previous, only made things worse. Although, the pain in her side was a rather dull one now, probably because the only thing she could focus on was the beating of her own heart echoing in her ears.

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