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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

"No, I'm good. We just need to get far enough," Frankie retorted when Elena asked to help with the bags.

Elena then pointed to a house not too far off in the distance. Frankie looked up to see the house. It had definitely looked safe and protected, but those places usually meant that other people called it home. He wasn't sure if that was the best plan considering their last run-in with other people. Frankie was weary of everything that could happen, even if they make it inside the house they wouldn't know the layout or how to defend themselves in the space. Unfortunately, Frankie was in no condition to argue as his wound was causing his nerves to fire off like the Fourth of July. Frankie grunted in agreement and they two of them made their way up to the house.

When the couple arrived to the front of the house, Frankie was too tired to try to sneak around and find some other opportune way in. He thought the best way was to be direct, he really didn't know any better. Frankie gripped the SR-25 tightly, ready for a fight if need be. With the heel of his boot, Frankie started knocking on the door.

"Hello, we're friendly! We just need a place to stay for a moment, we have stuff to trade," Frankie called out in hopes that he wouldn't have to use his gun.

Frankie decided it would be better to use the 9mm, so he shouldered the rifle across his broad shoulders. With his free hand he guided Elena to stand behind him. If it turned into the fight, he would die protecting her.

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