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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

"I uh.." She accessed her question, she wasn't sure how to answer... How was she? She was desperate, lonely, afraid, in pain and hungry. "I'm alright.." Smiling with her reply, she looked at Asher. God I need sleep. Sleep was one thing she couldn't get often anyway, most nights it was too cold, or too dangerous to keep your eyes closed for that length of time.
Jaden got up, and when he noticed the wound on Chana's arm, so he quickly started to clear it. He did not know many things about giving first aid, but he knew that a wound from a rusty piece of metal, can get really bad. After cleaning the wound, he got some bandages out from his bag, and wrapped Chana's arm around. Right after that, he went up to Takai and treated his head as well.

Fortunately enough the shop seemed to be untouched. It's windows were all good, and a small red light up in a corner meant that the alarm is still on. Jaden went to the back of the shop where its electricity box could be found, and disabled the alarms. When he was done, he went back to the door. He took off his shirt, and wrapped his elbow around with it so that he could break in without making too much noise, and without getting injured. After getting into the shop Jaden was happy. He felt himself in seventh heaven. He picked some canned foods, Some bottles of water. In addition, he found chocolates, so he put some in too. After deciding that they should come back before they leave, he decided to bring the water and the food to the others. And after doing so, he just sat into a corner, and put his headphones on. He was sitting there, with closed eyes, and he did what made him feel comfortable. Planned
Noctis ran as fast as he could and hid behind a wall. He could see the survivors right behind the wall, and used his grappling hook to get the small revolver that was lying on the ground. He checked it for ammo and placed it into his back pack. The small cat was still in his hands that he carried for almost 30 minutes, which made his arms feel really sore. It let out a soft meow and tried to mess with Noctis's hair with it's paws.

"Shhh! This is not a good time to be meowing kitty." He said and patted the cat's head. The cat started to meow even louder which angered Noctis. "Shut up please." Noctis said annoyingly at the cat and took another peek at the survivors.
Cally heard Skye's reply, the hint of hesitation in her voice. "Have you come from far? I have some soup, if you want. I'll take guard if you want some sleep." She smiled, trying to be as welcoming as possible. She took the can of chicken soup out of her satchel, and placed it on the ground. "Hey Ind, can you find me some kindling, specifically grass or leaves?" Turning back to Skye, she nodded towards her small area in the corner. "You can use the duvet I found to sleep on. It may be dusty, but it's comfortable, at least." Smiling, she stood up and walked back over to the center of the atrium, where she laid down a tarp from a closet and said to Skye, "I'm going to go out to look for some logs. It'll keep us warm and heat up the soup for you." Quickly, she went outside, and bent down, picking up some small logs. When her arms were full, she was about to go back in, when, she heard a small meow. Looking out to the streets, she saw a small boy, holding a cat in his arms.
This couldn't be real, surely. Skye was waiting for it to all come crashing down any moment, but for the time being, she didn't mind. Leaning against the wall and rubbing her arms, she felt the pain in her side again. She grit her teeth and sighed, standing straight, nothing was ever that easy. Despite this, she was still content with the house, and her surroundings became more real.
Indie took out some of the kindling she's found earlier, hastily stepping on the bug that had bitten Cally. She placed the kindling on the fire place, before turning back to Skye and Asher. "I need you two, to take this-" she handed her backpack to them, "Take out some of the food in there and water. Boil the water and heat up the food if you need to. If not, go to the pantry and put it in there. Asher, I need you to tell people about the pool, get them in here once they are fed and I will suit them up. Come back and I will give you some stuff each." She explained before nodding them off. "Someone mentioned beds upstairs, so check 'em out sometime." she added. Turning back to the pool, she picked out all the armour she could possibly reach and laid it aside. She did the rest with weapons and paired guns with ammo.
"I uh.." She hesitated, "I don't think he should go on his own, he..seems a little anxious still." She knew how he felt, she would give anything for a hug from her father right about now. "Maybe he should come with me, at least until his...sister comes back. He'd probably feel more comfortable." Looking at the fireplace also reminded her of home, sitting in front of the fireplace with her sister as they played. Heat, nice and warm, it was cosy, but it certainly wasn't that there.
I'll come back for you, she thought, turning around and walking back into the House, smiling at Skye and Asher as they move about. "Thanks, Indie. You can have some soup if you're hungry, once I'm done." Carefully, she placed the logs into the fire, wrapping the kindling expertly around the logs. Setting the can she had out on the ground, Cally took out some matches and lit them, then cast them into the alcove. Instantaneously, the fire lit up and the Atrium was filled with a cozy heat. Without getting the metal burnt, she nudged the can as far as she could into the fire. Standing up, she said to Indie, "I'm going to head to the pantry, and see if I can find any dishes. The soup should feed 3 or 4, with leftovers. Oh, and while I was out there, I saw a little boy holding a cat. Maybe you can offer some soup to him? He looks safe." She left off, trailing over to the pantry in darkness. Callassandra opened the cupboards, checking for a bowl or two, a eating utensil here and there. Finally, she found a small bowl, a larger bowl, and three rusted spoons.
After waving to the survivors Daisuke leave that place, he need to find somewhere to sleep. He can sleep anywhere but not in the middle of the city,it was a terrible idea so he decide to search a safe place at the outskirt of the town. He take his flashlight from the backpack and turn it on, things can get ugly in the darkness.

Daisuke spend some time traveling to the outskirt, but he manage to find a big building that seems like inhabitable, though there was some Compromise lurking around so he decide to jump over the fence. He can feel a presence inside the building so he grab an iron pipe near him, grabbing it tightly in both of his hand in case something shows up, he sneak inside to see who was in there, it could be someone or something.
Indie winked at Asher. "Do what you like, but make sure the word gets out." She explained. She handed them all the food she had, before taking out her sketch book. The shifting of all the armour had taken it's toll, and she was now hungry and fairly tired. She nodded at her offer. "Sure thing, I'll check it out first, though." She strolled through the now warm atrium, towards the main hall. As she stepped out, she was forced to duck. A boy was holding a metal bar. Grabbing a knife out of instinct, she floored him. "What are you doing? I'm human!" she muttered.
As Cally was heading back to the Atrium, she head Indie's yells. She dropped the eating supplies on the floor, and pulled the revolver out her pocket, turned off the safety, and ran out into the hallway, coming to Indie's side. "Drop the weapon. Now." She said, raising her arm to aim the weapon at a boy, carrying a metal bar. She took a step closer to him, and yelled again, "Drop it!" She reached up to her collarbone, pulling down her sweater to reveal the survivor insignia, and raised an eyebrow. "Indie, did he do anything yet?" Cally whispered into her ear, and kept her aim steady.
Michael heard the groan as simeone surprisingly answered. He stood there, glancing around before introducing himself to the woman in a slightly stuttery voice, "H-Hi.. I'm, uh... Michael."

He would awkwardly remain in his place, having not met another soul in a few months besides Compromised and the usual rapist or such. His fingers . On his hand. They were calling to unsheathe his pen knife for protection, but he refused to go on with the action.

( Sorry. Writing this with my phone.)
Daisuke was surprised that he met with another survivors, but this one seems not the friendly one. He put the iron pipe down and raise his arm to the air. "Look... im sorry for sneaking inside but can you lower that gun please? i don't want a hole in my chest" he take another step backward. He glance to the girl that holding a revolver "Don't shoot me ok? i just looking someplace to sleep and end up here... if you want me to go then i will just don't shoot" Daisuke is in a difficult situation now
Cally was uncertain the boy was telling the truth, but she clicked the safety on and placed the revolver on the ground. "I won't shoot you. It's just standard protocol for random people who pop up at dusk." She says, popping a chance at humor. "Indie, I'm going to go finish following up with Michael, and then we'll have soup." She smiled, and left, turning back towards her medic corner. "Sorry for the delay. There were things to take care of. Want some soup?" She said, pulling the can out of the fire, and carefully opening it, and placing it in front of him. "Don't drink all of it. I'm gonna go get the bowls again." She laughed, turning around, her scarlet hair whipping behind her. In an instant she was back, and set the smallest bowl in front of him. "So, where do you come from?" She said, shifting her gaze towards Bar Boy and Indie, then back to him.
Bruno, the bookworm she was, had left to look at the library. Her eyes widened when she saw all the books stacked up against the wall from floor to ceiling, she screamed in happiness, but quickly slapped her hand in front of her mouth. She didn't want to give another false alarm.

After a while in the library, Bruno has stacked up twenty books and headed back towards the other, even though she couldn't see squat.

"Uhm… Can someone help me?" She asked as she heard others speak around her. she had no clue where she was. There were new voices, but she couldn't see the owners, due to the books stacked up in front of her face.
Noctis was shocked to see that one of the survivors was looking directly at him and saw as she went back inside the house. He was quite hungry, the only thing he ate today was a loaf of bread. He watched as the cat he was holding cuddle up against him tiredly. His stomach growled loudly, the only thing Noctis could think about was stealing supplies. Noctis quickly snuck behind Cally and grabbed the eating supplies and ran off into the alley ways.
Cally turned around, to grab another bowl for Indie, but it was gone. She saw the door closing, and shot up. "I'll be back!" She yelled to whom it may concern, and ran out to the alleys. "Hey!" She shouted, darting after the little boy who had taken the supplies. Quickly, she blocked any attempts to escape, and said roughly to him, "Give them back, please. If you do, I will let you have some. I don't want to hurt you." Trying to smile, she pet the kitty that rubbed up against him. She extended an arm out, reaching for the hot can, bowl, and spoons. "Please? It's nice and warm inside the House, and I'm sure you'll like it there!" She exclaimed, gesturing towards the building.
Daisuke just sit there he was desperate because the fact that he almost killed by a girl, two of them! He then stood up and followed her into a room with many people in there, a boy and another girls. The girl that pointing revolver to him seemed to be preparing food for the other, that when he saw the boy stealing some supplies and ran off. The girl yelled and chasing him outside.
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Indie nodded, backing down. She sheathed her knife. "So you are both survivors?" she questioned, hand on hip. "You better both come with us, get some food and water. Stay if you want." She spoke gruffly and quickly. She turned back, sprinting to shut the gate before catching back up to the kid with the cat. "Aww, he's a cutie." she stroked the kitten. "What is he called?" she asked, entering the atrium. She grabbed some water and a bowl of soup and headed for the cat boy. "What you called? I'm Indie." She turned round, to see him making a run. Indie dropped the supplies and took up the chase behind Cally. "I'll slit your goddamn throat and give that food to people who will help us survive. Not cowards." She spat angrily.
Noctis backed away as the cat hissed at Cally. He then pulled out a knife, staying cautious just in case the stranger was gonna hurt him. He didn't trust anyone nowadays ever since his all his friends tried to kill him. "You think I'm gonna fucking believe that?" He said and tried to pounce on Cally with the knife.
Cally was surprised when the small boy jumped on her. Quickly, she blocked his flailing arms and threw him on the ground. "Don't even try." She grunted, snatching the can of soup and bowls away from him. As he came back for another attempt, she threw the supplies at Indie, and grabbed his knife. "Stop it, kid. I'm serious." Turning back to Indie, she said grimly, "I thought that I could help him, but apparently he doesn't deserve any mercy."
Ruka walked through the dark hallways by herself with no sense of reference, she had gotten separated from the others. after walking aimlessly, the heard the sound of people talking, or rather arguing by the sound of it. she quickly pressed on towards the noise and came across a three strangers, fellow survivors, fighting. A young boy and a two girls that could possibly be the same age as her. cautiously, she approached the two. "W-what is going on here?" she asked, without making any further movements towards them
A smaller, less menacing girl shows up, with no visible weapon. "This rat, here, snuck into the Atrium, and stole my one and only can of soup, nice and hot, and wants to keep it for himself! I was going to offer him some, but instead he was a coward and stole it." She said, looking down at the tiny assailant. "And you, might be?"
Noctis fell on the ground and dropped his knife. Leaving a severe scrape on his knee that was bleeding and a bruise on his head. His bangs were covering his eyes but a tear dropped from his face as he looked down to the ground as he was sitting up against the alley way wall. The small cat licked his face several times before paying attention to the small girl and meowed as it sat on Noctis's lap.
"Tsubomi Ruka." She spoke and remembered the canned fruit she had left behind. No use having any regret now. "Why don't we go look for more food? after all, this building is pretty big. there could be a pantry of some kind nearby." Ruka believed it was likely, and there was no use fighting some kid over food that he likely wouldn't finish off himself. Ruka looked at the boy and offered her hand to him " we can't fight like this. We shouldn't kill each other over food when there is a disease going around as it is. Now come'on, help me look"

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