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Dice Beyond the Universe

"allowed"? (BP) fine. Well

1. Bleach (Cuz Bleach is the best.)

2. Justice Leage (Who can deny that? Good stuff.)

3. There's probably another, but I can't think of it right now. ( :P )
Instead if having dimensions that are spesified around games, try expanding the picture with your imagination.

For example, earth evolved from reptiles instead of apes. Making them have scales.

Or a dimension where science has advanced by 1000 years and has space travel.

Always think outside the box
Well... I needed a dimension for Silvia to come from @Zixochi so I'll try that reptile thing.

well @Rand I'll have to look into Bleach, but Justice League I guess I could put in...
@kinadra I updated the character sheet, but I'm thinking I should get it finshed and then tell you it's finished so you can update in one large chunk.

@Zixochi, perhaps you'd prefer to wait until I'm actually done the character sheet?

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