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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky


These hands shall move steel
The mist of Twilight's final rays disperses upon the moon's rise. The gentle, welcoming glow was relieving to the eyes. Eyes gazed in a trance upon the moon from their locations...

In the western planes, where the grass was driest and the trees their tallest, we meet Fia Strast, Karyx "Conflux of Darkness", Aurelius, Eclaire, Jenna Soloven, Caesar Vorenus, Hektor, Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard, Reanne Shawcross, and, 5Y1A5. Though the light was little, they could feel the others around them. They know not who they were, or what in hell's name they themselves were, but they knew one thing.

It wasn't just them near by.

The growls of predatory species seemed to travel the land in waves, the snarls and roars of beasts unknown would make even the toughest of people fear for their lives. There had to be fifty of whatever this beast was near by. Their breaths were like walls made of wind, blowing the lighter of our lively group around. Whatever it was, it was not small. And whatever it was, it was smart enough to hunt in packs.

The dry lands and dying grass were ready for the blood of whatever should fall; the land needed it soon or even the trees would die, and the grass needed it for it was little more than ash with how dried out it had become. The sounds of howls in the distance of scavengers was ringing through the flat land our hero's stood upon. There will be
blood tonight...

In the more forested section of the Planes, where life in it's splendor resides in great abundance. we meet Jah'Ri, Xicor, Elliot Wood, Tolan, Grace, Xenith La Rosia, Murosyammortso Calls, Lillith, Raphael Terrio, and, Kirika "Red" Keystonkk, staring into the one patch of sky left open by the treetops. Trees of white and black, yellow, reds and browns, even a green or two, enclosed our group for tonight. There they would be safe, and in front of them, giving them ample light, a small pond of glowing, shimmering water.

There they could stay, for the night, but they lacked resources aside from water. Where could one gather food in such a dense area of the forest? And for that matter, was the water in front of them safe? They could not tell. Though their danger's are not immediate, they, too, were dire.

Above them, in the branches of these trees, sat berries of many colors, from maroon to cyan to indigo to lime. They could chance them, but say they are not safe? What befalls of them then?

There was no easy out from this area either, the trees in this portion had grown especially dense. Their leaves shimmered with color as the pond gradually changed it's shade and hue. Sparkling dust hung above the pond and became whatever color complemented it at the time, red with blue, yellow with greens, it was quite a sight to behold. The grass, soft like pillows, the ground comforting like one's own bedsheets. Are you sure you even want to leave...?
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'It's beautiful...' Xenith thought quietly. Her need for hunger and water was much less than the others, as she could survive on only blood. She worried about her companions nevertheless, she didn't want to be alone in this vast, dangerous world. Her impulses to stay on such beautiful land unfazed her motives, she was too calculative to rely on her emotions. Carefully, pondering her possible actions, she watched her comrades. They all were still currently watching the mesmerizing sky, which she couldn't help but gaze at as well... as she thought about her plans, of course.
Murosyammortso had no idea what he was doing. He called several times, imitating a bird he had heard very recently. The same questions were burning through his head. What am I? Who am I? Where am I? "Who am I?!" Came a guttural voice His Voice. He could speak! "Murosyammortso." He said to himself. His name! How it had just come to him he was unaware. "Seems Long." Said Murosyammortso. "Muro. Much better!"

Muro felt so much joy! He knew who he was! Now he wanted to know the what and the where of the situation. He could see trees around him. Majestic plants towering above him. But the what.... what did he look like? He peared into the pool of water and dove his head in. Knowing he had to drink to survive. But in the water he saw something, two meters tall and six long, covered in brown downy feathers and arms which looked like clawed bird's wings, yellow eyes and a powerful jaw. Muro jumped back and watched the creature imitate him. Curious, he went back to the water and tilted his head, the creature did the same, it wasn't just a creature. It was him!

Now Muro needed one more thing, sustenance. He heard something coming towards him and dashed into some bushes, only to see a young harmless deer. It looked alone and scared. Calling out for its mother. A cunning plan formed in Muro's head. He mimicked the call, matching it perfectly. The little deer came closer, only for a pair of predatory jaws to clamp shut on its neck. Muro's first meal. He dragged it towards him and started gorging on the meat. Then, with a noise that sounded halfway between guttural roaring and talking said;

"I am Muro!"
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Elliot Looked around at the beautiful area around him "pretty" he says quietly unaware of most of the people around him save for the big reptile eating a deer and saying he is Muro "Eww" he mutters at Muro mainly for what he is but also how he was eating. Elliot thanked whatever made him, made him not need food but life force energy to survive, he wasn't hungry so he felt he should explore the area, and too the air he went with a flap of his wings he was about half way to the berries in the tree tops.
tired. fia was tired.

she knew she shouldn't be awake right now - it wasn't time, she didn't feel ready. it was hard just to force her eyes open and look around. but she heard it again - the thing she wasn't sure of, the thing she knew she had to be awake for - calling in the distance, dead foliage crushing underfoot. no. no no no. whatever that, no, those, were, she wanted no part of them. she knew very little and it didn't matter at all - all that mattered was that she needed to leave.

"h-hey," she called - her voice tired at first but increasing in desperation as she realized the seriousness of the situation. "h-hey! you- you people!" people? people. she jumped up, and felt around for them in the dark, probably kicking and poking at a few in the process. "we need to leave! we need to go! now!" ugh. this was hard - she was already getting a little dizzy from shouting - but she knew they absolutely could not stay, whoever 'they' were.
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Muro cocked his head towards the sound of disgust, he didn't understand why anyone would find him disgusting, and he grunted before ripping a chunk of meat from the corpse. Seeing the one who had said those words take flight, he wondered if he could do the same, he licked some blood off his plumage and lips and started flapping, however he couldn't take flight, "Odd" Thought Muro "What's the point of these things then?"

He turned to the others around him and picked up the deer carcass, taking one last chunk out of it before saying;

"Does anyone need food?"
Elliot Looked at Muro in disgust "How are you sentient" Elliot asked Muro floating above him hoping to be out of his reach if the thing decided to eat him "You are repulsive" he said watching Muro rip chunks of the deer off and than offer the little that was left of the deer to everyone else. Elliot flew up to a branch and sat there looking down at the rest of the group
Jah'Ri was suddenly aware that there was more to gaze at here than the moon, lowering her head, turning this way and blinking absentmindedly as she took in the unfamiliar, yet peaceful and welcoming surroundings. She felt at home here. But wait... what is here? and who she? Jah'Ri, a voice within her head responded, that is who I am. But who is Jah'Ri? Looking down, she gazed upon her scaly form, standing in this forested area. She didn't know. In fact, the others about her seemed as confused as she. A feminine voice issuing forth a sentiment Jah'Ri very much agreed with broke her out of her thoughts for a brief moment. The voice's apparent owner, upon glancing her direction, was a pale-skinned being that seemed more frail than the Dragonborn herself. There was another voice, coming from a winged being that had not spoken much yet, except uttering a sound of disgust at the perfectly normal act of the larger reptile, Muro, hunting and devouring his kill. Jah'Ri found her stomach growling gazing upon the flesh of the deer as it was ripped.

This whirl of thoughts was interrupted by another outside voice, one deep and guttoral, echoing through the branches. It came from an equally large and powerful looking being. He seemed reptilian like Jah-Ri herself, though... very different. She had a feeling that the similarity of thier skin was some sort of coincidence, just like all of these unfamiliar beings having collected in... whatever this place is. Jahri then wondered if she could speak as well. She was wondering over what to try to say, when the one calling himself Muro asked a question.

"Jah'Ri would... like some, yes. This one's name, Jah'Ri." Finally speaking up, she approached the corpse at Muro's feet, glancing to him for a moment before beginning to tear a small pace of the flesh he had so generously offered to the others. Looking it over and tentatively nibbling the bit of meat skewered on the ends of her claws for a moment, she opened her mouth and a small jet of flame burst out, roasting the meat, making it smell delicious. She devoured it, just then realizing how hungry she was, then glanced towards Muro with a smile. "Many thanks for food. Jah'Ri wonders, is nearby water safe to drink? Thirsty now." She looked over towards the stream and began to approach it. She seemed oblivious to the comments of the winged one, though in reality she felt that they had no weight for her, they had not been directed at her. She didn't really know what 'disgusting' meant, to be fair, and the winged one seemed not in the mood to answer such a question.

@Spinoceratopsrex @VioletShadow @H0lderOfH0pe
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"The water is safe. I tried some myself, very good taste." Muro said to the one who had accepted his food. At least someone appreciated what he was trying to do. He glared at the winged man and snarled before going back to the pool for another drink.
Jenna felt a poke on her back. Then again. Someone or something was poking her. "Hey- can you stop?" she said, annoyed. The poking stopped for a second.

Then she realized she didn't know where she was. It was pitch dark. Slowly, her eyes adjusted to the low light levels, and she was able to make out a girl standing next to her, yelling something muddled. "Who are-"

But she was cut off by a massive, guttural roar in the distance. Thre was something out there. Jenna felt a wave of panic creeping onto her. Where the hell were they?!

@rusticyawn and others
"You know that kicking people is not the greatest nor most cordial method to wake people." Caesar groaned as he sat up, rubbing away the sleep in his eyes. He yawned and stretched his arms as he glanced from Fia to Jenna, to the remaining sleepy boos. An amazing lack of identity was also present within him. An odd predicament to be certain, and not one Caesar really preferred. He stood up, grabbing the bow that had been beside him when he had awoken. It felt familiar, but in a very odd sense. It wasn't the familiarity as if he had used it before, so much as he simply knew of it. Caesar looked back to Fia, an eyebrow raised at her anxious behavior. "Hey, would you chill out? There's no reason to be so..." He trailed off as another howl echoed through the forest, sending a chill down his spine. "On second thought, that would seem like a decent idea. Wakey wakey everybody, before the wolves come and eat you alive."


Red stared at the water, her thoughts not really landing upon any of the people that had already awoken. She focused solely on herself as she glared at her reflection. The werewolf bent down closer to the surface of the lake, and her brilliant red hair touched it, sending minute ripples across the surface, disturbing her image. Red knew not who she was. She did know what she was. There was a hunger within her, a simplistic, animalistic desire. She was also filled with the want to be rid of such primitive thoughts, achieve something higher for herself. But for now... Red knew she could not quench it by staying here. She turned abruptly, her now slightly wet hair whipping through the air. She began to walk away, picking the spear that had been with her when she woke with her. "I'm going hunting. I'll be back. Somebody else make a fire or something productive like that." She said with a casual wave of her hand as she walked away, along the lakeside.
'System rebooting' Was the message in Xicor's visor as he laid there on the ground, looking at the blue sky above. Soon enough the system finished rebooting, showing him the full splendor of his heads up display, showing his vital signs, a mini map on the corner which was still darkened out, as the place was not known. Struggling himself up to a sitting position to his right he noticed his rifle, laying there. Quickly picking it up as his heads up display seemed to integrate with the gun's system's displaying info about it. as Xicor read everything there was to read his minimap detected individuals near him, which showed some of the others. Some of which were still in the process of waking up, some of them though were awak and some...were...different, Specially the dinosaur, eating a deer, and the lizard woman eating it too.

For some reason Xicor didn't feel as if he required food...or water..."Not hungry...for some reason..." His voice echoing out of his helmet. THen he noticed his arm felt different...mechanical maybe, Holding up the rifle and walking over to the others, holding his rifle in case anyone tried anything. "Uuuh...Anyone know where we are? and...who are you all..." In doing so he thought of something, "Speaking of which I don't know my own name...what the heck..."

Meanwhile Tolan began woking up, examining his surroundings. "Hmph" Was his response to the situation, as he noticed a dinosaur and a lizardwoman...his hunting instincts screamed for him to hunt them...but he would hold off for now, quickly standing up and wasting literally no time, not introducing himself to others, not caring for anyone who was down, he just walked over to the lizardwoman (Jah-ri) and the dinosaur (Muro). And pointed at what was left of the deer...which wasn't much. "You gonna eat that?" His voice sounding like that of a grizzly warhero.

He didn't know who they were, or who he was even, but he needed one thing...and that was food.

@DergTheDergon , @Spinoceratopsrex


"My dear, I am afraid we cannot." A polite tone could be heard behind Fia as she suggested them all to leave. "Tis not one entity stalking us...it is multiple...we are surrounded" Hektor spoke to her, tipping his hat with a elegant smile as he looked as classy as possile, his posture screamed gentleman...or buttler, and his tone was that of one as well. with his cane touching the ground for support.

Looking over the rest...most unconciouss, "Hopefully they wake up before whatever stalks us come...may I ask your name m'lady?" Hektor Asked Fia.

Turning to Caesar. "So you are aware of our predicament as well I assume?" Hektor asked him.

@rusticyawn @Yuffie Kisaragi
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fia ignored the uprising roar of complaints as she continued to move through the sleeping crowd, doing anything she could to try and get them to start them awake, short of bending over and trying to open their eyes herself. which she likely would've done, if she could actually see any of these people. what was up with that? why was it so dark amongst all this grass? if she was outside, shouldn't she be able to see the sun in the sky?

suddenly, she realized the girl beside her had finally awoke. "who are-" is all she manages to get out before the howling starts up again. fia bent over beside her, grabbing some part of her in an attempt to try and help her up. the light was still nonexistent, and her eyes had no way to adjusting something she wasn't biologically expecting, so she was having a hard time orientating herself. she was going to say something else, to her, but she realized someone else was standing, and that what they had said was directed to her. probably.

"huh?" she blinks. she strains her eyes, and faintly sees the silhouette of an oddly well dressed man. (was it odd? was she well dressed? she looks down for a moment, but she can't actually see what she has on to tell.) her name...? "at a time like this?" he turns around, and speaks to someone else she can't see. the oddity of it all breaks her concentration for a moment, and the sleep attempts to creep it's way in again, but she quickly pushes it back down, and replies.

"f-fia. b-but what? really? what's going on? where the hell is the sun!?"


@Scrapmaster @Yuffie Kisaragi @Pashpu

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"Ah, is good water. Many thanks, large one." Jah'Ri approached the stream, knelt down and drank a bit. Just as she had finished drinking and turned around, she heard an unfamiliar voice, that of one of the other frail-looking females who hadn't spoken just yet, that Jah'Ri noticed had been staring into the water beside her as she drank. "Ah, be careful. We know not what is beyond. Jah'Ri shall light fire." @Yuffie Kisaragi @Spinoceratopsrex

Turning around, she then noticed a very odd sounding voice, almost.... unnatural, coming from another nearby creature that insofar hadn't moved as of yet. The creature seemed to mumble incoherently to himself as many of the others, including Jah'Ri herself, and done previously. It also seemed to stare at her and Muro for a while before finally speaking up towards the group. "Jah'Ri sorry... does not know where we are. Name is Jah'Ri, and am Dragonborn, though I know not very much else about myself. Believes all of us have just woken up here... no memories preceeding.." Jah'Ri then was startled as without introduction, a grizzled-looking being that smelled.. .dangerous. As if she should watch out for him. "Jah'Ri shall not eat anymore." she said to the newly-awakened being curtly.

"Jah'Ri will light fire now." Looking around she began mumbling to herself. "Hmm... not light trees, will be too dangerous... not light grass, not light bushes... water not catch fire...hmmm" She began gathering a small collection of twigs and branches that had fallen from the trees nearby, then aid them into a pile. "This may do." Standing back, without further ado or warning, she breathed a jet of flame downwards at the pile. Just like that, the pile stayed alight, though began to die down afetr a while. "Hmm... needs more fuel... Jah'Ri go gather more wood."

@Scrapmaster @Spinoceratopsrex @Yuffie Kisaragi
*Ting, ting, ting* "Small motor functions appear to be in proper condition" 5Y1A5 recorded internally as it pressed one robotic digit against another. "Finishing boot up in 3, 2..." As the countdown ended, 5Y1A5's optic covers lifted to reveal a soft, yellow green glow of his visual sensors. The android was met only with pitch darkness as attempted to absorb its surroundings. If not for the lack of light, a visible sigh and look of confused, irritation could be seen on it's faceplate. There was no reason as to why one of its sensors would be faulty. From what it could tell, it was freshly manufactured... Or was it? The thought wasn't entertained for long as the robot once again closed its eyes. "Ahem, I said... Finishing boot up in 3, 2..." the android internally repeated in a desperate hope that the rest of its circuitry would believe it simply hadn't finished booting up. Once more, the boot up "completed". Once more, its sensors glowed into the dark. Once more, it couldn't see a thing.

Instead, a resounding, grotesque growl registered on its audio sensors. The "gentle" noise gave good reason for 5Y1A5 to begin noise calibration. Slowly tuning in, an alarmed voice could be picked up near by. A young man from the sound of it was requesting everyone to wake up. "Wake up?" thought 5Y1A5 as it adjusted its vision to the obscure darkness to see small clumps of grass. It wasn't the fact that it was dark that the android couldn't make anything out. It's face was buried in dirt! What kind of punishment was this? The machine wondered, but before it could chase that thought, a rather soothing voice came into reception from another male quite close to it. This voice mentioned being surrounded, but he was seemingly more concerned about one more voice. This time a young woman's. A single question escaped her lips.

With a small heave, 5Y1A5 raised itsself from its previously uncouth position. Its visual sensors now shone into the dark brighter than before. The voices it heard now took shape into before him. Then with the utmost seriousness, it answered the woman. "There is no visible sun because it is nighttime." The utterly obvious response rang through the dark.

@rusticyawn @Scrapmaster @Yuffie Kisaragi @Pashpu
(Both groups have received new Party Members! Be sure to check which party you sit with.)

Forest Cove
VioletShadow said:
'It's beautiful...' Xenith thought quietly. Her need for hunger and water was much less than the others, as she could survive on only blood. She worried about her companions nevertheless, she didn't want to be alone in this vast, dangerous world. Her impulses to stay on such beautiful land unfazed her motives, she was too calculative to rely on her emotions. Carefully, pondering her possible actions, she watched her comrades. They all were still currently watching the mesmerizing sky, which she couldn't help but gaze at as well... as she thought about her plans, of course.
Spinoceratopsrex said:
Murosyammortso had no idea what he was doing. He called several times, imitating a bird he had heard very recently. The same questions were burning through his head. What am I? Who am I? Where am I? "Who am I?!" Came a guttural voice His Voice. He could speak! "Murosyammortso." He said to himself. His name! How it had just come to him he was unaware. "Seems Long." Said Murosyammortso. "Muro. Much better!"
Muro felt so much joy! He knew who he was! Now he wanted to know the what and the where of the situation. He could see trees around him. Majestic plants towering above him. But the what.... what did he look like? He peared into the pool of water and dove his head in. Knowing he had to drink to survive. But in the water he saw something, two meters tall and six long, covered in brown downy feathers and arms which looked like clawed bird's wings, yellow eyes and a powerful jaw. Muro jumped back and watched the creature imitate him. Curious, he went back to the water and tilted his head, the creature did the same, it wasn't just a creature. It was him!

Now Muro needed one more thing, sustenance. He heard something coming towards him and dashed into some bushes, only to see a young harmless deer. It looked alone and scared. Calling out for its mother. A cunning plan formed in Muro's head. He mimicked the call, matching it perfectly. The little deer came closer, only for a pair of predatory jaws to clamp shut on its neck. Muro's first meal. He dragged it towards him and started gorging on the meat. Then, with a noise that sounded halfway between guttural roaring and talking said;

"I am Muro!"
H0lderOfH0pe said:
Elliot Looked around at the beautiful area around him "pretty" he says quietly unaware of most of the people around him save for the big reptile eating a deer and saying he is Muro "Eww" he mutters at Muro mainly for what he is but also how he was eating. Elliot thanked whatever made him, made him not need food but life force energy to survive, he wasn't hungry so he felt he should explore the area, and too the air he went with a flap of his wings he was about half way to the berries in the tree tops.
DergTheDergon said:
Jah'Ri was suddenly aware that there was more to gaze at here than the moon, lowering her head, turning this way and blinking absentmindedly as she took in the unfamiliar, yet peaceful and welcoming surroundings. She felt at home here. But wait... what is here? and who she? Jah'Ri, a voice within her head responded, that is who I am. But who is Jah'Ri? Looking down, she gazed upon her scaly form, standing in this forested area. She didn't know. In fact, the others about her seemed as confused as she. A feminine voice issuing forth a sentiment Jah'Ri very much agreed with broke her out of her thoughts for a brief moment. The voice's apparent owner, upon glancing her direction, was a pale-skinned being that seemed more frail than the Dragonborn herself. There was another voice, coming from a winged being that had not spoken much yet, except uttering a sound of disgust at the perfectly normal act of the larger reptile, Muro, hunting and devouring his kill. Jah'Ri found her stomach growling gazing upon the flesh of the deer as it was ripped.
This whirl of thoughts was interrupted by another outside voice, one deep and guttoral, echoing through the branches. It came from an equally large and powerful looking being. He seemed reptilian like Jah-Ri herself, though... very different. She had a feeling that the similarity of thier skin was some sort of coincidence, just like all of these unfamiliar beings having collected in... whatever this place is. Jahri then wondered if she could speak as well. She was wondering over what to try to say, when the one calling himself Muro asked a question.

"Jah'Ri would... like some, yes. This one's name, Jah'Ri." Finally speaking up, she approached the corpse at Muro's feet, glancing to him for a moment before beginning to tear a small pace of the flesh he had so generously offered to the others. Looking it over and tentatively nibbling the bit of meat skewered on the ends of her claws for a moment, she opened her mouth and a small jet of flame burst out, roasting the meat, making it smell delicious. She devoured it, just then realizing how hungry she was, then glanced towards Muro with a smile. "Many thanks for food. Jah'Ri wonders, is nearby water safe to drink? Thirsty now." She looked over towards the stream and began to approach it. She seemed oblivious to the comments of the winged one, though in reality she felt that they had no weight for her, they had not been directed at her. She didn't really know what 'disgusting' meant, to be fair, and the winged one seemed not in the mood to answer that question.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Red stared at the water, her thoughts not really landing upon any of the people that had already awoken. She focused solely on herself as she glared at her reflection. The werewolf bent down closer to the surface of the lake, and her brilliant red hair touched it, sending minute ripples across the surface, disturbing her image. Red knew not who she was. She did know what she was. There was a hunger within her, a simplistic, animalistic desire. She was also filled with the want to be rid of such primitive thoughts, achieve something higher for herself. But for now... Red knew she could not quench it by staying here. She turned abruptly, her now slightly wet hair whipping through the air. She began to walk away, picking the spear that had been with her when she woke with her. "I'm going hunting. I'll be back. Somebody else make a fire or something productive like that." She said with a casual wave of her hand as she walked away, along the lakeside.

Scrapmaster said:
'System rebooting' Was the message in Xicor's visor as he laid there on the ground, looking at the blue sky above. Soon enough the system finished rebooting, showing him the full splendor of his heads up display, showing his vital signs, a mini map on the corner which was still darkened out, as the place was not known. Struggling himself up to a sitting position to his right he noticed his rifle, laying there. Quickly picking it up as his heads up display seemed to integrate with the gun's system's displaying info about it. as Xicor read everything there was to read his minimap detected individuals near him, which showed some of the others. Some of which were still in the process of waking up, some of them though were awak and some...were...different, Specially the dinosaur, eating a deer, and the lizard woman eating it too.
For some reason Xicor didn't feel as if he required food...or water..."Not hungry...for some reason..." His voice echoing out of his helmet. THen he noticed his arm felt different...mechanical maybe, Holding up the rifle and walking over to the others, holding his rifle in case anyone tried anything. "Uuuh...Anyone know where we are? and...who are you all..." In doing so he thought of something, "Speaking of which I don't know my own name...what the heck..."

Meanwhile Tolan began woking up, examining his surroundings. "Hmph" Was his response to the situation, as he noticed a dinosaur and a lizardwoman...his hunting instincts screamed for him to hunt them...but he would hold off for now, quickly standing up and wasting literally no time, not introducing himself to others, not caring for anyone who was down, he just walked over to the lizardwoman (Jah-ri) and the dinosaur (Muro). And pointed at what was left of the deer...which wasn't much. "You gonna eat that?" His voice sounding like that of a grizzly warhero.

He didn't know who they were, or who he was even, but he needed one thing...and that was food.
Things were getting off to, for lack of a better word, a colorful start, with what could only be explained as a human-sized dinosaur quickly hunting a foal by luring it from it's mother, a lizard lady cooking a chunk of said baby deer and consuming it, one man flying to the forests sealing to get a better vantage point, and a younger girl taking charge and running off into the forest's thicket in hunt of whatever she could track down.

Statistics check('s)

Muro, despite insisting on the water being safe, has begun feeling very slight affects of alcohol on him, his stats are slightly hindered until he takes a rest. Not strong enough to impar him on a function level, but actions take a small amount of time to process.

Jah'Ri is lucky, however, and is naturally very good at handling the liquid and suffers no ill-effects nor recieves benifits.

Kirika has not been lucky so far in terms of wild animals. Lack of knowledge of the area and her lack of suffecient speed has slowed progress greatly as she tries to squeeze through trees. However she is able to remember the route she has taken thus far and can still turn back easily. However, ahead of her she sees some easily reached berries and other fruits, though they seem somewhat strangely placed for the area...

Elliot, through intention or not, accidently rattled a branch above Xenith, causing it's berries, a cyan and indigo color, to fall.

Xenith's low physical abilities show themselves very quickly, as she is unable to react to and dodge the fruits in time, they half-splatter on her head, and leave a small bump to boot. The remanded of the berries falls into the lake, but no effect takes place.

Passive environment check:

Pond changes to an orange color, the sparkling dust changes to a cyan.

The fire smolders and burns quietly.

As a result of the Foal's vanishing, a small pack of Stags comes near by the pond to investigate. They lower their horns and attack at Miro, Jah'Ri, and Tolan.

The Stags were, though obviously scared, ready for the worst as they took charge at the three beings surrounding the dead foal. It was an even match, three on three, so what if two of them had sharp claws and teeth...

Deer A lowers it's horns at Jah'Ri, preparing for a charge.

Deer B makes a head-first charge at Miro

Deer C begins circling Tolan.

Dying Planes

Pashpu said:
Jenna felt a poke on her back. Then again. Someone or something was poking her. "Hey- can you stop?" she said, annoyed. The poking stopped for a second.
Then she realized she didn't know where she was. It was pitch dark. Slowly, her eyes adjusted to the low light levels, and she was able to make out a girl standing next to her, yelling something muddled. "Who are-"

But she was cut off by a massive, guttural roar in the distance. Thre was something out there. Jenna felt a wave of panic creeping onto her. Where the hell were they?!

[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]
"You know that kicking people is not the greatest nor most cordial method to wake people." Caesar groaned as he sat up, rubbing away the sleep in his eyes. He yawned and stretched his arms as he glanced from Fia to Jenna, to the remaining sleepy boos. An amazing lack of identity was also present within him. An odd predicament to be certain, and not one Caesar really preferred. He stood up, grabbing the bow that had been beside him when he had awoken. It felt familiar, but in a very odd sense. It wasn't the familiarity as if he had used it before, so much as he simply knew of it. Caesar looked back to Fia, an eyebrow raised at her anxious behavior. "Hey, would you chill out? There's no reason to be so..." He trailed off as another howl echoed through the forest, sending a chill down his spine. "On second thought, that would seem like a decent idea. Wakey wakey everybody, before the wolves come and eat you alive."


Scrapmaster said:

"My dear, I am afraid we cannot." A polite tone could be heard behind Fia as she suggested them all to leave. "Tis not one entity stalking us...it is multiple...we are surrounded" Hektor spoke to her, tipping his hat with a elegant smile as he looked as classy as possile, his posture screamed gentleman...or buttler, and his tone was that of one as well. with his cane touching the ground for support.

Looking over the rest...most unconciouss, "Hopefully they wake up before whatever stalks us come...may I ask your name m'lady?" Hektor Asked Fia.

Turning to Caesar. "So you are aware of our predicament as well I assume?" Hektor asked him.

rusticyawn said:
fia ignored the uprising roar of complaints as she continued to move through the sleeping crowd, doing anything she could to try and get them to start them awake, short of bending over and trying to open their eyes herself. which she likely would've done, if she could actually see any of these people. what was up with that? why was it so dark amongst all this grass? if she was outside, shouldn't she be able to see the sun in the sky?
suddenly, she realized the girl beside her had finally awoke. "who are-" is all she manages to get out before the howling starts up again. fia bent over beside her, grabbing some part of her in an attempt to try and help her up. the light was still nonexistent, and her eyes had no way to adjusting something she wasn't biologically expecting, so she was having a hard time orientating herself. she was going to say something else, to her, but she realized someone else was standing, and that what they had said was directed to her. probably.

"huh?" she blinks. she strains her eyes, and faintly seeing the silhouette of an oddly well dressed man. (was it odd? was
she well dressed? she looks down for a moment, but she can't actually see what she has on to tell.) her name...? "at a time like this?" he turns around, and speaks to someone else she can't see. the oddity of it all breaks her concentration for a moment, and the sleep attempts to creep it's way in again, but she quickly pushes it back down, and replies.

"f-fia. b-but what? really? what's going on?
where the hell is the sun!?"

DemonStiletto said:
*Ting, ting, ting* "Small motor functions appear to be in proper condition" 5Y1A5 recorded internally as it pressed one robotic digit against another. "Finishing boot up in 3, 2..." As the countdown ended, 5Y1A5's optic covers lifted to reveal a soft, yellow green glow of his visual sensors. The android was met only with pitch darkness as attempted to absorb its surroundings. If not for the lack of light, a visible sigh and look of confused, irritation could be seen on it's faceplate. There was no reason as to why one of its sensors would be faulty. From what it could tell, it was freshly manufactured... Or was it? The thought wasn't entertained for long as the robot once again closed its eyes. "Ahem, I said... Finishing boot up in 3, 2..." the android internally repeated in a desperate hope that the rest of its circuitry would believe it simply hadn't finished booting up. Once more, the boot up "completed". Once more, its sensors glowed into the dark. Once more, it couldn't see a thing.
Instead, a resounding, grotesque growl registered on its audio sensors. The "gentle" noise gave good reason for 5Y1A5 to begin noise calibration. Slowly tuning in, an alarmed voice could be picked up near by. A young man from the sound of it was requesting everyone to wake up. "Wake up?" thought 5Y1A5 as it adjusted its vision to the obscure darkness to see small clumps of grass. It wasn't the fact that it was dark that the android couldn't make anything out. It's face was buried in dirt! What kind of punishment was this? The machine wondered, but before it could chase that thought, a rather soothing voice came into reception from another male quite close to it. This voice mentioned being surrounded, but he was seemingly more concerned about one more voice. This time a young woman's. A single question escaped her lips.

With a small heave, 5Y1A5 raised itsself from its previously uncouth position. Its visual sensors now shone into the dark brighter than before. The voices it heard now took shape into before him. Then with the utmost seriousness, it answered the woman. "There is no visible sun because it is nighttime." The utterly obvious response rang through the dark.

Tension, sparks, and deadpan's were a flying in this group, trying to organize themselves in this time of need. The growls and snarls, the sound of teeth scraping and claws raking the hardened dirt was rattling. What the hell were they up against?

Statistics check('s)

Jennifer notices that there are a number of bones on the ground, they look very thuroly chewed, but by teeth not made to bite bone specifically. Whatever they were facing likely was normally a herbavore. However, the teeth are rather large, another thing that can be seen by her on the marking that only two of the teeth marks actually fit on the bone due to how large the teeth themselves are...

Eclare notices that there are claws strewn about on the ground. The enemy can lose their claws and they will regrow. They are not incredibly sharp, but are very heavy looking and dense, they were about the thickness of her fist at the thinnest point.

Sylas happens to be able to adjust his optics to see in the dark slightly better, however this gives him no new clues on the enemy. However he would notice that this entire place would likely turn into a fire storm should as much as a spark hit it.

Ceaser wonders if anyone in their group looked decent in swimwear, completely dosing and losing focus on the situation at hand for a moment. (Critical failure)

Fia notices that there are a few black objects on the ground that look like they could produce a rather decent spark, but aside from this, notices nothing great as she struggles to stay awake.

Jenna notices nothing out o the ordinary.

Hektor notices nothing out of the ordinary.

Karyx can slightly make out a few feet ahead of him, there is a pool of what one can assume as a brown liquid to the west of them, one of the beasts feet is within view, you're able to tell it it quadaped from it's gate before it vanishes from view. Though other clues you're able to see in the general suggest the beast is large, it is in fact only about as big as a smaller vehicle. (Critical success)

Reanne notices a few stones at her feet that she somehow recognizes as Flint, but without a proper spark creation tool, it's almost useless.

The sounds of the primordial creatures begins to edge closer with every passing moment.

Environment check.

It begins to rain ash from the sky, a volcano or other source of large fire must be somewhere near.

Before anyone can notice what makes it, a new claw marking set appears near the group. No one has seen it yet.

A bright flash of light comes from the pool of water that Karyx noticed, and was able to shade himself from the flash's initial blinding. As a result, he is able to get a better look at the enemy. It has long, thick, powerful claws and teeth, it is rather large, big enough to make a sedan look a little small in comparison, beautiful spotted fur, and there are seven of them in total. (Critical Success)

A second flash occours, however, Karyx does not succeed in blocking out the flash in time and becomes stunned slightly by the bright lights. Physical Check reduced slightly.

Fia recieves a slight boost in energy thanks to the two flashes of bright light.

The enemy can be heard closing in, but their direction is completely unknown due to the flashes of light disorentating everyone. There isn't much time left to prepare to fight...

(On a side-note, I live how Karyx has yet to even say anything and he has been the most successful rolling a double critical check, and then critting a critical check. Most useful team member 2k16)
Rea stood up, alarmed. She doesnt know where or who she was. All she knows is that her name is Reanne Shawcross. She couldn't see anything clearly except for flashing light. She looked down and saw rocks. 'Flint.' She thought. Her eyes widened. "Flint!" She said out loud as she grabbed the rocks and gathered some dried grass and leaves. She could sense the enemy coming as she hurriedly formed the grass in a nest form of shape. She had no idea what she was doing. She just trusted her instincts. After forming it she grabbed the rock and her sword scratching them to create some sort of friction. After a few moments, an ember was produced as she blew on it, creating a small fire. She kept adding leaves and wood, she wasnt sure if it was attracting, or getting rid of the enemy. At least, if there were friendlies, they would come to her.
Muro was just about to offer some deer to the man with the axe when a stag charged for him, he tried to sidestep, and almost succeeded, but with his slowed reaction time, the stag hit him in the corner of his chest, causing several of the hair like feathers that covered his body. Muro backed up slightly, he opened his mouth and roared, causing foal blood and spittle to fly from his mouth. Then, he started running back towards the deer and leapt up, the dealer's antlers hit his feet as he leapt, causing him to fall on it back. Both of them fell to the ground. Muro picked himself up and placed a foot on the deer's neck, ready to stab it with his foot claws.
Xenith, after pondering her actions, realized something dire. Who was she?

The question rang through her head, hitting her stronger than any other desire. Feeling her teeth, she noticed two prominent fangs, sharp and curved. Her back tingled slightly, as if she could release something from imprisonment. But decided to check her appearance first. Deathly pale skin, crimson eyes and long black hair describe her eye-catching features, as she crawled to the pond of shimmering water. Despite the orange of the pond, she could tell these traits easily. She wore a long black dress, patterned with various roses. As she sat back on her fallen log, a bundle of berries could be heard rustling above her. Attempting to move out of the way, she realized a dull pain spreading through her left leg. Failing to dodge, therefore being hit by two berries, cyan and indigo in colour, she sighed as her hand felt a small bump on her head. Wiping the excess berries off her dress with a small, green leaf, she looked up, noticing a strange man with dark wings. She half expected an apology, but half did not as she noticed how arrogant he was in his demeanor.

Standing up, her leg pained whilst doing so, she noticed a three vs three battle nearby. A dinosaur, dragon-born and a warrior fighting three stags? It seemed like a rather unfair battle and felt that they would be able to handle themselves, but readied herself in case of emergency. She was ready to save them if needed, her hands outstretched as she focused her will.
Jah'Ri occupied herself with keeping the fire going, focusing on throwing another stick into the fire when it started to die down again, shifting it around and breathing more fire into it into gently helped her to steady her mind and keep her focus on her surroundings, and not the confused thoughts littering the Dragonborn's mind. Glancing about the glade, she noticed the pale, frail-looking female from earlier examining herself in the nearby water. This seemed to confirm that for some reason, all beings here didn't know who they were, not to mention where. This didn't bother Jah'Ri much, her instincts bid her to simply focus on survival, and banding together with these other beings in the glade, and all would be fine. But... would it? Jah'Ri felt as if there was something missing, a feeling deep in the back of her reptilian mind... for now she found herself deciding not to think about it very much. Hearing a startled cry from nearby, Jah'Ri's head turned sharply towards the pale girl again, having wandered off to gaze at the nearby shimmering cyan lights just as her mind had wandered off to deeper thoughts than her surroundings. Noticing the female holding her head, Jah'Ri spoke up to her. "Okay?" A single word, spoken concernedly. "Jah'Ri just realized, pale one has not mentioned name. What is your name?" This spoken in a more curious and less concerned tone, as if she had accepted whatever reaction Xenith had to her concerned question then instantly moved on. @VioletShadow

Suddenly, Violent rustling of branches occurred nearby and Jah'Ri's instincts bid her to stand and ready herself for a fight, claws out as one of the stags carged for her, horns raised. Hissing at the creature menacingly, Jah-Ri attempted to duck away from the horns, leap onto the beast, digging her claws into its flesh as she positioned herself atop it, biting into its neck as her powerful legs dug thier claws into the ground, hopefully locking the beast in place below her and resigning it to its fate.

Eclaire awoke, utterly confused. Why was she lying on her back, why was her back hurting, and what was under her? A quick situ and rollover told her it was a weappn; a few twists and a staccato of pops relieved the tension, leaving Eclaire to stand and look around. A multitude of other people had arrived, leaving Eclaire to draw Overture.

Odd. How do I know this blades name?

She ceased her tangent thoughts before they exploded, and slowly walked towards the others who had awoken, shaking.

"No shit." She muttered under her breath to the robot, looking around. Her night vision was actually pretty good, though she had no idea why. Shaking her head, Eclaire idly transformed her sword between gun and sword mode, trying to keep her mind focused. She was uneady, and unsure of who to talk to.

Then the blue-haired boy slumped in a coil sat up and stretched with a huge yawn.

"Well that was a FANTASTIC nap!" He said brightly, jumping up. He looked around, his face falling. "Or I'm in a nightmare...with women and robots and all. Okay..." Blinking, Aurelius stood and dusted himself off, unsure of any imminent doom. "So where the hell are we?"

In the other group, well, Grace sat up bleary and in a foul mood. A mood that did not at all get better as she realized she had nothing to help with her already cracked lips, the fair skin she could feel drying out, and...and oh god who put her in this hideous...was she wearing pants? PANTS?!

That fact alone nearly made Grace scream in mortal terror. She looked around wildly, trying to find a place for a dress. Nope, just forest.

By the Goddess, Grace absolutely detested pants. How could she be forced to wear such horrid clothing...the blouse wasn't even pink! How could she be beautiful without pink.

Grace was livid, then her eyes caught Xeni. Her look darkened, but then she noticed a dark beauty in a beautiful white dress. While Xeni secretly scared her (this aura seemed to emanate from the woman) this dark-haired sleeping beauty seemed civilized. And that dress. Oh how simple it was, but how she was going to need to look at the stitching, see if it was embroidered, maybe figure out if she could make a matching one by tearing her current ensemble to pieces. At least the shoes were comfortable.

But still not pink.

Grace didn't know how she was going to survive.

Then, of course, there was a fight between a dinosaur, dragon lady, and some warrior...against deer.


Grace nearly fainted. Oh the humanity, why was she in such a horrid place!
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Xenith smiled lightly at the dragon-born creature, nodding her head in reply. "Xenith, is my name."she spoke clearly, quietly and elegantly, as if she was pondering her thoughts, which she was, about the winged man above her. She had no need to ask for Jah'Ri's name, she heard it from her earlier conversation with Muro, whom she also knew the name of... from him roaring his name earlier. Her acknowledgement was clear by the expression on her face, as she watched Jah'Ri powerfully take down the stag that charged. It was pleasant to know there were powerful fighters around her, glancing at Muro similarly. She didn't particularly mind what creature everyone was, she was accepting of all kinds, as she knew you cannot control what you are, but what you do, is what matters. Secretly glancing at a young girl, who paled as she noticed Xenith, she remembered... not everyone follows her open philosophy. @DergTheDergon @Xion136

After watching Jah'Ri's battle, Xenith decided to explore the surrounding area, checking if any clearings were available or something interesting would do. She felt her dark wings would be able to help her with- wait... how did she know she had wings?. Fully realizing her earlier ache in her back, she focused herself, and set them free. Elegant and black, they had a tinge of crimson as she tested them carefully. She produced a small breeze by gently flapping her wings, and rose above the ground. Her wings would greatly help her movement problem, she thought quietly to herself, as she began to examine her surroundings.
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Xion136 said:
Eclaire awoke, utterly confused. Why was she lying on her back, why was her back hurting, and what was under her? A quick situ and rollover told her it was a weappn; a few twists and a staccato of pops relieved the tension, leaving Eclaire to stand and look around. A multitude of other people had arrived, leaving Eclaire to draw Overture.
Odd. How do I know this blades name?

She ceased her tangent thoughts before they exploded, and slowly walked towards the others who had awoken, shaking.

"No shit." She muttered under her breath to the robot, looking around. Her night vision was actually pretty good, though she had no idea why. Shaking her head, Eclaire idly transformed her sword between gun and sword mode, trying to keep her mind focused. She was uneady, and unsure of who to talk to.

Then the blue-haired boy slumped in a coil sat up and stretched with a huge yawn.

"Well that was a FANTASTIC nap!" He said brightly, jumping up. He looked around, his face falling. "Or I'm in a nightmare...with women and robots and all. Okay..." Blinking, Aurelius stood and dusted himself off, unsure of any imminent doom. "So where the hell are we?"

In the other group, well, Grace sat up bleary and in a foul mood. A mood that did not at all get better as she realized she had nothing to help with her already cracked lips, the fair skin she could feel drying out, and...and oh god who put her in this hideous...was she wearing pants? PANTS?!

That fact alone nearly made Grace scream in mortal terror. She looked around wildly, trying to find a place for a dress. Nope, just forest.

By the Goddess, Grace absolutely detested pants. How could she be forced to wear such horrid clothing...the blouse wasn't even pink! How could she be beautiful without pink.

Grace was livid, then her eyes caught Xeni. Her look darkened, but then she noticed a dark beauty in a beautiful white dress. While Xeni secretly scared her (this aura seemed to emanate from the woman) this dark-haired sleeping beauty seemed civilized. And that dress. Oh how simple it was, but how she was going to need to look at the stitching, see if it was embroidered, maybe figure out if she could make a matching one by tearing her current ensemble to pieces. At least the shoes were comfortable.

But still not pink.

Grace didn't know how she was going to survive.

Then, of course, there was a fight between a dinosaur, dragon lady, and some warrior...against deer.


Grace nearly fainted. Oh the humanity, why was she in such a horrid place!
On occasion, actions you preform will have severe and as immediate as possible effects. When done so, the dice roll feature of RPN will be used to decide your fate on a thirty-sided die for all to see. In these, sometimes your stat being high isn't always a great thing...

Sudden Status Check on Action: Scream.

Modifier judged by: English score.


The scream tore through the peace around in quite a large radius, startling a number of forest dwellers, and angering a lot of them...

Be on your guard, Ms. Princess. You've awoken a forest of hungry monsters...

DergTheDergon said:
Jah'Ri occupied herself with keeping the fire going, focusing on throwing another stick into the fire when it started to die down again, shifting it around and breathing more fire into it into gently helped her to steady her mind and keep her focus on her surroundings, and not the confused thoughts littering the Dragonborn's mind. Glancing about the glade, she noticed the pale, frail-looking female from earlier examining herself in the nearby water. This seemed to confirm that for some reason, all beings here didn't know who they were, not to mention where. This didn't bother Jah'Ri much, her instincts bid her to simply focus on survival, and banding together with these other beings in the glade, and all would be fine. But... would it? Jah'Ri felt as if there was something missing, a feeling deep in the back of her reptilian mind... for now she found herself deciding not to think about it very much. Hearing a startled cry from nearby, Jah'Ri's head turned sharply towards the pale girl again, having wandered off to gaze at the nearby shimmering cyan lights just as her mind had wandered off to deeper thoughts than her surroundings. Noticing the female holding her head, Jah'Ri spoke up to her. "Okay?" A single word, spoken concernedly. "Jah'Ri just realized, pale one has not mentioned name. What is your name?" This spoken in a more curious and less concerned tone, as if she had accepted whatever reaction Xenith had to her concerned question then instantly moved on. @VioletShadow
Suddenly, Violent rustling of branches occurred nearby and Jah'Ri's instincts bid her to stand and ready herself for a fight, claws out as one of the stags carged for her, horns raised. Hissing at the creature menacingly, Jah-Ri attempted to duck away from the horns, leap onto the beast, digging her claws into its flesh as she positioned herself atop it, biting into its neck as her powerful legs dug thier claws into the ground, hopefully locking the beast in place below her and resigning it to its fate.


Spinoceratopsrex said:
Muro was just about to offer some deer to the man with the axe when a stag charged for him, he tried to sidestep, and almost succeeded, but with his slowed reaction time, the stag hit him in the corner of his chest, causing several of the hair like feathers that covered his body. Muro backed up slightly, he opened his mouth and roared, causing foal blood and spittle to fly from his mouth. Then, he started running back towards the deer and leapt up, the dealer's antlers hit his feet as he leapt, causing him to fall on it back. Both of them fell to the ground. Muro picked himself up and placed a foot on the deer's neck, ready to stab it with his foot claws.

Sudden Status Check: on Deer attacks


Muro was lucky, this time. No ill effect will come of his last attack...


Jah'Ri was lucky, no ill effect will come of the kill, this time...

RealityEntity said:
Rea stood up, alarmed. She doesnt know where or who she was. All she knows is that her name is Reanne Shawcross. She couldn't see anything clearly except for flashing light. She looked down and saw rocks. 'Flint.' She thought. Her eyes widened. "Flint!" She said out loud as she grabbed the rocks and gathered some dried grass and leaves. She could sense the enemy coming as she hurriedly formed the grass in a nest form of shape. She had no idea what she was doing. She just trusted her instincts. After forming it she grabbed the rock and her sword scratching them to create some sort of friction. After a few moments, an ember was produced as she blew on it, creating a small fire. She kept adding leaves and wood, she wasnt sure if it was attracting, or getting rid of the enemy. At least, if there were friendlies, they would come to her.

Danger Check.


Rea was able to start the fire without harm to herself, but because the land was so dried out, the rest of it immediately caught fire. It was near instantaneous, like land washing away in a raging storm or the beginning of a hurricane. The area about fifty feet around became a gigantic bonfire, but they were all still in it, and it was spreading...

Positive effect: the enemy has ran away, sensing the danger of the incoming fire.

Negative impact: the next approximate twenty-five feet in all directions and the land you're standing on is currently on fire.

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Tolan stared down the deer that was circling him, slowly, with his left hand reaching for his hook, which was attached to his belt, as he quickly snagged the hook from his belt, and deftly threw it at the Deer, if the hit connected, Tolan would be able to pull the deer down to the ground with his strenght and the hook stabbing the deer's flesh to pull it, and deliver a clean axe cleave to its Neck, possibly resulting in a quick, clean, kill. If no complications were met of course.

Xicor was aiming at the deers with his rifle, seeing as two deers have fallen already, he aimed at the remaining one, which Tolan was taking care of, if the deer managed to dodge the hook, it would have to deal with a burst of magnetized lead from Xicor's rifle.


"Fia...Thats a nice name...Mine is....Hektor...I believe..." Before Hektor could go into details a flash of light had bursted from the nearby pond, disorienting him as he kneeled and held onto his top hat. with his eyes closed, he shaked his head back and forth trying to recover from the disorienting effect of the flash.
Jenna had been quiet watching the other members of their group wake up and talk. She didn't really have anything to say but the obvious- there were a great many savage beasts out there trying to kill them. The growls continued, not increasing in intensity though. She wondered how the well-dressed man could stay so calm....

Suddenly there was a blinding flash of light, and Jenna felt an immediate wave of heat wash over them. It was a wildfire, she was sure of it. "Oh great," she said sarcastically. "As if we didn't have enough to worry about already." She should go fly around and scout out the surrounding area. Hold on. Did she just say fly? Since when could she fly? She pushed the dumb thought out of her head- probably a byproduct of stress.

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