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Futuristic ππ„π˜πŽππƒ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒



falling for youβ„’
Roleplay Availability
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Market Day
The suns were already climbing in the sky, baking the planet’s surface as they rose, making this day the hottest of the year. Sweat clung to the residents as they scurried about the Tisne market, setting up their stalls and businesses for the day’s events. Yes, it was Market Day, a day where an unusual amount of β€˜tourists’ would show up to buy things from vendors before skulking their way over to the race tracks. Gambling and trading were extremely popular on such a day, and so was collecting money on elusive bounties. Everyone in the galaxy that knows about the underside of Tisne (which is all of it), knows about Market Day. So it was particularly interesting to see Dinru’s Parts and Trinkets still closed while everyone else was hurrying to get ready for their customers.

But those on Tisne knew better than to question the old woman as she had been on the planet longer than most of the locals and despite her short stature, she could probably seriously harm someone if they tried poking their nose where it didn’t belong. Only a select number of people actually knew what she was preparing for. Within the dingy little shop, the smell of old oil and smoke was heavy as Dinru Nendro approached a wall, her small and somewhat unsteady hands grabbing various items before it opened up. Once inside, the woman placed her pipe back into her mouth and clapped her hands.

β€œAlright, droids! Get to work! I want this ready for guests. It's filthy in here! Did you even clean up after that fight last night? Tsk. I should replace you all!” Various kitchen droids startled off their charging ports and quickly began to wander around the small tavern, cleaning what they could, and preparing drinks and meals for their future customers. The woman did not waste any more time in the room and went back out to her shop where she switched on the small neon light in the window. She was open for business.
the adventure begins ✩
coded by social

The suns were already climbing in the sky, baking the planet’s surface as they rose, making this day the hottest of the year. Sweat clung to the residents as they scurried about the Tisne market, setting up their stalls and businesses for the day’s events. Yes, it was Market Day, a day where an unusual amount of β€˜tourists’ would show up to buy things from vendors before skulking their way over to the race tracks. Gambling and trading were extremely popular on such a day, and so was collecting money on elusive bounties. Everyone in the galaxy that knows about the underside of Tisne (which is all of it), knows about Market Day. So it was particularly interesting to see Dinru’s Parts and Trinkets still closed while everyone else was hurrying to get ready for their customers.

But those on Tisne knew better than to question the old woman as she had been on the planet longer than most of the locals and despite her short stature, she could probably seriously harm someone if they tried poking their nose where it didn’t belong. Only a select number of people actually knew what she was preparing for. Within the dingy little shop, the smell of old oil and smoke was heavy as Dinru Nendro approached a wall, her small and somewhat unsteady hands grabbing various items before it opened up. Once inside, the woman placed her pipe back into her mouth and clapped her hands.

β€œAlright, droids! Get to work! I want this ready for guests. It's filthy in here! Did you even clean up after that fight last night? Tsk. I should replace you all!” Various kitchen droids startled off their charging ports and quickly began to wander around the small tavern, cleaning what they could, and preparing drinks and meals for their future customers. The woman did not waste any more time in the room and went back out to her shop where she switched on the small neon light in the window. She was open for business.

yara marin

tisne markets



Yara's feet ached as she pounded through the alleyway, panting so hard that her chest felt ready to burst. She had no idea where she was going. The girl's head pounded miserably, no doubt from whatever that man had given her the night previous. It barely registered now that the threat of death was imminent. The stranger's blaster was tucked clumsily under her tunic; the lone scalpel she'd used to escape, sticky with blood, still in her right hand. All of these things felt trivial to the fact that she was being chased by a very angry large man through a town she'd seldom explored outside her immediate working area. Surely her team would be looking for her, right? It was cause for alarm when a medic didn't return to their dormitory after a shift. Then again, they knew Tisne was dangerous, and would probably be organizing some sort of formal search party before going out as soon as they knew she was missing...

Her thoughts had barely time to wander. Yara shrieked as blaster fire sounded five feet behind her, striking the siding of the clay building adjacent and raining dust and rock overhead. The end of the corridor drew near. Voices and music began to rumble from the din of the congested residential sidestreets and the girl's heart leapt in recognition of salvation to come. If she could just get into the center of town where the people were, she was safe.

The alleyway opened up at once. Yara skirted into the throng of passersby and noise. Shop stalls, noise and heat clung to her like a lifeline as Yara slowed and weaved through the crowd. The girl was panting rapidly, her face slick with sweat and the pain in her skull blooming sickeningly oncemore. She wasn't in the clear yet but surely her persuer wouldn't try anything now that she was better visible to the public. Yara let herself move with the flow of traffic for a few minutes attempting to slow her panic and think of her next steps. She couldn't mill about forever.

I've got to find our ship.

But no, that wouldn't do. Everywhere she looked Yara saw the unfamiliar. She was entirely clueless to this part of town and with a sinking feeling in her gut, she realized that unless she was willing to go out and explore the city with a hunter on her trail, she was better off finding solace elsewhere.

Yara swiveled her gaze to her immediate surroundings. Hardened faces, human and non-human alike swam against the orange backdrop of the buildings and the dirt. None of these people looked particularly capable of taking on the responsibility of keeping her safe. In fact, they looked almost as dangerous as her captor. Yara's throat began to ache with the threat of sobs, and she exhaled desperately, now attempting to identify a shop or a building that would be suitable to hide in. Peering around more intently now, her eyes landed on an old storefront; the entrance of which had just slid open. Sandwhiched between two other stalls was a humble looking shop baring the name: Dinru's Parts and Trinkets. The woman inside was small and old but something inside the girl urged her forward, like the woman had the capaciry of help. She had a feeling that this was the place she needed to go. With nothing much else to lose, Yara skirted around a group of people bumping them accidentally, and crossed the road between them. Her eyes darted around wildly. There was no sign of the man but Yara was certain he was still in pursuit.

Before she'd even got the woman's attention her words tumbled out. Her hands trembled visibly as she held them out to the stranger-- eyes nearly bursting with tears. The girl's face was dirty with grime, and specks of blood tarnished her clothing. One would notice scuff marks on her previously crisp white attire. The medic band on her left forearm had been ripped and stained, and her hair once a neat braid down the length of her back, was now a straggled mess.

"Please, please help me! Th-there's a man chasing me and I need to hide-- he's trying to kill me, please!"

She sobbed. Tears began to make paths through the grime on her cheeks. She gazed around wildyly attempting to identify danger in the bustling crowd. He had to be close by. The bloody scalpel was still in her hand and the stolen blaster rubbed her bare skin raw under the fabric of her clothes. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the pain in her head.

"My name is Yara!"

Somehow the thought of giving this woman her name seemed like the polite thing to do. It was as if telling her who she was would make the slightest difference in her willingness to be merciful. Yara searched the woman's face for signs of agreement or understanding. Her entire life hung in the silence between her pleading, and what the old woman would decide to do with it.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
Market day was usually a time that Jeyne both looked forward to and dreaded. It meant way too much customer interaction but a great boost in sales. Rarely did she find herself enjoying the event and usually was just praying for the day to end so she could drink herself silly and do her best to survive another day. Tisne wasn’t exactly an easy planet to live on, especially with the amount of unsavory people that populated it. Still, she was never really bothered by anyone on the desert planet and that was something she looked forward to. The woman pushed up the metal door covering the front of her shop and locked it into place before unlocking the dusty glass doors. A faded sign hung over her head as she opened the doors and walked inside, the letters spelling out Volts & Bolts, not her name choice, but it did the trick.

A chirp and beep made the woman sigh as she looked over her shoulder at the droid on her back who was happily talking to her, or well, scolding her for not fixing the storefront already. β€œListen UN0, I got a lot on my plate, and painting a sign isn’t on it.” A smirk formed on Jeyne’s lips as the droid UN0 trilled and hopped off her back and onto the floor, quickly running around the shop in order to tidy it up and get it prepped for the day’s events. Opening the shop was easy, but Jeyne often forgot to pick up things from Dinru’s shop, a place that she frequented for alcohol and droid parts. Motioning to UN0, the droid eagerly hopped onto her back and clung to the small loops of fabric that Jeyne had specifically added for him to use.

The market was already busy, despite it not get being in full swing, but that was expected. Locking the door behind her, Jeyne made her way through the growing group of people towards the old shop. Before she could open the door, a rather frantic and frazzled girl entered, a rather uncommon sight to see on Market Day. Well, on any day actually. Rarely was someone running around actively looking for help on Tisne. β€œWell, this should be interesting.” Pushing the door open, Jeyne walked inside, quickly closing the door behind her. Dark eyes looked over the young woman practically clinging to every ounce of Dinru that was available, causing Jeyne to raise an eyebrow.

β€œOh get off, don’t suffocate me with those tears of yours!” The small shop owner huffed as she stood up and moved around the crying girl, clearly unsure of what to do in such a situation. β€œVex, you’re here, good good, you can help sort this mess out!” A groan came from the woman as she rolled her eyes and peered out of the trinket and dust-filled windows of the store. It wasn’t too unusual to have someone ask Dinru for help, but normally they already knew that she would help, as long as they had enough money to keep her quiet. Still, Jeyne knew better than to go against the shopkeeper so she twisted the shutters on the glass door, covering it up and making it pretty much impossible to see who was actually in the shop.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she tilted her head as she looked at the stranger, unsure of how she even got herself caught up in such a situation. She surely looked like she didn’t know how to fight, let alone survive on such a planet. But before any of Jeyne’s not-so-pleasant remarks could leave, Dinru returned to stand in front of the girl with her hands on her hips. β€œDo you have credits? An ID? I need to know who and what I’m dealing with if I’m going to help you. Help ain’t free, especially out here.” A small noise of amusement left Jeyne as she moved from the door and towards the counter, looking for a box of parts with her name on it. Her droid beeped and chirped as he looked at the situation, clearly urging the woman to be helpful in some way.

Narrowing her eyes at her droid, Jeyne rested her hands on the counter as she muttered at UN0, clearly arguing with him over what was the proper thing to do. It was amazing that her droid was able to understand helping people out better than the woman who built him. A huff of air left her as she spun on her heel and leaned back against the counter, clearly not pleased. β€œIf you’re a couple credits short, I can lend some. I don’t give to charity though so I expect it back. And considering you look like you just got hunted down, I’m assuming you have a bounty or something on your head. What did you do anyways?”

Tags: Yara Marin c h a n a c h a n a | Location: The Market | Wearing: 01
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The Runaway.


Le Monde


The Market; outside Dinn's Stall


name, name, name


@ user @ user

Sweating was an unpleasant feeling. Everything on her body felt sticky, and whatever fabric she wore clung to her no matter how she adjusted herself.

Troubled again by the heat, the once noble now fugitive grumbled and pulled her cloak tighter around her, ensuring it concealed most of her face. The fabric was designed for the harsh environment. Lightweight and durable, providing protection if not comfort from the searing heat while maintaining her anonymity. A thin accompanying beige veil covered her blonde curls, leaving only her enhanced dark teal eyes exposed, scanning the bustling market with interest

Her attire was practical yet inconspicuous, blending in with the many traders and tourists. Loose-fitting dress allowed for easy movement, while sturdy boots protected her feet from the scorching ground. Strapped across her back was a small satchel, ready to be filled with the parts and trinkets as she explored.

Tin, her faithful robotic companion, trotted silently by her side, its sensors alert for any signs of trouble. It was a risk to have him out and about, but she felt even more fretful without him. As much as Aeragon might have liked to believe, she wasn't completely naΓ―ve. She had outfitted Tin with a cloaking device years ago, a piece of technology she had painstakingly developed and refined. When activated, the device rendered Tin nearly invisible, blending his metallic body seamlessly into his surroundings. It was not perfect and required significant power, Medea used it sparingly, only when they were in immediate danger of detection.

Erring on the side of caution as well, she had pulled a rugged fabric cover that she could drape over the droid when they were in public spaces. Nothing fancy, it merely looked like a dirtier version of the cloak his owner wore but allowed Tin to blend in with the numerous other mechanical creatures and droids that roamed about.

"Should we be out and about so openly, miss?"
The mechanical creature questioned, keeping pace with his her quick foot steps.

she admitted.
"But I don't have much for equipment, and staying indoors without anything to entertain ourselves sounds incredibly boring."

As she navigated the stalls, her eyes darted from one vendor to the next, never letting her eyes stray for too long. She hated living like this, so distrusting of everyone around herself. Most of all she hated feeling more alone than ever. She thought she liked her independence, but being without a family was bitterly lonely.

Tin paused, lingering behind her for a moment.
"Are you alright? Based on my readings, you've had a slight drop in your serotonin levels. This could lead t-"
The woman quickly turned around before bending to get eye level.

"I regret giving you that much access every single day, Tin."
She sighed, though her eyes crinkled as they did whenever she smiled.
"I made it out just fine. We all did, what else can I ask for?"

A home. Her brother to not be a murdering piece of shit. A private toilet she didn't need to share with a man near her own age.

That might be a little much. Truthfully, she would have settled for a decent meal at the moment.

Tin tilted his head, as organic as a droid could, about to answer when not one but two people rushed inside a nearby shop startling his mistress enough to nearly make her topple over.

"Definitely can't go in there"
The robot tittered, shaking it's head.
"There's exposed amounts of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and iron. "
The noble turned her head in the direction, curious. He'd sensed blood? Had the woman been attacked?

"Where's Aeragon when you need him?"


Vara & Grim


Codename: Sparrow
Occupation: Mechanic/rebel
Appearance: Blue complexion with curled auburn hair. Lithe and petite, but with a fire in her red-brown eyes that boasts courage, and no small amount of playful confidence.


Occupation: Mechanic/rebel?
Appearance: A tall, long-legged dog-like alien species, with a long prehensile tail and wide, dexterous toes. His fur is mottled grey, white and brown with forked black stripes lining his face and limbs. His eyes are yellow-green and he has a surly and imposing bearing.

Location: outside Dinru's shop

It was the dust that got to her the most, not the heat. Vara resisted the urge to cough. Her lungs feeling like they were lined with sandpaper, and in the baking heat, the smell of oil and scorched metal from engine plating filled her nose. She wore her shabby flight goggles down, they offered a little protection from the white-hot sun and kept her eyes from drying.

As she walked down the street that market day she felt Grim's presence beside her, like a wilting, silent and hairy shadow. His ears were flat down and he was panting, his dark tongue lolling out from behind bear-like canines. Loparians were not built for this climate. Grim had barely said a word to her that day. They had had another fight about being here. A fight that Grim had lost and so, they were out investigating the streets again, though, after 3 weeks of being in this town, Vara was no nearer to finding the target that she'd been given information on.

There hadn't been much intel, and out here, computer files would be next to useless. The person Vara was looking for wanted to disappear.

She turned partially to her sour protector, thinking of how to apologize, or, at least say something to ease his mind. Grim had asked her go back home. He wanted to keep Vara safe, she understood that, and even after all these weeks working on how to say it, Vara still couldn't find the right words to express how she felt. She couldn't stay "safe", while she knew people were suffering all around her, and she had even the smallest chance to help set some of it right.

Vara was startled out of her thoughts by someone rushing by. Her head snapped up just in time to see another young woman knocked off balance by the sprinting figure.
She heard several quick breaths beside her as Grim sniffed the air.
"Blood?" came the Loparian's low, growling tone.
"Sure, that's one of the medics in town I think, blood's not that unusual. We've seen her around, but why is she running?"
"I vill look into it."

Vara watched him go, and instead of following, opted to make her way over to the toppled young woman and offer her a hand up.
"Hey, are you ok?" Vara pulled the goggles off her eyes and smiled down at the figure with her hand outstretched.
"Market day, ammIright?" She said sympathetically. "I hope the fall didn't ruin your nice clothes."
Then her eyes fell to the mechanical fox by the woman's side and her eyes lit up.
"Oh wow! Your droid is amazing! Did you build him yourself?"
ghostlynarcissus ghostlynarcissus

Grim did not cut the most subtle of forms, but with the diversity of species on Tisne, he didn't turn any heads either. He slipped up to the shop door, surprisingly light on his large feet, his thick tail curled by his calves to keep out of the way.
On instinct, Grim scanned the crowds, looking for anyone that might have been the cause of the woman sprinting into the shop, prepared to stop them with force if needed. He would be perfectly visible through the window to anyone inside the shop, but his own attention remained on the street.
social social c h a n a c h a n a

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The familiar blue haze of a transmission lit up the dark cockpit of the ship, causing the man to press his lips together as he waited for instructions or insults. Three months of β€˜hunting down’ a runaway noble wasn’t exactly normal, but for someone from his home planet, it did somewhat make sense. They were known for their fierce intellect, something that was practically unmatched by any in the galaxy. If someone wanted to escape and continue to do so, it would be someone from Ungorix. But the man on the transmission did not appear pleased. His arms were crossed and he scowled at the young general, clearly displeased with the recent report. β€œYou still haven’t found her?! How?!”

β€œSir, it is not easy to catch someone who does not wish to be found. She is the daughter of rather brilliant inventors, so it’s not surprising that she is hiding her tracks this well.”

β€œAre you sure she is even where you say she is?”

β€œI’m following a lead that I picked up. There were sightings of her so I am sure that I will find more details. If you let me get back to work that is.”
Shifting his weight from foot to foot, Aeragon kept a neutral expression, not wanting to betray any emotions or thoughts. He had done multiple countermeasures to keep his location on Tisne a secret, including modifying his ship so that the Order or Ungorix could not track his whereabouts. It was the first thing he did after he was β€˜attacked’ en route to a tip about the missing girl.

β€œYou- Fine. I will deliver the update but they will not be pleased. It’s only a matter of time before they send more mercs after her and if they get to her first-”

β€œBelieve me, sir, they won’t.”
The older man on the transmission nodded his head before it cut out, signaling the end of the conversation. A heavy sigh left the general as he rolled his shoulders, trying to ease the tension out of his body. Even after three months, blatantly lying to the people who raised and trained him wasn’t a comfortable experience. It made his stomach twist and his hand sweat. Stepping off the ship, he made his way to the small dwelling he and Medea had been occupying recently, much to the girl’s dismay. He understood her frustrations but attracting attention was the last thing on his mind.

Upon entering, he immediately could sense that she was no longer there, causing his fingers to twitch slightly in annoyance. β€œDamn it. She never stays put.” Quickly throwing on the dark cloak, Aeragon pulled the hood up and departed the dwelling, his weapons easily hidden in the ocean of fabrics, keeping out of sight from prying eyes. Slipping into the growing crowds, the man blended in, his figure now somewhat familiar to those who were local to the area. Rarely did he pull down his hood and it was even rarer for him to show a friendly expression, but some were lucky enough to see it.

In fact, the previous night he had been working to gain access to a tavern that could have just the sort of people he was looking for. Getting an idea as to what planets were safe to travel to and what ones weren’t, well that wasn’t exactly information he could trust from the regular locals of Tisne. He needed to speak to the ones who actively had as much to lose as he did from being discovered. And that is how he got in contact with Dinru Nendro. It had been quite late a few nights prior and Aeragon, as per usual, was out in the city, trying to ensure the safety of the woman sleeping hopefully peacefully in her temporary home, when he ran into the tiny woman.

One thing led to another and Dinru extended an invitation to her small tavern where nobody would think twice about who he or his companions were. That was rather enticing. He wasn’t a fool though and had briefly checked out the location before he planned on telling Medea about it, but she had disappeared before he had a chance to talk to her in the morning. But it didn’t seem like she wanted to wait around for him to finish up his call. A small scowl formed on his features as he wandered deeper into the market, his blue gaze carefully scanning every face and figure that he passed. His familiarity with the young woman and Tin made it easy to pick them out in a crowd, not to mention the quality of material the woman wore compared to the rest of the locals.

Aeragon locked onto the back of Medea as she was being (potentially) helped up by another girl he had seen various times on his rounds of Tisne. Another wanderer he assumed, but then again, most were. It did not take him long to reach her side, easily moving so that his shoulder was in front of the noble, allowing her time to fix her cloak and giving him time to look at the girl in front of him. His own dark robes flittered around Tin’s body, hiding the droid in shadows and thin fabrics, something that he had surprisingly started to do, similar to what Medea did. β€œAre you alright?” His question was directed to the woman he was more or less shielding with his frame, his expression calm and collected as he looked over the scene. He saw the stranger’s usual companion standing outside Dinru’s shop, causing him to raise an eyebrow. He had never seen them interact before and from the blood that trailed on the ground, he could not help but be wary.

Turning his back to the stranger, Aeragon trained his gaze on Medea, clearly scanning her face for any signs of injury. β€œWere you wanting to explore the market? Because if you aren’t, we're expected in a shop.” His voice was low as he spoke to her, not exactly thrilled by the fact she was somehow wrapped up in a situation as soon as he left her side. But that was a conversation for another time. At the moment, he was more concerned with getting her out of the heat and to a place where they could speak a little more comfortably.

Tags: Medea ghostlynarcissus ghostlynarcissus - Vara SilverFlight SilverFlight | Location: The Market
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yara marin

tisne markets


Yara had expected this interaction to go differently. She listened as the old woman demanded that she, a person who'd just escaped an assassin, pay her for the hassle of helping her free. Her stomach dropped and she blanched wide-eyed at the shopkeeper.

"No!" Yara exhaled, still in disbelief. "Wait, yes--" She realized at once that if she were to get anywhere, she might as well just go ahead and hand over what credits she had. Volunteer work left much to be desired when it came to income. Yara uncurled her left hand and patted the trouser pocket on her thigh before fumbling for the credits that were surely inside. There should have been a few, not likely very much though. To Yara's horror she found nothing. Her expectant palm trembled in shock. All that remained in the pocket was a round woven patch that bore a medical cross, and her initials below it. This was a small graduation gift from her academy, and was intended to be sewn onto the breast of a jacket one day. Yara often liked to hold it between her fingers and rub them along the soft embroidery to feel each stitch. It was calming. Something inside her felt comforted now too even if the silly patch was worthless.

Yara exhaled a shaky breath and shook her head with finality. "M'am I'm sorry... my credits are gone." Her eyes threatened to spill over again, but she didn't dare meet the ones of Dinru opposite her. If she did, Yara feared she'd cut her with that dismissive gaze. It was before the old woman could retort that Yara became aware of another presence in the room. She turned her head and blinked slowly at the stranger, seemingly taking several seconds to register that she had spoken, and that she was speaking in her direction.

"I'm a medic from Ierus. I don't know if you're familiar, a group of us came here for volunteer work. I-- well, to be honest I really don't know. I was working last night and all of a sudden this huge man shows up and pretends to be hurt." Yara was almost hyperventilating now with the effort of trying to explain herself to who seemed to be the only person here willing to inquire.

"He stabbed me with this, I don't know, this anasthetic apparently, and when I woke up I was in a docked ship." Speaking about what had just occurred over the last 12 hours seemed to induce a sort of shock. It dulled her expression into one of fragile calm. This was actually real; not some nightmare which she'd wake up from to find that she was blissfully home and safe.

"I stabbed him. He's still alive, with a blaster, and I have no idea why he wants to kill me." Yara had the naivety to suggest she wasn't lying. It was obvious to these two she was sure. Perhaps that could win her some sympathy? Safety even? Yara was beginning to feel very out of place. "He said something about my parents, but, I can't imagine they'd do anything wrong..." This last bit was spoken more to herself than those in the room. Her own brain could put the pieces together no faster than a stranger could.

"I can pay you back once I've located our ship. My quarters are there, and the rest of my things." Yara's only other items of value were the bloody scalpel in her right hand that was now clinging to her palm and smelled strongly of metal, and the blaster hidden in the waistband of her pants. In the moment it didn't occur to her that these may suffice for the strangers' uses.

It was no sooner she finished speaking that Yara noticed movement opposite the glass window. She nearly yelped out loud and moved back a few paces, before realizing that the one peering in was not even human and could not have been her captor. Stunned into silence Yara hastily averted her gaze and fixed it safely on the worn concrete floor.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
Not many liked to call Tisne home, and he certainly wasn’t one of them. The sand billowed and clung to the fabric of his cloak, making him grimace under the helmet. A few days on the planet and he was already tired of knocking sand out of his armor and clothing, only for it to make its way into his bed and every other thing he owned. But as he walked the dusty streets of the market, he could make out some form of a disruption, something that wouldn’t normally occur before the market officially opened. Disappearing quietly into the alleyways between the buildings, the armored man followed the thin trail of blood, the speckles of crimson liquid leading him around the market in a frenzied way. Unsteady and hasty.

It did not take long until he was in a street that was growing with people, all curiously peeking at the commotion. Anything public meant that everyone on Tisne would be paying attention if it was interesting that is. Zen crossed his arms as he leaned against the side of a building, the computer in his helmet quietly identifying objects and individuals that could pose a threat. He observed the alien that positioned itself in front of a shop that Zen often frequented when he was unfortunate enough to land on Tisne. Tilting his head, he did not interfere or give an opinion on those who seemed to be sticking their noses where they didn’t belong.

Sticking to yourself and being an observer was the normal thing for those on Tisne. They were bystanders and had no intention of changing that. A billow of black and brown fabrics passed the corner of his eye as he observed a man weaving between the people with ease, almost as quietly as someone within the Brotherhood. That wasn’t common and therefore the man found his attention drifting to two young women and the cloaked man, who was clearly hiding the woman in the light-colored clothing. Wandering slightly closer, Zen took a peak at some of the open stalls, staying within range of the general area so he could pick up conversations and see if any were of interest.

Unfortunately, he normally enjoyed sitting in Dinru’s shop and overhearing the various guests, but it didn’t seem like he would be allowed in any time soon. He had little interest in getting tangled up with a tourist and therefore he stayed at the edge, simply watching and waiting. After all, he was there to find members of the Brotherhood and possibly recruit those who seemed to have potential. He had a mission and he planned on fulfilling it sooner than later.

Tags: Open | Location: The Market
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