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Maya "Echo" Visari


The hooded woman eyed the scene in front of her and was about to slip out her knife as she studied the teen in front of her

"Who are you?! What just happened here!"

She was in a unfamiliar area and she had watched the teen take out a being a lot larger than her.

"What the hell WAS that?"

Birdsie Birdsie Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts @Versie​

  • The Sinister Tank Demon saw the tree that did almost as much collateral damage as the Nazi Monsters themselves. The Vile Beast did what it was created to do.
    Danger 5 Tank Demon Fires.gif
    With a single blast Tank Demon obliterated the tree and any hippies chained to it.

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--Akira Kurusu and the Phantom Crew--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Just as Fisk walked off his table, Morgana swiftly got back into Akira's bag when Ryuji was about to warn him about Fisk leaving.

"We'll be back." Akira nodded as he told the group, grabbing his bag with his cat in it and began to tail the Kingpin from afar...
  • "Well yeah, I did say all the kingdoms are coming," Star reiterated, "Why do you ask?" Star started chewing on the bell of her wand.

    “Oh! Ah, no reason.” Cynthia replied, waving her question off.

    The starstruck knight recalled the legends of her time—those of a daring Chrom—his stalwart Shepherds and the brave armies of Ferox marching in unison to defeat the encroaching menace of Plegia and restore peace to the continent.

    “Well, I guess you could say we have a lot of history with them. Are Ylisse and Plegia friends now?” she asked everyone in the room.

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
  • 5e725d50e39797f154d4d37ace0b70db.jpg
    Bakugo began to rapidly hit the enemy with explosions, and when he noticed that their lasers and bullets weren't doing anything except scratching the monster and sometimes chipping some of the small rocks which don't help at all. "Come on! Work harder, you extras!" He shouted as he paused for a moment to rest his arms before it would continue to strain his arms. "If I was only wearing my hero costume, I would've finished this in one shot." He muttered, clearly annoyed by the enemy's toughness.

    Someone tried to smash the monster's head, but it was only pulled down the ground. When one of the Beacon students attempted to force a block on the monster, he took the opportunity to attack. Bakugo quickly launched himself on to the monster, maneuver his way towards the mask and land on it. He placed his left hand on the mask and held his arm with his other free hand. With an annoyed look on his face, he shouted, "DIE!" And a big explosion occurred, sending him flying into the trees because of the recoil. The explosion would also be heard from the camp, but he didn't care. If this continues, they would need help anyway.

    AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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  • Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
    Nanoha blinked and then narrowed her eyes.

    "I see... Could you excuse me for a moment?" Nanoha asked as she brought a holographic screen up between her and Aizawa that had Kazuto's face on it with the words dialing on it. It was even ringing. After a few rings there was an answer.

    "Hey Ms.Nanoha! I can totally explain why I'm not at the camp!" Kazuto said from his end of the call.

    "Kazuto-kun..." Nanoha said in a grim tone. Before realizing there were the sounds of a battle happening on Kazuto's end.

    "Kazuto? Where are you exactly?" Kazuto was about to answer when a loud explosion could be heard in the Beast Forest. Nanoha looked in the direction of the sound of the explosion.

    "Whoa! Is that guy gonna be okay?!" She heard Kazuto say over the sound of the explosion.

    "Kazuto...?" Nanoha asked, her grim tone replaced with a worried one. Then Kazuto spoke again.

    "Okay... So the good news is I'm actually near the camp in the Beasts forest! The Bad news is that I, and a couple of fellow students I came across are fighting off a Grimm possessed Golem, that is trying very hard to kill us!"

    "Are you in the direction of that explosion that just occurred?" Nanoha asked looking in said direction.

    "Yeah! Wait how do you-" Kazuto started to ask.

    "I'm on my way!" Nanoha said ending the call. She turned to Aizawa.

    "Aizawa-san, I don't mean to order you around, but could you do a head check? It would seem some of your students have ended up in the Beast Forest." Nanoha explained and took off via Axel Fin in the direction of the explosion without another word.
  • latest
    He turned and saw a suspicious, hooded woman. She seemed to be startled upon witnessing the situation, which he understood.

    And then, Shirou came to the awareness that someone had seen him use magecraft. He cringed internally at his own idiocy. He didn't want to ignore her question or run away, but it was against magus law to involve mundane people into magical affairs. He should have taken up Rin on that offer to teach him hypnosis; had he done so, maybe he could have convinced the woman this didn't happen.

    Anyway, there wasn't a good way out of this. He needed an excuse. "That was a..."

    Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. Come on, Shirou! "-part of the show!" He grinned stupidly, trying to seem affable, but coming off as sheepish.

    "I belong to a troupe of..." His grin deflated and turned into disappointed indifference. "Yeah, okay, this won't work. I honestly have no idea what that thing was -- really, I don't -- but I know that you weren't supposed to see that. Actually, it'd be more accurate to say I'm not supposed to let anyone see me do... things like that. I'm sorry, just how much did you see?"

    darkred darkred

Interacting: Haz. Haz. (Giorno Giovanna) Crenando Crenando (Captain Marvel) Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Location: Fawcedo battling nazi dinosaurs.
Lavi Bookman Jr.
Lavi managed to rescue all of the civilians by the time and repositioned to the top of a building right in time to see Danger Warrior blast one of the monsters attacking the city. He raises his eyebrows in surprise before shrugging it away, after all any help they could get to combat these threats would be appreciated and clearly, this new helper was very effective.

He immediately proceeds to return to the ground to check on his new teammates, temporarily as they may be he needed to make sure that they were ok. As he jumps down he sees Giorno create a massive tree in an attempt to entangle the monsters. Which was quickly burned along with any hipsters tied to it. He walks casually behind him holding his hammer over his shoulders as he sees the damage it caused, that's where a boy who introduced himself as CM3 appeared and asked about who they were;

"Me? People just call me Lavi, my profession was a bookman in training and an exorcist though that may be rather hard to do as of now, as in terms of what I can do? Well."

He drops bending his knees, multiple seals appear around him with different symbols representing different elements. After they circle around him for a while he strikes one of them into the ground shouting; "Hi Ban: Gouka Kaijin ". As he does a fire serpent erupts around him and it begins assimilating the fire from the tree into it after it done so it attempted to slid inside of the tank's barrel. The serpent itself was made purely of fire, so if the barrel was fire resistant it wouldn't do anything.
Maya "Echo" Visari


"Listen, I'm NOT going to hurt you but if you try to attack, I won't hold back." Echo growled lightly at Shirou. All she wanted to know what was going on, not questioning her on everything she knew about this situation.

She was a elite Helghast spy. "Listen, pal. I didn't see much. All I wanted is to get to this "Daily Planet. But now that those things showed up, I could of helped."

Birdsie Birdsie Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
  • latest
    He stepped back, wary. Her outfit alone set off his danger radar, but this was something else.

    Won't hold back? Is she a fighter?

    Shirou mumbled something under his nose. That something may have been: "Jeez, this is the Holy Grail War all over again, isn't it?"

    "Okay. Let's start from the beginning. I'm Shirou Emiya, I go to Homurahara High-School in Fuyuki," he looked around as if to confirm what he said next, "And this isn't Fuyuki." He faced the woman again with gravity. "I have no idea where I am, what these things are, and who you are. I'm very confused, and that's all I know."

    Meanwhile, in his thoughts: Pleasedon'tquestiontheswords. Pleasedon'tquestiontheswords. Pleasedon'tquestiontheswords.

    darkred darkred Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Maya "Echo" Visari

"Wait, you don't come from here?! She eyed Shirou again "I don't come from here either. Name's Echo. Let's say I come from a planet named Vekta, I live on the New Helghan side of the wall."

Maya was quiet about her real name until she was sure she could trust this teenager.

Birdsie Birdsie Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Rin Tohsaka - Metropolis


"Emiya-kun may be hopelessly dense, but I wouldn't imagine you'd be able to do much to him really if you plan on fighting him the way you are," the voice of Rin Tohsaka rang from the side, the girl casually exiting the Daily Planet, brushing aside some stray hair with an amused look on her face as she walked down the steps. Speaking with an air of familiarity regarding Shirou, almost to a condescending degree, the young woman let her arm fall to her hip, before coming to a stop as she stood in front of Shirou and Maya. "... Or, maybe I've overestimated him?"

"I'm not quite sure what you would want to find in this Daily Planet building; it's all but deserted. At least, now that that strange little imp is gone, but... well, I think I still need another moment to process everything myself," she went on, before nodding toward Shirou, "You're right about one thing though, Emiya-kun. It's not Fuyuki. In fact, seems like we're all the way in America from the looks of it. Or at least, some place resembling it. I don't think I've ever heard of this city before... Metropolis, the newspapers called it..."

"In any case, the two of you can wipe off those scary faces, if it's all the same with both of you. If there's no reason for quarrel, then there's no quarrel. Isn't that right?" She asked as the scene calmed down. Rin doesn't quite know anything about what the woman was talking about herself, between this "Helghan" or "Vekta" stuff, but in turn, that probably meant she didn't know anything about what Rin and Shirou were talking about, or would talk about later on.

Birdsie Birdsie darkred darkred
  • latest
    A wave of relief surged through him when she didn't question the swords. The last thing he needed right now was people noticing his magecraft. Shirou wouldn't be very surprised if Tohsaka killed him for it. Along with whoever saw said magecraft.

    "Vekta? Helghan?" he mimicked, visibly surprised, as her words only seemed to add to his confusion. His mind raced with a great number of questions: Do people live on other planets? Was she a human? Why were they here? He considered her words for a moment, trying to put together the puzzle behind them.

    Then, the voice of Rin rang out. His heart almost leaped out of his chest when he heard her voice. "T-Tohsaka?"

    Okay, she'll have mercy if I'm honest. Probably.

    Shirou decided to play the honesty card. It was better to get whatever judgment Tohsaka would impart on him now, rather than suffer double consequences later. "Tohsaka, I have to tell you something... I... kind of had to use magecraft here, in public, just a minute ago. In my defense, it was a life-or-death situation."

    darkred darkred Verite Verite

Maya "Echo" Visari


To the Helghast spy's credit, the others didn't know everything about her quite yet to say the least. The less they knew, the better. However, she failed to understand what "magecraft" was and what would follow but she would ask about the connections between the two.

"Anyways, America? This is the location of Metropolis? "

This led to "Echo" placing her combat knife away and crossing her arms to listen to who she'd be working with around here:

"So what's the connections between you two?" "You know each other?"

Birdsie Birdsie Verite Verite

Rin Tohsaka - Metropolis


"Oh, is that so, Emiya-kun? Well, I guess it couldn't be helped, since your life was on the line. Those demons are no joke, right? I even had to use a jewel myself when I went up against some of them," Rin said with an eerie smile to Shirou. The kind of smile that Shirou would know, Rin only gave when she was seething angry about something in reality. Of course, it wasn't that Rin was necessarily angry at Shirou himself. One could, instead, infer that she was more displeased about their situation in general. After all, if that middle-aged man with the beige jacket from before inside the Daily Planet was right (a likelihood, all things considered), then they were all in an unfortunate situation.

Eventually, Rin's expression went deathly serious at the drop of a hat, her eyes narrowing as her voice dropped the lightness. "Anyway, I wouldn't worry so much about it, Emiya-kun. If we have someone calling herself an alien in front of us, regardless of whether she really is one or not, then it shouldn't be a problem, right? Either she's too crazy for anyone else to take stock in her words, or it's just something she should be used to by now," she said, shrugging her arm briefly at Maya, before going on. The girl of vermilion could only imagine Shirou's possible confusion, and as amusing as it might have been to see this kind of look on his face, she went on. "I've told you about the Second Magic, haven't I? I think everything that's happened to us... is a result of someone or something else tapping into that. At least, to my own possible understanding. But... I guess I'll have to wait to explain later. It's not safe out here, after all."

As Maya posed her question, Rin only pursed her lips slightly, looking over to Shirou briefly, before back to Maya. "... You could say that. Emiya-kun and I have quite a relationship. Isn't that right?"

darkred darkred Birdsie Birdsie
  • latest
    Her first few sentences were like a light slap on the wrist. In fact, the eerie calmness that washed over her behavior was more unsettling than had she just called him an idiot. It was... not a good feeling. Far from good.

    Shirou felt it coming from a mile away. He didn't want to feel it, but he did. He predicted the event with perfect precognition. Like a flick of a switch, Tohsaka went from approachable and gracious to deadly serious. Shirou tightened his teeth, feeling dread wash over his back. His face went from despair to deep confusion as she strongly stated the woman in front of them was an alien.

    The Second Magic? Something clicked in his head. But before he could make the connection, Echo asked if they knew each other.

    Tohsaka was the first one to answer. Shirou sighed. "Yes, quite," he said, with inflection feigning decorum but being too vehement for Rin not to detect the unsubtle soreness in it.

    Shirou looked around, analyzing the surroundings. "Anyway, what do we do now? This can't be happening randomly. There must be a reason this is happening. There very well might be other people who got moved here. We should find them and figure out what's happening."

    darkred darkred Verite Verite

  • Geez, this guy certainly doesn't have the charm of Tawky Tawny. In the midst of the combination attack on the giant, beastly tiger, Captain Marvel jumped in and socked the thing in the dang jaw, into another conveniently abandoned building. "Good thing it's Sunday!" He shouted to the others. "That building would be full tomorrow!"
    The Bullet Family whizzed around the other monsters, keeping their attention off of other potential targets. "That may be so, but we're running out of abandoned buildings!" The team's patriarch pointed out. "There has to be a better alternative."

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • The Exorcist's assault on Tank Demon caused the creature to fall to its knees. Knight Demon, seeing that its ally was in pain aided him back to his feet. Tank Demon was fine before Captain Marvel punched him in the jaw which sent the Nazi Monster into an abandoned building.

    Tank Demon then staggered back to his feet, still ready to fight off the Allied forces. Danger 5 then activated their next mighty weapon.
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    The Nazi Monsters stood back and watched in awe as Danger Warrior showed off its amazing skills.
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    Danger Warrior charged forwards to its prime target, Tank Demon.
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    Danger Warrior's ruthless assault toppled the might Nazi Monster thanks to those who aided by denting the Nazi Monster's fascist armor.

    "Great, now only one monster remains," Tucker said as Danger Warrior walked up to Knight Demon to deliver the finishing blow.
    Danger 5 Knight Demon Death.gif
    With Knight Demon over the rubble of the last abandoned building, Danger Warrior stood victorious over the Nazi Monsters... until the eerie chuckle was heard by all.

    "Hee Ho! Ha Ho! HAHO HEE HO HAW HAW YUK YUK HAAA HAAAAA HO HAAAAAAAAAAA!" the horrible chuckle caused those who piloted Danger Warrior, Danger 5, to cover their ears in pain.

    "Did you really think it was that simple?" Spoke the ever familiar voice of Mister Mind as Knight Demon stood back up and began to change into something far more sinister.
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    "My god, that worm's a Nazi!" Jackson muttered with disgust.

    "I am far more than a Nazi, I do not wait my time with their pathetically primitive goals and desires!" Mister Mind explained, "But first, I shall indulge myself to sweet delight of destroying the Marvel Family!"
    Danger 5 Victory Gauntlets.gif
    Mr. Mind's Victory Demon fired its Victory Gauntlets at Captain Marvel Junior which sent the young hero crashing to the earth below. Danger Warrior was disgusted by the appalling actions of the evil Maggot. Mr. Mind laughed as Victory Demon activated its Victory Panzerschreck attack.
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    Danger Warrior crashed into a populated office building much to the dismay of the heroes witnessing the events.

    Victory Demon swatted Captain Marvel away, "Now, dear Captain, be patient, for your destruction will soon follow..." Mister Mind said as he activated Victory Demon's mighty weapon... the Victory Pistol.
    Danger 5 Victory Pistol.gif
    "First, I must rid myself of these Allied Simpletons!" Mister Mind spoke as Victory Demon was about to pull the trigger. Who can save Danger Warrior and all of Fawcedo.
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  • Miguel O'Hara - Mewnisse


    "... Ah, shock--!"

    As Miguel scaled the structure of the castle, looking around meticulously for the wand in question, he had figured that the princess would have her bedroom at the top of the estate, complete with a breathtaking view of the vista.

    The only thing he neglected to consider... was that he'd probably stick out if he dared to poke his head out, plain as day.

    With that said, while a Spider-Sense he did not have, Miguel was able to quickly perceive the spell headed his way and leapt to his side, letting the... Narwhal Blast miss him. Letting out a whistle to himself underneath his mask, Miguel grunted. "And I thought I'd seen it all, but this all probably would have been a walk in the park for any one of the Fantastic Four members," he clicked his tongue, bemoaning his situation.

    Still, he was here to do a job, and if a girl like that could so casually wield power like that... Miguel wasn't about to forget why he was even here.


    Once he found an open window (no pun intended) of opportunity, Miguel spun a web from his forearm, hoping to grab onto the wand that way, all the while his other hand was doing most of the work sticking to the wall.

    Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • giorno2.png

    Giorno Giovanna
    - Fawcedo

    Unfortunately for Giorno, that attack was incredibly exhausting AS WELL as incredibly ineffective, draining a good majority of his stamina and yet being otherwise harmless to the malevolent goliaths regardless (though it did certainly aid Levi's spectacular flame show). A plan B was in motion, but GioGio would be pressed for time, as executing it simply wouldn't be possible with the Danger Warrior defeated, which the mecha was definitely about to be. He had to reach the Victory Pistol, and yet he was unsure how considering the fact that it was clenched in the firm grip of a 30 story-tall Nazi kaiju.
    And then, it struck him. Seeing the exorcist soar past earlier, rescuing civilians aboard his magic, flying hammer, a new plan came to be. He rushed to the side of the pyromaniac, skidding to an abrupt halt beside him.
    "Listen. Levi, was it? We've only known each other for minutes, but I can already see that the fate of this battle depends on the combination of our abilities. The robot won't be able to hold out much longer from the looks of things, so we must take matters into our own hands. Fortunately, the enemy's firearm is just small enough for my Gold Experience to grant it life. My only problem is the fact that I can't reach it from this level."
    Giorno picked off one of his brooches, transforming it into a small sunflower to demonstrate his abilities.
    "I don't like repeating things, but I'll say it again, just this once. The fate of this fight depends on our abilities combined. Will you aid me?"

    June Verles June Verles (Levi), Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • --Ryuga Banjou || Stella || Noire--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts takki takki

    "Scary..." Ryuga and Stella gulped at the same time when Blanc sort of got pissed pissed at the blonde warrior.

    "Wonder if we can even enter this thing?" Ryuga asked, then pointing at the Goddess and the Norse God. "Then I could probably try and kick YOUR asses before you two even meet!"

    "Don't try and flatter yourself..." Noire shrugged, "You probably won't get the chance to fight either one."

    "Is that challenge?!" Ryuga rose from the table, "Cuz bring it on!" He declared, his fighting spirit ignited. Before he became a rider, Ryuga was a pro fighter. So events like this really pumped him up.
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  • hyperdimension-neptunia.png

    takki takki Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


    "Keep dreaming kid!" Neptune said with an air of confidence in her voice, "Everyone knows that us CPUs are so totally gonna be in the finals!"

    "That and you seem to lack a partner," Vert chimed in before an idea struck her, "Why not pair up with my dear little sister, Stella?"

    "Ooo! Guest Characters teaming up!" Neptune said with glee, "I like that idea, Vert!"

    "Neptune," Nepgear meekly approached her older sister, "I know we normally team together, but if it's all right with you..."

    "You paired with Uni? Aw, anything for you, Nep Jr.!" Neptune gave her sister a pat on the head.

    "Thank you!" Nepgear hugged Neptune as a token of her gratitude.

    "Anyways, Blanc, you mind you and me team up?" Neptune asked the CPU of Lowee.
  • blanc-hyperdimension-neptunia-009.jpg
    Blanc looked at Ryuuga, still with that pissed look on her face. "I'm going to fucking kill you if I get the chance to fight you!" And, she sighed, calming herself down.

    She would then gaze away at Neptune's offer with an expression of disgust, replying with a "Tsk." After a few seconds, she glanced at her once again. "Fine. Just be serious." She said. She would partner with either Vert or Noire, but she wasn't really in good terms with them judging by their interactions. Neptune, on the other hand, was kind of on the neutral side. Plus, she's really rowdy when she's not in her HDD Mode. Still, she's very powerful when she's Purple Heart.

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Interacting: Haz. Haz. (Giorno Giovanna) Crenando Crenando (Captain Marvel) Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Location: Fawcedo battling nazi dinosaurs.
Lavi Bookman Jr.
Lavi sighed resting on his hammer as he saw that his attack didn't do nearly enough to take out the mech, this was like back in Edo. That attack took a lot out of him but there was still one last monster to take out, he was out of ideas until Giorno approached him with his idea. Lavi looked surprised for a second before a smile reappeared on his face; "My what a divine power for a gangster, the power to give life? How lucky. But yes I can get you up there and hold down the monster for a bit, but you only got one chance. See you.".

He says as he lifts his hammer once more the seals reappearing around him, he chooses a different one this time and simply strikes it down on the earth. For a second nothing happens but then instantaneously a serpent out of molten steel and concrete appears bellow Giorno. The snake attempts to circle around the monster, binding it and allowing Giorno to get closer.

After sending the snake to do its job Lavi falls down on his back on the ground gasping for air, the use of two seals so close after each other clearly exhausted him. He is still however still smiling like a dumbass before saying to Captain Marvel Junior; "You're pretty strong for a brat, do you have the strength to carry another?".
All Might
Location: Fawcedo
Status: Entering Combat
Interactions: Crenando Crenando Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts June Verles June Verles Haz. Haz.

A bellowing chuckle was heard throughout the arena of combat, as a figure clad in the colors of the United States seemingly flew through the air, a large arm reared back and poised to strike as it flew with inhuman speed towards the weapon in Victory Demon's hand, aiming to hopefully disarm the large monster and free the heroic Danger Warrior. The Symbol of Peace himself had arrived to turn the tides of battle towards the side of justice!

"Everything is alright now! Why is that? Because I am here!" All Might shouted as he threw his mighty fist towards the pistol in Victory Demon's hand.

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