• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
  • Sumireko gradually relaxed her tense hands and disappointedly put her phone away.

    "Sure. That's great and all, but..."

    She ran a hand through her hair.

    "...I think I just missed the occult opportunity of a lifetime."

    Resting her hand back at her side, Sumireko was reminded of a certain something that had piqued her curiosity earlier. Her eyes slowly wandered to the mock-pistol fastened to Minako's hip...

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • Star_vs_the_Forces_of_Evil_logo.png
    Verite Verite

    "Well we can't really start the summit without your husband," Moon informed Winter.

    "He has other matters to attend to," Winter replied, "Once those are dealt with he will be here shortly."

    Suddenly an Airship arrived to the scene.

    "I suppose that would be Doctor Doom?" Moon asked
    Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

    "Wait what?" Lissa blurted out when the timetraveler revealed herself as the cleric's future niece.

    "Hey, hey! Do you know where my mom and dad—I mean—Sumia and Chrom are?" she hopefully asked Lissa. "Star said they were here for a summit. Are they super-busy getting ready for it right now?

    "Yeah, everyone's busy... the summit is today after all," Lissa explained, "Kingdoms from across the world are attending... Even kingdoms whose kings we've warred with..."

    "Yeah, that Robot-Lady's one persistent lady," Star mused to herself of that one time she almost lost her wand to a cyborg.
    Suddenly the airship opened and from the ship emerged Lucia von Bardas and a small troop of robots then finally a hooded figure emerged from the ship.
    "That would indeed be my husband," Winter stated as Doctor Doom has finally set foot on the Butterfly Kingdom.

    "Doctor Doom," Moon greeted the monarch of Latlas, "You're surprisingly late."

    "I had urgent business to attend to," Doctor Doom explained as the robots followed him to the summit meeting.

    Lucia von Bardas took a moment to look at the futuristic Spider-Man as if to give him a silent signal.

    Winter turned her attentions to Spider-Man, "I think you know what to do." And with that the queen of Latlas left for the summit.
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  • 1533674505226-png.470769

    Giorno Giovanna
    - Fawcedo

    "I don't mean to sound blunt, but the eggs I've cracked are none of your concern. Your attitude implies I don't have a moral compass or limit, which..."
    Giorno visibly tensed, the apparition of Gold Experience faintly enveloping the left side of his face, though it quickly flickered away.
    "I've taken lives to preserve those of others. I assure you, I haven't harmed anyone who wasn't directly responsible for the death of an innocent. I'm not the most righteous individual, but I, too, have my own limits. My title is one I use to uphold justice and punish the guilty - the ones who have survived as long as they have due to the corruption of my country. Passione doesn't exploit the law. That's not who we are, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't assume so about us."

    Crenando Crenando

  • --Kamen Rider Gaim--
    Barbas Barbas

    Just as the opposition charged at him, the man lifted the yellow knife handle, the blade chopping the lock's face as it then opened, revealing what appears to be an orange slice with an image of a sword on it. Just as he did this, the mechanical orange from the sky fell ontop of the man, blue essences covered the man's entire body as he blocked one of the hobo's attack.

    Orange Arms! In the spotlight ON STAGE!

    The mechanical orange split open as it slowly attached itself on the man's torso and shoulders, forming a fruit themed armor with a helm that's similar to a Japanese samurai's. Orange juice spurted out of the armor's crevices as it attached itself in the rider's body, causing it to rain orange juice in the immediate area before Gaim pushed his assailant off of him, taking a leap back. The Rider didn't bother drawing any of his weapons due to the fact that the hobos were, simply put, just human. There's no doubt that they wouldn't survive getting sliced by a sword or shot by a gun! All he could do for now is knock them out or tire them into submission.

    After all, they're being mislead by this Atavar person.
  • blanc-hyperdimension-neptunia-009.jpg
    "Well, it's kind of like this..." Blanc imitated a cough, preparing for her answer. "You're a goddess like me, for example. The more popular you are, the more people worship you. Which means if you spread your influence more to the other lands, then you would attract more people that would do quests for your land, by means of your worshippers." She paused. After that, she stopped on the side of the street. She faced Ryuuga with her usual, emotionless face. "You get it?" Blanc asked him.

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • --Ryuga Banjou--
    takki takki

    "Hmmmmm...." Ryuga thought for a bit as he took what Blanc into consideration, imagining Misora(Or Vernage) in the equation instead. It seemed to make a little sense, but not sure if he's getting it right. Shortly after her explaination, Blanc asked if he got it. "So basically...If the church actually govern a country right instead of being run by dick priests." He muttered with a nod. "I think I got it." He unfolded his arms, thinking that he's actually right.
Parasite was at a lack for words quite literally. As he went to grab his meal he was frozen almost solid. Left powerless, cold, and hungry. The once boastful villain could do little more than watch as the hero called for backup. It would be pretty impossible for him to thaw from his icy prison. "So much for that hmm Rudy?" Torval's voice whispered to him almost mockingly. To which Rudy only began sulking and seething more. They'd send him right back to some kind of prison and start starving him...
But he seemed to be in an odd order of luck as figures clad in armor came almost knightly looking if it weren't for the fact they were breaking into the armored truck to free a super villain . Parasite figured if they wanted to kill him now they had the perfect chance. But if this was an opprotunity, Rudy would take it and reward these strangers by draining them of their power. In fact he was a little more free, he could feel again and even speak a little. "T-thanks fellas, what sorta buisness are you in to want and go and free me?" Rudy had to strain against the cold to speak. But he was indeed curious.

Vsland Vsland

  • 250px-Nepgen_logo.png
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ( Moonsie Moonsie )​

    "Wait... A girl in pink spandex?" Neptune placed a finger on her chin as she pondered the question, "I'm guessing she's big on the meta-narration thing as well, right? If so then yeah, I know her! She helped us out deal with those 'Masters of Evil' guys which was a step-up from 'Arbore'!"

    Arfoire sneezed, "Stupid allergies!"
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Nanoha Takamachi-Valpan-Midori-ya cafe
(Open for interaction)​
It was just another normal day at the family owned Midori-ya cafe. Nanoha was taking orders and her daughter Vivio was serving the customers their food and drink. Her mother Momoko Takamachi was manning the register while her father was in the back with Miyuki baking.

"Ne Nanoha-san?" A young girl with light green hair, a recurring customer along with the rest of her friends seated at the table with her.

"Are the rumors about you being a Pro hero true?" She asked.

"Oi!" one of her friends yelled scolding her.

"Oh come on you all were wondering too~!" The girl said sticking her tongue out at them. Nanoha smiled as she began to walk away completely.

"I wonder~" Nanoha said mysteriously before walking away. Vivio followed after her a second later after giving another table their drinks.

"Ne mama?" Vivio asked as they were at the counter with Momoko. Nanoha looked at her as she put the order up for her father and Miyuki to get.

"What's a Nazi?" Vivio asked innocently. Nanoha did a double take when she heard the question and Momoko who was drinking a bit of water did a spit take.

"W-Why do you wanna know? No rather... Where did you even hear a term like that?!" Nanoha said freaking out slightly. Vivio pointed over to a group at another table.

"They were talking about a recent news report about Nazi Vampires taking over this building and how some people called Danger 5 stopped them." Vivio said. Miyuki who was coming from the back to see if they had any new orders over heard the conversation.

"Ah I had heard about that. Apparently a bunch of German Nazis took over this building. There was something about a shootout and a man jumping out the top window while being shot at. That Danger 5 group claims the Nazis were also vampires." Nanoha sighed.

"And here I thought I had seen everything this crazy meshed together world had to offer." She said.
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  • blanc-hyperdimension-neptunia-009.jpg
    Blanc felt relieved and glad when Ryuuga understood her answer. It seems like I answered all of the questions he asked me since I met him. That's good. She thought. While walking down the seemingly quiet streets of Planeptune, she spotted a tall and familiar looking figure on a distance who was talking to another girl she didn't know. "Vert--" She tried to call her, but Blanc's sisters quickly rushed passed her and Ryuuga and held their arms out while running towards the blonde. They seemed excited to see her after such a long time. "Big Sis!" Ram and Rom hugged Vert.

    "Hey, Vert." Blanc greeted her with a smile, ignoring the girl whom she didn't know.

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Miguel O'Hara - Mewnisse


"Speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Guess he finished his matters right on time. What, he couldn't fill out his paperwork while hitching a ride with us?" Miguel said as Doom showed up, mostly in a hushed voice this time for Winter to hear. As Lucia gave him a fleeting look and Winter spoke, it seemed that that was his cue. With a silent, understanding nod, the futuristic hero let out a soft sigh, and began to go from there.

"Not even a hi from Mister Doom, huh? Shucks," he muttered to himself. From there, once the officials had left his sight, the young man placed his hands on his hips and gazed at the structure in front of him. Making sure that there didn't happen to be anyone around nearby, watching him, Miguel thought over what he'd do from here, tapping his foot softly.

Alright... Shocking hell, don't get cold feet now, Miguel. Now, if I were a magical wand, where would I be? I'd be with whoever's using me, and if I were the wielder... Well, here goes nothing.

Hopefully left alone to his thoughts, Miguel decided to go for what he imagined was the most practical, covert option, spinning a web to the side of the wall of the castle and beginning crawling up, searching for where he'd imagine there would be a window to sneak into, perhaps through an empty corridor, or if he was really lucky, the target's own room. Wouldn't that be nice and convenient?

He could only hope that, as a fellow Spider-Man, the infamous Parker luck didn't apply to him as well.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • Ducktales_(2017)_-_Logo.png

    ManyFaces ManyFaces Thanatoaster Thanatoaster

    Scrooge quickly used his trick cane to blow Madcap's bubbles the other way, "Sorry, can't chat right now, we're a bit busy!" The Scottish Duck then ran off with his Treasure hunting group in tow.

    Mad Cap's bubbles did find a victim, in the form of Jackson Weele, who saw the very face of madness on the bubble. The Mercenary halted his massive vehicle and jumped out of it and started screaming, "The Moon Landing was Faked!"

    Glomgold smacked his forehead and grumbled out of frustration, fortunately for him...

    "FOOLS! TURNING OUR POWERS AGAINST US WILL NOT STOP THRULL THE UNHUMAN! THRULL THE INVINCIBLE!" roared the mighty Thrull whose max speed was surprisingly good for an excavator possessed by the spirit of an Alien invader.

  • "Listen here, mister." The Good Captain set the bush to the side. "I'd like to think it's my business. Even if you think you're on some kind of righteous path, I can't just let murder slide! If I did, I'd let this city down, I'd let myself down, and I'd let you down." Behind the motley crew was still several dinosaurs, attacking background elements and generally being ferocious.
    "There are bigger things to deal with right now, but I want you to keep what I've said in mind." The Big Red Cheese wound up a punch and delivered it to one of the nazi dinosaurs while continuing this conversation with the mafioso. "I've got my eye on you."

    Haz. Haz. Thanatoaster Thanatoaster

Interacting: Haz. Haz. (Giorno Giovanna) Crenando Crenando (Captain Marvel)
Location: Fawcedo battling nazi dinosaurs.
Lavi Bookman Jr.
Lavi was confused, he was in an unknown location with peculiar technology and architecture that resembled Japan. Flying over the skyline, if you could call extending your hammer's handle and sitting on it flying, he did his best to scan the area for anything resembling of home. On the ground below he saw what looked like a horde of dinosaurs rampaging through the streets, he found what he was looking for.

Immediately he summers saults swinging his hammer over his head and making its head larger and larger as it got closer to the ground. On impact, the hammer squashed the poor dinosaur that served as the target entirely into a puddle of ruptured organs and mangled bones with a large impact crater under the hammer to boot. He gathers himself after the rough landing and looks around, finally laying his eye on GioGio and the good Captain.

"Are you two gents exorcists too? They're issuing weirder and weirder uniforms nowadays, nice style though."
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  • DANGER 5 and The Monster Society of Evil.png
    Crenando Crenando

    "I know where he is," Claire told the heroes, "Follow me."

    Claire led our heroes down to the Bowling Alley's basement where they see Hitler, Megele and Tartar waited for them.

    <"Don't you stand there! Kill them!"> Hitler commanded his two underlings to attack the heroes.

    "You Allied Dogs are no match against me!" Tartar boasted in spite of the fact that he can't really do much.

    Claire quickly destroyed the telephone with a shotgun blast, "Well, that was anti-climactic..."

    Bullet Man and Bullet Girl quickly shoved Mengele into a vat of chemicals. Mengele screamed in agony as he clutched to the Nazi Dinosaur egg.

    "You did great there, Bullet Girl!" Bullet Man gave his partner a smile which she returned in kind.

    "It's over, Hiter..." Tucker said as Danger 5 opened fired at the Führer who quickly dodged the bullets and jumped out of a nearby window.
    Jackson ran out and looked through the window that Hitler jumped out of, "Damn, Hitler got away!"

    "The device is ready, Mr. Mind," the Crocodile man said as he walked up to the Venusian Mind Worm.

    "Activate the beacon, Herkimer!" Mister Mind commanded the crocodile man.

    "Actually, my name is Jerry," the Crocodile man corrected Mister Mind only to get shot by the horrid Wicked Worm.

    "Someone activate the beacon!" Mister Mind commanded any of the crocodile men to pull the switch and enact the malicious maggot's malevolent scheme!

    One of the Crocodile men quickly ran up to the controls and did so without any objections.

    "The Marvels will soon come to realize that even they are not strong enough to withstand my new Monster Society!" Mister Mind grinned before he chuckled his horrid chuckle that was unmatched by anything in the universe.
    Danger 5 Nazi Monsters awaken.gif
    Off shore, the Nazi Monsters created by Mister Mind awaken from their slumber. Mister Mind's Final Victory has begun.
    Crenando Crenando Haz. Haz. June Verles June Verles Thanatoaster Thanatoaster

    Quickly the Nazi Monsters charged into the city. The fiends smashed up any and every building in sight.
    Danger 5 Attack of the Nazi Monsters.gif
    No conventional weapon can stop these beast... Fawcedo can only hope to pray that its heroes can save it.

    Our heroes watch the carnage unfold on the conveniently operational monitors.

    "Dear God!" Tucker cursed.

    "Those Nazi Monsters are destroying the city!" Claire gasped in shock.

    Jackson then noticed something from the corner of his eye that may help turn the tides of battle in their favor, "Guys, I think I know what can take those Nazi Monsters out..." Jackson said with a cocky smirk.
    Danger 5 Atom.gif


  • --Akira Kurusu--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    'That's an oddly specific request.' Akira thought as he veered towards the desserts portion and snagged one of the puddings while trailing the man. The pudding was shaped like that of a D-pad, it's lid is colored purple while the arrows are colored cherry pink. Futaba might enjoy eating out of one of these.

    Akira then turned to the dessert stand and took a total of three puddings before spotting a green clad blonde accompanied with several men. One of them towering over the rest.

    "Hey, is that suspicious enough?" Akira whispered softly to his cat, pointing at the blonde in a discreet manner.

  • Phantom_Thieves_Logo (1).png
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    Morgana's eyes gleamed with excitement as he drooled over the thought of feasting on Planeptune's famous custard pudding. The cat was dragged out of his fantasy when Akira alerted him to a suspicious man dressed in a white suit and wore purple gloves; he was also flanked by four imposing bodyguards. "Wait! That man... Could that be?"

    The Buffet's greeter welcomed the man, "Ah, we've been expecting you, Richard Fisk."

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  • blanc-hyperdimension-neptunia-009.jpg
    "Well, it's been a while, and there has been a lot happening recently..." The short girl looked away, and she pointed at Ryuuga at her side. She didn't notice that she was close to him literally, so she poked his cheek when she pointed at him. "...especially on this boy." She looked at the green blonde's eyes blankly. "So I'll let you go for this time only. Probably." said the girl. The twins would then stop hugging Vert and retreat behind their sister. Blanc's eyes explored the area, and she saw a girl with black hair and a purple-haired girl who was probably close to her height.

    She stared at them with a smile. "Well, looks like everyone's here." Even with the presence of people that she knew, she still ignored the maroon-haired girl's presence.

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
  • "Eh? What 'Robot-Lady?' " Cynthia asked, confused about current events. "There're going to be a whole bunch of kingdoms coming here, right? Is Plegia one of them?"

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • --Ryuga Banjou || Stella || Noire--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts takki takki

    "You really oughta learn how to behave, huh?" Ryuga sighed as he soon let go of the Dragonbox. Shortly after he got poked in the cheek, letting out a soft grunt of confusion as his eyes darted at Blanc for a moment before she laid her hands down. The Dragonbox circled around Ryuga as he then spotted two individuals; a woman with black hair clad in what appears to be regal casual wear and a little girl with pink hair clad in a white hoodie. "Everyone...?" He glanced at Blanc before looking at the two newly arriving Goddesses. "Then one of them must be Planeptune's CPU then."

    "That would be Neptune, in case you're wondering." The blacked haired woman glanced at the pink haired girl as if pertaining to her.

    ". . ." Ryuga raised a brow in confusion, not knowing what to expect. From her movements, it looked like your average teenager unlike Blanc. She doesn't feel god-like either, so..."Wait, for real?!" He gasped in shock. Granted this loli of a goddess is adorable to look at, and if what Blanc told her is true, then Shares would be high if she's the leader of the highest Sharing country in all of Gamsgard.
  • Nanoha sighed as her shift was over. She grabbed Raising Heart and slipped it around her neck. Vivio who went into the back to help Miyuki, and her father Shiro. Nanoha stepped outside for a bit. Suddenly Raising Heart beeped.

    "Master, incoming call from Midnight" Raising Heart informed. Nanoha blinked.

    "Nemuri-chan?" Nanoha asked accepting the call. A holographic screen that only Nanoha could see popped up in front of her with a picture of Midnight's face on it, and the words Sound only next to it. A few seconds later Midnight's voice could be heard.

    "Hey Nanoha-chan, Are you free right now?" Midnight asked.

    "I just finished my shift at Midori-ya. Why?" Nanoha questioned.

    "Think you could meet me at the usual place? It's about Yu-san." Nanoha narrowed her eyes.

    "Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can." Nanoha answered. Later on, Nanoha arrived at a small cafe across town That she usually meets up with Midnight and Mt. Lady at. She found Midnight waiting for her in Civilian clothing.

    Nanoha walked up to her fellow female Pro Hero.

    "Is Yu-chan alright?" Nanoha asked. Midnight frowned.

    "Yes and no..." She said confusing Nanoha. Midnight sighed.

    "It's better if you come inside and see for yourself." She said as she walked into the cafe with a still confused Nanoha following behind her. When they made it in Midnight motioned to a table. Nanoha looked and gasped. There was Mt. Lady at her regular size and in her civilian clothing as well.


    However she looked incredibly depressed. She had her head in her hands and was staring into space. And she looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment. Nanoha and Midnight shared looks as they walked over to Mt. Lady.

    "Ano... Yu-chan?" Nanoha asked sitting down next to her. Mt. Lady blinked and looked at Nanoha.

    "Ah, Nanoha-chan, Hey..." Yu said halfheartedly. Nanoha looked at her worriedly.

    "Are you alright?" She asked. Yu sighed.

    "I'm... I'm fine... It's just... This Land Dispute stuff has me drained. My Lawyer's been doing his best... But I'm beginning to worry." Nanoha rubbed her back gently in comfort.

    "Everything will work out Yu-chan... I'm sure of it." Nanoha said.

  • hyperdimension-neptunia.png
    takki takki Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    Neptune looked at the collection of CPUs with a smile, and yet she could not help but shake the feeling that someone's missing, "Hey, guys... do you think we're missing anyone?"

    Vert readily answered, "You mean Nepgear and Uni?"

    "No, they're dating or something..." Neptune shook her head at Vert.

    "Really? That's just lovely!" Vert exclaimed with joyous surprise.

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  • --Akira Kurusu--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
    "It's a possibility." Akira nodded as he sat with the goods the took--A fish and several puddings. "We'll have to look it up later." He said, glancing about.

    "We wouldn't want to alarm the guests now, do we?" Yusuke said, pointing out some facts. "At any rate, it looks like our current seats are a bit far from the optimal spot. Should we move?"

    "Wouldn't that raise a couple of flags, though?" Futaba asked, somewhat concerned.
  • blanc-hyperdimension-neptunia-009.jpg
    Blanc decided to break the casual conversation, as her intentions were not to chat, but to discuss something important. She stood in her place, motionless, and decided to catch the attention of everyone, "Ahem. Neptune, and well, since the others are here already, I have something important to talk about, and it's not good." She felt an unfamiliar presence while she was speaking, so she scanned around her. No suspicious people on sight, but for the privacy of their conversation, she suggested, "Let's go to the Basilicom, or anywhere private, Neptune." She looked at her.

    "Anyway, you see this creep here?" Blanc pointed to Ryuuga. "He's a witness on the mons-- The um, something we would talk about later."

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
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  • hyperdimension-neptunia.png
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod takki takki

    "Now that you mentioned it, Noire," Vert tapped her chin as the CPU of Leanbox began to ponder, "I do recall that there was another one of us who is often accompanied by a man..." Vert was then snapped out of her trance when Blanc spoke up.
    "Ahem. Neptune, and well, since the others are here already, I have something important to talk about, and it's not good." She felt an unfamiliar presence while she was speaking, so she scanned around her. No suspicious people on sight, but for the privacy of their conversation, she suggested, "Let's go to the Basilicom, or anywhere private, Neptune." She looked at her.
    "Uh, sure thing, Blanc... I mean the festival hasn't official started and the big "Cross-Tag Grand Prix" isn't going to start until the Asgardians show up..." Neptune rambled before Blanc pointed at that 'creep' Ryuuga, "And by creep you mean a toku action guy?"


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