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- 3: this was a huge video that blew up overnight and nearly became a challenge. Shi and a bunch of her lesbian friends decided to blindfold themselves and like attempt to guess who the other was by only licking tongues. Lol yeah that one deserved to be taken down frfr
Rachel's account was managed by her Teammate mostly though she Got banned several times for Doxing after heated arguments regarding Literature and Government Policy From the Lex platform for her Tweets. Also there was a whole incident of when they live-streamed a police taskforce meeting following bugging the conference room.
Jupiter would get banned after live streaming/posting too many videos of police raids and showing people illegal activities. Instagram doesn’t appreciate the delicate art of disarming and crafting bombs with at home materials 🙄 Or how to lockpick/break the most common locks businesses use along with how to get out of handcuffs. General useful information everyone needs to know, yknow
Rachel's account was managed by her Teammate mostly though she Got banned several times for Doxing after heated arguments regarding Literature and Government Policy From the Lex platform for her Tweets. Also there was a whole incident of when they live-streamed a police taskforce meeting following bugging the conference room.
LMFAO 🤣 I can imagine Rachel getting into a +20 post debate in the comments and when the other side eventually resorts to ad hominem, she just calmly posts their name and IP address!

Jupiter would get banned after live streaming/posting too many videos of police raids and showing people illegal activities. Instagram doesn’t appreciate the delicate art of disarming and crafting bombs with at home materials 🙄 Or how to lockpick/break the most common locks businesses use along with how to get out of handcuffs. General useful information everyone needs to know, yknow
The internet is full of prudes these days :closedeyesfrown:. Everyone wants a work from home job until that job involves you torturing your enemies for information in your basement.
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Yeah essentially, "Ok, Screw this" *Hands phone off to Insight* "Maximum Emotional Damage please"
Insight: "13 River Road, Cinccinati Ohio, Along the Route 50 Highway, Place of birth too, fitting as that is where most accidents happen. Strange your claiming a 4.0 as I doubt that DUI is relevant to the policy discussion, For reference i was not insulting Regina and Marcus with the Highway accident part, You're adopted, Heres the paperwork. Enjoy"
For own knowledge, what does not runelocking the portal mean? Things from another dimension can get through? or only the dimension that had just been traveled too?
For own knowledge, what does not runelocking the portal mean? Things from another dimension can get through? or only the dimension that had just been traveled too?
Tbh idk lol. I'm just playing on the idea that the Kryptonians go thru the portal and giving like something for Avi to riff offa.

But like fr tho it all just sounds all hell breaks loose waiting to happen lol
*screams into the abyss* Aaaahhhh not my notifications disappearing too now! I had no idea there was any activity on this thread since Thursday, my apologies for the absence!

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking! Because of the unique chemical properties of viridium in the soil, the Kryptonians will soon find that Castillon is not geographically apt to sustain their lifeform for very long. Hence why they come over to our world via the lake that Cyrus and Azrael used. Now the question is, since *someone* neglected to runelock the portal, would the Kryptonians necessarily have to enter our universe through the prison? Or could they choose where they pop up? Or is it like the Runelock is connected to a variety of waypoints, and it's kinda random whichever one they appear through, so they could potentially be anywhere in the world? Sorry for the bombardment of questions! If you haven't planned this far ahead, we can totally figure something out together.
Also since the alien invasion has now been announced, we are good to shut down therapy and move on to debriefing the inmates on the mission at hand! If you'd like, please feel free to move Shine and the gang to Missy Kimmy's in your next post and round 'em up!

Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Still awaiting a post from Violettin, please!
All im picturing is one or both in the fighting circle attempt and then being pulled back by the Invasion announcement before they make contact with Taylor getting in the middle of them to take the hits. Raising a few questions on just what her plan was for those that didn't figure it out from her words.
*screams into the abyss* Aaaahhhh not my notifications disappearing too now! I had no idea there was any activity on this thread since Thursday, my apologies for the absence!
I think all our notifications have been glitched because I didn’t see anything from yesterday 🌀🌀🌀
Seems to happen so much many RP's i have been in ended up having a Discord for OOC/Updates

Yeah rpn got all wonky for a bit. It had all this garbled drunken code looking text on the page. So yeah i think it was updated ir something.

but like yeah that's why I pref PM group chat for ooc cuz its still on RPN and ime it's reeeeeeallllly good at reliable notifs... except if the site dies lol
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking! Because of the unique chemical properties of viridium in the soil, the Kryptonians will soon find that Castillon is not geographically apt to sustain their lifeform for very long. Hence why they come over to our world via the lake that Cyrus and Azrael used
Like what the actual eff in the face. I have no clue? Ummmm sure? I'll take your word for it lol

Now the question is, since *someone* neglected to runelock the portal, would the Kryptonians necessarily have to enter our universe through the prison? Or could they choose where they pop up? Or is it like the Runelock is connected to a variety of waypoints, and it's kinda random whichever one they appear through, so they could potentially be anywhere in the world?

Ill get back to you on this but I have this idea in my head of Shi's big sis messing with it all. Like shes baaaaad news with a capital BAD. She is the leader of a powerful Coven. Like think scarlet witch reality warping but with Shines Dreamwalking powers too. Shine needs to sleep to do her mind effery. Wickedness just needs a power source.

Also since the alien invasion has now been announced, we are good to shut down therapy and move on to debriefing the inmates on the mission at hand! If you'd like, please feel free to move Shine and the gang to Missy Kimmy's in your next post and round 'em up!
K thinkin Jigajig Jigajig could do an order set it all up after seducing info gathering with Not-cyrus?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Ooohh I am very pumped to meet Wickedness! I would love for her to be a boss in her own right and then with Zod thrown in the mix it's like a battle of evil vs evil for our charries.
Yeah rn she just a concept but from tho sounds like some drama i could get behind.

But just realized. There is only 3 guard charries lol. So like is the idea that the inmates do Suicide squad things out there and the guards remain and do Belle reve things?

Or is there a npc spec ops squad led by AU Amanda Waller i think her name is?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo The guards shall accompany the Suicide Squad, to act as generals and ensure that rules are being followed. I don't imagine there would be a whole lot for them to do at Belle Reve isolated from the action, so I think them being in the field and organizing the squad's activities is the best solution. Of course, a guard can always go off on a side quest, as can an inmate with a guard's approval and the understanding that they'll be killed if they try to make a break for it.

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