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Well thinkin Shine will be looking for a off-Terran translator of some kind and a telepath ommiglot would be reeeeeally helpful.... and convenient lol
If they disable the collar I’m sure Tamzin would be more than happy to help! Honestly they could probably let her wander around without a collar and she would just stay out and go about her day lmao 🤣

Also want Kenna to interact with anyone?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo I LOVE YOUR POSTS SO MUCH!!! The idea that there was a forum dedicated to betting on Eve’s stunts was such an awesome idea but as always all of your posts are beautifully written! 🧡🧡🧡
d'awww thanks. yeah like thinkin like in real life if that was a thing.. blowing yourself up, jumping into alligator pits or wutever would defo be like top 10 this and 'on tonights headlinesss..' That and Ashy would be posting memes and vines like bonkers up in here too lol

love how we just bombed the IC with 3 posts all at one lol.

If they disable the collar I’m sure Tamzin would be more than happy to help! Honestly they could probably let her wander around without a collar and she would just stay out and go about her day lmao 🤣

Also want Kenna to interact with anyone?

after threy see what is happening withg AiA doubt thry'd let any inmate walk without a collar lol . oh but hey in my mind even before we went IC i had this subplot of BR blackmailing Ahmi into working the suicide squad with them, cuz like a technomancer could make a diff vs. an alien invasion army esp if she was able to manipulate and meld with alien tech. Take it back and like have their RnD ABORT teams re-verse engineer it. like they making her a kinda mole in the Suicide squad. Caling her a VPA. Voluntary and Participatory Assistant. She says Co-agent.

Maybe Tamzin could be put under VPA status too and only has to wear a collar when out in population? Ahmi has to wear it all the time cuz they don't trust her. meh really good reason. lol

For Kenna iI thot we were getting our charries into lockdown to finally gather them together since it looks like almost all inmates are locked up or in the process of being locked up?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Forgive my obtuseness... but what was the reference in Deluge's post about what Caio had done to his sister? O.O And were they affiliated with his father's gang back in their glory days? :P
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Forgive my obtuseness... but what was the reference in Deluge's post about what Caio had done to his sister? O.O And were they affiliated with his father's gang back in their glory days? :P
k yeah. had to look up obtusiveness. lol. bruh. you soooooo not obtuse. you are one of the best and patient yet firm gms i ever met. you just have a nice way of doing things! but k it was left open a vague for a reason,. so like if you want to follow along heres whats in my buggaBrain:

So like AJ, DJ and their family are directly working for El Guapo del Rios which is Markies uncle. El Guapo owns the dark market trade in Pacific NW spanning from S. Alaska, BC in Canada, Wash St, and N. Oregon. All with huuuuuuge assed ports and thinking he tight business associates with Caio's daddy.

So like as kids i'm thinkin they met with Caio and his daddy to push new product; a street clean version of the nasty ish that AJ and DJ experimented with as young teens. Thinkin it didn't fly cuz ingredients would attract supervillains that would want the formula for themselves.

But as AJ and DJ were fleeing across country in both us and Canada it just so happened that they need a driver and met with Caio in his Charger days (hoping he in NA then lol) . They all kind of figure out who they actually are and that their families intertwined after smoking a few bowls and tossing back a few drinks. Like thinking it was just one job together but Caio may have said or done something that turned them on the straight and narrow. Because like he is like a criminal but helps old ladies across the street type dealie

Later on when AJ and DJ supervillain team gets decimated they grow back to their old violent rage filled addict ways. Then comes really dark tw moment but because of caios words or action AJ doesn't commit the dark act to herself.
They are now successful in converting their lives. Dj believes it's that one moment of kindness that caio vgave them it just dominoed and sis is still alive. Thus he will payback Caio despite being a guard hinthint wink wink

But like 5hats why I left it vague cuz it could go opposite way or not at all lol

Lmk k

Sorry for errors. We n a long drive and my girl driving like manic
Aviator Aviator What year is the RP currently set in?

After rereading BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 's post I realized I made a typo in my initial response (meant to say that I'm assuming it's 2023 not 2033 lol) and may need to adjust Yue' s age accordingly 😓
Aviator Aviator What year is the RP currently set in?

After rereading BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 's post I realized I made a typo in my initial response (meant to say that I'm assuming it's 2023 not 2033 lol) and may need to adjust Yue' s age accordingly 😓
You actually re read that? Poor thing lol

But ain't no thang I can fix that mang! If you want I can just edit my post and like no biggie ? Lmk. Oh! And if I do edit lmk if you'd like Deluge to say sumpin else or a bit more k? All good fr
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Yes, it is indeed 2023 in the RP! Sorry for the confusion, haha.

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo I love the way the BuggaBrain works!!! Aight so, sounds like Caio and Markie might have had some play dates at the villainous country club as kids. Maybe they passed the time playing chess and coloring while their daddies talked business? And Markie was one of the few opponents who posed a challenge for Caio, naturally.
As for Charger servicing the twins, absolutely yes! He always remembers former clients, and he has a soft spot for those who tip well. Maybe Wither got shot during the heist, and he stitched the wound with his limited medical knowledge to keep her from bleeding out? Or she and Deluge were about to get arrested on the heist when Caio stepped in, made a disturbance, and helped them escape? I am so glad that you wanna plot some shared history with my babe! Because as I was reading Deluge's form, I thought that Caio probably couldn't help liking him and considering him a bro.
As for how Deluge intends to pay Charger back, do I perhaps hear an assisted opening for an escaped prisoner coming up? 😀
Aight so, sounds like Caio and Markie might have had some play dates at the villainous country club as kids. Maybe they passed the time playing chess and coloring while their daddies talked business? And Markie was one of the few opponents who posed a challenge for Caio, naturally.
This is legit. Thinkin they'd play chess for like 10min then Markie would get up and start writing out calculations and possibilities for chess moves that would later help with programing logic and machine learning. Wanna see proofs? Check the coloring books lol

She never got into crime but her bros protected her and she tried to be a good influence on their baby sister but she went missing as a child. Fun fact she is LiLi, youngest Sibling of Ahmi and Notti when they were experiments in the XTC facility. Yeah I know... toss in it's all connected meme lol

But yeah Markie is a lead researcher in a dept in the ABORT program in Belle Reve but would most defo remember Caio as a friend fr

As for Charger servicing the twins, absolutely yes! He always remembers former clients, and he has a soft spot for those who tip well. Maybe Wither got shot during the heist, and he stitched the wound with his limited medical knowledge to keep her from bleeding out? Or she and Deluge were about to get arrested on the heist when Caio stepped in, made a disturbance, and helped them escape?
K this is soooooo like on point. Bruh. that helping escape idea is perfect payback material. Thinking the twins ran and last saw Caio get apprehended. but thinking he was released cuz law could not pin anything on him cuz cop failed to id and failed to do Miranda rights but ended up just getting hit wth traffic violations and like fined and impounded. Thinkin still kept license tho. Thinkin there was also this Rumour that to nail the infamous Charger assist da tried to plant a weapon in his car but upper da's in office found out and they forced assist da to resign anyways. (just building how bad they wanted to nail Caio lol)

Thinkin Caio said some innocuous thing during the whole flustercluck that those simple words inspired him to talk his sis down when she was at her absolute lowest and that act of unwarranted kindness stuck with deluge. Oh he would have been known as Jumpscare back then when he was not aware of how much power he and his sister really had.
I swear I'm gonna get my damn CS done 😤😤 everytime I try to type something my brain goes brrr hahahah NOPE

All goods!

Aaaaaand here. Some cringe from the past unis for when they were mercs in 'The Hellbound':

Ahmi as 'GunMother_01 / Ms. Deviant' and Vix as 'Meltdown / Ms. Giggles'

K question: what languages do your charries speak?

Ahmi, Notti and Victorine:

- English (duh)
- Conversational Spanish/ Basic written/ reading
- Conversational French/ Proficient written/ reading
- A smatterings of languages they picked up when in XTC and retained. Mainly the ones that are unfriendly with the Western world. (Victorine would have retained more)

The NPC twins AJ and DJ:

- English (dddduuuuh)
- A little French
- Even less Filipino
Keeley:*laughs quietly in knowing Python, Javascript,C and C++*
Questions about the rp:
do the solitary confined still have kitchen duty?
would the guards allow Zheng to 'bully' Keeley, or because he is in solitary confinement, Zheng could see him only when neccesary?
Finally, how would ya'll feel about Keeley pretending to become a quiet servant of Novak's for "protection", but really making Novak's life hell in subtle ways and recording evidence? And making sure other inmates get to participate?
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns Nah, the only duty of the inmates in solitary is to suffer in silence, so they're exempt from all other duties. As a result, Zheng and all other guards would interact minimally with Keeley, but feel free to take Keeley outta there if you'd like; there's no IC purpose requiring him to be there. However you want Keeley to respond to Novak's bullying is up to you! He's not at all popular among the other guards, so I doubt Keeley will find much difficulty in turning others with more power against him.

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 If you're looking for characters to interact with Kenna, perhaps she can initiate something with Sinead? I think our earth-born angel is all alone at the moment. RikuXIII RikuXIII
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns Nah, the only duty of the inmates in solitary is to suffer in silence, so they're exempt from all other duties. As a result, Zheng and all other guards would interact minimally with Keeley, but feel free to take Keeley outta there if you'd like; there's no IC purpose requiring him to be there. However you want Keeley to respond to Novak's bullying is up to you! He's not at all popular among the other guards, so I doubt Keeley will find much difficulty in turning others with more power against him.

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 If you're looking for characters to interact with Kenna, perhaps she can initiate something with Sinead? I think our earth-born angel is all alone at the moment. RikuXIII RikuXIII
I'm so torn. On the one hand, I wanna see Novak fall, but on the other hand, I do wanna see where solitary confinement takes the characters. I could definitely introduce Atlas this way, though. Or later. I honestly don't know. My answer is wait and see what everyone else posts.
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Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 If you're looking for characters to interact with Kenna, perhaps she can initiate something with Sinead? I think our earth-born angel is all alone at the moment. RikuXIII RikuXIII
Yeah and also we all done a lot of doubling up our own charries. Good way to intro Manta and get him to cart Kenna wherever ya likes right? If not, I could say that Nova is her SCA supervisor and she and Deluge can head there right after the yard interaction. Lmk

Oh yeah. And here...
*Same room but Keeley has a brand new table and set up. This time it's just a mic, mixer and loud speaker. The group is supposed to draw a card from the hat then admit something about themselves dependant on what the card requires. Once again Keeley is too late to face palm when he sees, Victorine, AJ, DJ, Nouvelle, Ahvelina and new comer Markie waltz in.*

"What is the most embarrassing or impulsive... hmmmm. Kay got mine. Ahem. My name is Victorine but--"

"Booooo! Less silicone, more talent--

"AHVELINA!! BITCH SHUT UP THESE ARE THE REAL THANG!! *shrieking feedback*--ughs. Anyways... most call me Vix. Here at La Belle Reve I'm Nova Red--"

"Eyo you should be locked up in Hell Reve for being boring! Bruh! No one cares if you named after a crayon! Booooooo--"

"YOU LIL PISSY-MOUTH MISSY! It's mah name cuz I will blow you sky high in a bright, bloody, universe-shattering explosion. UGHS!! Anyways... the most embarrassin' thang that lil ol' me did... hmmm... " *giggles--

"Oh-OH! There it is, folks...! Erry-body take a shot!"

*Is Keeley surprised when they all pulled out their own shot glass and Ahmi had a bottle?*

"--why y'all drinkin like that? Oh! For meeee...?! I should make a toast first then to honour me." *giggles*

*Another shot. But note that the twins are just shooting sparkling water. D'awwwww good kids.*

"Wait. Wait. Wait, y'all. I din't even propose the toast yet...! Oooh! I need a shot glass. Oh and one for the AI-Porn-Makin-host too." *Giggles*

*Another shot. Ahvi and Nou are fine but Markie is starting to get a dopey smile on her face and cheeks are bright hot pink*

"Eyo, Markiki. Girl, slow it down some... next shot for you is water k? AJ n' DJ will share witchu. But Ammo, like buh-ruuuuuuh... wut even is in that bottle...?"

"Absinthe. What else. Only the best for these crap-tacular games nights... unless people need me to again start shooting stupid little boy games where little boys stare at books of half-naked warrior elf-girlies and make fappin' motions then toss their little rocks onto the table..."

"When you say it like that... sounds like every time DJ gets in the shower--"


"AJ! Sis, No! EEEWWW, for real, for real. Too far! Daaaayaaaaam! Stop. Do better."

"No. You do better and you stop... stop with the AI Porn of Evo and Agent Nov-- mmmmrpphhhpt--!!"

"Eyo! Note to self... wear gloves whenever touching anything Co-Agent Trainee Rock-Tosser lays his warm, damp, sticky hands on..."

"Truth! Give that woman a giggle...!"

"Markiki...! Madre de pu-- Guuuurl!! You put that down! Give me your hands..."

"Oooh... but that dirty lil' Dickens... Kay, I'll toast to that...!" *giggles*

"Oh! Money shot! Hell yeah, Pix! Check it out, y'all; Markie with the 'look, no-hands, no problema' shot!"

"Guuuuuurllllll-uh! Ahms, stop encouraging herrr-uh! Markie! 'Kay that's enough... tsk. Mami, you all droooooolin' n stuff... dang...! Enough!"

"'Kay... Kaykaykaykaaaaaay... I'll go next then. Skip me this round, kay? Sooooooooo like the most impulsive thing I ever, ever done was-- oh! Oh! kay, so wait, just wait, you need to hear this. Like need to, so, so, so, sooooooooooo juicy. Dios Mio, man. So like I was workin' in the lab on the next ABORT batch of collars made for SCA's when I overheard Warden talking about--"

"Wait wut?! No, for real, for real now Wait! Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!! Like wut the actual eff in the face you goin on about--"

"Well, they wanna make sure BR gets full compliance when you go up against... oh, what's that pendejo's name again? Like he wants to kill Superman... well, like so many want to but... OH! Yeah. It's for... well it's like total suicide, but I mean ey... eyo que paso... you need every last person you can when going up against General Zod! But that's not the point... I was gonna tell you a story about--"

"Welp. I guess games over. Again. Nice knowin' err'body. Hey, Inmate. You wanna flip the table and shoot the setup or should me n' my sis do it as honorary Trainee fellow collar wearing suckers now too...?"

"Nope. I got a better idea. Eyo, AI Porn-meister. Hack the cameras. I want them all to see what they get when they mess with the wrong group of people. When all else fails..."

*5 mins later*

*All are gathered around the mic. The room is dark, yet all their powers are flashing like strobe lights or spot lights piercing the blackness. The bottle is empty. And from every monitor and speaker everywhere in Belle Reve, they will see them dance. And forevermore they will all hear those voices in complete union living in their brains, rent free;*

"...Dancing Queen, young and sweet only 17! OOOOOH-YEEEEEEAH!! See that girl! Watch and see! SHE IS THE DANCING QUEEEEEEEEN!!"

"That's right! When all else fails, there is always KARAOKE! Cuz Bitch, I AM the GunMother!! K-Porn! Hit us with some of that nasty BTS ish! Rock-a-bye, Baby!!"
I could say that Nova is her SCA supervisor and she and Deluge can head there right after the yard interaction. Lmk
A thousand times YES! I would love Nova to be her SCA! I am awful at writing interactions with my own characters for some reason (favoritism beings to show) so that works perfectly for me! I can try and figure out where to put Sidon! Old man might be at the gym lol jk! Just wanted a reason to post this gif!


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